EXXON EPpressurevessels

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The document outlines standards and requirements for designing, fabricating, inspecting and testing pressure vessels according to Exxon Company's engineering practices.

Design requirements include allowable stresses, vessel thickness, heads and transition sections, nozzles, manholes, vents and connections, flanges, and bolting.

Inspection methods include inspection quality control, material testing, and preparation for shipment. Acceptance criteria are also provided.

EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 2
DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
MATERIALS................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 4
ALLOWABLE STRESSES .................................................................................................................................................... 4
VESSEL THICKNESS .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
HEADS AND TRANSITION SECTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 5
NOZZLES, MANHOLES, VENTS AND CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................... 5
FLANGES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
BOLTING .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
VESSEL SUPPORTS, AND ATTACHMENTS...................................................................................................................... 7
FABRICATION............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
GENERAL............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
WELDING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
PAINT AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS ............................................................................................................................... 7
INSPECTION AND TESTING ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
INSPECTION METHODS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ................................................................................................. 8
WELD QUALITY CONTROL................................................................................................................................................. 8
MATERIAL TESTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 11
FIGURE 1 PRESSURE VESSEL TOLERANCES...................................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 2 ITEM DESCRIPTIONS TO FIGURE 1...................................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCE PLANE ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................................. 14


0.1 This is a general revision of this Engineering Practice.

1.1 This Engineering Practice covers the minimum requirements governing the design criteria, fabrication and inspection
of pressure vessels normally used in Marketing Distribution Terminals. This Engineering Practice does not cover
pressure containers which are integral parts or components of mechanical devices, such as pumps, compressors,
turbines, generators, engines, hydraulic or pneumatic systems or containers having inside diameter and/or overall
length (or seam to seam length) less that or equal to 6 in. nominal.

1.2 An asterisk (∗ ∗ ) indicates that a decision by the Owner's Engineer is required or that additional information is
furnished by the Owner's Engineer.

1.3 This Engineering Practice requires design of pressure vessels under the provisions of ASME Code Section VIII,
Division 1. Fabrication, inspection, testing, and stamping requirements shall be based, as a minimum, on ASME
Code Section VIII, Division 1 as applicable plus any additional requirements in this Engineering Practice.

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EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


2.1 Table 1 lists the Engineering Practices, Field Practice, codes, specifications and standards which shall be used with
this Engineering Practice.



EP 3-3-5 Flanges, Gaskets, Bolting and Fittings
EP 3-3-21 Piping Classes and Purchase Descriptions
EP 4-4-4 Wind Design Loads
EP 4-4-5 Earthquake Design Loads
EP 18-18-1 Welding Procedures
EP 20-20-1 Inspection for Materials

FP 19-19-6 Application of Paints and Protective Coatings for Aboveground

Marketing Terminal Structures and Equipment


API Standards
Std 601 Metallic Gaskets for Raised-Face Pipe Flanges and Flanged

ASME Codes
Section VIII Pressure Vessels, Division 1

ASME/ANSI Standards
B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding, and Threaded

ASTM Standards
A 105 Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components
A 193/A 193M Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-
Temperature Service
A 194/A 194M Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-
Temperature Service
A 285 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low-and Intermediate-Tensile
A 320/A 320M Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service
A 516 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate-and Lower-
Temperature Service
ANSI/AWS Specifications
A 5.1 Covered Carbon Steel Arc Welding Electrodes
A 5.17 Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
A 5.18 Carbon Steel Filler Metals for Gas Shielded Arc Welding
A 5.20 Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Core Arc Welding

2.2 Table 2 has been intentionally left blank.

2.3 All documents referred to in Table 1 and Table 2 and throughout this Engineering Practice refer to the latest

2.4 Vendor shall comply with all local, state and federal rules and regulations.

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EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


3.1 Vessel fabricator shall submit an outline drawing for each vessel. It shall contain the data indicated in Table 6.
Location of the vessel marking or nameplate shall be indicated on this drawing.

