Soil Nail Walls: Caltrans Geotechnical Manual
Soil Nail Walls: Caltrans Geotechnical Manual
Soil Nail Walls: Caltrans Geotechnical Manual
In addition to this module, the documents that govern or guide the investigation, design,
and reporting for Soil Nail Walls include:
• Drilled-holes can remain open and stable without casing until the nails are
installed and the drilled-hole is grouted; or
• The toe of wall is above groundwater table.
The geotechnical tasks for the investigation, design, and construction of soil nail walls
1. Working with other project development team (PDT) members to evaluate and
select the appropriate wall type;
2. Evaluation of available information;
3. Performing subsurface exploration;
4. Performing design and analysis;
5. Issuing a geotechnical report
6. Assisting in developing and reviewing the PS&E package, and
7. Providing construction support.
Project Initiation
The design of a soil nail wall requires close cooperation among the PDT, especially
among the Geoprofessional, Structure Designer, and District Project Engineer. During
project initiation, the need for a wall will be identified by the District. Upon request, the
Geoprofessional should perform preliminary assessment of the site and issue a
preliminary geotechnical report that provides an evaluation of feasible wall types and a
recommended wall type.
During the Type Selection process, close communication should proceed among District
Project Engineer, Structure Designer, and Geoprofessional to select the preferred wall
type. Constructability, constraints, and cost should be discussed and evaluated to arrive at
the preferred option.
Literature Review
Refer to the Geotechnical Investigations module for direction on performing a literature
search, and evaluate available information for applicability to the soil nail wall design.
Obtain and evaluate the general plans and cross sections of proposed walls from District
or Structure Design (SD).
Subsurface Investigation
Subsurface exploration for soil nail wall design should obtain essential information for
design, including:
• Soil and rock stratigraphy,
• Soil and rock engineering properties, including unit weight, shear strength,
orientation and spacing of bedding, and estimated nominal pullout resistance,
• Groundwater elevation,
• Information that may assist in deducing and evaluating potential construction
issues, such as difficulties of excavating the wall face and drilling the holes should
also be retrieved as much as practically possible.
To plan for and carry out subsurface exploration, including laboratory testing, refer to the
applicable Geotechnical Manual modules and:
• FHWA Geotechnical Engineering Circular (GEC) No. 7
• FHWA NHI-01-031 Subsurface Investigations – Geotechnical Site Characterization
Designing and constructing a soil nail wall along a highway often require excavating the
lower portion of a native slope that extends far above the highway. Access to the steep
slope behind the wall layout line can be a challenge and often times impracticable. An
alternative option is to perform subsurface exploration in front of the proposed wall by
means of trench excavation, geotechnical and geological mapping, and horizontal
Perform at least one, if feasible, horizontal boring into the slope that is to be excavated
and drilled for soil nail wall construction to obtain soil and rock specimens, and evaluate
the cave-in potential of drilled-holes during construction.
Before using Snail, review the Snail User Guide and example files. Select representative
and critical cross sections by reviewing the layout and elevation views of the soil nail
wall. Consider applicable excavation heights, geometry, soil and rock profiles, subsurface
conditions, and design efficiency when selecting the representative cross sections.
The procedures and issues discussed in this module and GEC No. 7 cover the internal and
external (sliding and overturning) stability of soil nails. Global stability of the soil nail
wall system is not addressed in this module or GEC No. 7. Global stability analysis must
be performed for all earth retaining systems, including soil nail walls.
significant increase in overburden. Therefore, the optimum soil nail inclination angle
should be between 10° and 15°.
Nail inclination angles less than 10° should be avoided to prevent voids in the grout
and an extended “bird’s beak” at the nail head. Voids can reduce the pullout
resistance and decrease corrosion protection.
• Wall Face Batter: 1(H):12(V) or any batter angle to account for lateral displacement
of the wall face during construction. As a passive reinforcing system, soil nails are
expected to be strained during construction. A soil nail wall face that rotates outward
from vertical may appear unstable even though the wall is still sound and stable.
• 1st Soil Nail Row: 2.5 feet from the top of excavated face.
• Soil Nail Spacing: 5 feet for both horizontal and vertical spacing; with columnar
layout to facilitate the placement of geocomposite drains.
