GBG Pastimes - Part 2

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Gopala Bhatta Goswami : Part 2 – HG Amarendra Prabhu

59.55: But in Vrindavan, everyday Krishna shows His opulence, but their love just goes sky high. It
doesn’t fall down, Mother Yashoda feels, oh my son is gone, oh! It doesn’t feel like oh, my son is gone!
“Sahasrasirsa purushaha, sahasrapta sahasra paad….” Not the Purusha Sukta, it’s only embraces and
kisses that Krishna needs from Mother Yashoda.

This is where the opulence, the Aishwarya gets eclipsed by the Madhurya Rasa. When Krishna would
play in the dust, Mother Yashoda would dress Krishna so beautifully, give Him a nice bath and comb his
hair, tie His hair. Chandan, aguru, camphor, musk- all these fragrances; and all these flowers and
earrings and all these dhotis, and nice earrings and nice dhotis and nice matching waist cloth. And at the
end, she would take (action of taking kajal from eye and putting it on face) so that there’s no evil eye.
But what to do? Where to put it as it was not seen on Krsna’s face! She would keep blessing Krishna with
all her love.

This Krishna who’s so beautiful and decked up, would roll in the dust of Vrindavan. When He would
come home, His face would be covered with mud- head to toe! And just the eyes are blinking! Mother
Yashoda would say what is this? Krishna would say, it is me!” Looking at Krishna in that eventful state
she would call out

He Govinda, He Putana re, Oh killer of Putana, were you a pig in your last life? Look at yourself !!! Krsna
would say to himself, yes Varaha Dev! My mother has recognized me. So he would just smile. Then in
pure ecstatic love, there is knowledge and renunciation, automatically. So she knows I was a
transcendental boar in the past life. So much of opulence, but completely eclipsed by sweetness

Krishna on the chariot to Arjuana also showed the virat roop, Arjuna got bewildered, also showed the 4
handed form of Narayan again Arjuna got bewildered. Then showed the 2 handed form which Arjuna
could relate to. So Krsna has displayed the form of NArayan. In Vrindavan too, when he was performing
the Rasa Lila, Vasant Rasa Lila in Chandra Sarovar. Even now that village is there- Petha gaon. If you’ve
gone on Parikrama you can see. So when Krishna disappeared from the Rasa Lila in Chandra Sarovar,
very beautiful. by the way has anyone been to Chandra Sarovar? So beautiful, so calm, so serene. Not
anytime, even in Karthik you go to Chandra Sarovar it’s always going to be isolated. It’s not one of those
umm…sought after places. If you go to Radha Kund, if you go to Govardhan parikrama, you’ll always find
people. But if you want to chant your 16 rounds like in complete serinity, Chandra Sarovar is the place.
So beautigul, no cars, no one around, it’s just the waters of Chandra Sarovar and the sadhaka.

So when Krishna left the Rasa lila at Candra sarovara, the gopis went searching for Him and Krishna
assumed the 4 handed Maha Visnu form. And the gopis came, and bowed down and said, can you tell
me where our Shyamasundar is? With the 4 hands He pointed in 4 different directions, but it’s the right
answer, where is your Shyamasundar? He’s present everywhere. “anor aniyan mahatomahiyan..”
smaller than the smallest, larger then the largest, he’s found in the atoms, he’s balancing the cosmos.
He’s present everywhere. And the pure devotees also see Him everywhere. “yo maam pacyati sarvaam..

so Krishna is there everywher, he pointed in 4 different directions. So Radha Rani came running and
pleaded and said, can you tell me where my Shyam sundar is, and Krishna could no longer hold his form
and 2 of His hands melted and flute appeared. And he was playing, here I am (action of playing flute).
With ecstatic prema, Krishna appears.

