Strength and Durability of Mortar and Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash: A Review
Strength and Durability of Mortar and Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash: A Review
Strength and Durability of Mortar and Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash: A Review
Strength and Durability of Mortar and Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash: A
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Sustainable Construction Materials and Building Systems (SUCOMBS) Research Group,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh
Abstract: The applications of pozzolans in cementitious system are becoming alternative source of cement day
by day. This pozzolans contribute in mortar and concrete by two fold of effects, one is filler effect and another
is pozzolanic effect. Among pozzolanic materials rice husk ash (RHA) shows good pozzolanic behavior due to
its high silica content. The amorphous form of silica found in properly burnt and ground RHA is mainly
responsible for pozzolanic reaction. When RHA partially applied in mortar and concrete, the chemical
reaction between cement hydration product and silica produced secondary C-S-H gel. As a result,
concrete achieveshigher strength due to secondary binder compared to control specimen. The long term
sustainability of RHA-mixed concrete and mortar against all negative environmental components is
comparatively better than conventional concrete and mortar. A critical review on compressive strength of
concrete and mortar incorporating RHA has been described in this paper based on various published
literatures. Beside this, durability performance RHA-mixed concrete and mortar such as resistance to chloride,
corrosion, sulfate, acid attack, depth of carbonation, water absorption, sorptivity and drying shrinkage are
discussed briefly. Furthermore, some recommendations are given for future research. Based on available
literature related to the aim it can be concluded that if RHA is replaced up to certain limit then will be an
alternate source of binder with better environmental acceptance.
Key words: Rice Husk Ash Cementitious System Secondary Binder Strength Durability
Corresponding Author: M.N.N. Khana, Sustainable Construction Materials and Building Systems (SUCOMBS) Research Group,
Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia. Mob: +6011-39983961, Fax:+603-8911-8315.
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
volume of RHA usually discarded into landfills and RHA preferred by the past researchers as partial
causing pollution and contamination to water resources replacement of cement in the production of concrete and
randomly [8]. The most potential and effective use of mortar due to high strength and high durability [11, 34, 36,
RHA in construction industry have been observed in past 38-39]. Based on available published literature, this paper
studies [9-11]. From the past study, it was found that two describes typical chemical and physical properties of
types of silica areavailable in RHA. One is amorphous RHA and its influence on strength development of mortar
form of silica and another one is crystalline form of silica. and concrete incorporating with RHA; long term
Properly incinerated RHA contained about 90% of properties of concrete and mortar associated with RHA.
amorphous silica. This active silica is pmainly responsible In order to reduce the dependency on cement as well as
for the pozzolanic reaction [12]. When RHA applied in the safety environmental requirements, RHA could be a
production of concrete and mortar, total strength worthful ingredient as partial replacement of cement.
increased significantly. This increment of strength was
governed by filler and pozzolanic action of fine RHA Properties of RHA: It has been reported that when rice
particles. The filler action RHA is defined as it filled the husk is applied in cementitious system, strength and
voids into the mortar or concrete specimen by proper durability increased. This is due to its filler and pozzolanic
arranging of small particles into specimen and increased nature. Pozzolanic effect dominated by pozzolanic
compressive strength without any chemical contribution reaction which depends on amorphous silica compound.
whereas pozzolanic action subjected to series of chemical When this amorphous silica gets contact with hydration
reaction. The chemical reaction between hydration product of cement then it produces secondary binder.
product of cement and amorphous silica present in RHA Chemical properties of RHA are presented in Table 1.
produced secondary C-S-H gel which acts as a The table indicates that RHA contained high silica
secondary binder [13-23]. As a result, cementitious compound and it varies 75-97%. The amount of active
system hasbecome more durable, comfortable and strong silica present in RHA depends on proper burning and
when RHA applied. Though the early strength of RHA grinding. Other chemical compound frequently available
concrete is not good enough than OPC but longer less than 1 and total loss of ignition is comparatively low
strength is more meaningful [24-31]. From the published as shown in Table 1. Sometimes uncontrolled burning
literature it is observed that up to 30% replacement of produced crystalline silica which unable to produce
cement by RHA, strength of concrete increased pozzolanic reaction. The presence of amorphous silica and
without any adverse effect on strength and durability. amount of chemical compounds were determined using
This percentage of replacement depends on quality of X-ray diffraction(XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) test
RHA [32-36]. Some researchers found higher strength for reported in various published literature [32,34-36,40-55].
