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Microstructural characteristic of dissimilar welded components (AISI 430

ferritic-AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels) by CO 2 Laser Beam Welding

Article  in  Gazi University Journal of Science · January 2012


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3 authors:

Ugur Caligulu Halil Dikbaş

Firat University Firat University


Mustafa Taskin
Mersin University


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Gazi University Journal of Science
GU J Sci
25(1):35-52 (2012)

Microstructural Characteristic of Dissimilar

Welded Components (AISI 430 Ferritic-AISI 304
Austenitic Stainless Steels) by CO2 Laser Beam
Welding (LBW)

Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ1, Halil DİKBAŞ2, Mustafa TAŞKIN1♠

Fırat University, Faculty of Technology, Dep. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Elazığ/TURKEY
Firat University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Metal Education, Elazıg/TURKEY

Received: 11.01.2011 Revised: 26.03.2011 Accepted:20.09.2011

In this study, microstructural characteristic of dissimilar welded components (AISI 430 ferritic-AISI 304
austenitic stainless steels) by CO2 laser beam welding (LBW) was investigated. Laser beam welding
experiments were carried out under argon and helium atmospheres at 2000 and 2500 W heat inputs and 100-
200-300 cm/min. welding speeds. The microstructures of the welded joints and the heat affected zones (HAZ)
were examined by optical microscopy, SEM, EDS and XRD analysis. The tensile strengths of the welded joints
were measured. The result of this study indicated that; the width of welding zone and HAZ became much
thinner depending on the increased welding speed, on the other hand, this width become wider depending on the
increased heat input. Tensile strength values also confirmed this result. The best properties were observed at the
specimens welded under helium atmosphere, at 2500 W heat input and at 100 cm/min welding speed.

Keywords: Ferritic Stainless Steel (AISI 430), Austenitic Stainless Steel (AISI 304), CO2 Laser Beam Welding,
Microstructural Characteristic.

1. INTRODUCTION alloy element. This type of the steel can be shaped

easily and resist atmospheric corrosion well and thanks
Stainless steels are iron-base alloys containing 8–25 % to these characteristics, it has a wide range of
nickel and more chromium than the 12 % which is application in architecture, interior and exterior
necessary to produce passivity but less than 30 %. The decoration, kitchen utensils, manufacturing of wash
steels resist both corrosion and high temperature. boilers and drying machines, food industry, automotive
Stainless steels can be divided into five types as ferritic, industry, and petrochemical and chemical industries [3-
austenitic, martensitic, duplex and precipitation- 4]. Austenitic-stainless steel is preferred more than
hardening [1-2]. other stainless-steel types due to easiness in welding
Ferritic stainless steels are widely used due to the fact process. Then, some negative metallurgic changes are
that their corrosion resistance is higher at room taken into consideration in welding of the steels. These
temperature and they are much cheaper than the other are given as; delta ferrite phase, sigma phase, stress-
stainless steels. Ferritic stainless steels contain 16-30 % corrosion cracking, chrome–carbide precipitate between
Cr within their structures in respect of addition of the grain boundaries at 450–850 C of Cr–Ni austenitic

Corresponding author, e-mail: mtaskin@firat.edu.tr
36 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