So all of these pastimes in Vrindavan, and all this mention, and this exit that we took in our discussion is
to understand that the mood of Vrindavan is different from the mood of Vaikuntha. It is the same God.
Displaying more intimacy in Vrindavan. So all this discussion took place with Venkata Bhatt Goswami Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So Vyenkata bhatta, Prabhodanand Sarasawati, Tirumala Bhat, they’re all
surrendered to the Gaudiya Vaishnav pholisophy from that time they’re always following the teachings
of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and worship of Radha Krishna.
In fact, PRabhpdananda Saraswati’s (PS) works are saturated with RK prem. Generally you have an
author, he goes with a specific theme or flow, but PS is an intoxicated person, a mad man, transcendenal
every verse is bursting with its own direction. Like verse number 31 will describe something and verse
32 wont be in connection with 31. It will be something else. So depending the ecstatic eruptions in his
heart, he composes.

So in this way, he so wonderfully describes that at the end of the 2 more weeks that Chaitainya
Mahaprabhu stayed. There was ectatic kirtan, katha, prasadam, caranamrt and seva and at the end
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU left. He blessed Gopal Bhatt Goswami (GBG) and instructed him, just like he
instructed the other goswamis, you should stay here with your parents. He said, I want to come with
you, I want to serve. “prema dhana jana vyartha daridra jivan 1:06” without prema, one is impoverished.
Please take me and empower me with your love.

‘When the time comes, I will work for you, but for now serve your parents. They are pure vaishnavas by
serving them you make advancement.’

So GBG under PS, he served his parents for many years. And then once his parents were in his last years,
they held his hands and said, “Our only desire, is after we depart from this world, you should go serve
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, give your life for CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.’ and in this mood, VB and his
good wife, both chanting the names of Sri CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, remembering the pastimes of Sri
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, remembering all the past times of Sri CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU spent in their
house, remembering all of this, they left their body at the same time, both husband and wife. GBG
received this last instruction to serve CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU from his parents.

Now instead of running to Jagannth Puri where Sri CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU was, he preferred to run to
Vrindavan to fulfil the instructions of CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU. So this is where Vapu seva and Vani
seva come into picture for a devotee. Both are important. Vapu seva means serving the manifest form of
the manifest form of the Vaishnav or the spiritual master and Vani seva means fulfilling the instructions
of the spiritual master. SRILA PRABHUPADA would say both are important but between the 2, vani seva
is more important. Because the form of the spiritual master may disappear after a point; but his
instructions, eternally reside. “Vilasirutat nityam bhakti sidhhanta vani”1:08.” That may the teachings of
BSST eternally dance in the courtyard of my heart. SRILA PRABHUPADA would repeat this.

Sometimes his Godbrother, SRILA PRABHUPADA’s godbrother would criticize SRILA PRABHUPADA. SRILA
PRABHUPADA didn’t go to the samadhi of BSST. They would find some petty reasons to complain. SRILA
PRABHUPADA would say, smile and say, they have to go and meet their guru. But because im executing
the instruction of my guru, my guru travels with me. They believe he is gone that’s why they have to go
to the samadhi. So the spiritual master resides with the disciple, lives with the disciples. SRILA
PRABHUPADA would say, I eternally live within my books. Sometimes in room conversations, disciples
would ask, ‘what would we do after you disappear?’ Prabhupad would say, “I will never disappear, I will
always be there!” “but what if we cannot see you Prabhupad?” “You can find me in the pages of my
books. Whatever I have to say, it is all there in these books. If you read these books, I am talking to you.”

So vani seva is very imp. By reading the books of Srila Rupa Goswami, we are actually resonating and we
are associating with the words of Srila Rupa Goswami. By reading the words of Prabhupad and BSST and
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, we are actually serving the acaryas.

So GBG instead of running to Jagannath Puri and being with CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, he decided to do
Vani seva. He went towards Vrin. And CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU told Sanatana Goswami and Rupa
Goswami, that one wonderful boy, called GBG is going to come to Vrindavan so please take of him like
you would take care of your younger brother. So GBG went to Vrindavan, and it was Rupa Goswami and
Sanatan Goswami, Bhugarp Goswami, Lokanath Goswami who welcomed GBG, they offered garlands to
GBG. They said we’ve heard so much about your scholoarship, CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU told us so
many beautiful things about your qualities. GBG said “No no no, you are Guru jan, I’ve come here to
assist you,” and this way, very beautiful converaations took place.