RHA concrete or mortar compared to control specimen at The filler effect of RHA depends on physical
higher replacement of cement [15,36-37]. Concrete and characteristics of RHA. Typical physical properties of
mortar incorporating RHA showed better performance RHA and OPC are shown in Table 2 as obtained in
than normal concrete or mortar for long term durability various published literature. The table shows that
concern. RHA often improve the resistance to corrosion fineness of RHA is the main reason for filler effect
of concretesdue to sulfates and chlorides attack. because proper ground RHA passed more than 95%
Even concrete or mortar containing RHAisalso able to through 45 micron sieve normally. As shown in Table 2,
resist acid attack from the environment. Considering all specific gravity of RHA is very close to ordinary Portland
durability aspects, RHA improves the quality of concrete cements. Higher specific surface area of RHA is another
significantly. Past research it is proved that, RHA-mixed reason for the proper arrangement and densification of
concrete is more durable than conventional concrete microstructure when applied. Therefore, mainly reactive
against any negative environmental agents. Even the silica compound, large specific surface area and fineness
durability of RHA-mixed concrete or mortar increases of RHA makes it perfect to use as supplementary
with the increment of replacement of cement by RHA. cementitious material.
This reason illustrated by the past researchers that when
RHA present in cementitious systemit become more Compressivestrength of Concrete Incorporating RHA:
compacted with finer RHA as well as reduced the Compressive strength of concrete is increased when RHA
production of cement hydration product. Moreover, partially applied. Compressive strength of concrete as
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
Table 3: Continue
Compressive strength (Mpa)
RHA:OPC W/B ratio 7 days 14 days 28 days 56 days 90 days References
00:100 0.35 77.9 - 86.5 - 91.9 [53]
05:95 0.35 83.6 - 93.7 - 95.8
10:90 0.35 88.8 - 98.5 - 107.8
00:100 0.35 - - 64.0 - 68.8 [15]
12.5:87.5 - - 68.4 - 73.2
25:75 - - 75.6 - 79.4
50:50 - - 44.3 - 69.5
00:100 0.32 48.4 - 55.5 - 60.6 [56]
0.40 35.8 - 42.3 - 45.6
0.50 24.6 - 32.9 - 35.9
10:90 0.32 51.1 - 60.4 - 64.3
0.40 41.1 - 50.4 - 54.9
0.50 24.1 - 31.5 - 35.5
20:80 0.32 44.3 - 54.8 - 62.7
0.40 27.9 - 40.7 - 51.4
0.50 24.9 - 34.9 - 37.9
obtained from various published literatures is shown in strength of concrete at 20% replacement of OPC by
Table 3. Hwang et al. [32] reported that, RHA-mixing RHA achieved equivalent values to the strength of
concrete showed lower strength than control concreteat control concrete. Saraswathy et al. [11] reported that upto
early age. Concrete with 20%RHA showed higher 30% replacement level of RHA, there is no decrease in
compressive strength than control specimenat 56 and 90 compressive strength observed when compared to
days. This was due to action of secondary C-S-H gel with conventional OPC concrete at 7 to 28 days curing period.
complete formation and also compacted structure with However, author concluded that at 25% replacement of
small RHA particles. Gastaldini et al. [35] reported that, cement by RHA considerable strength and durability of
concrete at higher replacement of cement with RHA, concrete were found. Even RHA specimens (20% cement
showed more strength than control concrete at long term replaced) was given lower strength with compared to
curing.Highest strength was 85.6 MPa at 20% replacement control specimens at short term ages but in the long term
of cement with a w/c ratio 0.35. Strength of RHA concrete studies indicate the strength of RHA-mixed concrete was
is dependent on curing period, w/c ratio and replacement comparable to normal concrete at the ages of 270 days
level. De Sensale [56] used two types RHA, one was reported by Babaiefar et al. [62]. According to Isaia et al.
residual RHA and another was control incinerated RHA. [15] study, cement was replaced up to 50% by RHA.
