Les Elfes Ds G PDF
Les Elfes Ds G PDF
Les Elfes Ds G PDF
Ameth moved through the comforting night with no more of a The rapier was lowered now, pointing at Ameth’s feet. Then the
disturbance than a cool breeze. The sharp-eyed surface elves on watch figure’s arm flexed and the blade prepared to rise again. “You’re lying,”
did not blink an eye as he slipped past their blockade and into the trees the surface elf said. “You all do!”
below. A few agile steps later, he was past their bow range and in the Ameth lunged, stepping on the sword and drawing a thin dagger
clear. from his wrist sheath. He gritted his teeth. “I want to be trusted and
When he turned to make sure he was past the last of them, he not attacked on sight.” The shock on the elf’s face was obvious and
glimpsed movement ahead. An instinctive dodge was all that saved his frozen in death as Ameth slid his dagger into an unarmored throat.
neck from a quick rapier strike. The moonlight caught a mithril blade Ameth looked down at his fallen victim and shook his head. Being
pointed at his chest. good, like learning to survive the searing sun, would take some time.
“Your kind aren’t welcome here. Go back to your foul hole in the
ground.” The melodic voice told Ameth his foe was one of the oppressors Personality: In general, dark elves are paranoid, ambitious
who kept his people in the dark. He bit back his distaste and spread his and untrustworthy. Individuals might be furtive, bold or secre-
hands open in a gesture of peace. tive. They often strive to prove their dominance over others by
“Wait! I have come unarmed. I moved past your guards without means of exerting power (mental or physical) or influence over
harming them, despite the ease with which I could have done so. I just others. They also have a great love for things of beauty – not for
want to explore the world, to enjoy the same beauties that you do.” their aesthetic appeal, but for the status and power they repre-
Ameth had to avoid fighting. Anyone silent enough to surprise him sent.
had to be talented. Physical Description: In silhouette, a dark elf is indistin-
The leather-clad form in front of him hesitated, the point of the guishable from any other elf. In full light, however, its appear-
rapier wavering just a bit. Ameth continued his plea. “I want to taste ance is striking. Their skin is jet black, in sharp contrast to their
the fresh fruit that falls from the trees, and the berries that grow in the white hair. Their eyes are amber, blood red or shades of violet,
daylight,” he said. It was true; just two days ago, he had tasted his first though an occasional dark elf may be born with pure white eyes
blackberries, and he had stuffed himself full. “I want to see the silver – supposedly a sign of favor from the Dark One. Dark elves, like
light of the moon. I want to ride on the sea in a ship with real sails.” high elves, meditate for four hours instead of sleeping.
Relations: Dark elves hate most other races. They enslave
those that live near them and undertake long journeys to kill
An uneasy conference between wood, wild, gray, high and dark elves – attended by a Brandobian human emissary.
Chapter 1: Races
those distant. They respect mind flayers, whom they consider • +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist, Move Silently and Spot
their equals, and fear the enigmatic aboleths. checks. Dark elves have a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.
Alignment: Dark elves are individually evil and strongly • +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks to identify or
chaotic. Collectively, their society tends toward a more neutral make poisons.
sort of evil in that it does have an organized structure with • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells or spell-like abili-
strong repercussions for acting out of order (a lawful trait), but ties.
accepts frequent violations of the laws (a chaotic trait). • Light sensitivity: In direct sunlight, or within the radius of
Dark Elf Lands: Dark elves live in cities underneath the light from a continual flame or daylight spell (or similar effects), a
surface of the earth, mostly beneath the Krimppatu Mountains dark elf suffers a -1 penalty to all skill checks, attack rolls and
of Svimohzia. These cities are large enough to be self-sufficient saving throws. This sensitivity is not natural to the race they
(5,000 to 10,000), but they never grow to the size of large human were in ancient days, but slowly occurred over the past twelve
cities because of space constraints, warfare and the chaotic millennia spent underground.
nature of their inhabitants. A single clan rules each city, paying • Automatic Languages: Drow and Undercommon. Bonus
fealty to their Empress.
Languages: Abyssal, Draconic, Ignan and Terran.
Religion: Dark elves revere the gods of Chaos and Evil, with
• Favored Class: Varies with sex: cleric for females, wizard for
worship of the Prince of Terror being most common. Warriors
males. When deciding whether a female dark elf suffers an XP
most often worship the Creator of Strife, while those of lower
penalty for multiclassing, her cleric class does not apply. When
classes prefer the Vicelord. Other commonly worshipped
deciding whether a male dark elf suffers an XP penalty for
deities are the Rotlord, the Avenger, the Dark One and the
multiclassing, his wizard class does not apply.
