Assignment Part 1: Direct Speech Numbe R Reported Speech

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“Ladies, Lucy has been 41 Mr. Lopez said that Ladies, Lucy
studying inthis institution had been studying in this
since kinder garden” institution since kinder garden
“she will not ‘contaminate’ 56 Mrs. Valle explained that she
your girls, if that is your wouldn´t‘contaminate’ her girl if
concern” that was her concern.
“we have to do something to 5 Mrs. Madrid said that they had
repairthis situation” to do something to repair this
“I still don´t understand the 7 Mr., Lopez said that he didn´t
reason for this urgent understand the reason for this
meeting” urgent meeting
“We needed this 1 Mrs. Madrid said that needed
extraordinary meeting” this extraordinary meeting
SpeechWho does she think 18 Mrs. Valle asked who she
she is? thought she was
“Yes, I am a lesbian mother” 24 Mrs. Valle said that if she was a
“I request respect for me and 38 Mrs. Valle said she asked for
my family respect for her and her family
“She was raised in a safe 57 Mrs. Valle said she had been
andloving ambience” raised in a safe and loving
“my marital status or 64 Mrs. Valle told Mrs. Madrid that
sexuality preference is not of her marital status or sexual
your concern preference was none of her
"she cannot definitely stay 47 Mrs. Madrid said definitely that
here" the girl could not stay there
“Something is not right in 2 Mrs. Madrid assured that
this school” something wasn´t right in this
“this can open the door to 4 Mrs. Madrid mentioned that that
hell” couldopen the door to hell.
what is the problem?” 45 Mr. Lopez asked what the
problem was.
I am very glad you have 10 Mrs. Madrid mentioned that she
attended on time the meeting was very glad they had attended
on time the meeting.
I have a wife” 25 Mrs. Valle answered she had a
“I want her to explain to us, 15 Mrs. Madrid told she wanted her
right now about her marriage explain to them, right now about
her marriage
I am married to a woman” 22 Mrs. Valle said he was married
to a woman
As you know Ihave two 11 Mrs. Madrid said she had two
daughters in this school daughters at school
“Is this the mediaeval era?” 17 Mrs. Valle said this is the
medieval eraHow
“She is not a lesbian 55 Mrs. Valle said that Lucy wasn’t
a lesbian
She is nobody to question 20 Mrs. Valle thought she was
my preferences” nobody to question my
“She is one of the most 43 Mr. Lopez confessed that Lucy
intelligent girls in school” was one of the most intelligent
girls in school.
What is the reason of this 9 Mr. Lopez asked what the
extraordinary meeting” reason of this extraordinary
meeting was
“Do you have time to spend 60 Mrs. Valle asked if she had time
with them after all that to spend with them after all that
gossiping every day gossiping every day


EX Mr. Lopez said "I need Mr. Lopez said that he needed
discretion forthis situation" discretion for that situation

01 Mrs. Gonzalez said “Mrs. Mrs. Gonzalez suggested Mrs.

Valle, I invite you to have a Valle,she invited her to have a
conversation with our conversationwith their school
school psychologist” psychologist.
02 Mrs. Valle “She is nobody Mrs. Valle tells Mrs. Madrid that
toquestion my preferences” she is nobody to question her
03 Mrs Gonzalez “Lucy and her Mrs. Gonzalez said she had no
two moms respect all problem with Lucy
people”...“I have no problem
with Lucy”
04 Mrs. Valle said “ The Mrs. Valle said that the
homosexuality is no homosexuality wasn´t dangerous
dangerous for nobody for nobody
05 Mrs. Madrid said “I apologize Mrs. Madrid said that she
Mrs. Valle apologizedMrs. Valle

06 Mrs. Madrid said “Lucy can Mrs. Madrid told Lucy could go
go on tostudy at this great on tostudy at this great school.
07 Ms. Lopez “She is one of Mr. Lopez said Lucy was one of
the most intelligent girls the smartest girls in school
08 Mrs. Valle “I request respect Mrs. Valle said that she and her
for me and my family” daughter be respected

09 Ms. Lopez “Why notstarting Mr. Lopez said why gay families
in Mexico?” do not start in Mexico

10 Mrs. Madrid “I want her to Mrs. Madrid asks Mrs. Valle for
explain to us,right now explanations about her marriage
about her marriage”

It is crucial that we realize that homosexual or lesbian behavior is no longer
something left in the dark. Gay and lesbian groups are promoting their
ideology and activities among children and young people, that is their main
form of survival as a social group. It is our own children who are in danger,
since the origin of homosexuality is often found in the seduction of the child
or adolescent by a homosexual adult. Every adult homosexual or with
serious problems in the area of sexuality "is the product of premature sexual
stimulation in childhood, either due to true violations or excessive exposure
as an observer of sexual activities". It is up to us to take this attack on the
family and our children seriously and to face it responsibly.

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