Assignment OUMH 2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes May 2020 Semester
Assignment OUMH 2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes May 2020 Semester
Assignment OUMH 2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes May 2020 Semester
OUMH 2103
1. Answer in English.
2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references unless stated otherwise in
the question below.
6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
Assignment statement:
The era of social media is a hot topic in debates. Although it seems that social media has
brought many benefits, there are disadvantages too. Recently, social media has shown to
affect relationships in families unexpectedly and sometimes in negative ways.
Assignment task:
Based on the assignment statement above, write a cause and effect essay to show your
Task Specifications:
1. Your essay should have the following parameters.
a. Length: 1500 to 2000 words long
b. Format: standard essay format. To be submitted in electronic form.
2. Your essay should contain the following:
- An introductory paragraph (some background information about the topic and a
thesis statement- an introductory sentence in the body of the essay).
- Body of essay (Three body paragraphs—each explaining the cause and effects of
social media. All sources used to further explain each cause and effect must be
properly referenced).
- Concluding paragraph (prediction of future consequences).
3. Use appropriate transition and connectors to signals in your writing.
4. You must read and quote journal articles, newspaper clippings, books and other
relevant reading materials in your essay.
5. Refer to the rubrics for marks allocation.
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear No introduction. 4
A inviting, states the main states the main topic and the main topic, but does introduction to the main
topic and previews the previews the structure of not adequately preview topic or structure of the
structure of the paper. the paper, but is not the structure of the paper paper.
particularly inviting to the nor is it particularly
reader. inviting to the reader.
1 BODY OF ESSAY/ 3.0 There is one clear, well- The main ideas of both One of the paragraphs The main ideas in all There is no 12
REFERENCING focused topic. Main idea paragraphs are clear. Most has a clear main idea. paragraphs are not clear. body of essay /
stands out and is supporting details are Only some supporting There is a strong referencing.
supported by detailed appropriate and relevant. details are appropriate evidence of plagiarism.
information. All outside Most outside sources are and relevant. Most
sources are properly properly cited/ referenced. outside sources are not
cited/ referenced. cited/ referenced
1 CONCLUSION 1.0 The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear No conclusion. 4
and leaves the reader with recognizable and gives recognizable, but does not conclusion, the paper just
a feeling that they closure to the essay. effectively close the essay. ends.
understand what the
writer is "getting at."
1 COHERENCE 1.25 Details are placed in a There are clear attempts to There are attempts to use Writing contains major Nil. 5
logical order and the way use cohesive devices to link cohesive devices, but the mistakes in the use of
they are presented details, but in one or two writing lacks direction cohesive devices that
effectively keeps the places, writing appears that affected reader’s affected general
interest of the reader. incoherent. comprehension. understanding.
1 LANGUAGE/ 1.25 The writer makes no The writer makes minimal The writer makes some The writer makes a lot of Nil. 5
GRAMMAR errors in grammar or errors in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
spelling that distracts the structure and spelling that structure, or spelling that structure or spelling that
reader from the content. do not affect the reader’s affects reader’s affects reader’s
understanding. understanding. comprehension.
Total 30
*QN = Question Number
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 The introduction and The introduction and The introduction and The introduction and Introduction 4
B AND conclusion paragraphs conclusion paragraphs conclusion paragraphs conclusion paragraphs and conclusion
CONCLUSION clearly and effectively state the topic and/or the are not clear and/or not do not focus on the topic paragraphs are
state the topic and the focus of the essay. apparent. or lack of organisation not provided.
focus of the essay.
1 BODY OF 3.0 Clear, well written and Main idea is somewhat The main idea is not The information does There is no 12
PARAGRAPH well-focused topic. The clear but the supporting clear, and there is a not aid the reader in information
steps provide detailed information is still seemingly random understanding the topic. provided.
information and examples inadequate. There are collection of information The topic is not
to aid in the examples to aid in the that does not aid in the explained clearly. There
understanding of the understanding of the topic understanding of the are many confusing
topic being discussed. being discussed. topic being discussed. discussions in the
Discussions on the Discussions on the Discussions on the paragraph.
statistical data is well statistical data is statistical data is
elaborated and well elaborated and presented. somewhat elaborated.
1 CONCLUSION 1.0 The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear No conclusion. 4
and leaves the reader with recognizable and gives recognizable, but does not conclusion, the paper just
a feeling that they closure to the essay. effectively close the essay. ends
understand what the
writer is "getting at."
1 COHERENCE/ 2.5 Details are placed in a Only some details are not in Many details are not in a The absence of a logical Nil. 5
SEQUENCING logical order and the way a logical order or expected logical or expected order. order makes the
they are presented order, and thus to a certain There is little sense that paragraph difficult to
effectively keeps the extent distracts the reader. the writing is organized. read. There is no logic to
interest of the reader. the sequencing of the
sentences and the
paragraph is very
1 LANGUAGE: 1.25 The writer makes a few or The writer makes some The writer makes many Writing contains a lot of Nil. 5
GRAMMAR & no errors in grammar or errors in grammar or errors in grammar or subject-verb agreement
SPELLING spelling that distract the spelling but these errors do spelling that distracts the mistakes, spelling errors,
reader from the content. not distract the reader reader from the content. verb usage errors, and
The process is written in from the content. Some of The process is not written other grammatical errors
the passive form. the steps are not written in in the passive form. that make the paragraph
the passive form. difficult to read and
understand. The process
is not written in the
passive form.
Total 30
*QN = Question Number