Laugher. The Confuser of Ways and the Despiser are rarely
worshipped, for stories of these deities’ foul treatment of the
Gray Elves
dark elves is detailed in many of their legends.
Language: Dark elves speak their own language. Despite Gray elves (also known as “doulathan” in Low Elven) are
their hatred, dark elves often speak the languages of other races perhaps the rarest of the elves, living in beautiful cities hidden
because cultural secrecy prevents them from teaching their away from the rest of the world. They are famed for their exten-
own tongue to others. Their own natural Intelligence also sive knowledge, deep wisdom and powerful magic.
makes it fairly simple to learn other languages. They tend to
speak Drow, Undercommon, Low Elven (reluctantly) and “Sire! A messenger from the north. He bears the jade ring!” The
sometimes Merchant’s Tongue, plus a diverse array of other herald was distressed, his hair mussed and his chest heaving. King
languages common to subterranean creatures. Dorlanisti tried so hard to teach the half-breed dignity, but the creature
Adventurers: Adventuring dark elves are often on a mission did not seem to want to learn.
of destruction or renegades, and sometimes both. These “Control yourself, Nelanto.” Dorlanisti used a steely, military tone.
renegades seek notoriety among the surface-dwellers, hoping “Whatever danger our neighbors face has yet to threaten us.” Inside,
that their terrible deeds will allow them to become members of he felt lost and afraid. The jade ring was a symbol of dire peril. The
dark elf society once again. Rare and short-lived is the dark elf danger must be both extreme and immediate. War? A great fire?
that abandons his old ways entirely and turns to good. What could it be?
Players interested in learning more about the dark elves The guards passed the messenger, a tall elf dressed for riding.
should peruse Blood and Shadows: the Dark Elves of Tellene for Despite the urgency of his message, he was visibly impressed at the
further details. majesty of the gray elf court. He recovered his composure, hustled
forward and knelt in greeting. Imari let him kneel a moment longer
• +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. Dark elves are clever and than was polite.
quick learners, but they suffer from the same physical frailty as “Rise and give me your message, neighbor.” Friend would not have
other elves. been quite right, would it? The elves in Cilorealon were distant in more
• Medium: Dark elves receive no special size-related bonuses ways than mere geography.
or penalties. “You are of course aware of the great green dragon Ghanamoor. Five
• Dark elf land speed is 30 feet. years ago, after an epic battle, one of our heroes managed to defeat
• Dark elves are immune to magic sleep effects, and receive a Ghanamoor with no small amount of aid from Your Majesty.”
+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or Dorlanisti nodded. He had given the promising champion a fine suit of
effects. magical mail from his own hoard. It was a well-appointed gift, in both
• Darkvision: Dark elves can see in the dark at a distance of up fit and in its use. It also ingratiated his northern kin, a situation that
14 to 120 feet. This type of vision is mostly colorless (showing only had proven useful.
shades of black, white and gray), and needs no light to function. “The dragon has returned, and she is angry!”
Chapter 1: Races
Dorlanisti was later proud to boast that his face showed none of the world or boredom can motivate them as well. A sage might
panic he felt. Ghanamoor surely knew that Dorlanisti’s aid led directly become a mercenary, for example, so that he can write a book
to the dragon’s defeat, and dragons never forgave anyone or anything. about the military organization of Korak. Wizards are their
favorite class, and gray elves excel in the arcane arts. Their
Personality: Gray elves are haughty creatures. They project desire for knowledge and self-awareness leads a few to the life of
either good intentions tinged with arrogance or depraved indif- a monk. More typically, they become clerics, fighters and bards.
ference, depending on their alignment. They are somber and Less commonly, adventuring gray elves are paladins, rangers or
dignified, and they do not tolerate familiarity or open affection rogues. Gray elf druids are rare, sorcerers very rare, and if there
from others. is a gray elf barbarian, she is probably unique.