3.2 A manufacturer's data report shall be furnished, and shall contain the same information as required by form U-1
of the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1. Material strength properties, specified or guaranteed, shall be
included, and shall represent the properties in the as-fabricated condition. The data report shall be signed by the
Manufacturer, by an Authorized Inspector as defined in par. UG-91 of the ASME Code, and as otherwise required
by the applicable code.

Five (5) signed copies of data reports and other required documentation shall be submitted to the Inspector prior
to shipment of the vessel.

3.3 Fabrication drawings shall show weld details and reference applicable welding procedures. The drawings shall
also include impact test requirements, showing (as applicable):

a. Component.

b. Thickness for impact purposes.

c. Material specification.

d. Critical exposure temperature.

e. Appropriate charpy impact requirements (average/minimum values).

3.4 Design calculations, fabrication drawings and welding and weld repair procedures shall be submitted to the
Owner's Engineer for review and approval prior to start of fabrication and purchase of material.

3.5 Supporting data: Where proposed allowable stresses are based on guaranteed strength properties, data as
defined in par. 4.2 shall be submitted to the Owner's Engineer for approval prior to start of fabrication.


4.1 Vessel thickness is defined as the thickness required for strength of the pressure vessel shell, including corrosion
allowance, but excluding weld overlay, lining, integral cladding or non-integral parts.

4.2 The following terms, used in relation to allowable stresses, are defined as follows:

a. Guaranteed tensile strength is the minimum tensile strength for the base material, deposited weld metal and
weldments, as guaranteed by the vessel fabricator.

b. Guaranteed yield strength is the minimum yield strength (0.2% offset) for the base material, deposited weld
metal and weldments, as guaranteed by the vessel fabricator.

c. Creep and rupture: Average and minimum stresses are determined from published or manufacturer's data on
the subject material.

4.3 The term "Inspector", as used in this Engineering Practice, refers to the Owner's representative.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


5.1 Materials preferred for pressure vessels are steels P-1, Group 1 and 2 as follows:

a. Shell, heads, saddles and skirts shall be carbon steel ASTM A 516 Gr. 70 and/or ASTM A 285 Gr. C plates.

b. Flanges shall be carbon steel ASTM A 105.

5.2 Material production shall be by the electric furnace, basic oxygen or open hearth processes.

5.3 Proposals to use any other materials shall be submitted to purchaser for approval by the Owner's Engineer prior
to accepting order for the equipment.



6.1 Vessel type: Pressure vessels shall be cylindrical, horizontal and/or vertical drums with 2:1 ellipsoidal or
torispherical heads.

6.2 Design pressure for pressure vessels shall be as follows:

∗ a. For liquid services, the minimum design internal pressure shall be 150 psig at a temperature of 150°F unless
specified otherwise.

b. For gas service, the minimum design internal pressure shall be required to meet the design conditions, but not
less than 16 psig.

∗ c. External pressure: If specified, vessels operating under vacuum conditions, whether normally or created
inadvertently, shall be designed for an external pressure differential of 15 psi minimum.

∗ 6.3 Minimum corrosion allowance on wall thickness shall be 1/16 in. It includes all steel with alloy content not
exceeding 9Cr-1Mo. For all high alloy steels, the minimum allowance shall be 0.01 in. unless specified otherwise.

∗ 6.4 Loadings to be considered in designing a vessel shall be per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1 and shall
include cyclic conditions and erection loadings per EP 4-4-4 and EP 4-4-5. Wind load, if specified, shall be
equivalent to a 130 mph wind speed.

6.5 During erection, start-up or operation, all applicable loads shall be considered as acting simultaneously,
including either wind or earthquake, whichever governs per EP 4-4-4 and EP 4-4-5.

6.6 During hydrostatic testing, wind load (wind pressure) equivalent to a 35 mph wind speed shall be considered
acting simultaneously with the hydrostatic test load and per EP 4-4-4.


6.7 The maximum allowable stress in tension shall be per the applicable code.

6.8 Longitudinal stresses: The maximum allowable stress in compression shall not exceed the following:

a. The maximum allowable stress in tension.

b. The compressive strength determined using procedures in the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, par. UG-

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EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994

DESIGN (continued)

6.9 Earthquake-induced stresses, in combination with stresses arising from other loadings, shall be limited to the
following values:

a. The tensile stress shall neither exceed the yield strength of the material at the design temperature, nor exceed
1-1/2 times the maximum allowable stress in tension.

b. The compressive stress shall not exceed the maximum allowable compressive strength per par. 6.8.


