Kapila Dev Glories - HVD
Kapila Dev Glories - HVD
Kapila Dev Glories - HVD
He came to give transcendental knowledge to the misguided conditioned souls. The living
entities lost the understanding of Krishna. There was no way the people could actually
understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead because they became very, they became
very philosophically inclined, very mental, intellectually.
So Kapiladeva came and through this intellectual endeavor He made them understand God.
You are saying God, you don’t, you are not interested in God because you cannot see Him,
okay come, I’ll prove that God is there. So, that’s what Kapila did through Sankhya
If you want to, philosophy means, trying to understand things with your mental ability,
intellectual ability. Philosophy means, philosophy is the process of understanding things
with your own ability, with your own perception, with your own intellect.
Therefore, they come up with different ideas, because different people have different
perceptions. But Kapiladeva came through that process, through that process of assimilating
knowledge, come to the conclusion that the Lord is there. And what is the conclusion, okay
analyze the entire material creation the entire material world has been analyzed.
The other day we discussed, how many of you remember ? With how many elements the
material, how many considerations, the entire material creation has been analyzed ?
Devotees: twenty four
HH BCS : So tell me how, what are those twenty four ?
Devotee. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, then five senses, then sense objects.
HH BCS : How many ?
Devotee?. Fifteen
HH BCS : No, sense objects is how many ?
Devotee…. five
HH BCS : Okay, fifteen, okay, then ? Five working senses! How many ?
Devotee: five
HH BCS : Okay, fifteen ? Okay, then ? Five working senses, how many ? Twenty, okay,
then ?
Devotee : Then, mind, intelligence, false ego.
HH BCS : Twenty three
Devotee : Twenty three
HH BCS : And then ?
Devotee…. Mahattatva
HH BCS : Twenty four, entire material nature has been analyzed.
But where were you ? (laughs) That’s what Kapila, that is, the point is, He is raising, okay
the whole material nature has been analyzed, but the material, this is being experienced by
whom ? By the individual. So where is the individual ? Could He find the individual in the
material nature ? No.
So, where is he found ? Beyond material nature. So, individual, therefore is non material.
So, we see that how they transcended the material nature and came to the spiritual platform.
Then, we all are individuals. So, do we have an origin ? So who is the origin of all
individuals? Krishna. So, twenty six. So, Krishna is established. Ok, so that is the real
sankhya. So, in this way, Kapiladeva made even the atheistic people recognize the existence
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
In the mode of goodness, people tend can become too much involved in, in austerities and
pious, piety for their personal elevation. So that is also another mistake. Like, forgetting
Krishna they are trying to enjoy themselves, elevating to the heavenly planets. When you
read the scriptures, you see specially Ramayan, you see all these sages were performing
such severe austerities just to become elevated to the heavenly planets. Hardly anyone was
actually pursuing devotional service. So,that means they were in mode of goodness but they
were not involved in devotional service so Kapiladeva came and gave them the process of
devotional service
2. Brief Life history of Kapiladev and his parents
In Satya Yuga Kardama Muni worshipped lord Vishnu through devotional service
Being pleased with Kardama Muni, Lord Vishnu appeared and informed him that his
heart’s desire would be fulfilled by Svayambhu Manu, who will come to see him
Svayambhu Manu visited Kardama Muni as foretold by Lord Vishnu and Kardama
Muni married his daughter Devahuti
Devahuti served her husband with great love, Pleased with her services Kardama
Muni created an aerial mansion for her
For the pleasure of Kardama Muni mother Devahutis maidservants decorated her
with very excellent and valuable jewels
After receiving instructions from Kapila Muni Kardama Muni travelled the globe as
a sannyasi
Śrī Śaunaka said: Although He is unborn, the Supreme Personality of Godhead took birth
as Kapila Muni by His internal potency. He descended to disseminate transcendental
knowledge for the benefit of the whole human race.
Śaunaka continued: There is no one who knows more than the Lord Himself. No one is
more worshipable or more mature a yogī than He. He is therefore the master of the Vedas,
and to hear about Him always is the actual pleasure of the senses.
5. Relationship between Spiritual master and disciple shown by Devahuti
Your Lordship is my only means of getting out of this darkest region of ignorance because
You are my transcendental eye, which, by Your mercy only, I have attained after many,
many births.
This verse is very instructive, since it indicates the relationship between the spiritual
master and the disciple. The disciple or conditioned soul is put into this darkest region of
ignorance and therefore is entangled in the material existence of sense gratification. It is
very difficult to get out of this entanglement and attain freedom, but if one is fortunate
enough to get the association of a spiritual master like Kapila Muni or His representative,
then by his grace one can be delivered from the mire of ignorance.
The spiritual master is therefore worshiped as one who delivers the disciple from the mire of
ignorance with the light of the torch of knowledge. The word pāragam is very
significant. pāragam refers to one who can take the disciple to the other side. This side is
conditioned life; the other side is the life of freedom. The spiritual master takes the disciple to the
other side by opening his eyes with knowledge.
We are suffering simply because of ignorance. By the instruction of the spiritual master, the
darkness of ignorance is removed, and thus the disciple is enabled to go to the side of freedom. It
is stated in Bhagavad-gītā that after many, many births one surrenders to the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Similarly, if, after many, many births, one is able to find a bona fide
spiritual master and surrender to such a bona fide representative of Kṛṣṇ a, one can be taken to
the side of light.
6. Symptoms of a Sadhu Explained by Kapila Deva
Srimad Bhagawatam: 3.25.21
titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ
suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām
ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ
sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ
The symptoms of a sādhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities.
He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are