steels such as 18/8 joined by fusion welding in long there was also an increase in hardness value because of
waiting time [5]. rapid cooling of the fusion zone during welding.
Bertrand et al. [28] studied the Nd YAG laser welding
Stainless steels can generally be welded with all parameters of the stainless steel and reported that laser
methods of fusion welding and solid state welding. Out power and the welding speed were 600-2700 W and 3-
of the fusion welding methods, electric arc welding, 10m/min respectively, and the flow speed of the
submerged arc welding, MIG, TIG, Plasma welding, shielding gas was similar to the surface contamination
electron beam welding, resistance welding, and laser or it underwent a change depending on various surface
welding etc. are widely used. In the fusion welding tensions. El Batahgy [29] investigated the effects of
methods for joining the stainless steel, brittle austenitic stainless steels on surface of hardness and
intermetallic compounds phases are produced in the fusion zone of laser welding parameters and indicated
fusion zone, which reduces the strength of the welding that penetration increased depending on the increased
joint. However, in the LBW joining of stainless steel, welding power and welding speed, a significant
because these phases are reduced, it improves the difference between helium and argon shielding gases
performance of the stainless steel joint [6-10]. was not observed, and mechanical properties (tension,
Laser welding, using laser beam of high energy density hardness, bending) and fusion zone were not affected by
as a heat source, is a highly efficient and precise heat input at room temperature. Ghani et al [30]
welding method. It has some excellences, such as high analyzed the microstructural characteristics of low
energy density, focalization, deep penetration, high carbon steels on Nd:YAG laser welding and reported
that depending on the increased energy input and
efficiency and strong applicability, and it is widely
process speed, the hardness value of the material at
applied to welding zone requiring the high precision
welding zone also increased.
and high quality, including aviation and space flights,
automobile, microelectronics, light industry, medical Khan et al [31] analyzed the experimental design
treatment and nuclear industry. As laser welding is a approach to the process parameter optimization for laser
fast but unbalanced heat-circulation process, larger welding of martensitic stainless steels in a constrained
temperature degrees appear around the weld, therefore overlap configuration and reported that laser power and
the residual stress and deformation of different extent welding speed in the range 855–930 W and 4.50–
can also appear in the post welding structure. All of 4.65m/min, respectively, with a fiber diameter of 300
these phenomena become important factors, influencing mm were identified as the optimal set of process
the quality of welding structure and the usable parameters. However, the laser power and welding
capability. Understanding the heat-process of welding is speed can be reduced to 800–840 W and increased to
crucial to analyze the mechanical welding structure and 4.75–5.37m/min, respectively, to obtain stronger and
microstructure as well as controlling of welding quality better welds. Yan et al [32] analyzed the study on
[11-15]. microstructure and mechanical properties of 304
stainless steel joints by TIG, laser and laser-TIG hybrid
Generally, laser beam welding includes many variables; welding and reported that the join by laser welding had
laser power, welding speed, defocusing distance and highest tensile strength and smallest dendrite size in all
type of shielding gas, any of which may have an joints, while the joint by TIG welding had lowest tensile
important effect on heat flow and fluid flow in the weld strength, biggest dendrite size. The laser welding and
seam. This in turn will affect the penetration depth, hybrid welding are suitable for welding 304 stainless
shape and final solidification structure of the fusion steels owing to their high welding speed and excellent
zone. Both shape and microstructure of the fusion zone mechanical properties. Ventrella et al [33] analyzed the
will considerably influence the properties of the pulsed Nd:YAG laser seam welding of AISI 316L
welding zone. Many reports [16-17-18-19] on the shape stainless steel thin foils and reported that pulse energy
and solidification structure of the fusion zone of laser control is of considerable importance to thin foil weld
beam welds in relation to different laser parameters are quality because it can generate good mechanical
available. However, the effect of all influencing factors properties and reduce discontinuities in weld joints. The
of laser welding has not been extensively researched up ultimate tensile strength of the welded joints increased
to now. Many studies are required for understanding the at first and then decreased as the pulse energy
combined effect of laser parameters on the shape and increased. The process appeared to be very sensitive to
microstructure of the fusion zone. The present the gap between couples.
investigation is concerned with laser power, welding
speed, defocusing distance and type of shielding gas In the present paper, microstructural characteristic of
and also their effects on the fusion zone shape and final dissimilar welded components (AISI 430 ferritic-AISI
solidification structure of some stainless steels [20-25]. 304 austenitic stainless steels) by CO2 laser beam
welding (LBW) process and the effects of heat inputs
Curcio et al. [26] analyzed the parameters of various and welding speeds on the joint integrity were studied.
materials on laser welding and reported that welding
power, welding speed, shielding gas, gas nozzle and the 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD
process of focusing were amidst these parameters.
Steel plates to be joined were cut at 60x70x4 mm
Zambon et al. [27] made analyses related the
dimensions. 60mm width is selected to achieve the
microstructure and tensile stages of AISI 904L super
standard length of 120 mm tensile test piece. The laser
austenitic stainless steel on CO2 laser welding and
welding experiments were carried out under argon and
demonstrated that in flow resistance and detach tensile a
helium atmospheres with Trump Lazercell 1005 laser
decrease was observed and depending on this decrease,
GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN 37