6.10 Allowable tensile and compressive stress basis shall also apply vessel supporting skirts and saddles.

a. The compressive stress shall not exceed the maximum allowable compressive strength per par. 6.8.

6.11 The following additional criteria shall be considered in calculating the required thickness of vessels and support
skirts and saddles:

a. Horizontal drums on saddle supports shall be investigated for buckling, local circumferential bending and shear

The method of L.P. Zick (see Pressure Vessels and Piping: Design and Analysis. Vol. II, ASME copyright
1972) shall be used for this investigation, unless an alternate method is approved by Owner's Engineer.

b. In the operating position, vessels shall be designed for hydrostatic testing with water. For this condition, the
maximum shell membrane stress in the vessel shall not exceed 90% of the specified minimum yield strength
for ferritic steels, nor 100% of the specified minimum yield strength for austenitic steels or nonferrous
materials. The appropriate weld joint efficiency factor shall be used in these calculations.

c. The maximum deflection of vertical vessels for all loadings, except earthquake, shall not exceed H/100, where
H is overall vessel height.

d. Plate thickness for vessel fabrication, including shells, heads, nozzles, supports and attachments, shall be no
less than 1/4 in.


6.12 Inside radius of knuckles for torispherical heads, transition sections where knuckles are required, shall be per
ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, par. UG-32.


6.13 Nozzles larger than 1-1/2 in. NPS shall be flanged, and shall have the same P-number as the vessel shell.
Corrosion allowance equivalent to that of the vessel shell shall be provided.

6.14 Connections 1-1/2 in. NPS and smaller may be threaded, except for pressure relief valve connections and
connections dedicated to vessel evacuation leading to pumps, which shall be flanged. Couplings shall be used for
threaded connections. Additional coupling thickness shall be provided for corrosion allowance, as required. All
couplings shall be installed with complete penetration welds. All threaded and/or socket-welding fittings shall be
Class 3000 minimum per ASME/ANSI B16.11, and EP 3-3-5.

∗ 6.15 Connections used as drains shall be 3/4 in. NPS minimum and shall not extend into the vessel beyond the interior
surface except when specified by Owner's Engineer. Fittings used as drains shall be threaded per
par. 6.14.

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EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994

DESIGN (continued)

6.16 Nozzles and reinforcing pads shall be attached to the vessel by complete penetration welds.

Nozzle attachment details shall be per Figure UW-16.1 (c), (d), (e), (f-1), (f-2), (f-3) or (f-4). Coupling attachment
details shall be per Figure UW-16.1 (y-1), (z-1) or (z-2).

Reinforcing pads shall have at least one 1/4 in. threaded hole per pad segment. Hole(s) shall be plugged with
plastic sealant after testing.

6.17 A 6 in. NPS minimum diameter vent must be provided at the top of all vessels with manholes.

∗ 6.18 A 24 in. NPS manhole shall be provided for all vessels with internal diameters greater than or equal to 48 in.
Smaller vessels shall have handholes as specified. Manhole and handhole locations will be specified. Manholes
shall have a minimum clear diameter of 23 in.

6.19 Manhole covers shall be hinged or provided with handling davits.

6.20 A 6 in. NPS minimum handhole shall be provided for all vessels with internal diameter greater than 12 in. and
smaller than 48 in. if a manhole is impracticable. Handholes shall be flanged and blinded. Location of handholes
on vessel ends is preferred.

6.21 A 2 in. NPS minimum inspection hole shall be provided for all vessels with internal diameter greater than or
equal to 6 in. up to 12 in. unless other openings can provide an open area not smaller than that of the specified
opening. Location of inspection hole on vessel end is preferred.


