EE03 Public Management For Street Vendor Problems in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

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Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Sept.


Public Management for Street Vendor Problems in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Mohammad AKHARUZZAMAN 1 and Atsushi DEGUCHI 2
Department of Urban Design, Planning and Disaster Management, Graduate School of Human-Environment
Studies, Kyushu University
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
Abstract— Dhaka City has a large number of street vendors and especially obstruction for pedestrian [2]. The word
as an informal trade. They create problems in urban areas to Problem in this case does not have its usual meaning. If the
produce street garbage and crowd the footpath. Local street vendor is usually a Problem for urban areas, removal
authorities evict them as a solution but at the same time a or eviction is one of the best solutions for Dhaka City as
large number of urban dwellers become jobless witch creates
well as other South Asian developing cities. However,
a new problem in urban areas. Street vendor is one of the
better informal job opportunities for poor. This study aims to when the local authorities evict the street vendors from
clarify the real urban street environmental situation in urban area it becomes a Problem for a large number of
Dhaka City reflected by street vendors. It was conducted to urban dwellers. Especially, whose lives are being
organize the field survey to observe the street vending maintained by street vendors or access shops from the
situation in urban footpath of Dhaka City. Due to the lack of street vendors in their urban live. A large number of urban
formalization and management systems, urban authorities dwellers considerations, street vendors are part of their
cannot touch them without eviction and vendors don’t take lives as jobs or as shopping center in Dhaka City.
responsibility to maintain their surrounding environment. It
can be considered the formalization and public management
According to the urban situation, it can be considered that,
systems will be beneficial participated by street vender street vending is an important urban informal trade sector,
community itself. not a Problem for urban area of Dhaka City.
Public Management
INTRODUCTION Public management is deliberate changes to the
Background structure and processes of public sector organizations
Dhaka City has a large number of urban dwellers who are with the objective of getting them (in some sense) to run
poor and have no formal skills to get jobs in formal sectors. better (Pollit and Bouckaert, 2000) [3]. Based on this
They often become street vender in urban areas. Most of definition, public management is a method to improve
them are rural-urban migrant due to the lack of work living conditions of the human with the surrounding
facilities and public services in rural area. Being a street environment. By implementation of public management
vendor is one of the best job opportunities for them as systems in urban areas, each of the urban dweller benefits
informal activities. In addition, poor urban dwellers can in their urban lives. This study considered that,
not fulfill their basic need without those informal activities management process would be established by the
in urban areas. For example, the venders operate their participation of all stakeholders and creators. Thus street
street business and depend on it; so, they cannot provide vendors could become responsible for their actions in
foods, cloths, and shelters for their families without these urban environment. This public management pursues to
informal activities. Most of South Asian developing cities improve living conditions of all groups of urban dwellers.
have a large number of street vendors as an informal trade The local authority considers improving their urban
in the main urban transaction points as well as Dhaka City. planning and urban management issue to exclude their
The local authorities of Dhaka City see that, the street existing street vendors in Dhaka City. The authority has
vendors a Problem for their urban area. Without street indicated that street vendor is an illegal trade in urban
vending in urban areas a large number of urban dwellers area of Dhaka City [4]. However, street vending is an
fall into a critical situation in their lives. Not only the essential factor for a large number of urban dwellers to
low-income group but also the middle-income group of maintain their livelihood. It would be considered that, by
urban dweller depends on street vendor for shopping in the implementing a public management system, street
their life. According to the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) vendors would become a comfort for urban dwellers of
report In the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) area 60% Dhaka City as well as become a model for South Asian
houses are of low-income, 37% middle income and the rest developing cities.
3% constitutes high-income houses are in the Dhaka City,
Bangladesh [1]. Based on this report, more than 60% of RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND PURPOSE
urban dwellers depend on urban street vendors. However, Research Problems
the local authority has no proper rehabilitation policy for Based on the field survey, street vendors create two
their street vendors. Sometime the authority evicts them problems in Dhaka City as well as other developing South
from their area and venders become jobless due to this Asian cities. They are as follow:
eviction from their urban area. 1) Street Garbage: The venders dispose of their garbage
The Meaning of Problem on the footpaths or on the streets after their sale in urban
According to Jung-Hyung LEE, Those street vendors are area of Dhaka City (left side of Fig.1). Sometimes the food
illegally possessed on the public sidewalk, thus they are is sold wrapped by using paper, and consumers throw that
not originally designed in a city street planning, which paper on the street as Fig. 9. According to this issue, street
inherited various problem such as unpleasant urbanscape garbage’s problem has a strong relation with urban street

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Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Sept. 2010

vending in Dhaka City.

