Q2 Week Ab - Freedom of The Human Person

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Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Philosophy

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 2nd

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards The learner understands the human person’s freedom

B. Performance Standards The learner shows situations that demonstrate the freedom of choice and the consequences of choices

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Realize that:

Write the LC code for each a. “All actions have consequences” b. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
PPT12-IIa-5.1 PPT12-IIa-5.2



A. References Books:
1. Samuel Enoch Stumpf, Socrates to Sartre 5th edition, Mc Graw Hill, Inc., USA,1993.
2. Florentino T. Timbereza, Bioethics and Moral Decisions, De Lasalle University. Press Inc., 2004.

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.youtube. https://www.youtube.c
com/watch? om/watch?
v=jII0tzPdOs0 v=qf2owHef6nY


A. Reviewing previous lesson or -Can someone make -Class, Is there -Can anyone from the -Board work:
presenting the new lesson a brief discussion anything that you class give the
about our previous would like to clarify definition of Would any volunteer
lesson. (3 mins.) about yesterday’s prudence? like to write on the
discussion board the answers
(3 mins.) for the assignment

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:

SISA TALA Video Clip Role-playing

(SIne SAliksik) (TAnaw LArawan) (A video that shows (Choose one
The learners will The learners will be the prudent act of situation listed on
watch a video clip asked to take a look MILA, a teacher who the board and
(An honest taxi at the different chooses to live her life present in your most
driver) that presents ;pictures projecting with the poor) creative way)
the contents of a the topic for the day.
new lesson. (5 mins.)
C. Presenting examples/instances of 1. What message 1. What can you 1. What actions are 1. What actions are
the new lesson does the movie say about the evidently prudent in evidently prudent in
projects? picture? the video clip? the presentation?

D. Discussing new concepts and 1. If you were the 1. What kind of 1. What 1. What
practicing new skills #1 actor,what choices story would you like characteristics have characteristics have
would you rather to create based on you observed about you observed about
take? the message of the Mila? in the different
picture? presentation?
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Can you relate 1. Do you know 2. Do you agree 1. Who among you
practicing new skills #2 the concept of anyone whose story with her decision? do possess such
human acts and acts is the same with that characteristics?
of man to your day of the picture?
to day living?
F. Developing mastery (leads to
Formative Assessment 3) -The Human Acts -The Principle of -Types of Confllict -Implications of
and Acts of Man Double effects by St. being prudent
Thomas Aquinas

G. Finding practical applications of - If you strive hard - Do you agree that -If you were Mila, Being prudent in
concepts and skills in daily living and study hard with stealing the property would you do the situations like:
your will and shall be same? (Yes/No, -scolded by parents
knowledge, you will condemned? Why?) -bullied by
be able to succeed (Yes/No, and Why) classmates
in life and become a -chased with vices
productive citizen
H. Making generalizations and 1.What is the 1. In terms of 1. In making choices, 1.Give the general
abstractions about the lesson difference between freedom, what is the is prudence signifant? implication of
human acts and acts underlying principle prudence.
of man of double effects by
St. Thomas Aquinas Prudence is a kind of
Answer: Human virtue that one needs Being prudent helps
acts are actions most when he/she is the person to
done with “will” and confronted with become rational in
“knowledge.” While choices his/her manner of
Acts of Man are choosing between
actions with the opposing options.
absence of either
“will” or “knowledge.”
I. Evaluating learning Situational Summative Amidst the poor Give a situation
Activity: Assesment situation that you are when prudence is
Tell whether the ff. in, how can you not applied
situations are -Improvised Test remain prudent in evidently.
Human Acts or Acts (10 items) your choices?
of Man -getting involved in
sparring when
-A college student bullied
(Pregnancy and

-Terminally ill-
patients –
Euthanasia or
Natural death

J. Additional activities for application 1.List down 3 1. Define prudence. 1. Enumarate 5 WASOL
or remediation examples of Human situations that show (Write A SOrry
acts and Acts of 2. Cite an example acts of prudence. Letter)
Man of a prudent act.
-Write a sorry letter
for someone whom
you have not shown



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:
Group IV

Jaime T. Tugade
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Marion S. Arcenas
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Marianne S. Dio
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Lorelei A. Avancena
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Ronnel E. Pineda
Division of Nueva Ecija

Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Philosophy
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 2nd

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

D. Content Standards The learner understands the human person’s freedom

E. Performance Standards The learner shows situations that demonstrate the freedom of choice and the consequences of choices

F. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Realize that:

Write the LC code for each a. “All choice have consequences” b. Some things are given up while others are
PPT12-IIb-5.3 obtained in making choices.
c. Show situations trhat demonstrate freedom of
choice and the consequences of their choices.