6.22 Flange type: All nozzle flanges shall be Class 150 raised face welding neck (RFWN) with flange facing finish per

6.23 Gaskets shall be per EP 3-3-21.


6.24 Bolting shall be selected per Table 3.


ºF Grade ASTM Std. Grade ASTM Std.
-20 to 150 B7 A193/A193M 2 (1) A194/A194M
-50 to -20 L7 (3) A320/A320M 4 (1)(2)(3) A194/A194M


(1) Nuts larger than 1/2 in. shall not be machined from barstock.
(2) Nuts 1/2 in. and smaller shall not be machined from cold finished barstock.
(3) The test temperature for impact of all L7 bolts and grade 4 nuts, per ASTM A320, shall be -50ºF.

6.25 Stud bolts, which are preferred over machined bolts, shall be threaded full length with continuous threads per

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EP 5-5-1

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994

DESIGN (continued)

6.26 Bolt length is the effective thread length. Rounded or chamfered end points shall not be included when measuring
length of bolds.


6.27 Horizontal drums supported on concrete saddles shall be provided with a 1/4 in. thick corrosion plate between
the saddle and the drum, which shall extend 2 in. beyond the periphery of the bearing area of the saddle and shall
be seal welded to the vessel. A vent hole, 1/4 in. diameter, shall be provided in each corrosion plate and plugged
with sealant after the vessel has been pressure tested.

6.28 Vertical drums subject to vibration, for example, reciprocating compressor suction drums (that are not machine
mounted), shall be skirt-supported on a solid or continuous base.

6.29 A single, skirt access manhole, 20 in. diameter, shall be provided if piping is located inside the skirt and the
vessel is supported on a solid or continuous concrete base.

6.30 Skirt openings for piping shall have a 1/2 in. minimum clearance between the pipe O.D. and the skirt.

6.31 Support legs on vertical vessels shall be per manufacturer's specifications and minimum plate thickness shall be
per par. 6.11.d.

6.32 Lifting lugs shall be designed and fabricated with a safety factor no less than 3 to 1. Lifting lugs shall be made of
a material with the same P-number as the vessel shell. Lifting lugs are to be located at balance point when placed
on vessel top.

6.33 Reinforcing pads for internal or external structural attachments to vessel shells shall be provided with a 1/4 in.
diameter vent hole for the enclosed space between welds. External vent holes shall be plugged with a plastic
sealant after the vessel has been tested.

6.34 Reinforcing pads under openings: Metal pads will be attached to vessel shells directly across from all inlet
connections, to protect against incoming fluid stream, and under any connection marked for gauging. These
reinforcing pads (striker plates) shall be 12 in. x 12 in. x 1/4 in. minimum with a vent hole per par. 6.27.



7.1 Tolerances shall be per Figure 1.


7.2 Vessel welding procedures shall be per EP 18-18-1.

7.3 Head and shell joints shall be welded with full penetration and fusion welds. Welds shall be per ASME Code
Section VIII, Division 1, Table UW-12, No. 1.

7.4 Saddles, skirts and other attachment welds shall have complete fusion for the full length of the weld, and shall
be free from undercut, overlap or abrupt ridges or valleys. All internal attachment welds shall be continuous.


7.5 Exterior primer coating shall be applied to vessel and shall be per FP 19-19-6 and manufacturer's specifications.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994

FABRICATION (continued)

∗ 7.6 Internal coatings and linings, when required, shall be per manufacturer's specifications. Vessel manufacturer
shall verify that internal coating or lining is suitable for the specified operating conditions.


8.1 Inspection shall include, but not be limited to, verification of dimensions, examination of test data, reports and
preparation for shipment.

8.2 Manufacturer's examinations/testing: The manufacturer shall submit to purchaser for approval by Owner's
Engineer, a detailed plan of applicable examination and tests required for the individual components and weldments
of each vessel. Specific examinations applicable to any linings or claddings shall be included to the extent of
vendor's responsibility.


8.3 Spot radiography of P-1 materials is preferred for all circumferential, longitudinal and nozzle joints and shall be
per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, par UW-52, except that the acceptance standards shall be per
par. UW-51. Support attachment welds shall be inspected per par. 8.12.b.

