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CHIME WARNING SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CHIME WARNING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

CHIME WARNING SYSTEM • Body Control Module - The Body Control

Module (BCM) is located on the Junction Block (JB)
underneath the driver side end of the instrument
panel. The BCM contains an integral chime tone gen-
A chime warning system is standard factory-in-
erator, integrated circuitry, a central processing unit
stalled equipment on this model (Fig. 1). The chime
and the programming to provide all of the proper
warning system uses a single chime tone generator
chime warning system features based upon the mon-
that is integral to the Body Control Module (BCM) to
itored inputs. The BCM circuitry monitors hard
provide an audible indication of various vehicle con-
wired switch inputs, as well as message inputs
ditions that may require the attention of the vehicle
received from other vehicle electronic modules on the
operator. The chime warning system includes the fol-
Programmable Communications Interface (PCI) data
lowing major components, which are described in fur-
bus network.
ther detail elsewhere in this service manual:

Fig. 1 Chime Warning System

• Door Ajar Switch - A door ajar switch is inte- • Fasten Seat Belt Warning - The Body Control
gral to the driver side front door latch. This switch Module (BCM) chime tone generator will generate
provides an input to the chime warning system indi- repetitive chime tones at a slow rate to announce
cating whether the driver side front door is open or that a hard wired input from the seat belt switch
closed. indicates that the driver side front seat belt is not
• Headlamp Switch - The headlamp switch is fastened with the ignition switch in the On position.
integral to the left multi-function switch on the left Unless the driver side front seat belt is fastened, the
side of the steering column. The headlamp switch chimes will continue to sound for a duration of about
provides an input to the chime warning system indi- six seconds each time the ignition switch is turned to
cating when the exterior lamps are turned On or Off. the On position or until the driver side front seat belt
• Ignition Switch - A key-in ignition switch is is fastened, whichever occurs first.
integral to the ignition switch. The key-in ignition • Head/Park Lights-On Warning - The BCM
switch provides an input to the chime warning sys- chime tone generator will generate repetitive chime
tem indicating whether a key is present in the igni- tones at a fast rate to announce that a Programma-
tion lock cylinder. ble Communications Interface (PCI) data bus driver
• Seat Belt Switch - A seat belt switch is inte- door ajar message received from the Driver Door
gral to the driver side front seat belt buckle-half Module (DDM), along with hard wired inputs from
unit. The seat belt switch provides an input to the the headlamp switch (left multi-function switch) and
chime warning system indicating whether the driver the ignition switch, indicate that the exterior lamps
side front seat belt is fastened. are turned On with the driver side front door opened
Hard wired circuitry connects many of the chime and the ignition switch in the Off position. The
warning system components to each other through chimes will continue to sound until the exterior
the electrical system of the vehicle. These hard wired lamps are turned Off, the driver side front door is
circuits are integral to several wire harnesses, which closed, or the ignition switch is turned to the On
are routed throughout the vehicle and retained by position, whichever occurs first.
many different methods. These circuits may be con- • Key-In-Ignition Warning - The BCM chime
nected to each other, to the vehicle electrical system tone generator will generate repetitive chime tones at
and to the chime warning system components a fast rate to announce that a PCI data bus driver
through the use of a combination of soldered splices, door ajar message received from the DDM, along
splice block connectors, and many different types of with hard wired inputs from the key-in-ignition
wire harness terminal connectors and insulators. switch (ignition switch) and the ignition switch, indi-
Refer to the appropriate wiring information. The wir- cate that the key is in the ignition lock cylinder with
ing information includes wiring diagrams, proper the driver side front door opened and the ignition
wire and connector repair procedures, further details switch in the Off position. The chimes will continue
on wire harness routing and retention, as well as to sound until the key is removed from the ignition
pin-out and location views for the various wire har- lock cylinder, the driver side front door is closed, or
ness connectors, splices and grounds. the ignition switch is turned to the On position,
The BCM chime warning system circuitry and the whichever occurs first.
integral chime tone generator cannot be adjusted or • Overspeed Warning - The BCM chime tone
repaired. If the BCM or the chime tone generator are generator will generate repetitive chime tones at a
damaged or faulty, the BCM unit must be replaced. slow rate to announce that a PCI data bus vehicle
speed message received from the Powertrain Control