The author reported that, residual RHA was good for filler They were found that, the strength of RHA concrete
action whereas control burned RHA was active in both showed higher strength over control concrete in both
filler and pozzolanic action. For longer period control 28 and 90 days curing period when cement was replaced
incinerated RHA showed significant strength than control by 25% RHA. Moreover, concrete incorporating 50%
concrete when 20% cement was replaced by RHA a RHA showed higher strength at 90 days than control
with w/c ratio 0.32. According to Habeeb et al. [46], specimens. From above discussions it is proved that
the replacement of cement was 5% to 20% by RHA. strength of RHA associated concrete increases up to
They found that, at 5% replacement level showed 30% replacement of cement. Though early strength
slightly higher compressive strength than control mixture. development concrete with percentages RHA is not good
The author also reported that, compressive strength was but long term strength shows significant results.
higher due to the increment of reactivity and the filler
effect of RHA. On the other hand,available silica from the Compressive Strength of Mortar Containing RHA:
addition of 5% RHA reacted with only a small portion of The strength development with ages is the common
C-H released from the hydration process and thus, feature of pozzolanic materials. At 20% replacement,
the C-S-H released from the pozzolanic reaction. thestrengths of mortars containing RHA showed
The strength increased with RHA for up to 10% which maximum strength value. However, the mortars containing
resulted in achieving the maximum value where the 40% RHA showed lower strength than control at 28 days
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
while 90 days curing strength higher than control cement can be replaced more than 30% without effecting
strength at same replacement level [36]. Table 4 represents strength of mortar. The difference of strength between
the value of compressive strength of mortar and paste RHA mixed mortar and control mortar is much higher at
which were determined by various past researchers. long term ages.
Ganesan et al. [3] used RHA up to 35% replacement of
cement to make mortar specimens. The author concluded Durability of Concrete and Mortar Incorporating RHA
that, up to 30% cement can be replaced by rice husk ash Resistance to Chloride Attack: The main feature of
without any adverse effect on strength and durability chloride attack in concrete is deterioration of embedded
properties. The maximum strength gained at 28 days with steel due to action of chlorides which cause serious
15% RHA. High specific surface area and the presence of damage. In order to determine resistance to chloride attack
reactive silica in RHA influenced to the pozzolanic in RHA-added concrete different researchers performed
reaction that is why strength increased as reported by the various experimental investigations. Madandoust et al.
author. Mehta [37] prepared mortar using Portland-RHA [34], conducted chloride attack test according to ASTM
cement where cement was replaced at 30%, 50% and 70% C1152 and prepared 100 mm cube and 100mm×50mm beam
by RHA. Mortar cube specimens were tested at 3, 7, 28, of mconcrete specimens. In order to test, the locations
90 days curing. According to his study, highest strength were selected at various depths 0-10 mm, 10-20mm,
obtained when cement replaced 30% by RHA. Moreover, 20-30mm and 30-40 mm at 360days over the samples.
compressive strength of mortars was greater than Concretes containing higher RHA content, the lower
control mortars up to 70% replacement level at 7 to 90 the chloride concentration was appeared across the
days. But early strength development of Portland-RHA specimensas reported by the author where cement was
cement was not satisfactory. On the basis of strength replaced by RHA from 15 to 25%. The control specimens
data, the author treated RHA an exceptionally reactive had significantly higher chloride concentrations at any
silica material. De Sensale et al. [52] prepared paste matrix particular depth compared with specimens containing
with two types of RHA, highest strength was found at RHA. This better performance of RHA concretes against
28 days for 10% residual RHA collected from rice chloride penetration over the control specimens due to
mills. However, early strength development of controlled less porosity and finer pore structures obtained from
incineration RHA is better than residual RHA. Therefore, RHA concrete specimens. De Sensale [38] cast concrete
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
specimen sizes 100mm×200mm at various w/(c+RHA) ratio Table 5: Resistance to chloride ions of rice husk ash replaced concrete
of 0.50,0.40,and 0.32 followed to Italian standard 79-28for Replacement OPC (%) Charge passed (Coulombs) References
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
Horsakulthai et al. [59] in accordance with the NT BUILD H2SO4 attack. The chemical compositions in concrete mix
356. This test conducted at 90 days curing of specimens proportion are an important factor for the damage of
using 5V direct current with 3% NaCl solution by weight concrete due to acid attack. The lowest weight loss of
of solution. The initial crack time listed in literature for concrete reported by the author due to HCl and H2SO4
Portland cement,10%, 20% and 40% bagasse rice husk attacks when Portland cement was replaced 20% by
wood ask (BRWA) concretes were 15, 31, 55 and 67 days BRHA. Similarly, De Sensale [38] followed ASTM C267 to
respectively when w/c ratio 0.60. From the test results it test mortar cylinders of 50mm×100mm and specimens
was clear that the increase of replacement percentages of were exposed in 1% HCl solution. The mass was
BRWAincreased thetime of initial crack. On the other determined up to 84 days and the specimens containing
hand for 20% BRWA concrete with a w/c ratio 0.45, RHA found to be more resistant to HCl attack than the
no cracking was observed evenafter 90 days exposure. specimens without RHA. They concluded that the mass
The low w/c ratio and high percentages BRWA blended loss decreases with the increasing of RHA content in
cement concrete significantlyimproved the resistance to mortars. Therefore, presence of RHA in concrete makes it
corrosion. Though corrosion is very harmful and common more suitable in acidic environment.