∗ 8.4 100% radiography, when specified, shall be per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, par. UW-51.

8.5 Radiographic film: Fluorescent intensifying screens such as calcium tungstate shall not be used.

8.6 Radiographic film length shall be 10 in. minimum, except if the weld is less than 10 in. long. In such cases, film
length shall be full length of the weld.

8.7 Magnetic particle examination and acceptance criteria shall be per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1,
Appendix 6. The D-C prod method shall be used prior to final postweld heat treatment, and the A-C yoke or coil
method after final postweld heat treatment.

8.8 Liquid penetrant examination and acceptance criteria shall be per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1,
Appendix 8. For non-magnetic materials, a liquid penetrant examination shall be used in place of any required
magnetic particle examination.

8.9 Ultrasonic examination and acceptance criteria shall be per the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1,
Appendix 12.

8.10 Materials Rejection: Any material or workmanship which in any way fails to meet the requirements of this
Engineering Practice and EP 20-20-1 can be rejected by the Inspector, and the material involved shall not be used
under the contract. Material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the mill, subsequent to
its acceptance at the manufacturer's works, or during installation of the vessel will be rejected. The manufacturer
will be required to furnish new material promptly and make the necessary replacements or suitable repairs.


8.11 Defective welds: If in the opinion of the Inspector, welds fail to meet applicable acceptance criteria, they shall
be repaired using an approved repair welding procedure. Each repair shall be re-inspected using the original
inspection method or an equivalent method approved by the Inspector.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


8.12 For vessels or sections of vessels where butt-welded seams are 100% radiographed, all other pressure
containing welds and all attachment welds to pressure containing parts shall be examined as follows:

a. Welded joints covered by reinforcing pads shall be 100% radiographed prior to installation of the reinforcing

b. Support saddles, skirts, lifting lug welds and pressure containing welds, other than butt joint, shall be
examined by the ultrasonic method using either the straight beam or shear wave mode. Alternate inspection
methods, such as in-process magnetic particle examination, may be substituted if approved by the Owner's

c. All attachment welds to pressure containing parts on materials other than P1, Groups 1 and 2, shall be
examined by the magnetic particle method. If the material is non-magnetic, the liquid penetrant inspection
method shall be used in place of the magnetic particle method. Accessible welds subject to PWHT shall be
inspected after PWHT.

d. All locations of temporary attachment welds on materials other than P1, Groups 1 and 2, shall be inspected
per par. c.

8.13 Spot radiographs shall be made as follows:

a. One spot shall be examined in each circumferential joint and in each longitudinal joint, between adjacent
circumferential joints, at locations designated by the Inspector.

8.14 Examination by sectioning is not permitted.

8.15 Hardness of hot formed sections, base metal, weld metal and the related heat affected zone (HAZ) of all
welds shall not exceed the limits given in Table 4.

These tests shall be made with a Brinell Testing Machine. A portable hardness tester may be used providing:

a. The diameter of the indentation ball is not smaller than 7 mm and not larger than 10 mm, and

b. The hardness of the reference bar is within ±12.5% of the maximum hardness required for the specific material.
The hardness test for the HAZ shall be made with the ball centered in the HAZ to represent a composite of weld
metal, HAZ and base metal.



P-1 225
P-3, P-4 225
P-5, P-6, P-7 235
P-10 225

The vessel fabricator shall check the weld hardness of the initial production weld for each welding
process, filler metal and technique used. If the clearances are such that it is not possible to check the
production weld, a mockup with identical conditions shall be used.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


8.16 Progressive hardness checks during fabrication: The minimum number of welded joints to be examined to
verify the specified hardness values of weld components (i.e., base metal, weld metal and HAZ) shall be
determined from Table 5.



per: each welding procedures, and
MATERIAL WELD appropriate postweld heat treatment (PWHT) category
P-NUMBER COMPONENT Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Materials not Materials which Materials which
requiring PWHT have been locally have been furnace
P-1 Weld (1) the greater of: two spots per weld for the greater of:
1/3 of all weld joints components 1/6 of all weld joints
≤ 24 in. O.D.
or or
one spot per 10 ft of one spot per weld for one spot per 10 ft of
weld components weld
> 24 in. O.D.
Base metal as required none none
HAZ none none none