2) Footpath Crowded
9 8.00
From January 2007 street vending is strictly prohibited in 8

Urban Pop ulation (M illio n)

7 6.00
5 4.23

2 .4 8
0.28 0.3 7
1951 1961 19 74 1 981 1991 200 1 20 04

Ye ar

Street Garbage Footpath Crowded

Fig.1 Problems from Street Vendors Fig. 3 Population Growth of DCC Area
Source: DCC Profile

It was selected study area in Dhaka City and it has a large
number of urban problems as well as other South Asian
developing cities. Urban street vending process is one of
them which is indicated as a Problem by the local
Research Field
The research field is a central part of Dhaka City urban
area as the name of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC). It is
located at the central urban administrative area (grey area
of Fig.2). It was selected as some specific urban area based
on the main transaction point or an important and a good
place for street vending in Dhaka City. There are some
inner-city bus stops, Rickshaw stands, inter district
connection, and other transportation systems located here.
In addition, some important offices or educational institute
or shopping centers is located at that place. For those
Fig. 2 Map of Dhaka City Included DCC Area
reasons, a large number of urban dwellers use these areas
the urban area of Dhaka City until next EID (Bangladeshi for their daily commute and street venders take this chance
Islamic traditional festival) of that year. The general to operate their street business in those areas.
people who have no relation with street vendors, they are Outline of Dhaka City
happy for this eviction. As one local newspaper published 1) Population Growth
in a report “Usually I was compelled to walk through the Dhaka City is one of the high-density urban areas among
main road risking being run over by speeding vehicles as Asian countries. Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) has only
street vendors kept footpaths occupied. I am really happy 145km2 lands with more than 8.00 million population,
to see that the footpath at Farmgate is clear” said Saifur where all kinds of offices are located as like as other capital
Rahman, a resident of East Rajabazar[5] (The Daily star city (DCC profile 2004) [6]. Also high rate population
January 19, 2007). But this research, have a question for growth is due to the rural-urban migration and natural
him, what is the necessity of street vendors in Dhaka City? growth. According to the World Bank estimation, 0.3 to
Research Objective 0.4 million people are migrating in Dhaka City per year [7].
This study seeks to clarify the vending process and the Fig. 3 shows that, from 1991 to 2004 the population of
problem created in the urban area of Dhaka City. In DCC areas increased from 4.23 million to 8.00 million
addition, it conceders the informal economic activities which almost doubled within 13 years. Migration is one of
relating to the street environment of Dhaka City as follow: the most important sources for population growth in
i) To find out the real street vending process that has create central urban areas of Dhaka City.
a problem for the urban street environment in Dhaka 2) Growth of Urban Area
City. The area of Dhaka City is increasing rapidly because of
ii) To analyze the necessity of street vendors and public rural- urban migration. In the beginning of the 20th century,
management systems for the street vendors in Dhaka Dhaka City had a large number of low lands and water
City. channels. However, some housing companies and
iii) This study seeks to clarify 1) The real situation of landlords have been developing housing projects to build
vending and shopping and 2) The urban street venders’ up the residential areas or the industrial company. This is
perception in individual research area in Dhaka City the main source of the urban expansion in Dhaka City.
According to the DCC profile in 1990 Dhaka Municipal
Corporation was renamed Dhaka City Corporation (DCC)
and was divided into 10 zones within 90 wards to fulfill the
objectives of decentralization. In 1998, Dhaka City

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Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Sept. 2010

Corporation has increased to 100 wards but this was not become unfit to get a job in formal sector. Especially, some
implemented due to the boundary problems. Dhaka City of these children provide the main income source in their
urban area expanded as for the necessity of new urban family.
people Fig.No.4. 2) Venders Gender
Most of the poor female urban dwellers work in garments
factories, housemaids or work in a construction farm.
Street vending is not a suitable job for females in Dhaka
City because it is difficult to protect them from local leader
and local authority’s harassment. According to the Fig.6,
96% of venders were working as male venders in urban
main transaction points of Dhaka City. It’s their main
source of income to maintain their families in urban area.

