Background: Magma is molten (melted) rock below the surface. Magmas can differ in their mineral
content. For example, basaltic (mafic) magma forms at the mid‐ocean ridges or at hot spots under the
ocean crust, and is high in iron and magnesium, but is low in silica. Silica is found in the form of little
pyramid‐shaped building blocks called silica tetrahedrons. Rhyolitic (granitic) magma forms from the
partial melting of continental crust and is low in iron and magnesium, but high in silica. The silica
content of a magma determines whether it is viscous or fluid. Basaltic (mafic) magma has a low silica
content, andesitic (intermediate) magma has a medium silica content, while rhyolitic magma has a high
silica content. As the silica content of a magma increases, the silica tetrahedrons tend to bond together
into chains. In addition to the silica, magmas will contain metals such as Fe, Mg, and Ca.
Basaltic (mafic) magma is associated with volcanoes such as Mauna Loa of Hawaii, which erupt
frequently but are not very explosive. Andesitic (intermediate) magma is associated with composite
volcanoes such as Mount Saint Helens or Mount Vesuvius, which are explosive, but do not erupt very
often. Rhyolitic (granitic) magma rarely comes to the surface. When it does, it forms a supervolcano,
such as Yellowstone or the Long Valley Caldera. Such volcanoes are so explosive that they don’t usually
produce a volcanic cone, just a caldera where the ground collapses after a magma chamber empties
Viscosity can be measured in a unit called a Pascal‐second, or Pa*s. In the Table 3 you will see the
viscosity of two liquids that you observed as well as sample viscosities of basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic
magmas. Use the table to answer questions 9‐12.
Table 3
water Corn syrup Basaltic magma Andesitic magma Rhyolitic magma
Pa*s Pa*s Pa*s Pa*s Pa*s
.001 (1/1,000) 5.0 1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000,000
9. You saw the difference between the viscosity of the water and the viscosity of the corn syrup. Is
there an even greater difference between the viscosity of basalt magma and the viscosity of rhyolite
10. If corn syrup and water flowed out of a volcano, which would flow farthest?
11. Volcanoes with fluid magma, have thin lava flows that travel a long distance before they harden. As
a result, the slope of the volcano is very gradual. Shield volcanoes have a gradual slope. Would you
expect shield volcanoes to be made of basaltic magma or andesitic magma?
12. Volcanoes containing rhyolitic magma tend to be so explosive that they spray the lava into the air,
creating ash and pumice. Once the gas is released, any remaining magma flows very slowly. Why
are rhyolite volcanoes so explosive?
13. If you were to get samples of the volcanic rocks around the Long Valley Caldara, what type of
magma do you think you would find? Explain.
rhyolitic Usually
no cone