(1) Test only welds made by the:

a. SMAW process using ferritic filler metal other than Class E60-70XX per ANSI/AWS A5.1

b. GTAW (TIG), GMAW (MIG or MAG) processes using filler metal other than ER70S-2 through ER70S-5 per

c. FCAW process using electrodes other than E7XT-1 with pure CO2 or E7XT-5 per ANSI/AWS A5.20.

d. SAW (submerged arc) process using filler metal other than a combination of ELX or EMX wires per
ANSI/AWS A5.17 and a neutral flux approved by the Owner's Engineer.

(2) All areas locally heated for bending or straightening and not receiving a subsequent PWHT shall be hardness

Additional hardness tests (tracer examination): For each weld component found to exceed the specified
hardness, like components of two additional welded joints selected by the Inspector, shall be tested. These
additional examinations shall be progressive.

8.17 Except for austenitic stainless steels and nickel steels, materials having either:

a. A minimum specified tensile strength of 80,000 psi


b. A total nominal alloy content greater than 4%

shall have attachment welds where fit-up bars, etc., are temporarily attached examined twice by magnetic
particle techniques once before final PWHT and once after hydrostatic testing.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


8.18 Vertical vessel support skirts: The finished skirt-to-shell weld shall be examined by the magnetic particle
method after any required postweld heat treatment (PWHT). For field welded skirts, the top skirt course, if of alloy
material, shall be "safe-ended" with a carbon steel extension prior to any required PWHT. Skirt butt welds shall be
inspected as follows:

a. Finished welds shall be inspected by spot radiography.

b. At least one radiograph shall be made for every two girth seams and for every two vertical seams at locations
selected by the Inspector. At least two radiographs shall be taken of each welder's work.

c. In lieu of spot radiography, magnetic particle examination shall be used on any back gouged area prior to
welding and on the O.D. and I.D. cover pass.


8.19 Heat treated materials: Specimens for testing shall be prepared from actual vessel material which have been
subjected to an equivalent total thermal treatment as the vessel material in the final fabricated condition.

8.20 Charpy impact tests are required for deposited weld metal from electroslag, electrogas and other single pass butt
welds through the full thickness of the material. Tests shall be made on weld production impact plates (run-off
tabs). Required impact values shall be the maximum values listed for the applicable combination of material class
and thickness.

8.21 Materials shall be inspected per EP 20-20-1.


9.1 Cleaning and blanking: Vessels shall be free of loose scale, dirt and foreign material. Liquid used for testing or
cleaning shall be completely drained. Vessel openings shall be blanked. High alloy vessels shall be blown dry
with air, and all nozzle, manhole, vent and connection openings shall be blanked, plugged, or capped to prevent the
entry of moisture.

9.2 Machined or threaded exterior surfaces of carbon steel, ferrous alloys with a nominal chemistry of 12Cr,
and below shall be protected from corrosion during shipment and subsequent storage by coating with a rust
preventive of a type:

a. to provide protection during outdoor storage for a period of twelve months exposed to a normal industrial

b. to be removable with mineral spirits or any Stoddard solvent.

9.3 Protection from salt water: Austenitic stainless steels used in vessels shall not be exposed to wetting by salt
water or salt spray. Protective coating or coverings used to prevent such exposure shall be approved by the
Owner's Engineer.

9.4 Temporary supports: High alloy steel vessels shall not be supported during shipping and storage with moisture
retaining materials such as raw wood.

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ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994



Volume Capacity, gal.: _____________________ Fluid: ________________________

Diameter, ft in.: ______________________ Fluid S.G.: ______________ @ ____ ºF
Length, ft in.: ______________________ (Water S.G. = 1.0)

Design Pressure, psig: ______________ int. _________ ext.