Fig. 4 Growth of Dhaka City Urban Area Venders Sex

Source: DCC Profile

3% 1%
96% Male
This study conducted the field survey at May 2007
under the internship program of UN-Habitat Regional
Office for Asia and the Pacific Fukuoka, Japan and at
September 2008 supported by Fukuoka Asian Urban
Research Center, Fukuoka, Japan in Dhaka City. This
research organized as the following: Fig. 6 Venders type in Dhaka city
i) Collecting data by field observation in Dhaka City.
ii) Analyzing the primary and secondary data from 3) Vendors Quantity in Different Time
relevant sources. It was strictly prohibited to do street vending in Dhaka
iii) Consulting with venders and customers in vending
Vendor Quantity
areas of Dhaka City.
iv) Collecting some digital data for analyzing the real 40
35 36
issue of vending situation in Dhaka City 30
25 06:00-09:00
15 10:00-13:00
5 6 5 4 5 6
1 2 1 2 3 1
0 0 0 0
This research has analyzed the data, vendor’s comment,
ge s

Ho ew les

Ve ink


So ck




observation’s episodic, and venders and public




us spa



precipitation. In addition it has shown how street venders


will benefit from their informal vending in their urban

lives. Fig.7 Vendors in Different Time

City’s urban area at May, 2007. However, at the same time

N o n - E vc tion P e rio d E vic tio n Pe rio d a few number of cloths and household goods vendors were
operating their business in prohibited urban areas. This
70 data (Fig.7) was collected at the time of eviction period
N um b e r o f Ve n d ers

from Farmgate area (Central part of Dhaka City Table.1) in
40 the morning time 06:00AM to 09:00AM. Most of those
20 venders offered breakfast to pedestrians at that time.
However, from 10:00AM to 13:00PM most of the fruit and
0- 1 5 1 6 -2 0 2 1 - 2 5 2 6 - 3 0 31 - 3 5 3 6 -4 0 4 1 - 4 5 46-50 51- vegetable vendors offered their goods to the pedestrians as
A ge
KACHA BAZAR (Fresh Market). Especially, the urban
Fig.5 Venders’ Age in Dhaka City dwellers that live in the surrounding area do their shopping
from this KACHA BAZAR. The fruit vendors were offering
Data Analysis good quality fruits not only to the surrounding residents
1) Venders Age but also to all income groups of pedestrian.
Most of the street venders were 16-40 years old who are 4) Vendor Position and Number at Different Times
able to do the formal jobs and some children involved in The data was collected at two times in the same place in the
vending who able to go to school Fig. 5. Based on the
morning and evening from indira road of Framgate area.
author’s observation, street venders of a developed city is Fig.8, the black color represents vendors in the morning
more than 50 years old. However, the developing city they time at 06:00 to 09:00 AM and red color represents
are still youth. Most of the children who operate the street vendors in the evening time at 10:00 AM to 13:00PM. For
vending in the urban areas have no chance to be educated the case of eviction period, most of the venders were
from formal academic institutions due to their family’s offering their goods in normal zone as a mobile system.
economical condition. These children grew up as street
venders without formal education. For that case, they Observation Analysis

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Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Sept. 2010