Parallelly in Jagannath Puri, CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU was reading Srimad Bhagvatam with Gadhadhar
Pandit and so many other associates. And both of them would embrace each other and cry. How can we
understand? (x2) They would weep while reading Srimad Bhagvatam, they would drink Srimad
Bhagvatam. Just like we were describing Raghunath Bhatt Goswami, this is how they read Srimad
Bhagvatam. They were not reading it yes, I know this I know this. It’s about experiencing what is
happening there. The verses of SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM come alive by serving vaishnavas. Otherwise, it
will remain theoretical. “Vasudeva katha rucih “) the taste for hearing and understanding the shastra
comes by mahatseva by serving pure vaishnavas. So this is the highest ideal in our life. To serve those
who are better, higher, higher ranked vaishnavas. Serve all vaishnavas but we must try to be in the lotus
feet of high class vaishnavas. Rupa Goswami says this in Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu,

He says there are 3 things important. ‘Sajatiye’-That person must be like minded. If you want to go to
Vrindavan, you want to follow the footsteps of Subal Sakha for example, and if that person is a
worshiper of Lakshmi Narasimha, it is not like minded. ‘Snigdhe’ they must have genuine, loving concern
and affection for you as a superior. And they must be sadhu. ‘Svato vare’ svato means higher and vare
means self. Rupa Goswami says the more we associate with persons of higher spiritual standing,
humility develops because we will be humiliated, in a good way. Because when we are with equals, its
always an egoistic clash. And when we are with juniors, its always a wonderful fake devotional attire to
pull off, to impress. And when we are always with people who are junior who are subordinate, then the
false ego will be puffed up. All the time. But all the times we associate with senior Vaishnavas and we
serve them humbly, there is no question of duplicity. They will cut through us.

So GBG said no you are superior, I just want to be at your lotus feet. And here in Jagannath Puri, Sri
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and Gadhadar pandi reading Srimad Bhagavatam, both in Radha Bhav. Srimad
Bhagvatam is actually the taste of Radha Rani’s love for Krishna. it was spoken by Sukadeva Goswami
who was Radha Ranis’s parrot. This whole Srimad Bhagwatam is Radha Rani’s bhav, and now Radha
Rani’s mention is not there because she is so selfless and she doesn’t think of herself in her heart.
SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM is actually a portion of Radha Rani’s love for Krishna.
There are many reasons Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur gives as to why Radha Rani’s name is
not found in SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM. In one Radhaashtami class, in 1932, SBSST was asked this question.
As to why Radha Rani’s name was kept hidden in Srimad Bhagavatam? Radha Rani’s name is invaluable,
it’s a treasure, so why not give it out to everyone? So BSST said, is it wise to protect a pearl necklace
from monkeys by protecting it? Or is it wise to see the monkeys and wantingly giving it out? You know
the monkeys would just take the pearl necklace break it apart and chew those pearls and throw it on the
ground. So if anything is freely given, the monkey like mentality will have not have any regard for it. But
the more confidential it is kept, the more eagerness to find it. Anyways there are many reasons.

So both CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU Krishna in Radha Bhav, and Gadhadhar Pandit in Radha Bhav are both
ecstatically reading Srimad Bhagavatam are crying SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM and the pages are all wet.
And at time CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU tells Gadhadhar Pandit its been such a long time since I have
heard from rupa and Sanatana in Vrindavan. I don’t know what is happening in Vrindavan I hope GBG
has reached safely. I have not received any message. And as CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU was speaking
this, one messenger comes. And it was very rare to receive messages like that. He comes with a message
like that I have a message from Rupa and Sanatana from Vrindavan. And CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU
opened up the letter and reads the whole letter. It talks about GBG’s arrival in Vrindavan and his
transcendental qualities how Rupa and Sanatana welcomed him, how humble and how meek he was.
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU had so much ecstasy and he spoke to all the devotees from head head to toe
the transcendental qualities of GBG. And he happily reciprocated to that message, CAITANYA
MAHAPRABHU sent his kaupin. Because it is described, that when the kaupin of a self-realized
personality is accepted as prasad, the attack of Kamadev and lust will diminish in the life of the devotee.
So therefore, CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU even rips apart the kaupin strands of Nityananda Prabhu and
tells the devotee if you tie it on your head and take it as prasad, then lust will go.