Design Temperature, ºF: ____________________

Hydrostatic test pressure, psig: _____________

Hydrostatic test temperature, °F: _____________

Orientation of vessel in hydrotest: ____________

Corrosion Allowance: a) shell, in.: _________________

b) head, in.: _________________

Manholes: Size, in. _______ , Qty._________

Flanged nozzles: Size, in. _______ , Qty._________

Size, in. _______ , Qty._________

Flanged nozzles: Size, in. _______ , Qty._________

Size, in. _______ , Qty._________

Flanges for nozzles are Class __________ per _________________ Standard

Threaded connections are Class ________ per _________________ Standard

Total weight of vessel, dry lbf.: _________

Total weight of vessel, filled with water, lbf.: _________

This vessel is Constructed to Engineering Practice EP 5-5-1 and Standard(s).

Head: Spec. _______ : Min., or Guaranteed: Yield _____________ psi,
Ultimate __________ psi
Shell: Spec. ________ : Min. or Guaranteed: Yield _____________ psi,
Ultimate __________ psi
Forgings or Castings: Spec. _____________
Nozzles: Spec. ______________
Basis for establishing allowable stresses: _______________________________________ (Code used or Basis)

Pressure/vacuum vent valve, type: ____________________________________________

Liquid level monitoring system type, electromech:_________________________________

LS operation checker: ________________________
direct reading mech.__________________________ readout units_______

Exxon Company, U.S.A.

EP 5-5-1

Exxon Company, U.S.A. PRESSURE VESSELS Page 13 of 14

ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


1. See Figure 2 for item descriptions.

Exxon Company, U.S.A.

EP 5-5-1

Exxon Company, U.S.A. PRESSURE VESSELS Page 14 of 14

ENGINEERING PRACTICES (This EP is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document) Rev. 1 July, 1994


All tolerances given below are applicable to horizontal vessels where appropriate.
1. Tolerances on longitudinal dimensions from the reference plane shall be the smaller of 1/64 in. per foot of length or 1/2
in., unless noted otherwise.


2. Punch mark inside and out 3 in. from root land or bottom course and/or end course (horizontal vessels).
3. Flange face of nozzle from center-line of vessel ± 1/8 in.
4. Flange face of nozzle shall be parallel with the indicated plane in and direction ± 1/2o, but not to exceed 3/16 in.
5. Location of nozzle from reference plane ± 1/4 in. exception shall be liquid level controller nozzles ± 1/16 in. and nozzles
related to tray, draw-off pans, etc., so dimensioned on drawings, distance from support ring ± 1/8 in.
6. Flange face of manhole from outside of vessel ± 1/4 in.
7. Flange face of manhole shall be parallel with the indicated plane in any direction ± 1o.
8. Location of manhole from reference plane ± 1/2 in.
9. Flange face of top or bottom nozzle to reference plane ± 1/4 in.
10. Orientation of nozzle and other attachments shall be within ± 1/8 in.
11. 1/8 in. max. lateral translation.
12. 1/16 in. max. rotation of flanges from the indicated position, measured as shown.
13. In addition to ASME Code Tolerances, tolerance from nominal inside shell diameter as measured by external strapping
shall be as given in table below.
14. Maximum deviation from straight applied to shell shall be 1/8 in. in any 10 ft or 1/2 in. per 50 ft of length. In addition,
distortion caused by welding of longitudinal or circumferential joints shall not exceed 1/4 in. maximum depth in a 36 in.
length of shell centered on the weld.
15. Distance from reference plane to base +0 in., -1/4 in., or lug +1/4 in., -0 in.
16. Base or support lug out of level over any diameter shall be as given in table below.
17. Bolt hole circle tolerance shall be as given in Table 7.



ITEM NUMBER < 4 ft 0 in. > 4 ft 0 in. to 8 ft 0 in.
13 ± 1/8 in. ± 3/16 in.
16 ± 1/8 in. ± 3/16 in.
17 ± 1/8 in. ± 1/8 in.


Date Revision Description

01/01/94 0 Issued as document number EP 5-5-1, with minor revisions
to previously issued Revision D, dated May, 1993.
07/94 1 Issued as document number EP 5-5-1, as a general revision to
previously issued Revision 0, dated Jan., 1994.

Exxon Company, U.S.A.

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