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Gestión académica Fecha:12-03-20


SUBJECT English GRADE 11th TERM 2 nd

STRUCTURE The ones related to the topics

GOAL: Students will develop different activities that allow them to continue the development and reinforcement of
the language skills: listening, writing, reading and speaking.


Students will differentiate, learn and use the elements

related to the relative pronouns.
Relative pronouns
Through the use of different activities, students will
Ing vs be going to
understand the difference between the “-ing” and “be
Reading comprehension going to” future forms

Vocabulary Students will have an approach towards the reading

comprehension and vocabulary to improve their
understanding and speech.

Worksheet Nº ___2___ Week 1.

During the following weeks, you will be working on the development of this worksheet that has a range of activities that
go from grammar, reading, writing, listening to the speaking skill. This worksheet will be developed in a word file and
then, it will be submitted to the platform during the dates presented in it.

In May (check the platform for the schedule), you will receive an invitation to
participate, in a specific time, video-call conversation with the teacher and some of
your classmates. The conversation will take into account some of the elements
expressed in the writing and speaking part. On the other hand, you will also receive a
range of dates to be connected and live virtual support
I. Contextualization: students will contextualize their learning through a series of elements such as videos,
questions, and charts.

What are them? Check this website

https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica -britanica/relative-pronouns
You have checked the website, and you are clearer about the tense studied.

Check this video

If you could not visit the websites, read the following information:

Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, whose,
which, that. The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative

who people and sometimes pet animals defining and non-defining

defining and non-defining;

which animals and things clause referring to a whole

that people, animals and things; informal defining only

possessive meaning;
whose for people and animals usually; sometimes for things in defining and non-defining
formal situations

people in formal styles or in writing; often with a

whom preposition; rarely in conversation; used instead defining and non-defining
of who if who is the object

no relative
when the relative pronoun defines the object of the clause defining only

(In the examples, the relative pronoun is in brackets to show where it is not essential; the person or thing
being referred to is underlined). We don’t know the person who donated this money.
We drove past my old school, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.
Now, answer the questions:
1. What are the indefinite pronouns?
- indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of them can be singular in one context
and plural in another. The most common indefinite pronouns are listed below, with examples, as
singular, plural or singular/plural.
2. When do you use them?
- An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. It is vague and "not
3. Mention five indefinte pronouns.
- many, nobody, none, one, several

What about the present continuous and the “going to” as future forms?

Check this website https://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-future-plan.php ; and then, watch

this video: https://www.allthingsgrammar.com/future-present-continuous.html


 I am having a party tonight! She is coming to my house

 They are going to visit my grandmother on vacations. He is going to buy a new car.
The examples above show you how to form the sentences, in case you could not see the video.

II. Grammar in context: Students will develop different exercises to differentiate the use of relative pronouns and
the present continuous and be going to as future forms.

A. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences, use present continuous or be going to.

1. Sam (have lunch) is having lunch at the cafeteria tomorrow.

2. (A) are you (fly) flying to Dubai next week? (B) Yes, I __am___.
3. Mrs. Perkins (give) is giving her students a test in a few days.
4. Hurry! The train (leave) is leaving in ten minutes!
5. I (get up) am getting up very early tomorrow morning, at five o’clock.

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com

B. Invent three sentences by using the correct relative pronoun.
-she saw a thing in the park
-There is nothing to play with my ball
- they may learning with you the quiz of english .

Taken from agendaweb.org

III. Reading: students will have an approach towards the reading comprehension strategies.

1. Join the following link: https://www.storylineonline.net/

2. Choose one of the stories to be read.

3. Listen to it! Read it!

4. Complete the chart.

Questions Answers
What book/story did you read? Arnie

Who is the author of the book? Who read it? Laurie keller and read by chris o dowd

What did you understand about the story? Arnie is a donut what have something for say, he not
have a appareance of donut, maybe of rosquilla.
Why did you select that story? Because I feel what the story is a food and to me like
much the donuts

Remember: if you could not visit the link for this session, you could use any other resource you have
at home where you find a short story to be read. For example, a magazine, a book you have at home,
one story you have read before, among others.

IV. Listening: students will work on a listening comprehension exercise.

Visit the following link and listen to the audio in it

http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/beginner -a1-listening/ordering-food-cafe Then:

a. Develop the following steps in the audio: preparation, check your understanding 1 and 2.
b. Take a screenshot of each part with your corresponding answers.
c. Keep the screenshot in a word file, to be submitted to the platform

Remember: if you could not visit the link for this session, you could use any other resource you have at home where you
find an audio to be listened to. For example, a song in the radio, a TV program, among others.

V. Writing and speaking: Students will work on a written and oral production.

Accomplish the following task: Make a video of you. Be sure you:

a. Introduce yourself (name, age, main interests, etc.)

b. Include what your interests for the future are.
c. Mention, what are you thinking of studying about? Why? Where?
d. Write complete sentences separated by commas (,) periods (.), when
necessary, at the moment of lettering the script.
e. It should have a length no longer than two minutes.
f. You should upload the video to the drive or YouTube and then,
you should share the link in the word file.

Before writing the text and/or

rehearsing the video During writing the text and/or

 Outline your ideas write complete sentences

 Review the syntax and vocabulary check you include the information asked
 Use your dictionary and class notes. Submit the text to the teacher on time.
 Check your pronunciation speak loud and understandable
Remember: If you cannot record a video, you should write a text (divided into paragraphs) where you
include the elements asked in the point above.

The video and/or the written text will be graded under the following criteria.
Item/grade Needs Fair (3.0-3,5) Good (4,0 – 4,5) Very good Outstanding (4,5–
improvement 5,0)

Content: mention 0,0-0,2 0,3-0,4 0,5-0,6 0,7-0,8 0,9-1,0

all the information
asked for.

Syntax: use correct 0,0-0,2 0,3-0,4 0,5-0,6 0,7-0,8 0,9-1,0

and complete
sentences using
the tenses studied.

Vocabulary: shows 0,0-0,2 0,3-0,4 0,5-0,6 0,7-0,8 0,9-1,0

control of the
words to
accomplish the

Spelling and 0,0-0,2 0,3-0,4 0,5-0,6 0,7-0,8 0,9-1,0

organization: the
video accomplish
the length,
structure and
organization asked.

I will be online in the platform chat to clarify any doubt

and/or provide you with some support.
Elaborated by the eleventh grade teacher: Luz Stella Guerrero Gómez

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