welding machine at 2000 and 2500 W heat inputs, 100- treatment to minimize stress that can lead to cracking
200-300 cm/min welding speeds. Schematic illustration [34]. AISI 304 steels comprise approximately one half
of LBW was given in Figure 1 [13]. AISI 430 steels of the SAE-AISI type 300 series stainless steels. They
comprise approximately one half of the SAE-AISI type are known with their excellent stress corrosion cracking
400 series stainless steels. They are known with their resistance and good resistance to pitting and crevice
excellent stress corrosion cracking resistance and good corrosion in chlorine environments. Austenitic-stainless
resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in chlorine steel is preferred more than other stainless-steel types
environments. Welding is known to reduce toughness, due to easiness it provides during the welding process.
ductility and corrosion resistance because of the grain Welding of 300 series usually requires preheat and post-
coarsening and carbide precipitations. The grain size weld heat treatment to minimize stress that can lead to
gradually increases from the edge of Heat Effected cracking [5 and 35]. The chemical compositions,
Zone (HAZ) to the fusion boundary. Welding of 400 mechanical and physical properties of both steels were
series usually requires preheat and post-weld heat given in Table 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Table 1. Chemical composition of AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels.

Weight (%) Composition

Materials Fe C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Nb Ti
AISI 430 Balance 0.055 0.045 0.420 0.031 0.008 17.0 - - - -
AISI 304 Balance 0.08 1.00 2.00 0.045 0.03 20.0 10.0 - - -

Table 2. Mechanical properties of AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels.
Tensile Strength (MPa) Yield Strength 0,2% (MPa) Elongation. Microhardness (Rockwell B')
AISI 430 517 345 25 170
AISI 304 590 295 55 130-180

Table 3. Physical properties of AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels.

α λ Ω E
W/m C o
nΩm kN/mm2
AISI 430 13 24 600 225
AISI 304 20 15 700 200
o o
α: Thermal Expansion Coefficient (20-800 C) λ: Thermal Conductive (20 C)
Ω: Electrical Resistance (20 C) E: Elastic modulus (20 oC)

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of laser welding process.