OPERATION Module (PCM) indicates that the vehicle speed is
The chime warning system is designed to provide above 120 kilometers-per-hour (75 miles-per-hour).
an audible output as an indication of various condi- The chimes will continue to sound until the vehicle
tions that may require the attention or awareness of speed message indicates that the vehicle speed is
the vehicle operator. The chime warning system com- below 120 kilometers-per-hour (75 miles-per-hour).
ponents operate on battery current received through This feature is only enabled on a BCM that has been
the Ignition-Off Draw (IOD) fuse in the Power Distri- programmed with a Middle East Gulf Coast Country
bution Center (PDC) on a non-switched fused B(+) (GCC) country code.
circuit so that the system may operate regardless of • Tactile Beep Support - The BCM chime tone
the ignition switch position. generator will generate a single beep tone each time
The chime warning system provides an audible a PCI data bus tactile beep request message is
indication to the vehicle operator under the following received from the Electronic Vehicle Information Cen-
conditions: ter (EVIC) or the Sentry Key Immobilizer Module
(SKIM). This beep tone provides an audible confirma-
tion that an EVIC button was completely depressed, data bus network. The most reliable, efficient and
or that the optional Sentry Key Immobilizer System accurate means to diagnose the BCM and the PCI
(SKIS) is in the “Customer Learn” mode, which is data bus network inputs for the chime warning sys-
used for programming additional sentry key tran- tem requires the use of a DRBIIIt scan tool and the
sponders. appropriate diagnostic information. See the owner’s
• Warning Beep Support - The BCM chime tone manual in the vehicle glove box for more information
generator will generate a short series of beep tones on the features provided by the chime warning sys-
each time a PCI data bus warning beep request mes- tem.
sage is received from the EVIC or the Electro-Me-
chanical Instrument Cluster (EMIC). These beep DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING - CHIME WARNING
tones provide an audible alert to the vehicle operator SYSTEM
that supplements certain visual warning indications Refer to the appropriate wiring information. The
displayed by the EVIC and/or the EMIC. wiring information includes wiring diagrams, proper
The BCM provides chime service for all available wire and connector repair procedures, further details
features in the chime warning system. The BCM on wire harness routing and retention, as well as
relies upon its internal programming and hard wired pin-out and location views for the various wire har-
inputs from the headlamp switch (left multi-function ness connectors, splices and grounds. The hard wired
switch), and the key-in ignition switch (ignition chime warning system inputs to the Body Control
switch) to provide chime service for the head/park Module (BCM), as well as other hard wired circuits
lights-on reminder and the key-in ignition reminder. for this system may be diagnosed and tested using
For seat belt reminder chime service, the BCM uses conventional diagnostic tools and procedures. How-
a hard wired input from the driver seat belt switch ever, conventional diagnostic methods may not prove
on the seat belt switch sense circuit. The BCM relies conclusive in the diagnosis of the instrument cluster
upon electronic message inputs received from other or the Programmable Communications Interface
electronic modules over the PCI data bus network to (PCI) data bus network. The most reliable, efficient
provide chime service for all of the remaining chime and accurate means to diagnose the BCM and the
warning system features. PCI data bus network inputs for the chime warning
Upon receiving the proper inputs, the BCM acti- system requires the use of a DRBIIIt scan tool and
vates the integral chime tone generator to provide the appropriate diagnostic information.
the audible chime tone to the vehicle operator. The
chime tone generator in the BCM is capable of pro- WARNING: ON VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH AIR-
ducing single short beeps, a short series of beeps, or BAGS, DISABLE THE AIRBAG SYSTEM BEFORE
repeated chime tones at two different rates, slow or ATTEMPTING ANY STEERING WHEEL, STEERING
fast. The slow chime rate is about fifty chime tones COLUMN, OR INSTRUMENT PANEL COMPONENT
per minute, while the fast chime rate is about 180 DIAGNOSIS OR SERVICE. DISCONNECT AND ISO-
chime tones per minute. The internal programming LATE THE BATTERY NEGATIVE (GROUND) CABLE,
of the BCM determines the priority of each chime THEN WAIT TWO MINUTES FOR THE AIRBAG SYS-
tone request input that is received, as well as the TEM CAPACITOR TO DISCHARGE BEFORE PER-
rate and duration of each chime tone that is to be FORMING FURTHER DIAGNOSIS OR SERVICE. THIS
The hard wired chime warning system inputs to SYSTEM. FAILURE TO TAKE THE PROPER PRE-
the BCM, as well as other hard wired circuits for this CAUTIONS COULD RESULT IN ACCIDENTAL AIR-
system may be diagnosed and tested using conven- BAG DEPLOYMENT AND POSSIBLE PERSONAL
tional diagnostic tools and procedures. However, con- INJURY.
ventional diagnostic methods may not prove
conclusive in the diagnosis of the BCM or the PCI