in concrete but corrosion can be easily defended by using
RHA in the manufacture of concrete. Sulfate Resistance: The sulfate attack is very common
and harmful for concrete and mortar. The sulfate
Resistance to Acid Attack: Mortars and concrete have containing salts, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and
superior durability in acidic environmental conditions. potassium sulfates compounds are responsible for
Mehta [37] made concrete cylinders with 0.4 w/c ratio sulfate attack, because, these are capable of chemically
using both Type II Portland cement and Portland-RHA reacting with components of concrete. The mechanism
cement which containing 35% RHA by weight. The of sulfate attack was described by Santhanam et al.
specimens were submerged continuously for a period [63-64] due to sodium sulfate. They mentioned that when
of 1500 hours in 5% both of HCl and H2S04 solution. mortars exposed to sodium sulfate solution then calcium
The total weight loss for Portland cement concrete hydroxide from the hydration reaction of cement reacts
registered 35% whereas the Portland-RHA cement with sodium sulfate and transformed to gypsum,
concrete showed only 8% weight loss during specimens leading a change of an outer skin of the specimen due to
were in the 5 % HCl solution. Similar type of result the expansion.Then gypsum reacts with the aluminum
recorded for the 5% H2SO4 solution where it was found compounds to produce ettringite that increases in volume
27% weight loss for the Portland cement concrete and and instability. This expansion of cement matrix is
13% for the Portland-RHA concrete. The author responsible for leading to further cracking of the interior
interpreted the results by this way that, Portland cements of the mortar. The equations are given below:
contain 60-65% CaO and their hydration products contain
about 25% Ca(OH)2, which is primarily responsible for the Ca(OH )2 + Na2 SO4 → CaSO4 + NaOH
poor resistance of Portland cement concretes exposed to (First expansion)
acidic attack. However, cement incorporating RHA
may have 20-40%CaO and practically no Ca(OH)2 in the C a S O 4 + Alu m in u mc omp ou nd s → Ettringite
products of hydration. Chatveera et al. [39] prepared ( Second expansion may cause carck)
100mm×100mm×100mm concrete specimens with black rice
husk ash (BRHA) in order to test the effect the resistance Chatveera et al. [7] reported the length change due
against acid attack. When specimens reached 28 days to sulfate attacks in accordance with ASTM C1012
age then took the initial weights and then shifted to 1% (2002) by using 25×25×285 mm bars where sand-to-binder
solution of hydrochloric (HCl) acid and the same amount materials ratio of 2.75 by weight. The measurements of
of 1%solution of sulfuric (H2SO4) acid. When concrete length change were takenusing digital length comparator
exposed to HCl and H2SO4 attacks at replacement of 20% at the age of 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 weeks.
of Portland cement by (BRHA), specimens showed For the durability against sulfate attack, mortar exposed
satisfactory performance in decreasing the corrosion of to both magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) and sodium sulfate
concrete under both HCl and H2SO4 attacks. Even at (Na2SO4) solution. For both cases mortar showed
replacement of 40% of Portland cement by BRHA was positive effect against expansion of mortar. Even higher
able to resist HCl attack, but it was not suitable against replacement rate 30-50% black rice husk ash mortars
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
were comparable to the sulfate resistant mortars by the embedded steel in concrete. But if cement is replaced
considering expansion values. The loss of strength by RHA or any other pozzolans then the cement
reduced with the increment replacement percentages hydration product reduced as well as porosity of
when mortars exposed to magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) concrete increased which infiltrate the CO 2. The hydrated
solution.Moreover, the strength loss of mortars C-S-H gel also generates carbonate by leaving calcium
containing rice husk ash was lower than OPC mortars oxide (CaO) [66-68]. Chatveera et al. [39] cast 100mm
when mortars exposed to magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) concrete cube to examine long term carbonation test.