38 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

In Figure 2 a-b-c, 3 a-b-c, 4 a-b-c and 5 a-b-c the achieved at the research studies by Karaaslan et al. and
welding samples are photographed for different heat König et al. [34 and 36].
inputs and welding speeds. The welded specimens were
cut in a vertical manner to the welding zone for post It was determined that at 2000 W heat input, the
evaluations of weld integrity. After the process, the penetration was completed and blanks or porosities in
samples were ground to an 80-1200-grit and they were the weld were not observed. It was seen that in joint at
etched by polishing them with 0.3-µm Al2O3 diamond 100 cm/min. and under argon shielding gas, the fusion
paste and aqua regia, respectively. For microstructural zone was ~1600µm in width, whereas the fusion zone
examination, AISI 430 material was etched was ~1150µm in width in joint at 200 cm/min. The
electrolytically in a solution of 30% HCl + 10% HNO3 fusion zone was ~1000µm in width in joint at 300
+ 30 % H2O solution and AISI 304 material was etched cm/min. The deep penetration was ~1550µm in depth in
electrolytically in a solution of 50 % HNO3 + 50 % H2O joint at 100 cm/min., whereas the fusion zone was
solution. Then, the microstructures of the wells were ~1350µm in width in joint at 200 cm/min. and the
studied by means of scanning electron microscopy fusion zone was ~1300µm in width in joint at 300
(SEM) equipped with energy depressive spectrometer cm/min. It was seen on both sides of the welding seam
(EDS). XRD diffraction analysis was performed to that a grain hypertrophy occurred both on the AISI 430
identify the structural phases. Microhardness values side at ~200µm distance, and on the AISI 304 side at
were measured at interface with Leica MHF-10 test ~300µm distance. A homogeneous dispersion with
apparatus and both sides were analyzed by HV scale small grains, beginning from the zone with coarse
under a load of 200 gr (Figure 6). The typical grains on both sides appropriate for the original
microhardness profile of the welding samples is shown structure of the materials was also observed. The
in Figure 7 a-b-c-d. Then, from 120 mm length 3 pieces hardness on the welding seam occurred vertically to the
x 20mm (width) specimens were cut for tensile tests main material on the dendritic structure (Figure 2 a-b-
(Figure 8). c). In the joint of AISI 430-AISI 304 samples under
helium atmosphere, the penetration was completed and
blanks or porosities in the weld were not available. It
was seen that in joint at 100 cm/min. and under helium
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS shielding gas, the fusion zone was ~1650µm in width,
3.1. Microstructure whereas the fusion zone was ~1200µm in width in joint
at 200 cm/min. The fusion zone was ~1100µm in width
Welding at low travel speed (100 cm/min.) to produces in joint at 300 cm/min. The deep penetration was
more tapered weld and thus to allow more time for the ~1600µm in depth in joint at 100 cm/min., whereas the
escape of gases from the molten weld metal and also fusion zone was ~1350µm in width in joint at 200
helps to reduce the porosity. At higher travel speeds cm/min. and the fusion zone was ~1300µm in width in
mainly at 200 and 300 cm/min., slight incomplete joint at 300 cm/min. It was seen on both sides of the
penetration and missed seam were traced at weld welding seam that a grain hypertrophy occurred both on
interface. the AISI 430 side at ~250µm distance, and on the AISI
Grain coarsening was observed at HAZ at both sides of 304 side at ~300µm distance. A homogeneous
weld interface at AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 304 dispersion with small grains beginning from the zone
austenitic stainless steels side at ~200-300µm distance. with coarse grains on both sides appropriate for the
Naturally, the area of weld (width) and the heat affected original structure of the materials was also observed. It
zone have decreased while the speeds increased because was observed that the width of the welding seam and
of less heat input at weld zone. Besides, the area of HAZ became thinner than that of the joints
weld (width) can be increased depending on the at200cm/min welding speed depending on the increased
increase on the heat inputs. Similar results were welding speed (Figure 3 a-b-c).
GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN 39

(a) (b)

Figure 2. SEM image of welded sample joined under argon shielding gas at 2000 W heat input and at a) 100 b) 200 c) 300
cm/min. welding speeds.



Figure 3. SEM image of welded sample joined under helium shielding gas at 2000 W heat input and at a) 100 b) 200 c)
300 cm/min. welding speeds.
40 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

It was determined that at 2500 W heat input, at 100 ~1700µm in width in joint at 300 cm/min. It was seen
cm/min. and under argon shielding gas, the fusion zone on both sides of the welding seam that a grain
was ~1700µm in width, whereas the fusion zone was hypertrophy occurred both on the AISI 430 side at
~1300µm in width in joint at 200 cm/min. The fusion ~150µm distance, and on the AISI 304 side at ~200µm
zone was ~1200µm in width in joint at 300 cm/min. The distance (Figure 4 a-b-c).
deep penetration was ~1950µm in depth in joint at 100
cm/min., whereas the fusion zone was ~1850µm in
width in joint at 200 cm/min. and the fusion zone was

(a) (b)


Figure 4. SEM image of welded sample joined under argon shielding gas at 2500 W heat input and at a) 100
b) 200 c) 300 cm/min. welding speeds.
44 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