It was consulted with different people who have a trade is prohibited in urban area. So they made more space
relation with urban street vendors in Dhaka City. for pedestrians to walk and offered their goods to moving
1) Observation Situation people within a short time from their position.
During the author’s survey former venders and local
people thought that author was a governmental officer or OVERALL DISCUSSION
person from the media. And they thought that, it would be
submitted in DCC or it would be published in media, then Necessity of Street Vendor in Dhaka City
street business would become more strictly prohibited. This study finds out that, two parts of urban dwellers get
People who were suffering due to the eviction, they come benefit directly from street vendors in Dhaka City and
other South Asian developing cities. These two parts are
the following:
1) Vendors as Job
Part of urban dwellers maintains their lives by street
vending as their job in urban main transaction points.
Based on age groups (Fig.5), most of the street venders are
able to work in formal job. However, due to the lacking of
job opportunities in Dhaka City, they become street
vendors in urban areas as an informal worker. These kind
Fig.8 Vendors’ Position in Farmgate Area of urban dwellers have no alternative opportunity to
maintain their lives expenses without street vending. Some
to author to know about him. Some of them were asking
street venders operate a very simple business to keep away
him “who you are and what are you doing this area
their food poverty. One street vender opinion is that; I have
“(Survey 2007). Finally it was clear that they were former
no savings, since my income was very low. How will I
street venders and affected by the eviction and become
provide food for my family of four now? Questioned
jobless. One of them was around 25 to 30 years old, gave
Mohammad Slim, an evicted street vendor from Gulistan.
an overall idea of street vending in Farmgate area. He told
He requested the government to introduce alternative
that only in Farmgate more than 1000 of street vendors
source of income to the evicted vendors. (The Daily star
have been located where one vendor could create a job
January 19, 2007).
opportunity for three before eviction. By the eviction they
2) Vendors as Shop
became completely jobless and they were maintaining
The other part of urban dwellers is not operating street
their urban life by balancing money and it was a critical
vendors but they depend on them to do shop for their urban
period for them (Survey 2007). In addition, he showed a
livelihood. Low-income group of urban dwellers cannot
useless urban space which was maintained by themselves
shop from luxurious shopping centers in the developing
to create their informal businesses as a source of income.
cities. The street vendor is the main source of shopping in
2) Use of Street Vendors
their lives. Not only the low-income group but also the
Based on the daily newspaper, street vending is the most
middle-income and high-income group of urban dwellers
important job opportunity for more than 0.3 million urban
is shopping for some household goods in their daily life
dwellers in Dhaka City [8]. Some of them are operating
from street vendors. One Dhaka University student, who
mobile vending as a simple business to keep away the food
poor and come from a rural area said: Not only the low
poverty .On the other hand, street vending is the cheapest
income group people, student like us and sometimes
way to shop for low-income group of urban dwellers and
middle class people also shop from footpath vendors as
it’s necessary for their urban livelihood in Dhaka City.
Picture Analysis
Fig.9 shows, one mobile vender is selling snacks wrapped
by used paper. The pedestrians are eating at the place and
throw the garbage unconsciously on the footpaths. In
addition, street venders also throw the garbage on the
footpath after one day businesses (Fig.1). It’s become a
main source of streets garbage due to the lack of Before Eviction After Eviction
responsibility. Fig.10 shows the evicted and non-evicted Fig.10 Comparing Urban Vending Situation
situation of street vending in urban area of Dhaka City.
they sell products in comparatively cheaper rates that then
The venders operated their businesses on urban footpaths
of the markets. He said the corporation should provide
according to their self-designed systems in urban main
some particular places with the street vendors for avoiding
transaction point of Dhaka City.
traffic jams as well as for the interests of shoppers. (New
Some street vendors located in the backspace or take
Age September 25, 2006). It shows that, street vendor is an
simple place for operating the informal street businesses.
important informal trade sector in Dhaka City as well as
It can be considered that, venders seemed to realize their
other South Asian developing cities.

