Rubric PDF
Rubric PDF
Rubric PDF
Skills 5 4 3 2 1
Depth of Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a basic Demonstrate a Demonstrate little or
conscious and thoughtful understanding of the limited understanding no understanding of
reflection thorough understanding of the writing prompt and of the writing prompt the writing prompt
understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter. and subject matter. and subject matter.
writing prompt and the subject matter. This reflection needs This reflection needs
the subject matter. revision. revision.
This reflection can be
used as an example
for other students.
Use of textual Use specific and Use relevant Use examples from Use incomplete or No examples from
convincing examples examples from the the text to support vaguely developed the text are used and
evidence and from the texts texts studied to most claims in your examples to only claims made in your
historical studied to support support claims in writing with some partially support own writing are
context claims in your own your own writing, connections made claims with no unsupported and
writing, making making applicable between texts. connections made irrelevant to the topic
insightful and connections between between texts. at hand.
applicable texts.
connections between
Language use Use stylistically Use language that is Use basic but Use language that is Use language that is
sophisticated fluent and original, appropriate vague or imprecise unsuitable for the
language that is with evident a sense language, with a for the audience or audience and
precise and of voice, awareness basic sense of voice, purpose, with little purpose, with little or
engaging, with of audience and some awareness of sense of voice, and a no awareness of
notable sense of purpose, and the audience and limited awareness of sentence structure.
voice, awareness of ability to vary purpose and some how to vary sentence
audience and sentence structure. attempt to vary structure.
purpose, and varied sentence structure.
sentence structure.
Conventions Demonstrate control Demonstrate control Demonstrate partial Demonstrate limited Demonstrate little or
of the conventions of the conventions, control of the control of the no control of the
with essentially no exhibiting occasional conventions, conventions, conventions, making
errors, even with errors only when exhibiting occasional exhibiting frequent comprehension
sophisticated using sophisticated errors that do not errors that make almost impossible.
language. language. hinder comprehension
comprehension. difficult.