In the joint of AISI 430-AISI 304 samples with laser welding seam that a grain hypertrophy occurred both on
welding at 2500W heat input, at 100 cm/min. and under the AISI 430 side at ~250µm distance, and on the AISI
helium shielding gas, the fusion zone was ~1800µm in 304 side at ~350µm distance. It was determined that the
width, whereas the fusion zone was ~1400µm in width grains on the welding seam first occurred vertically to
in joint at 200 cm/min. The fusion zone was ~1350µm the main material beginning from the first seam side
in width in joint at 300 cm/min. The deep penetration where the hardness began and then the first hardened
was ~2000µm in depth in joint at 100 cm/min., whereas grains did not occur vertically on the dendritic structure
the fusion zone was ~1900µm in width in joint at 200 in the inner sides of the seam (Figure 5 a-b-c).
cm/min. and the fusion zone was ~1800µm in width in
joint at 300 cm/min. It was seen on both sides of the

(a ) (b)


Figure 5. SEM image of welded sample joined under helium shielding gas at 2500 W heat input and at a) 100 b) 200 c)
300 cm/min. welding speeds.
GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN 45

3.2. Microhardness presented in Figure 6 and Figure 7 a-b-c-d respectively.

An average value of hardness was obtained from seven
The locations of microhardness measurements and measurements
microhardness distribution of weld interface were

Figure 6. Locations of microhardness measurements of weld interface.

It is seen that hardness was maximum at the interface at rates toward the main material (about 210-290 HV).
2000 W heat input and at 100-200-300 cm/min. welding Microhardness values can be decreased as long as the
speeds joints (about 490 HV) and decreased at different welding speed increases.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 7. Microhardness values of weld interfaces a) 2000 W-Argon b) 2000 W-Helium c) 2500 W-Argon d) 2500 W-
44 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

The hardness was at 2500 W heat input joints (about that the specific gravity of helium is less than air, so the
550 HV) and decreased at different rates towards the heat generated during welding. Depending on it, the
main material (about 250-320 HV). This result shows rising of microhardness values of welding seam was
similarity with Zambon et al. and Ghaini et al. [27 and obtained.
30]. This can be explained with the Chromium, Nickel
and Carbon diffusion of parent materials at weld 3.3. Tensile Test
interface, thus it has relatively lower hardness. After LBW, averages of 12 tensile test results on the
Microhardness values of welding under argon cold tensile tests were presented in Table 4. Shape and
atmosphere were lower than those of welding under measurements of the tensile specimens were seen in
helium atmosphere. This can be explained with the fact Figure 8.

Table 4. Tensile strength of welded samples joined with LBW.

Samples Heat input Welding Speed Atmosphere Tensile Strength (MPa)

(W) (cm/min)
1 100 Argon 373
2 100 Helium 470
3 200 Argon 339
4 200 Helium 459
5 300 Argon 236
6 300 Helium 431
7 100 Argon 520
8 100 Helium 525
9 200 Argon 493
10 200 Helium 510
11 300 Argon 481
12 300 Helium 473

Figure 8. Shape and measurement of the tensile test specimens.

Plastic deformation detected in the specimens after the and this values can be increased depending on
welding was not observed. This behavior can also be increasing the heat inputs, mainly in ductile fracture
seen in the micrographs of the fractured surfaces manner due to the fact that the ferritic stainless steel is a
(Figure 9-a-b-c-d). At tensile strength tests, fractures ductile steel (Figure 9-a-b-c-d). Under given conditions
were observed at AISI 430 side close to interface. After tensile strengths were close to parent material, and
welding, it is seen that tensile strength values can be slightly decreased at increased welding speeds. This can
decreased depending on increasing the welding speed be explained with the matter of decreased heat input.
48 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9. Micrographs of the tensile fracture surfaces of the specimens observed by SEM: a) 2000 W-100 cm/min-Argon
b) 2000 W-100 cm/min-Helium, c) 2500 W-100 cm/min-Argon, d) 2500 W-100 cm/min-Helium