Based on this vending situation, street vendor a

beneficial trade sector in Dhaka City; however, the urban
authorities have no developmental policy to improve their

Fig.9 Street Garbage from Vendors

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vending system and to maintain the surrounding extreme poor in Dhaka City and their income level was
environment. very low in their urban lives.
Type of Urban Street Vendor in Dhaka City Situation of Street Vendor in Dhaka City
Based on the field survey of Dhaka City, Street vendors Due to the lack of formalization, urban authority cannot
operate by four different types of vending systems in urban get a single penny from street vendors as legal taxes. In
areas: Permanent, Semi-Permanent, Semi-Mobile, and addition, venders face harassment from their local
Table.1 Street Vendors Typology in Dhaka City Urban Area

Type Picture Location Map Goods Quantity Goods Quality Remarks

These kinds of vendors This street business is

The goods quality is not so

are selling various operated by more than

bad and meddle and
cloths, fresh fruits, one person as
low-income people are shop
cooked food etc. permanent until
from these vendors due to
Usually they sell one or eviction of urban
the down price
two types of goods authorities
Gulistan Area

These goods are not so good They bring their goods

They sell household
quality but meddle and in home but they put
goods, cloths,
low-income people shops their selling platform
vegetables, fruits,
here due to their urban in footpath for next day
services etc
livelihood business

Mirpur Area

They don’t put their

Some time the seasonal personal existence in

Mainly they are selling

fruits is good quality but urban footpath after
seasonal fruits,
most of goods are not good their business in a day.
household goods,
quality and poor people They bring their
snacks, services, etc
shops for their livelihood business in home
New Market Area

They are completely

mobile vendors in
They are selling They are selling goods as
Dhaka City and it’s

traditional snacks, mobile vendors in urban

difficult to control
household goods, toys area as low quality to the
them by evection or
etc moving people
management from
urban area
Farmgate Area
authority by eviction from their vending areas.
Mobile (Table 1). Permanent types of vendors were doing 1) Before Eviction
their street business as permanent shop and they put their According the daily Newspaper, venders operate their
goods on the street after the business day. Some of them businesses in Farmgate, Gulistan, and New Market areas
have a relation with nearest shop as an external business on paid by 0.5 million BDT (Bangladeshi Currency, Taka.
the urban street. Their income level is good compared with 1$ = 69 BDT) per day as an illegal toll to local political
other vendors. Semi-permanent vendors were one of the leaders and local authorities for unofficial permission [6].
biggest numbers of street vendors in Dhaka City and These are the illegal tolls, which have no benefit for urban
according to the vender’s opinion from Mirpur area they development founds. For the lack of formalization venders
strongly affected by the government’s eviction. After sale, have no responsibility to maintain their urban footpaths in
they bring their goods home and put their business’s vending areas.
platform and stand on the urban footpaths for next day. 2) After Eviction
Their income level is not so good compared with As a part of illegal and informal sector urban authority
permanent one. Semi-mobile vendors were the temporary strictly evict them at January 2007 and street venders’
street business in urban area of Dhaka City. They don’t put became job less in Dhaka City. However, a few venders
up their existence in an urban footpath after their business. were still operating their street businesses as mobile
Some of them were providing their own products like systems during this eviction period. Based on their
fruits, snacks, and handicaps etc. Their income level is not
vending condition, most of them are extreme poor and they
good and some children operate this kind of street vendors
cannot maintain lives without their daily street vending.
in Dhaka City. Mobile venders were moving in different
After eviction, the local government established the
urban areas to sell their goods to the moving urban
holiday market for street vending in some individuals
dwellers. Some of them were selling in transportation
urban areas. But according to the vender’s opinion, holiday
vehicles. Based on their business condition, they were
market doesn’t have enough space for the large number of

