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Dynamic Marching & Movement – THE SYSTEM

Mastering Marching & Movement Instruction

All Instruments
 Posture checklist
 Horn angles match within sections
 Armpits and elbows match within each section
 “Nose over Toes”

Bell-Front Instruments
 Left hand can support horn by itself
 Right hand in “The Claw”
 Clearly define elbows in relation to tuning slides
 Parallel to ground, Up to Box, Down (Carry), Parade Rest

 Parallel to ground, Down (Carry), Parade Rest
 NEVER UP & to the box, sometimes turn shoulders in toward box

Parallel or Turned Out?
 Parallel feet at attention (Like the Cadets) – if so… you will not use “together, together” (below)
 90 degrees when at attention (like Everyone Else)

Mark Time Sequence

Counts Vocal What is happening?

1 Mark (instructor only) nothing
2 Time (instructor only) nothing
3 Mark (instructor only) nothing
4 nothing
5 Together Left foot moves to parallel flat-footed
6 Together Right foot moves to parallel flat-footed
7 Left Left heel moves 1” off the ground and taps down on 7
8& Lock Push Right heel moves 1” off the ground and taps down on 8, lock out the
right and left knees, lift the toe of the left foot, push from ball of right
foot into count one
1 One Left heel strikes 22.5” away, both legs straight, hips & weight 50%
between two feet, back heel low as possible.

Teaching Sequence
 Start without technique… I start in the band room and ask them to just move feet to the beat to
a funky piece of music (Tower of Power?!)
 Left foot only on 1 & 3, Right foot only on 2 & 4, Clap on odds, clap on evens, etc.
 They should be relaxed and focus on what foot is on what beat – not what they look like.

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