He gives his kaupin. He gives outer shawl (baher vyas), and at the same time he gives his wooden seat
that he sat on. CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU had a wooden aasan that he would sit on, he sent it as prasad
for GBG. And in that letter he said I instruct GBG to start giving diksha. So its kind of fascinating. Rupa
and Sanatan Goswami were very humble to accept anyone. Loknath Goswami has taken a vrat he would
not initiate anyone but due to the humility of NArottam Das Thakur broke the vrat of Loknath Goswami
and he had to give diksha to Narottam Goswami. But here CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU is giving an outright
instruction to GBG.and its very beaituflly described that when GBG entered Vrindavan,

Asiya paiya rupa sanatana sange dui raghunatha sanga preme ratha range“1:17:50….”

So its described that GBG when he came to Vrindavan he was welcomed by Rupa and Sanatan and he
not just welcomed, he had the association of Rupa and Sanatana and the 2 Raghunaths. Now the
academic scholars start moving. They said wait a minute, Raghunath Das Goswami went to Vrindavan
after the departure of CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, so how is CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU on the planet
while GBG entered Vrindavan? You see what is happening? Is everyone awake? Samadhi?

So the answer to this is that is not a context of the entrance of GBG. It just mentions in one of the verses
that) that it was not necessarily giving the welcome, but after CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU had left and
Raghunath Das Goswami came then Raghunath Bhatt Goswami and the associates. There’s a book called
‘Anuragavalli’ which describes these beautiful biographies and the academic research perspective for all
of them that very beautifully reconciles.
So GBG was now in Vrindavan Rupa and Sanatan said your pujari, Ranganath Dev, Srirangam, so you
should now become the head pujari of Radha Govind Dev of Rupa Goswami. GBG started worshipping
Radha Govind Dev and he received all these gifts. He would bow down to the kaupin and the wooden
seat, bow down to the chadar again bow down to kaupin and again bow down to the wooden seat. Why
because the articles the paraphernalia that have been used by pure Vaishnavas are as worshippable as
pure Vaishnavas.

“aradhananam sarvesham visnor aradhanam param, tasmat parataram devi tadiyanam


Lord Shiva tells mother Parvati of all the worship, the worship of Vishnu is highest. But greater than the
worship of Vishnu, is the worship of Vishnu’s pure devotees. So similarly, if you have any article or any
paraphernalia used by a pure vaishnava, that must be worshipped as wonderfully as the pure vaishnava.

Here is a beautiful story in SRILA PRABHUPADA’s biography. Once, a disciple of SRILA PRABHUPADA
received his ring. SRILA PRABHUPADA had many rings and one of those rings was received by one of his
disciples. This disciple kept this ring in a nice box in a nice case. And years after SRILA PRABHUPADA
departed from this world also he would worship this ring on his altar. Now also if you go to the
PRabhupada House in Vrindavan, you can see the articles that SRILA PRABHUPADA had used. So
wonderfully documented and preserved. His glasses, his pens, his footprints. Even in our Juhu temple,
SRILA PRABHUPADA quarters, so beautiful so wonderfully kept.