solution reported by the author. Chindaprasirt et al. [60] After 28 days curing period specimens were transferred to
performed sulfate-induced expansion test according to carbonation chamber with 0.03% CO 2 content up to 180
ASTM C1012 using 5% sodium sulfate solutionand days. Then depth of carbonation measured using
mortar specimens prepared according to ASTM C109. carbonation indicator. The author reported that, the depth
The author concluded from the compressive strengths at of carbonation increased with increasing of percentage
7, 28, 90 and 180 days that, the incorporation of lignite replacement of black rice husk ash. From his study it
class F fly ash and ground RHA into normal Portland was clear that the carbonation performance of concrete
cement result in a high improvement in the resistance to increased when concrete incorporating with RHA.
attack by 5% sodium sulfate solution. Better dimension Gastaldini et al. [66] tested role of chemical activators on
stability wasgained with blended cements containing the carbonation of concrete containing 20% RHA. But the
FA and RHA. Sulfate resistancewas very effective for author found lowest carbonation coefficient for the
RHA at a dosage up to 40% cement replacement where mixture of 20% RHA and 1% K2SO4. Moreover,
Class F lignite fly ash comparatively less effective at presence RHA in concrete increases the carbonation
both 20% and 40% replacement levels. This was due to performance.
lower water demand characteristics of RHA. Another
reason to resist sulfate attack, fly ash and RHA mortar Water Absorption and Sorptivity: RHA improves the
showed of lower pH levels after a particular time period. durability of concrete by reduction of water absorption
In order to confirm the experimental results the author and sorptivity significantly. Saraswathy et al. [11]
done SEM testfor OPC mortars as well as pozzolanic performed water absorption test according to ASTM
mortars. It was seen that the formation of ettringite was C642-97 for concrete containing RHA up to 30%. The
less sound in pozzolanic mortars exposed to sodium author reported that, co-efficient of water absorption
sulfate solution. Finally, the author suggested that up to reduced when concrete incorporating with RHA in all
40% of Portland cement could be replaced with fly ash percentages replacement. Ganesan et al. [3] measured
and RHA in making blended cement mortar with water absorption and sorptivity values after 28 and 90
reasonable strength development and excellent sulfate days moisture curing. The author also found
resistance. De sensale [38] tested sulfate attack for progressively lower coefficient of water absorption with
mortars specimen (25mm × 25mm × 285mm) by following the increment of RHA content compared to control
ASTMC 1012. The author concluded that the rise in specimens. Similar results were observed for sorptivity
sulfate resistance of RHA with increasing RHA test. Mahmud et al. [71] cast cylindrical concrete
replacement level after 28 weeks curing period. It can be specimens of 100mm×200mm to test water absorption and
summarized that, sulfate resistance of RHA concrete much sorptivity of RHA blended concrete. The author
better than control concrete due to pozzolanic and concluded that, water absorption and sorptivity reduced
physical effect of RHA. presence of RHA in concrete. This reason illustrated in Da
Silva et al. [65], as when RHA present in concrete
Depth of Carbonation: Carbonation shows a positive specimen it reduces the inside pores as well as makes in
effect for concrete and mortar by increasing both uniformly arranged by finer RHA particles. As a result, the
tensile and compressive strength. A brief description of water absorption and sorptivity reduced than control
the mechanism of carbonation is as follows. At first CO2 concrete. Givi et al. [58] reported that, the water
dissolves in water and formed carbonic acid (H2CO3). absorption co-efficient lower for ultrafine RHA (average
A chemical reaction between hydration production of particle size 5 µm) replaced concrete than control concrete
cement (Ca(OH)2) and carbonic acid leads to form calcium up to 20%. However, RHA (average particle size 95 µm)
carbonate (CaCO3) which is responsible for corrosionof concrete showed greater water absorption value than
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
Table 6: Water absorption and sorptivity of RHA blended concretes higher percentages (20-40%) RHA concrete showed
Coeff. of water Sorptivity comparable drying shrinkage to the control concrete
absorption ×10-6
because of packing effect of RHA particles. However,
× 10-10 (m2/s) (m/s1/2)
Replacement ------------------------- --------------------------
Habeeb and Fayyadh [69] reported that, drying shrinkage
OPC (%) 28 days 90 days 28 days 90 days References of RHA mixed concrete greater than OPC concrete
0 1.62 0.85 11.05 9.76 where 20% cement was replaced by RHA. Mahmud et al.