NO SEAT BELT WARNING 1. Seat belt switch ground 1. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
CHIME WITH SEAT BELT circuit open. cavity of the wire harness connector for the seat
UNBUCKLED, BUT OTHER belt switch and a good ground. Repair the ground
CHIME FEATURES OK circuit, if required.
2. Seat belt switch sense 2. Check for continuity between the seat belt
circuit open. switch sense circuit cavities of the wire harness
connector for the seat belt switch and the body
wire harness junction block C1 connector. Repair
the seat belt switch sense circuit, if required.
3. Faulty seat belt switch. 3. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
cavity and the seat belt switch sense circuit cavity
of the seat belt switch pigtail wire connector.
There should be continuity with the seat belt
unbuckled. Replace the faulty seat belt, if required.

SEAT BELT WARNING 1. Seat belt switch sense 1. With the wire harness connector for the seat
CHIME WITH SEAT BELT circuit shorted. belt switch and the body wire harness junction
BUCKLED block C1 connector disconnected, there should
be no continuity between the seat belt switch
sense circuit and a good ground. Repair the seat
belt switch sense circuit, if required.
2. Faulty seat belt switch. 2. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
cavity and the seat belt switch sense circuit cavity
of the seat belt switch pigtail wire connector.
There should be no continuity with the seat belt
buckled. Replace the faulty seat belt, if required.

NO KEY-IN IGNITION OR 1. Faulty door ajar switch or 1. Check that interior lights illuminate with driver
HEADLAMPS-ON WARNING circuits. door open. If not OK, repair the interior lighting
CHIME WITH DRIVER SIDE system as required.
FRONT DOOR OPEN 2. Faulty headlamp switch 2. Check for proper exterior lighting operation. If
(left multi-function switch) or not OK, repair the exterior lighting system as
circuits. required.
3. Key-in ignition switch 3. Check for continuity between the key-in ignition
sense circuit open. switch sense circuit cavities of the instrument
panel wire harness C2 connector for the ignition
switch and the body wire harness C1 connector
for the junction block. Repair the key-in ignition
switch sense circuit, if required.
4. Faulty ignition switch. 4. Check for continuity between the two terminals
in the ignition switch C2 connector receptacle.
There should be continuity with a key in the
ignition lock cylinder. Replace the faulty ignition
switch, if required.

CHIME SOUNDS WITH 1. Key-in ignition switch 1. Disconnect the instrument panel wire harness
DRIVER SIDE FRONT sense circuit shorted. C2 connector for the ignition switch and the body
DOOR OPEN wire harness C1 connector for the junction block.
There should be no continuity between the key-in
ignition switch sense circuit cavity of the
instrument panel wire harness C2 connector for
the ignition switch and a good ground. Repair the
key-in ignition switch sense circuit, if required.


2. Faulty ignition switch. 2. Check for continuity between the two terminals
in the ignition switch C2 connector receptacle.
There should be no continuity with the key
removed from the ignition lock cylinder. Replace
the faulty ignition switch, if required.

NO CHIMES AT ALL TIMES 1. Faulty Body Control 1. Use a DRBIIIT scan tool and refer to the
Module (BCM). appropriate diagnostic information. Replace the
faulty BCM, if required.

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