So he had this ring of SRILA PRABHUPADA which was very dear to his heart. Unfortunately, in his house,
there was an accidental fire. And they had kept a bag ready with all important documents that any
unforeseen circumstance takes place, just take the bag and leave. And interestingly that came handy. So
they took the bag and escaped. And after they came out, the house was burning, this disciple realized,
I’m out but the ring that he gave me with so much faith is burning inside. Now my question is, what
would we do in such a situation? Enter in the fire and get the article? (laughter)

So there was fire and the devotee didn’t realise about this article, the firefighters came then this
devotee had this thought, SRILA PRABHUPADA’s ring is inside, how dare I come out? This disciple was so
dedicated to SRILA PRABHUPADA that he jumped in the fire and entered the house though it was
burning. So we can speak all the good stuff when the temperature is good, when Krishna increases the
temperature to a little, we cant even do a Govardhan parikrama. So this prabhuji entered, got SRILA
PRABHUPADA’s ring and rushed to the hospital with 80% burns. 80% but the ring was safe. What would
we call this?

So you can imagine GBG bowing down and worshipping the kaupin and the baher vyas and the wooden
seat, he’s bowing down and worshipping! This is Gaura Hari! Because of this ecstasy that night,
CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU came in his dream and said I want you to worship a Shaligram Shila. And at
that time it was not that easy, you fed a brahman who has a shaligram shila and you get it. The
instruction given by CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU was, walk your way back to Kali Gandaki, in present day
Nepal. And get a Shaligram Shila. The first shila you encounter that’s the Shila that you have to worship.
And its described CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU after this instruction, empowered GBG on how to find the
So GBG walked all the way from Vrindavan, all the way walking to find one shila to fulfil the instruction
of CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU. our spiritual masters give us so many instructions, we take it so cheaply.
Atleast I’m talking about myself.

My Guru Maharaja once hammered me for 35 minutes in a room conversation. There were 30 devotees
in the room. They all wanted to meet Guru Maharaj. So GM called me and came so heavy, I could never
imagine that aspect of Srila Radha Govind Maharaj. And very heavy like a butcher’s knife. And to add
supreme salt to the wound, 30 devotees in the room. In such a one to one, they’re listening very
intently. “Guru mukha padma vakya, …” very beautiful when you are an on-looker. He was hammering
and pounding again and again. The personal servant came and told GM, there are other devotees
waiting, GM said, I’m not done with him yet. He gave me around 20 instructions in that 35 minutes. We
don’t take as intensely as we should. Honestly,it was the best day of y life. GM realized that I was being
beaten up literally. My mother was there. We waited for 3-4 hours to get in for those 35 minutes. GM
really chastised me, very heavy. And towards the end, he realized it was getting too much for me to
take. Then he told me a story to make me smile. I have a picture of me looking at GM laughing at that
joke. The biggest treasure of my life.

The point is we hear all these instructions but how many do we take it to heart? Understanding it’s
Krsna, our chaitya guru giving those instructions. But for GBG, it was one dream and he set out, finished!
We would probably think, no all day I was thinking about the kaupin and the wooden seat therefore I
during the night of course I dream and maybe it’s just a superimposed perception of my thoughts
anyways Gandaki is too far away, and Mahaprabhu didn’t want me to walk.

And CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU would become kurma Chaitanya in extacy, he would become like a
tortoise. His hands would go inside and the middle portion of his body would be like a shell and he
would be like that in ectacy. sometime his hands and legs would dislocate and floating on the surface of
the ocean like a haunted ghost. This form of kurma Chaitanya manifested as the first shaligram shila that
GBG was going to take.

So GBG entered the sacred waters and he took water to offer to the sun as he took the holy water, he
got the shaligram shila. He put the shila back, and he said no no I’ve to offer to surya dev first. Again and
again the same shila hopped back inside his hands when he was offering his prayers to surya dev. He
realized that CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU wants me to accept. Later he placed the shila very carefully.
Then again he took another 11 shilas so in total 12 shilas GBG took. And interestingly, the first shila
which was CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU’s manifested shila was Damodar shila. So he got them to

So he went back to Vrindavan. And interestingly during his way to KaliGandaki while he was going
towards the river, he passed through a village called Devabandha. He met a brahmana by the name
Madhavprasad Sharma. He had 2 sons- Gopinath Sharma and Damodar Sharma. And GBG initated them.
They assisted in GBG’s worship of the shilas.