5 1.42 0.71 10.60 7.09 [70] cast 105mm×300mm cylindrical concrete to measure
10 1.03 0.61 9.16 4.86 drying shrinkage according to ASTM C (531-85). The
15 0.99 0.46 7.37 4.09 author reported that, higher amount RHA in concrete
20 0.92 0.31 6.00 3.61 [3] showed lower drying shrinkage value. Similarly, Wu and
25 0.51 0.20 5.53 2.28
Peng [71] reported that, in normal temperature drying
30 1.06 0.43 6.08 3.38
35 1.51 0.58 10.30 4.04
shrinkage of RHA mixed concrete less than pure cement
0 3.5571 - - - concrete. Zhang and Malhotra [72] found similar drying
5 0.67587 - - - shrinkage for control concrete and 10% RHA concrete
10 0.10320 - - - after 448days. It can be concluded that, drying shrinkage
15 0.10644 - - - [11] performance is not good for high percentages RHA
20 1.2122 - - - blended concrete due to reduction of cement and pore
25 1.4548 - - -
30 1.3030 - - -
0 2.86 1.35 - -
5 2.98a 1.25a - - Recommendations for Future Research: RHA can be
10 2.96a 1.13a - - used as a supplementary cementing material up to 30%
15 3.10a 1.25a - - replacement of cement without causing any negative
20 3.24a 1.32a - - [58] effect on the strength and durability of mortar and
5 2.47b 1.03b - - concrete. RHA contributes to the cementitious system by
10 1.97b 0.89b - -
filler and pozzolanic action. The exact contribution of each
15 2.55b 1.12b - -
20 2.57b 1.20b - -
particular effect did not measure by the past research.
0 - - 9.166 7.1
In order to commercial use of RHA globally, each effect
10 - - 8.649c 6.58c [71] should be identified. Research need with higher
10 - - 10.47d 12.7d percentages RHA amount present in concrete and mortar.
a-average particle size 95 µm; b-average particle size 5 µm; c-water reduced Following recommendations for future work with RHA
concrete; d-normal concrete have been identified from the current study.
OPC. Therefore, fineness of RHA is responsible to reduce To investigate the physical and chemical effect of
water absorption through the system. Safiuddin et al RHA in cementitious system.
[44] described that, water absorption of the concretes To prepare a comparative cost analysis between
reduced with a greater RHA content because porosity of concrete with and without RHA.
concrete reduced at higher RHA concrete. Table 6 Long-term strength and durability should be
represents the water absorption and sorptivity values for measured; for example 180 days, 1 year.
RHA mixed concretes from various literature. Therefore, Strength for higher replacement of cement with RHA
presence of RHA in concrete leads to a lower water should measure.
absorption and sorptivity which is important factor for To investigate an alternative source of binder using
long durability concern. RHA and other pozzolans with chemical activators.
Drying Shrinkage: Drying Shrinkage is occurred due to Concluding Remarks: In order to preserve energy and
loss of capillary water by the reduction of structure. As a reduce carbon dioxide, RHA play an important role
result, drying shrinkage often causes in concretecracking when added to Portland cement. A large volume of
and internal warping prior of loading. Chatveera et al. RHA is generated from rice milling industries every year.
[39] performed drying shrinkage test according to Japan The proper use of RHA in construction industry could
Concrete Institute (JCI, 1998) for concrete specimens develop a healthy and sustainable environment. RHA is
of 100mm × 100mm × 500mm. The author reported that, very effective in partial replacement of cement (30% or
World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 752-765, 2014
more) to produce higher compressive strength concrete 9. Nehdi, M., J. Duquette and A. El-Damatty, 2003.
and mortarover OPC. Strength of cementitious system Performance of rice husk ash producedusing a new
incorporating with RHA influencesby the combined technology as a mineral admixture in concrete.
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durability performance of RHA concrete and mortar is also 10. Chindaprasirt, P. and S. Rukzon, 2008. Strength,
highly noticeable even in higher replacement of cement porosity and corrosion resistance ofternary blend
(more than 40% replacement) by RHA. As results, the Portland cement, rice husk ash and fly ash mortar.
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The authors acknowledge the Ministry of Higher
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Education of Malaysia for providing the necessary
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funding required for the research through ERGS Grant
Materials, 47: 588-593.
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