Therefore, better and strength welding seam was

The lowest value according to tensile strength values, at
2000 W heat input, under argon atmosphere was 3.4. XRD diffraction and EDS Analysis
obtained in the joints performed at 300 cm/min welding
speed (236 MPa) and the highest value was obtained in In the EDS analysis, In the 200 µm distance, from AISI
the joints performed, at 2500 W heat input, under 304 austenitic stainless steel to AISI 430 ferritic
helium atmosphere at 100 cm/min welding speed can be stainless steel 16 % Chromium, 1,5 % Carbon and 1 %
seen in Table 4 (525 MPa). Tensile strength values of Nickel diffusion, the equal distance occurred from AISI
welding performed under argon atmosphere were lower 430 steel to AISI 304 steel Chromium and Carbon
than those of welding performed under helium diffusion. Because, Carbon is an interstitial element and
atmosphere. It can be suggested that helium rises when stainless steel side will diffuse more easily. It is seen
it takes away a little heat from the atmosphere. that Chromium-Nickel diffusion can be decreased by
increasing the welding speed (Figure 10).
GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN 49

Figure 10. EDS Analysis of AISI 430/304 (2500-100-Helium) sample.

In the XRD analysis, like Fe, Ni-Cr-Fe, Fe-Cr-Co-Ni- (Chromium Carbur), δ-ferrite and sigma wasn’t
Mo-W and Cr2Fe6.7Mo0.1Ni1.3Si0.3 phases were observed.
determined (Figure 11). Intermetalic phase like Cr23C6
50 GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN

Figure 11. XRD Analysis of AISI 430/304 (2500-100-Helium) sample

4. CONCLUSIONS fact that AISI 430 is ferritic stainless steel is a ductile

steel. Economically, high tensile strength with low
In this study, microstructural characteristics of heat input is demanded. These circumstances were
dissimilar welded components (AISI 430 ferritic-AISI obtained at 2000 W heat input, 100 cm/min. welding
304 austenitic stainless steels) by CO2 laser beam speed and helium shielding gas. (Table 4 (470 MPa).
welding (LBW) were analyzed. The obtained results
were as following; • It was determined that the fusion zone was on
average ~1000-1800 µm in width, the deep
• AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel can be joined with penetration was on average ~1300-2000 µm in
AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel by laser welding depth. Coefficient of thermal expansion of
process using argon atmosphere, 2000 and 2500 W austenitic stainless steel is greater than ferritic
heat inputs, 100-200 and 300 cm/min welding stainless steel. Therefore, on both sides of the
speeds. welding seam, there was no a specific grain
• It was seen that hardness determined maximum ~ hypertrophy, deformation and crack formation on
490 HV at the interface at 2000 W heat input and the main materials.
100-200-300 cm/min. welding speeds joints and • The best properties in terms of microstructure,
then the hardness decreased at different rates microhardness and tensile test were observed at
towards to the main material’s hardness value (~ the specimen bonded at 2500 W heat input, at
210-290 HV). Microhardness values decreased due 100 cm/min. welding speed and helium
to the increasing welding speed. At 2500 W heat shielding gas.
input the hardness was ~ 550 HV and then the
hardness decreased at different rates towards to the • In the XRD analysis, like Fe, Ni-Cr-Fe, Fe-Cr-
main material’s hardness value (~ 250-320 HV). Co-Ni-Mo-W and Cr2Fe6.7Mo0.1Ni1.3Si0.3 phases
Microhardness values of welding under argon were determined. Intermetalic phase like Cr23C6
atmosphere were lower than those of welding under (Chromium Carbur), δ-ferrite and sigma wasn’t
helium atmosphere. Besides, coefficient of thermal observed.
conductivity of helium shielding gas is greater than
of argon. Therefore, welding seam cools rapidly. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Consequently, the microhardness values of welding The research was supported by the Scientific and
seam were obtained high. Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No:
• At tensile strength tests, fractures were TUBITAK -108M401).
observed close to AISI 430 side. After welding, it was
seen that tensile strength values decreased due to the
increasing the welding speed. This is because of the
GU J Sci, 25(1):35-52 (2012)/ Uğur ÇALIGÜLÜ, Halil DİKBAŞ, Mustafa TAŞKIN 51

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