• Nail Bar Diameter and Grade: Use No. 8 and Grade 75 bar;
• Nominal Bond Strength, qu: Refer to FHWA GEC No. 7 (Tables 4.4a, 4.4b, 4.5, and
4.6) for suggested nominal bond strength ranges for different soil, rock, and
The nominal bond strength entered into the Snail input is only used for calculation,
and must NOT be presented in the Foundation Report or Contract Plans. Instead, the
nominal pullout resistance, Qd, which is a combined function of nominal bond
strength and drilled-hole diameter, should be presented in the Foundation Report and
Contract Plans.
• Horizontal Seismic Coefficient: Follow the GEC No. 7 procedure. Use Caltrans ARS
Online using VS30 to determine the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and 1-second
response acceleration (SD1). Obtain acceptable wall displacement due to seismic
events from the owner of the project or wall, so that the corresponding horizontal
seismic coefficient can be determined for the seismic analysis and design of the wall.
• Surcharge: Include live and dead loads, such as traffic and structure loads; consult
with Structure Design or District Design.
Design Considerations
There are a variety of issues to be considered during the design of a soil nail wall. Some
of these issues have been addressed in GEC No. 7. The following are additional
• For a soil nail wall with a steep slope above the wall, potential rock fall and mud flow
issues should be addressed (see Rockfall module).
• In limit equilibrium analysis, the resulting most critical surface must be conclusively
within the set search limits to ensure that the search has yield the most critical surface,
and there is no other surfaces outside of the search limits have a lower FoS than the
most critical surface found within the set search limits. When the most critical surface
is found lay on the edge of the set search limits, the search limits should be extended
or moved in order to capture the definite most critical surface.
When analyzing soil nails with sloping ground above the wall, sometimes the upper
point of most critical surface may persistently lay on the point that defines the upper
search limit. As a result, the upper search limit need to be continually moved further
up-slope while the most critical surface cannot be found. When encountered this
situation, extend the search limit only to 3 times the excavation height horizontally
away from the wall face. The reason for limiting the search to 3 times the excavation
height horizontally is that the analysis of soil nails only addresses internal and
external stability of the soil nail wall system. A search beyond that is considered an
analysis of global slope stability, and should be carried out using a slope stability
analysis tool, such as Slope/W or Slide.
• For global slope stability analysis, use a horizontal seismic coefficient equal to 1/3
• If there are structures or facilities above or behind the soil nail wall that may be
affected by the lateral displacement of the wall and the settlement of the ground above
the soil nail wall, numerical analysis using the software, such as Plaxis and FLAC,
should be performed. These working stress analyses are needed to estimate the
expected lateral displacement and settlement of the wall, and to analyze possible
excavation and construction options to limit the displacement and settlement.
Work with the Structure Designer to arrive at an agreed upon allowable facing resistance
(Fallowable) used for both geotechnical and structure design.
Obtain plan sheets from the Structure Designer, and review delineation of wall zones, soil
nails and proof test nails layout to ensure the geotechnical design information and
recommendations are implemented on the plan sheets.
Soil Nail Wall recommendations must be reported in a Foundation Report in accordance
with Foundation Reports for Earth Retaining Systems and the requirements herein.
Geotechnical Recommendations
1. Description or schematic design cross sections showing the structure elements, loads,
and interpreted subsurface profiles with soil types and layers. For each soil layer,
include interpreted soil total unit weights, shear strength parameters, and groundwater
2. Layout and limits of wall zones,
3. Instruction for placement of soil nails, including
• nail array pattern,
• the maximum horizontal and vertical soil nail spacing,
• the maximum vertical distance of the soil nails from the top of the wall, and the
bottom of the wall,
• the maximum horizontal distance from the ends of the wall,
• the minimum spacing between soil nails when adjusting soil nail spacing near the
bottom and ends of the wall, and
• The minimum clearance between soil nails and utilities or obstructions; and the
maximum allowable horizontal and vertical rotation of soil nails from design
orientation to provide clearance for utilities or obstructions.
4. Schedule of soil nail lengths,
5. Inclination of the soil nails measured from horizontal,
6. Wall face batter measured from vertical,
7. Calculated Factor of Safety for internal and global stability,
8. Estimated lateral displacement, if calculated
9. Nominal pullout resistance Qd of soil nails in force/unit length,
10. Nail bar yield strength, the bar diameter entered into Snail, and the required Factor of
Safety provided by the Structure Designer,
11. Required minimum allowable facing resistance (Fallowable) used to satisfy geotechnical
design requirements. The Structure Designer must ensure that structural facing design
meets or exceeds Fallowable.
12. Layout of proof test nails, on the provided elevation-view sheets of the wall that are 8
percent of the total number of production soil nails.