Physical Description: The doulathan are the tallest of the Players interested in learning more about the gray elves
elves. Their skin resembles that of high elves, although with a should peruse Friend and Foe: the Elves and Bugbears of Tellene for
more golden tone. (“Gray” sums up their emotional state, rather further details.
than their coloration.) Their hair colors run light and their eyes
are blue, green, brown or gray. On rare occasions, a gray elf has
• +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. Gray elves can achieve
black eyes. Gray elves, unique among elven cultures, often have
great learning over their long lives, but their light bodies do not
beards in their old age. Younger gray elves can grow them, but
handle abuse well. (Note also the variant ability scores at the
consider them horribly unfashionable. Gray elves do not
end of this sidebar.)
require eight hours of sleep. They need only four hours of
• Medium: Gray elves receive no special size-related bonuses
meditation, just like high elves.
or penalties.
Relations: Gray elves do not consider other races equals.
• Gray elf land speed is 30 feet.
They respect the dignity of lowland dwarves, tolerate high elves
• Gray elves are immune to magic sleep effects, and receive a
and ignore most other races. Gnomes can be annoying,
especially the ones fond of practical jokes, while half-orcs are +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or
offensive. They treat hobgoblins with some respect, usually effects.
because they show the same in return. Gray elves pay no atten- • Low-Light Vision: In poor illumination, a gray elf can see
tion to halflings (when they must, they are generally conde- twice as far as a human.
scending). • Weapon Proficiency: Gray elves receive the standard high
Alignment: Doulathan are far less chaotic than their cousins elf Martial Weapon Proficiencies, plus the leafblade (see
are. While they are often neutral good, they tend more toward Chapter 7: Equipment).
lawful neutral or lawful good. • +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (arcana) checks. The teaching
Gray Elf Lands: Gray elf cities have more stone and fewer of lore to the young is standard, and gray elf youths can recite
trees than those of other elven civilizations, and their govern- long passages of tales and tidbits of magic.
ments are similar in complexity to human nations. Gray elves • Automatic Languages: Elven (both High and Low) and
live all over Tellene, but their greatest concentration is in the Merchant’s Tongue. Bonus Languages: Celestial and Sylvan.
city of Doulathanorian in the Edosi forest. Individuals live • Favored class: Wizard. When deciding whether a gray elf
throughout elven lands, preferring the company of other elves suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing, his wizard class does not
to that of the “lesser” races. apply.
Religion: Gray elves favor worship of the Eternal Lantern, the • Variant: On rare occasions, a gray elf is born with black eyes.
Peacemaker, the Pure One, the Founder, the Mule, the Eye Such gray elves have ability scores of +2 Charisma, -2
Opener and the Fate Scribe, with the largest following Constitution. Their favored class is the sorcerer or spellsinger
belonging to the Pure One. Their attitude toward others and (see Chapter Two: Classes).
their choice of religion might seem a contradiction. How can a
race that holds others in disdain worship a goddess of love? The Wild Elves
dichotomy is easily explained; they love other races in the way If wood elves are rustic, wild elves are downright feral. They
that a human might love its pet dog. are nomadic, living wholly off the hunt and what food they can
Language: Gray elves consider themselves the trustees of gather while on the move. Their movement patterns are not
ancient High Elven. Among the elves, they speak it exclusively. random, but designed to place them near different herds or
They speak Low Elven to other races. They typically learn to vegetation according to that food source’s migration or
comprehend a human tongue or other popular regional ripening cycle.
language in order to understand strangers better, though they
are loath to speak in such barbaric tongues. “Do you cook your food? You know, with fire?” This halfling was
Adventurers: The desire for knowledge usually prompts a not the most tactful person in the world, Thrand thought. The ranger
gray elf to take up a life of adventure, but experience in the real listened to the exchange between the urbane halfling rogue and the
Chapter 1: Races
tattooed elven newcomer with interest. Thrand had extensive experi- typically barbarians, but they might also be shamans, rogues,
ence with these elves, but his friends had never seen them before. The rangers, fighters or sorcerers. Few wild elves find the other
elf’s clanking bone jewelry was foreign to them. The way he spent all of classes attractive, especially wizardry.
his resting time repairing his clothing and his leather boots was Players interested in learning more about the wild elves
downright bizarre. And his strange habit of sniffing at things alter- should peruse Friend and Foe: the Elves and Bugbears of Tellene for
nately repulsed and amused the six people who relied on the elf’s knowl- further details.
edge of the jungle for survival.
“Of course we cook our food,” came the answer as the halfling nodded
• +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Wild elves scorn pointless
sagely. “What, besides fire, keeps out the evil spirits that would steal
scholarship, instead devoting their time to learning natural lore
your soul and make you wander the shadow world?”
and the ways of their ancestors.