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street vendors in Dhaka City and selling was not good for REFERENCES
the venders. Secondly, Before Eid urban authority decided [1] SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN DHAKA CITY” AZM SHAFIQUL ISLAM
that, 20 spots (20 previous vending places) were permitted CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DHAKA CITY CORPORATION.
for vending including the Farmgate, Gulistan, Mirpur, and [2] “Jung-Hyung LEE, “Characteristic Analysis of Street Vendors In
Seoul Korea,” Proceedings of Asian Street Vendor Research
New Market area in Dhaka City. For this policy, street Symposium pp 3-1 to 3-10, September 28, 2004
vendors were going to previous condition. Because poor [3] Leonvan den Dool, “Making Local Government Work,” Institute for
urban dwellers are not responsible for their urban areas and Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus
they pushed to operate street vending in central urban areas University Rotterdam (EUR) pp 23, October 2005
[4] Parvin Khaleda “Vendors start occupying footpaths ahead of Eid”,
for the lack of gainful job opportunities for their urban life New Age, 25th September 2006.
expenses. [5] “City walkways free from hawkers” The Daily Star, January 19,
The developing cities have no guidelines for street 2007
vending. However; a large number of urban dwellers [6] Profile of Dhaka City Corporation,” Published by Urban Planning
Department DCC, April 2004
depend on urban street vending. However, the local
[7] “Map of Dhaka City Corporation” Urban Planning Department,
governments of developed cities have special guidelines Dhaka City Corporation; April 2004
for controlling their street businesses. [8] Nazrul Islam, Dhaka Now: Contemporary Urban Development,
The venders of developing city have no alternative Bangladesh Geographical Society (BGS), Dhaka. 2005
opportunity to maintain their lives without street vending [9] Atsushi Deguchi “Re-Evolution Street vendors in Asian cities and
Asian Urbanism” 8th International Conference of the Asian Planning
due to the lack of formal job opportunities for them. On the School Association, 2005
other hand, urban authorities of developing cities have no [10] 出口敦“アジアの都市共生”九州大学出版会、第3章 pp 75-115
proper guideline for their large number of street vendors. [11] Sharit K Bhowik “Street Vendors in Asia: A Review” Economic and
Both urban authority and the urban street venders harass Political Weekly 28th May to 4th June 2005.
[12] Alison Brown “Contested Space Street trading, Public Space and
each other in Dhaka City and other South Asian livelihoods in developing cities” ITDG Publishing 2006.
developing cities. It might comfort both, venders and [13] Dhaka City Home page.
Local authorities, to shear the responsibilities established [14] Abdul Kader “Street vendors rejoice at toll-free business” The Daily
by the public management systems for Dhaka City. It could New Age 27th September 2007.
[15] Sheikh Arif Bulbon “20 open air markets: Glimmer of hope for city
be considered that, after implementation of public Hawkers” The New Nation Internet Edition, 22nd October 2007.
management systems street vending will be a beneficial [16] Nazrul Islam “Recent Urban Studies, Bangladesh” Urban Studies
urban trade sector in Dhaka City as well as a model for Programme (USP), Dhaka 1000, December, 1998.
South Asian developing cities. [17] Md. Mahbubur Rabb Meenar, “Traffic Congestion in Dhaka City:
Where is the solution” SUNY Buffalo, 10th May, 2000
CONCLUSION [18] Sheikh Arif Bulbon, “Evicted hawkers return to city holiday
markets” The New Nation Internet Edition, 13th May 2007
Street venders are operating their informal business as a [19] Parvin Khaleda ,“Hawkers find holiday market inadequate to live
temporary process without a sustainable management by” New Age 24th June 2007
system for the lack of authority involvement in Dhaka City.
Due to that lack of responsibility, street vendors are
creating problems, street garbage and crowed the footpaths
in urban areas. But a large number of urban dwellers
depend on the street vendors to maintain their life expenses
as a job or for shopping. Due to the eviction of street
vendors part of urban dweller would be in a critical
situation in Dhaka City. Based on these issues, street
vending is an essential urban trade sector for a large
number of urban dwellers in Dhaka City as a part of their
urban lives. However, due to the informal situation at
present, local government cannot do anything other than
eviction them and street venders cannot operate their
business without being harassed. Local authority has to
create a management system for street vendors so that
street venders could operate their business with self
responsibility and the authority could collect legal taxes
from the street vendors. This public management system
should be organized by local government with
participation from urban street venders and local people as
a community work. Then the public management of street
vendors will be more responsible in their urban area.
Doing so, street vendors will become beneficial for both
urban dwellers and street vendors and it will become an
urban identity for Dhaka City as well as South Asian
developing cities.

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