C. References Books:
1. Tabotabo, et.al. 2011. Standards of Human Conduct Ethics for Filipinos.
2. Mendoza, et.al 2008. Philosophy of Man

2. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
D. Other Learning Resources https://www.youtube. https://www.youtube.c
com/watch? om/watch?
v=RmhH2uVvxmM v=5PXscl_d7UQ

K. Reviewing previous lesson or 1. Can someone -Discussion of the -Present in the class -Discuss the movie
presenting the new lesson from the class read assignment your story of sacrifice that you watched.
his/her sorry letter?

L. Establishing a purpose for the Activity Activity Group Activity:

Role-playing Video-clip Image
1.Will anyone from
-A grade 12 student (Documentary) representation
the class give an
decided to study
example of personal
even though he/she “Minsan lang sila Draw an image that
choice that has
was supposed to bata “ resembles
brought impact to
work. perservence
his/her classmates,
-A parent went -bamboo
family, and other
abroad to work even -turtle
significant persons?
though she could -ant
also work in the
M. Presenting examples/instances of -Going back to 1. Describe the 1.What is your Discuss the
the new lesson Mila’s story, what do characteristics of a personal analysis characteristics of the
you think are the grade 12 student about the video clip? presented images.
consequences of and the parent who
Mila’s choice to went abroad.
teach and live with 2. What are the
children in the visible
remote area. consequences
reflected in the role-
N. Discussing new concepts and Define the concept Explain the concept
Explain the concept of Analyze the
practicing new skills #1 of ALTRUISM. of discernment as a
sacrifice in a philosophical
process. philosophical concept of
perspective. perseverance.
O. Discussing new concepts and Relate the concept Relate the concept Relate the Relate the
practicing new skills #2 of altruism to your of discernment to philosophical concept philosophical
concrete your concrete of sacrifice to your concept of
experiences. experiences. concrete experiences. perseverance to
your concrete
P. Developing mastery (leads to Identifying the Identifying the Give some examples Give some
Formative Assessment 3) concept of Altruism concept of of acts of sacrifices examples of acts of
in a given situation. discernment in a that you know. perseverance that
given situation. you know.
-The story of
“ANAK” -The story of
(the story is subject
for change)

Q. Finding practical applications of -Studying at night Journal writing: How do you show act Tower-making
concepts and skills in daily living versus hanging out of sacrifices to
with friends 1.What is your most others? Build a tower out of
-Pursuing studies significant paper.
versus finding job discernment?

State the
consequences of
your choice.

R. Making generalizations and 1. Discuss the 1.How do you 1. In making 1.In making choices,
abstractions about the lesson concept of altruism understand choices, how how would you kow
(5 mins.) discernment? would you that there is an act
(5 mins.) know that of perseverance
there is an act
of sacrifice?
S. Evaluating learning State the Formative Perform an act of Perform an act of
consequences of the Assesment: sacrifice based on perseverance based
choices made by the your personal on your personal
ff. personalities: Answerable by observation or observation or
Yes/No experiences. experiences
-Mother Theresa
lived with the sick 1.Studying instead
and needy of working will lead
-Marcos declared you to a better
Martial Law future.
Note: Teacher may 2.Working abroad
still add some sustains the needs
examples. of the family.
(5 mins.) 3.Discernment is
vital to one’s day to
day living.
T. Additional activities for application Give the definition of Share your own act Watch a movie that Article Clipping:
or remediation Discernment of sacrifice in the shows perseverance.
class next meeting. Clip an article from
the periodicals that
shows act of



H. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
I. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
J. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
K. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
L. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Group IV
Jaime T. Tugade
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Marion S. Arcenas
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Marianne S. Dio
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Lorelei A. Avancena
Division of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Ronnel E. Pineda
Division of Nueva Ecija

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