Thrand grinned and threw another log on the fire. It was going to
• Medium: Wild elves receive no special size-related bonuses
be an interesting journey.
or penalties.
• Wild elf land speed is 30 feet.
Personality: Among themselves the “seleeris” (as they are
• Wild elves are immune to magic sleep effects, and receive a
known in Low Elven), or wild elves, are active and joyful. They
+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or
spend their days hunting and gathering food, and spend the
night in dance and worship. Wild elves are communal folk.
• Low-Light Vision: In poor illumination, a wild elf can see
They eat as a group around a common fire, sleep in multi-family
twice as far as a human.
tents and hunt in large groups. Despite this, they retain many
• Weapon Proficiency: Wild elves receive the standard high
individual freedoms. Wild elves have the freedom to worship
elf Martial Weapon Proficiencies, plus the leafblade (see
whomever they choose, the right to disagree (in words) with the
Chapter 7: Equipment).
chief’s decision and the right to enter and leave marriage freely.
Physical Description: Wild elves are physically similar to • +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks. Wild elves do not
wood elves, except that their skin is even darker, occasionally compete with humans for food and territory; they compete with
appearing as a polished mahogany. Their ears come to a sharp dire wolves, trolls and bears.
point, and often sweep back against the skull. Their clothing is • Automatic Languages: High Elven. Bonus Languages: Low
rough and often well worn, but they decorate it with beautiful Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
jewelry of semiprecious stones and copper, silver or gold. Wood Beginning wild elf adventurers are unlikely to speak any human
elves meditate instead of sleeping. This is the same as the trance languages.
of high elves. • Favored class: Barbarian. When deciding whether a wild elf
Relations: The seleeris are a reclusive but belligerent race that suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing, his barbarian class does
lives apart from most other civilizations by mutual agreement. not apply.
When they do meet other races, their primary form of commu-
nication is a spear, and their ambassadors are likely to be
Wood Elves
powerful barbarians. Wood elves (also called “aralarai” in Low Elven) are the rustic
Alignment: As wild elves resent authority, their chieftains are cousins of high elves. They live among the trees in simple
more organizers than rulers. A chief’s authority lasts only as homes that they can easily rebuild in case of disaster or
long as the strongest warriors believe he remains wise. Seleeris humanoid attack. Wood elves tend orchards and groves that
are nearly always chaotic and might be neutral or good. produce bountiful amounts of food under their diligent care,
Wild Elf Lands: Wild elves live in the Voldorwoods, the and the elves supplement this food with game. They share the
northern reaches of the Brindonwood west of the Shadesh Bay elven appreciation for beautiful goods, although they are even
and the Vohven Jungle. less concerned with wealth as such. Wood elves cooperate well
Religion: Wild elves worship the Storm Lord, Battle Rager, with other races-as long as those races respect their borders.
the Great Huntress, the Guardian and the Raiser. They seldom
worship or even acknowledge The Founder, the Landlord or the “What are they doing, Hamir?” The young elf craned her neck,
Vicelord. Evil wild elves follow the Rotlord, the Prince of trying to see through the dense foliage that concealed them from the
Terror or the Locust Lord. strangers on the ground. The three strangers were pointing about and
Language: Wild elves that live their whole lives within their talking in a foreign language. One of them held a piece of paper. He
own tribe speak no language other than High Elven. Warriors kept pointing at it and then at the small stream beside them. The three
likely speak Low Elven and at least understand the language of were obviously arguing.
nearby races. “Trespassing.” Hamir’s tanned face was mottled by the light coming
16 Adventurers: Adventuring wild elves have been motivated to through the canopy above, giving him a grim and dark appearance.
leave their tribe in search of new experiences. Wild elves are “We’ll wait here for them to finish arguing, Harana, then we’ll kill
Chapter 1: Races
them. You shoot the woman with the staff, and I’ll shoot the large, (finding their faith too restrictive). Evil wood elves worship the
hairy one. I think I can fire a second time and kill the dwarf before he Unseen One, the Creator of Strife or the Confuser of Ways.
readies his crossbow.” He made no move to his weapon but continued Language: Wood elves speak their own language (both High
to watch impassively. and Low) and make certain to understand the language(s) of any
Harana was unsure, but she did not want to disagree too sternly with neighbors, whom they monitor closely. They consider learning
Hamir. He had a short temper with younger elves. “They seem to be lost.” a human language a necessity because of the global influence of
“It could be a ruse,” Hamir said, but the pause before his reply human cultures.
