ICD 7. Eye

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1. Exophoria.
2. Anterior scleritis of the left eye.
3. Chronic follicular conjunctivitis of the right eye.
4. Eversion of bilateral lacrimal punctum.
5. Retrobulbar neuritis of the right eye.
6. Progressive external ophthalmoplegia.
7. Edema of right and left upper eyelid.
8. Ptosis of eyelid bilateral.
9. Abscess of right lower eyelid.
10. Total traumatic cataract left eye.
11. Patient presents in with bilateral severe stage pigmentary glaucoma.
12. The patient has bilateral open-angle glaucoma; not specified as to type and stage
indeterminate in both eyes.
13. A patient is diagnosed with bilateral chronic angle-closure glaucoma; right eye is
documented as mild stage and left eye as moderate stage.
14. A patient has mild, unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma of the left eye with
mild unspecified open-angle glaucoma of the right eye.
15. Patient presents with bilateral open-angle glaucoma, not specified as to type; the
right eye is documented to be in mild stage and the left eye as being in moderate
16. Patient admitted with mild low-tension glaucoma of the right eye, which progresses
to moderate stage during the patient’s stay.

17. A patient has severe primary angle-closure glaucoma in the right eye and moderate
open angle glaucoma in the left eye.

18. A 20-year-old patient visits an ophthalmologist with the complaint of redness of eyes
and irritation. After detailed examination the ophthalmologist documented the
condition as acute toxic conjunctivitis in both eyes due to kerosene.

19. John, a 63-year-old male patient who was unable to see traffic lights or signs clearly
while driving. Ophthalmologist examines him with a slit lamp and documents the
condition as bilateral senile cataract and schedules cataract extraction with
intraocular lens implantation next week.

20. A patient comes in with chronic angle- closure glaucoma mild stage and later evolves
into severe stage of the same type.

21. A 4-year-old child fell down while playing in a ground. He was taken to emergency
department due to retained foreign body in left upper eye lid. After examination it
was found that there were retained foreign body fragments of stone

22. Total blindness in the right eye category 3 with normal vision in the left eye.
23. This 40-year-old woman presents to her physician with bilateral eye pain. Her
condition is diagnosed as bilateral blepharitis of the upper eyelids.
24. This is a 56-year-old female patient with long-standing, primary open-angle
glaucoma and age-related bilateral macular degeneration. Patient is admitted
because of abnormally high intraocular pressure. Diagnosis: Acute Primary open-
angle glaucoma with macular degeneration
25. Code the scenario. A 20-year-old female patient visits an ophthalmologist with the
complaint of redness of eyes and irritation. After detailed examination he documents
the condition as acute conjunctivitis, right eye; and chronic conjunctivitis, both eyes.

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