Then as we know, in Vrindavan all the leading Goswamis they all have their own rules. And his Sanatan
Goswami had his MAdanMohan deity which was actually the Madana Gopal deity. All these prominent
deities were attracting the hearts and minds of the brajvasis. And one very wealthy rich man, a
merchant, he was going around donating flutes, turbans, waist cloth, flower garlands for all these
deities. And for GBG’s deities too, he gave a crown, flute, waist cloth, ankle bells, necklaces, GBG is
thinking none of this makes sense. Because my shaligram shila who is sakshat Bhagavan Sri Krishna, he
doesn’t have eyes and ears to wear necklaces and waist cloth. This was a big anxiety.

At that night when GBG went to sleep, CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU came in his dream and said I’m very
pleased with your worship. I am also very pleased you initiated Gopinath and Damodar Sharma to assist
you. And I also know your heart is anxious, the Shaligram doesn’t have a form, but I assure you, very
soon, Sri Krishna will manifest from the shila depending on your intensity and hankering. And GBG felt
so ecstatic that now his shaligram shila is going to get a 3 fold bending and he can keep a flute and waist
cloth and waist belt and a turban! He can put all the ornaments. So what he would do? He would put his
shaligram in a very sacred cloth and swing them from a branch of a tree. Because he didn’t have RK. And
he used to weep, unless you don’t manifest you have to accept my worship to shilas. He would swing
them back and forth singing songs. And when he would see the shila, he would imagine the face to be
like Radha Madan Mohan of Santana Goswami, the chest to be like Radha Govind Dev, and the feet to
be like Radha Gopinath. Different biographies give it differently. One biography gives, Govind, Gopinath,
Madan Mohan. Another biographer gives it as, Madan Mohan, Govind and Gopinath. Well the essence
is, he imagined how his deity is going to look. He was trying to take different pieces of different deities
and trying to imagine his deity. But his intensity and hankering just went day after day after day. It was
sporting like a volcano. Everyone would worship. They would get flower garlands, waist belts. He would
go and different deities would have waist cloth and ankle bells. He would look at the shilas and cry. He
would say today I would have to bathe you with the water of my tears, why wouldn’t you take my form?
I know you are there!’

Now the word ‘shaligram’ according to Padma Purana, Shala means glorifications. And grama means
village. So village of glorification. In the village we know, every house is related to each other. Everyone
knows everyone, they come with a stick in times of need. So a village is considered to be a symbol and
emblem of unity. So Shaligram means that place that personality who is a shila, a stone who is worthy of
village like of united, collective glorification.

So its very glorious to own shaligram shilas. Padma purana describes different shilas on the basis of their
chakras and the signs. If they open vadana (1:35:49) and if they have a chakra at the bottom and if they
meet, it’s a certain shila. If they don’t meet, it’s a certain shila. If they have 3 chakras, it’s a certain shila.

So GBG was anxiously praying for his shila to manifest. His mood exploded on Narasimha Chaturdashi.
Why? Because everyone was speaking of the story where the Lord came out of a pillar which was stone.
So GBG would hear the story all day, from everyone. He would walk different streets to get away from
the story and then they would say Gopal do you know, Narasimha Dev appeared form a pillar, from a
pillar? And then he would cry only if I was Prahlad! He told his shaligram, he gave an ultimatum, I’m
gingg to the Yamuna to take a bath and when I come back and I should see something. If I return and I
don’t see a manifestation of your form, then I will tie all these shilas to my neck and jump in the Yamuna
and take my life. What is the use if worshipping if you can’t reciprocate? Don’t be so stone hearted!
Only pure devotes can chastise Krsna. If we chastise, we already have mountains of apradh, then Krishna
will say, ‘acha, you already have seva aparadh, jiva aparadh’. We cannot do it. This is the expression of