indicated that even he did not believe it. His indecision emboldened Adventurers: Wood elves are versatile and individuals might
Harana. She preferred not to shoot strangers unnecessarily. adopt most any adventuring class. As fighters, they make
“I have an idea. Let me lead them back to the old human building, superb archers, both accurate and quick. Wood elves also make
the empty one that guarded their road. It’s only a mile away. If they sly rogues, skillful rangers and rugged druids. Their wizards are
are truly lost, then that road should be on their map and should guide practical, preferring versatile spells to indiscriminately blasting
them.” She held her breath, half fearing a whispered tirade. Instead,
fireballs, and their clerics are earthy folk who understand how
Hamir nodded rapidly, as if relieved.
best to use their wisdom to guide folk through daily life. Wood
“And if they do not leave the woods then?”
elves do not often become sorcerers. Those few who do usually
“If not, it would make a good site for an ambush.” If they were
have at least one other class, as well.
trespassers, an arrow was all they deserved.
Players interested in learning more about the wood elves
should peruse Friend and Foe: the Elves and Bugbears of Tellene for
Personality: Wood elves are jovial and friendly with their
further details.
own kind and those they have accepted as friends. They are
guarded and suspicious of strangers, and they do not give their WOOD ELF RACIAL TRAITS
trust easily. Wood elves enjoy celebrating holidays and playing • +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Wood elves have the power and
musical instruments. grace of wild animals, and similar social charms.
Physical Description: Where high elves have pale skin, • Medium: Wood elves receive no special size-related bonuses
aralarai boast dark skin that nearly matches the bark of the trees or penalties.
where they live. Their hair ranges from platinum blonde to • Wood elf land speed is 30 feet.
chestnut brown and occasionally has a touch of auburn among • Wood elves are immune to magic sleep effects, and receive
the lighter shades. They dress in browns, greens and grays and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or
wear jewelry only for special occasions. In general, wood elves effects.
find jewelry impractical. Wood elves do not sleep. Instead, • Low-Light Vision: In poor illumination, a wood elf can see
they spend four hours each night meditating. This functions
twice as far as a human.
exactly like the high elf trance.
• Wood elves gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot
Relations: Wood elves prefer to live apart from humankind.
checks. A wood elf passing within 5 feet of a hidden door
Conflicts with other races have caused this desire for isolation.
receives a free Search check as if he had actually been looking
Wood elves tend to view lone strangers as scouts for larger
for it. Wood elves practically have a sixth sense about hidden
groups of intruders, and large armed bands as raiders. Humans
have been the worst of these invaders, and wood elves tend to
• Weapon Proficiency: Wood elves get free Martial Weapon
shoot them first and ask questions later. Wood elves are likely
Proficiency feats for the leafblade (see Chapter 7: Equipment),
to interrogate dwarf trespassers before deciding their fate, while
rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow and composite
they assume gnomes and halflings to be relatively harmless.
longbow. Wood elves appreciate swordplay, but the tight
Alignment: Wood elves are as independent as high elves, but
a strong druidic influence causes many to be neutral in align- confines of a forest do not always allow the swing of a long
ment. sword, forcing them to develop skill with piercing weapons.
Wood Elf Lands: Large groups of wood elves live in the Most wood elf longswords are found in elven cities, rather than
Lendelwood, the Brindonwood and the Edosi Forest, but the smaller forest settlements.
smaller bands live in almost all major forests. They sometimes • +2 racial bonus to Survival checks made in the wood elf’s
live with smaller numbers of high elves, and many individuals home forest.
have friends or allies among the fey creatures of the forest. • Automatic Languages: Elven (both High and Low) and one
Religion: Wood elves primarily worship the Mother of the regional human language. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Gnome,
Elements, but the Bear, the Guardian, the Great Huntress, the Halfling, Orc, Sylvan and other human languages.
Coddler, the Watcher and the Shimmering One all have • Favored Class: Ranger. When deciding whether a wood elf
suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing, his ranger class does not
followers among them as well. They generally avoid the
Landlord, the Overlord, The True, or the other lawful gods apply. Ranger/druids are also common.
Chapter 1: Races
Elves, Other “Awww. What am I doing wrong? Why won’t the image stay?”
“If you don’t believe yourself that the image is real, how can you
“The most dangerous creature is the one who is unknown.” expect your opponent to do so?” Gultemp replied. Salipa was a good
– Branlel the Younger, Brandobian historian student, but she still had many lessons to learn.
