Project Summary For Public Disclosure

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Project Summary for Public Disclosure

Project Overview
Project Name Manipur Water Supply Project
Country India
Sector Water Supply and Sanitation
Approval Date (by the Board) 2 December 2019
Total Project Cost USD 390 million
Loan Amount USD 312 million
Borrower India
Implementation Agency Public Health Engineering Department,
Government of Manipur

I. Introduction

Manipur, a small mountainous state in the northeastern region of India, is facing serious
challenges in clean drinking water supply. The key issues affecting Manipur’s water supply
are inadequate coverage of piped water supply and service, obsolete water treatment
and distribution infrastructure, contamination of water sources, and high water leakage
levels. Households are spending up to one to two hours daily to collect water. A significant
number of households are currently using public hydrants for domestic water needs. Due
to limited water supply, most of the state’s population is dependent on private water
suppliers, who charge much higher than the public water supplier – the Public Health
Engineering Department. This puts an additional financial burden on the local families.
Due to the use of untreated water, Manipur has witnessed a surge of water borne
diseases, especially among children.

II. Project Description

The Manipur Water Supply Project is proposed to address the above challenges through
construction and upgrade of drinking water supply infrastructure. The components of the
Project include construction and upgrade of drinking water supply systems in: i) Imphal
Planning Area, the capital city of Manipur; ii) 25 other towns; and iii) 1,731 rural
habitations. The Project will provide safe drinking water supply to about 3.11 million
people in Manipur by 2025.
III. Environmental and Social Aspects

The positive impacts of the Project include: (i) increased capacity of safe drinking water
supply; (ii) improved water supply network with household connections in urban,
suburban and rural areas; (iii) time savings for fetching water; (iii) improved water quality
through enhanced water treatment capacity; (iv) reduced medical expenses incurred by
water related diseases; (v) reduced loss of time and labor from water related diseases;
and (vi) improved quality of living for the local population.

The Project is Category “B” in line with NDB’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF).
Main environmental and social impacts include: (i) clearance of existing land, vegetation
or building; (ii) generation of construction and demolition wastes including scraps; (iii) soil
erosion and silt runoff, particularly at intake works; and (iv) community safety risks. E&S
impacts will be mitigated by adherence to Indian E&S regulations and implementation of
E&S management plans specifically developed for the Project.

IV. Financials

The total cost of the Project is estimated to be USD 390 million. The NDB will finance USD
312 million or 80% of the total estimated cost. The remaining balance will be financed by
counterpart funds from the Government of Manipur.

Financier Amount (USD million)

New Development Bank 312
Government of Manipur 78

V. Implementation

The Project is to be implemented over five years. The Public Health Engineering
Department of Government of Manipur will be the Implementing Agency. Procurement
will be conducted in compliance with the national law and regulations, and meet the core
principles of NDB’s policy.

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