Now he told the shila, the shilas were trembling. He went for his bath and came back. With his own eyes
he couldn’t believe his Damodar shila had manifested into a sweet 3 fold bending form of Sri Sri Radha
Raman ji. He is the heart beat of Vrindavan. BSST would say Radha Raman is the only deity who didn’t
leave Vrindavan ever. All the other deities were taken to Jaipur and Karauli to save them from the
Mughals. But Radha Raman is so small a deity that you can put him in your pocket and hide him. You
cant hide the big deities. Anyone who takes the darshan of Radha Raman, gets the benefit of seeing
Govindji, Gopinath and Madanmohan and all the 5000 temples in Vrindavan. They were worshipped
with so much love. And interestingly the form was such that all the ankle bells, the waist cloth and
necklaces exactly fit Radha Raman. Distinctly his eyes, his lips, his nose. How many of us have seen
Radha Raman? (breaks into kirtan)

Radha Raman in Vrindavan has own steam engine, he has own ship, train, dining room and the deity is
takent here to have his lunch. Sometimes he sits on a steam engine for his entertainment. He wakes up
Radha Raman as a baby and they have a datum they have to brush his teeth. The fire that is used has
been burning for 500 years. Its not that they set fire every time, it’s the same fire. And interestingly,
because he manifested from a shaligram shila, there is no RR. Then whyis he called Radha Raman?
Because Rupa Goswami said he is appeared near Nidhi van, the place of Rasa lila. So this is the place
where Krishna gives pleasure to Radha Rani. Because the word ‘Ram’ or ‘Raman’ means to give pleasure.

And interestingly when you see on the altar, you see a very beautiful throne with Radha Rani there with
a very nice decoration of cloth. So the goswamis describe many reasons, this deity is Krishna Himself.
And the cloth covering here, inside has a feather with Radha written in Sanskrit. So that Radha name is
non different from RR. Another meaning is that in the heart of Krishna, is RR so it’s Radha Raman. So
very beaitfully he was decorated and he was given a bath and all the vaishnavas came and bowed down
to see GBG’s worship.

GBG was afraid of whats going to happen to Radha Raman after he departed. So he told his disciples
please take care. He told Gopinath Sharma whom he had initiated, please take care of Radha Raman.
Which means you have to get married. As you are a celibate, after your time your departure, again who
is going to take care of Radha Raman. So you have to get married. He said gurudev, you give me any
instruction but I don’t want to get married I want to remain a bhrahmachari. So the other brother
Damodar Sharma, GBG told him you have to get married. He said alright. So the present line of Pundarik
Goswami that we see worshipping Radha Raman, comes in the lineage of Damodar Sharma- disciples of

GBG lived in Vrindavan. He wrote many beautiful books. The Hari Bhakti Vilas which is very popularly
called as Sanatan Goswami’s work is actually GBG’s work. GBG wrote this book and Sanatan Goswami
complied it and organized it systematically. Similarly another great work for the Gaudiya literature, Sat
Sandharbhas which is credited to Jiva Goswami is actually the original work of GBG. In the Mangalacaran
he says, this is actually the work of a very exalted scholar from South India. And Baldev Vidyabhushan
when he comments he said it is GBG. So Jiva Goswami has compiled and put things together in proper
order. GBG gave the content. Even the Satkriya Sara Dipika, the essence of all the samskaras, the deity
worship manual comes completely from this book. So GBG was a very great scholar.

But now there was a big anxiety in the life of the acaryas- the 6 goswamis. They’re writing all these
books but what will happen to after their time? So Sri CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU empowered 3
wonderful acaryas. He empowered Srinivas Acarya who is a partial incarnation of CAITANYA
MAHAPRABHU, he empowered Narottam Das Thakur, who is a partial incarnation of Nityananda Prabhu
and Shyamananda Prabhu was a partial expansion of Advaita Acarya. So these 3 great personalities were
empowered to preserve the books of the Goswamis. So today we have Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu and
Upadeshamrta all of these wonderful books under the protection under these divine personalities.

Srinivas Acarya was the son of Chaitanya Das, who all day and night spoke about Sri CAITANYA
MAHAPRABHU. the activities, the name, the form, the pastimes, the Dham, the associates, the devotees
and the glories of Sri CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and the gift of CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU of loudly
chanting Hare Krishna! So Chaitanya Das was speaking so much about CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU that he
had a burning desire

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