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NO SEAT BELT WARNING 1. Seat belt switch ground 1. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
CHIME WITH SEAT BELT circuit open. cavity of the wire harness connector for the seat
UNBUCKLED, BUT OTHER belt switch and a good ground. Repair the ground
CHIME FEATURES OK circuit, if required.
2. Seat belt switch sense 2. Check for continuity between the seat belt
circuit open. switch sense circuit cavities of the wire harness
connector for the seat belt switch and the body
wire harness junction block C1 connector. Repair
the seat belt switch sense circuit, if required.
3. Faulty seat belt switch. 3. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
cavity and the seat belt switch sense circuit cavity
of the seat belt switch pigtail wire connector.
There should be continuity with the seat belt
unbuckled. Replace the faulty seat belt, if required.
SEAT BELT WARNING 1. Seat belt switch sense 1. With the wire harness connector for the seat
CHIME WITH SEAT BELT circuit shorted. belt switch and the body wire harness junction
BUCKLED block C1 connector disconnected, there should
be no continuity between the seat belt switch
sense circuit and a good ground. Repair the seat
belt switch sense circuit, if required.
2. Faulty seat belt switch. 2. Check for continuity between the ground circuit
cavity and the seat belt switch sense circuit cavity
of the seat belt switch pigtail wire connector.
There should be no continuity with the seat belt
buckled. Replace the faulty seat belt, if required.
NO KEY-IN IGNITION OR 1. Faulty door ajar switch or 1. Check that interior lights illuminate with driver
HEADLAMPS-ON WARNING circuits. door open. If not OK, repair the interior lighting
CHIME WITH DRIVER SIDE system as required.
FRONT DOOR OPEN 2. Faulty headlamp switch 2. Check for proper exterior lighting operation. If
(left multi-function switch) or not OK, repair the exterior lighting system as
circuits. required.
3. Key-in ignition switch 3. Check for continuity between the key-in ignition
sense circuit open. switch sense circuit cavities of the instrument
panel wire harness C2 connector for the ignition
switch and the body wire harness C1 connector
for the junction block. Repair the key-in ignition
switch sense circuit, if required.
4. Faulty ignition switch. 4. Check for continuity between the two terminals
in the ignition switch C2 connector receptacle.
There should be continuity with a key in the
ignition lock cylinder. Replace the faulty ignition
switch, if required.
CHIME SOUNDS WITH 1. Key-in ignition switch 1. Disconnect the instrument panel wire harness
DRIVER SIDE FRONT sense circuit shorted. C2 connector for the ignition switch and the body
DOOR OPEN wire harness C1 connector for the junction block.
There should be no continuity between the key-in
ignition switch sense circuit cavity of the
instrument panel wire harness C2 connector for
the ignition switch and a good ground. Repair the
key-in ignition switch sense circuit, if required.
2. Faulty ignition switch. 2. Check for continuity between the two terminals
in the ignition switch C2 connector receptacle.
There should be no continuity with the key
removed from the ignition lock cylinder. Replace
the faulty ignition switch, if required.
NO CHIMES AT ALL TIMES 1. Faulty Body Control 1. Use a DRBIIIT scan tool and refer to the
Module (BCM). appropriate diagnostic information. Replace the
faulty BCM, if required.