Do not layout the verification test nails on the Plans. The locations of verification test
nails in each wall zone are to be determined by the contractor, because it is the contractor
who determines which location and direction to start constructing each wall zone.
Following example reporting formats may be used to convey the recommended soil nail
design information.
Example 1
Example 2
(ft) (ft)
Construction Considerations
Review the current list of Caltrans Standard Special Provisions (SSPs) to select
applicable geotechnical related SSPs and provide editing instructions to the Specification
Engineer to ensure contract clauses related to geotechnical design and construction are
included in the Special Provisions.
The following content and format templates have been compiled and edited based on the
latest SSPs, which should be used to prepare the Construction Considerations section of
the Foundation Report.
During Geotechnical Review, review and verify whether the draft Plans and Special
Provisions have implemented the recommendations of the Foundation Report.
Geotechnical reports are part of the contract. Any inconsistency between the geotechnical
reports, Plans, and Special Provisions can be a problem during contact execution. To
ensure consistency of the geotechnical reports with the contract Plans and Special
Provisions, the geotechnical reports should be signed and sealed only immediately before
the Plans and Special Provisions are signed and sealed, and before the Step 4 of the
Structure Design Expedite Notice process, for which the form can be downloaded from
the Structure Design Electronic Forms web page.
Construction Support
Pre-Construction Meeting
Contact the Resident Engineer (RE) and Structure Representative to request an invitation
to attend the pre-construction meeting with or without the Contractor. Be prepared to
discuss and answer questions related to the design and construction of the soil nail walls,
including Standard Specifications and Special Provisions Sections 19 and 46.
Technical Notes
The purpose of this Technical Notes section is to provide the soil nail designer with
addition design insight to be considered during design of soil nail walls.
Nominal Strength
Nominal strength can be best defined as: the capacity of a structure or component to
resist the effects of loads, as determined by computations using specified material
strengths (such as yield strength, fy, or ultimate strength, fu) and dimensions and formulas
derived from accepted principles of structural mechanics or by field tests or laboratory
tests of scaled models, allowing for modeling effects and differences between laboratory
and field conditions.
There is a much more clearly defined material strength value that is based on statistical
concept, the characteristic strength. The characteristic strength is defined as: the strength
of the material below which not more than 5% of the test results are expected to fall.
Sometimes, the characteristic strength is selected as the nominal strength of a material.
In any event, test-to-failure data is needed to establish the strength probability density
function of a construction material or construction components. Establishing a strength
probability density function for construction materials and construction components is a
major and necessary step to truly implementing LRFD, and also to assigning Factor of
Safety under ASD. Without the strength probability density function based on test-to-
failure data, the design practice can rely only on theory and combined with observed
performance of prior construction.
Hence, almost all of the nominal strengths used for geotechnical construction components
are established based on theory, inferred from basic soil and rock properties, and
combined with observed performance. Very few of these nominal strength values have
been verified by test to failure.
However, tests that stop short of reaching failure cannot be used to establish the strength
probability density function that can verify the reasonableness of the selected nominal
pullout resistance.
First of all, there is a need for clarification and agreement on where the presented strength
values reside in terms of the probability density function of the particular soils and rocks.
Some may consider these values as the average values compiled from collected data,
which is naturally the case when presenting summary of findings. However, during
construction, the values selected for design, mostly referenced from these tables, are the
construction acceptance criteria – the absolute lower bound according to typical
construction contract language and the de facto nominal strength values. Understanding
this potential disconnect is needed when referencing these values.
Then, clearly defined nominal strength with respect to the probability density function
needs to be established and agreed upon. Meanwhile, we need a concerted effort to
continually accumulate engineering properties of soils and rocks from laboratory and in-
situ tests, and interpreted nominal pullout strength and associated design parameters of
these soils and rocks. Only after we compared the interpreted nominal strengths with the
nominal strengths obtained from soil nail pullout tests and other tests during construction,
can we calibrate our practice.
This above discussion offers a general direction needed to prepare for the gradual
implementation of LRFD for soil nails. It can take years, and probably decades, and
requires gradual improvement to our subsurface exploration practice for soil nail design.
Current soil nail design practices all apply various assumptions to simplify a complex
composite system to comprehensible models so that workable design procedures can be
implemented. Be diligent, aware of these assumptions, and be involved throughout the
design, contract development, and construction phases to continually improve on the
understanding of soil nail design and construction.