Mindfulness: Identifying Personal Values

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The key takeaways are that identifying and incorporating personal values into one's life can provide a sense of purpose and meaning and help direct one's goals and living. Specific small actions can be taken to express values more in daily life.

Identifying and working to further incorporate personal values into one's life can not only be fulfilling but also deepen one's sense of purpose and meaning.

One can identify their personal values by reflecting on life areas and ways of living that give them the most meaning and fulfillment, ranking their importance, and examining how present the values are currently expressed in their life.

Identifying Personal Values

Date / Time So far today, have you brought kind awareness to your:
Thoughts? Heart? Body? None of the Above


Amidst the constant stress and activities in our daily lives it is easy to lose track of
what we truly care about and value. Identifying and working to further incorporate
personal values into our lives can not only be fulfilling but also deepen our sense of
purpose and meaning.


Make a list of the personal qualities and values you most resonate with and specific
ways that you can incorporate them into your life.

Long Version

The word “values” has many definitions, but in this case it means personal qualities
and ways of living that you believe in and resonate with. Psychologist Steven Hayes
describes values as “chosen life directions” that are “vitalizing, uplifting, and
empowering”. A value is not merely a goal, but can be thought of as a continuous
process, direction, and way of living that helps direct us toward various goals and live
a meaningful life.

Identifying your values:

There are various ways to identify your personal values including choosing which
domains or areas in your life are most important to you, and specifically what you
value within each domain. Which areas of your life and how many you choose can
vary. They can include relationships, work/career achievement, parenting, self-care
(health, leisure, etc.), spirituality, community involvement, and education/learning.

• Begin by taking some time to reflect deeply on what areas of your life and ways
of living give you the most meaning, interest and sense of fulfillment.
• Feel free to use any of the areas listed above or think of your own.
• After you have chosen a few areas, evaluate how important each one is to you
and rank them accordingly.

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Identifying Personal Values
• Next, closely and honestly examine how present this value is expressed in your
current life, including daily activities, lifestyle and relationships.
• Make note of any values that are highly ranked but not highly present in your life.
• Begin to brainstorm and list any concrete ways that you can make this value
more prevalent in your life. These do not need to be major life changes but can be
small actions or activities. For example, if you value spending time with your
family, perhaps making an effort to have family dinner together four times a
week, or read a bed time story to your children every other night.
• Continue to think of different ways to further incorporate your values into your life
and test them out, noting what works and most importantly, enjoy the


Identifying and incorporating personal values into one’s life is a long-standing

tradition emphasized in many cultures and religions. The practice specifically
described here was adapted from the work of leading clinical psychologists Steven
Hayes, Susan Orsillo, and Lizabeth Roemer.


Realizing that we are not truly living the life we want to live or embodying what we
value can be difficult and even painful. Please remember that above all, maintaining a
compassionate and gentle approach to yourself and discoveries is critical to the
process and for creating real change.

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Identifying Personal Values

thank you for your mindfulness practice

May I continue to look deeply into

my mind, my heart and body.
May I see things and meet things
and may this clear and sustained knowing free me



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