Assignment 4 20015480
Assignment 4 20015480
Assignment 4 20015480
“She cannot definitely here” (47) Mrs. Madrid said definitely that the girl could not stay
“Yes, i am lesbian (24) Mrs. Valle said that she had a wife.
“ just can’t see what the (27) Mrs. Valle said that she just couldn’t see what the
problem is” problem was.
“I still don’t understand the (7) Mr. Lopez said that he didn’t understand the
reason for this urgent meeting” reason for this urgent meeting.
“Something is not right in this (2) Mrs. Madrid assured that something wasn’t right in
school” this scool.
“This can open the door to (4) Mrs. Madrid mentioned that that could open the
hell” door to hell.
“I request respect for me and (38) Mrs. Madrid demanded respect for her and her
my family” family.
“She has no problems with (52) Mrs. Valle explained that lucy hadn’t problems with
her sexual her sexual preferences.
“That is your problems” (63) Mrs. Valle said that that her problem.
“Do you have time to spend (60) Mrs. Valle asked if she had time to spend with them
with them after all that after all that gossiping every day.
gossiping every day”
“I do not want her gay (49) Mrs. Madrid said that she didn’t want her gay
influence in our normal girl” influence in her normal girl.
“Ladies,Lucy has been (41) Mr.Lopez said that Ladies,Lucy had been
studying in this institution since studying in this institution since kínder garde
kínder garden”
“She is one of the most (43) Mr. Lopez confessed that lucy was one of the most
intelligent girls in school” intelligent girls in school.
“She will not (56) Mrs. Valle explained that she wouldn’t ‘contaminate’
‘contaminate’ your girls, if that her girl if that was her concern.
is your concern”
“She is not a lesbian” (55) Mrs. Valle said that Lucy wasn’t a lesbian.
“we have to do (5) Mrs. Madrid said that they had to do something to
something to repair this repair this situation.
“what is reason of this (9) Mr. Lopez asked what the reason of this
extraordinary meeting” extraordinary meeting was.
“I am very glad you have (10) Mrs. Madrid mentioned that she was very glad they
atended on time the had atended on time
meeting” the meetig
“I want her to explain to us, (15) Mrs. Madrid told she wanted her explain to
right now about her marriage” them, right now about her
“She is nobody to (20) Mrs. Valle thought she was nobody to question my
question my preferences” preferences.
4 Mrs. Gonzalez said “Mrs. Valle, I invite Mrs. Gonzá lez suggested that Mrs. Valle had a
you to have a conversation with psychological problem because of her preferences.
our school
5 Mr. Lopez said “that is a goog idea” Mr. Lopez approves the idea of conversation with
6 Mrs. Valle said “if after to see the Mrs. Valle assured if after to see the school
school psychologist, she doesn’t sure psychologist she didn’t sure of the things, she
of the things, she will not let that her wouldn’t let that her daughter was in this school
daughter to
assist to that school.
7 Mr. Lopez said” If after this you decide Mr. Ló pez understands that after the talk he will
that it’s the better to her make the best decision for your daughter
daughter is ok”.
8 Mrs. Madrid said “I am not right, Mrs. Madrid admitted that homoseality was
that homosexuality is normal.
9 Mrs. Valle said: “perhaps you are afraid Mrs. Madrid said Mr. Ló pez that she thought it was
that the CNDH will issue a not necessary to go to these extremes.
recommendation to you, Mrs. Madrid?”
10 Mrs. Madrid said: “Mr. Ló pez, I think it is Mrs. Madrid said: there is no need to take things to
not necessary to go to these extremes” the limit, we must be reasonable
Today homosexuality is more normal, it is being accepted and concepts are even being
diversified so that we understand the devercity that it entails, there are many inclusion
In my opinion, we all have the right to have our preferences respected without
discrimination, after all, they are ours.
Gay couples are beginning to participate in adoption, it is being regulated, each person
can have an opinion about it but in conclusion it is a right to freedom, each one chooses
what seems most convenient.