“But the image isn’t real!” she protested. “That’s the whole point. It’s
Rumors of other races, particularly elves, crop up from time an illusion.”
to time in conversation with persons who claim (truly or not) “I think you will find that much in this world is an illusion,
to have encountered such exotic creatures. While these stories Salipa. What is important is not whether a thing is real, but whether
include wild talks of a now-savage elven folk living deep within someone believes that it is real. Belief is a powerful tool, and you must
the Khydoban Desert, aquatic elves to the west of the learn to shape it in all situations, not just magic. Now try again, and
Delnondrian Islands (or south of Svimohzia, depending on this time, believe.”
who you talk to), and an advanced seafaring race of elves who
once traveled Reanaaria Bay, most wise-thinking folk believe Relations: In general, gnomes prefer to be among their own
these only myth and fancy. Still, many are not fully convinced. kind instead of other races. When they do venture out, gnomes
One such person is Branlel the Younger, historian to the are the most comfortable with the other “short” races: halflings
Mendarn Courts and Graduate of the Eighth State, of the and dwarves. They feel the most kinship with dwarves, as they
Fraternal Order of Aptitude. In his book, “Histories both live underground and enjoy gems and mechanical contrap-
Unknown,” Branlel even states that he visited such a race tions. Halflings can be a little simple at times, but as long as
known as the “twilight elves,” that dwells beneath the Elenon they tolerate a few jokes, the gnomes consider them fine
Mountains and holds the only remaining members of their companions. Gnomes are more distrustful of the “taller” races.
kind, the rest having slowly dwindled into the dark elvenfolk Although they share many of the same opinions, or perhaps
over a dozen millennia ago. While his work has yet to be because of it, gnomes leave the elves alone and vice versa. Half-
widely accepted, it is said that a few wary adventurers have elves and humans are more of an enigma to the gnomes, and
taken it upon themselves to investigate the truth of this claim. they prefer to judge them on a case-by-case basis. Half-orcs and
Players interested in learning more about the twilight elves, half-hobgoblins are just a little too dangerous to be trusted fully.
or playing such a race (with the DM’s permission), should Gnomes hate hobgoblins because they see them as big bullies.
review Blood and Shadows: the Dark Elves of Tellene for further Rock Gnome Lands: Their principal settlements lie in the
information. Any other elves mentioned here are thought to hills of the Young Kingdoms, the Dopromond Downs and
be merely fictions of imagination, but will serve any DM well, north central Kalamar. A large rural population lives
should she wish to add a new race of elves to her own throughout the Jorakk/Jendasha River valleys in the Wild
campaign. Lands. Some rock gnomes also dwell in northern and western
GNOMES Religion: Gnomes favor worship of The Holy Mother, The
Peacemaker, The Guardian, and The Raconteur, and to a lesser
extent The Mule, The Eye Opener and Risk.
“You have to be a gnome of some sense to know how to lie Language: Dalgul prefer Gnome from old habit. When they
well.” – Gaini, gnome illusionist speak with humans or others, they use the Merchant’s Tongue,
sprinkled with words from their own language that do not
Gnomes prosper both on their own and as productive translate well.
members of other societies. Nominal kings lead their own Adventurers: Rock gnomes generally adventure as a way to
cultures, with actual governmental duties handled by a handful satiate their curiosity, though they do so for all reasons. They are
of ancients. Gnomes are prevalent in the eastern parts of most likely to adventure as bards, but they are also adept wizards,
Tellene, especially Reanaaria Bay. and usually focus on illusion magic. They also make dependable
sorcerers or fighters, and to a lesser extent, rangers. The dalgul
Rock Gnomes love of trickery makes them able rogues. Paladinhood coincides
Rock gnomes (also known as “dalgul” in the gnome language) well with many rock gnome beliefs, but most gnomes lack the
are the standard gnomes of D&D. They conform to the person- necessary dedication or zeal, so gnome paladins are uncommon
ality, physical description and alignment description of gnomes at best. Rock gnomes do become clerics and druids, but not with
in the D&D Player’s Handbook. much frequency. Rock gnome monks are rare, and rock gnome
barbarians are almost unheard of.
The human figure charged, his sword held high and his fearsome Players interested in finding out more about the rock gnomes
18 armor shining in the sunlight. As he swung his weapon down, he should consider Friend and Foe: the Gnomes and Kobolds of Tellene,
appeared to flicker, and then disappear. when searching for further details.