Nicole Bigar PDF
Nicole Bigar PDF
Nicole Bigar PDF
At some point I started to explore a new Jeff: You were just in love w ith art
w ay of painting. I would w ait until I and you were painting.
would feel a sudden urge to move, and I
would listen to music and sw ing. It w as Nicole: No one ever expected to
a new w ay of painting that came directly become famous.
from the heart. Still to this day, before I Jeff: It sounds like you were
start a painting, I sit for a long time and exploring free and spontaneous
empty my mind and w ait until I feel the expression ? you weren?t doing
urge to move. And then I start, and the representational painting, so you
first color refers to the next one and as weren?t taking something that you
the colors keep coming, I look for the had envisioned in your head and
vibrancy between them. Sometimes it reproducing it on canvas ? you
works and I get something wonderful, were in a creative, flow ing process.
but not alw ays. Sometimes it doesn?t You were allow ing yourself to be
work, and I just erase and start again. guided by the process itself.
Nicole: Yes, sometimes it w as as
though somebody w as holding your
hand, like a higher power.
Jeff :W ho do you think is painting
w hen that happens?
Nicole: A higher order. It doesn?t
alw ays happen, but w hen it does, it
is very exciting.
Jeff:This is w hy people devote their
life to art, for those times w hen you
feel yourself being moved by
something bigger than you.
Nicole: Yes. It?s very exciting.
Jeff: How long have you been
I finished this interview w ith one last question, ?Please tell us Nicole, w hat makes
you paint?? In response to that question, Nicole sent us the follow ing poem called A
Painter?s Journey.