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EXAM - (M) 2018: Mechanical Engineering Paper - II

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Paper -II

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks : 200

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting

There are EIGHT questions in all, out of which FIVE are to be attempted.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining SIX questions, THREE are to
be attempted selecting at least ONE question from each of the two Sections A and B.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left
blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks carried by a question/pan is
indicated against it.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard meanings.
Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the same clearly.
Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.
Newton may be converted to kgf using the equality 1 kilonewton (1 kN) ---- 100 kgf, if found
All answers should be in SI units.
Take: 1 kcal = 4.187 kJ and 1 kg I cm2 — 0.98 bar
1 bar = 105 pascals
Universal gas constant = 8314.6 JIkmol-K
Psychrometric chart is enclosed.

Ql. (a) Derive a general expression for the change in entropy of a real gas
obeying the van der Waals equation. 8
The boiling point of water at the top of a hill is found to be 90°C,
whereas it boils at 99.6°C with the latent heat of evaporation of
2256-94 kJ/kg at the foot of the hill (where the pressure is 101.325 kPa).
Assuming that the atmosphere is locally isothermal at 300 K
(i.e. pv = povo is valid), estimate the height of the hill. 8
A house, that is losing heat at a rate of 50,000 kJ/h when the outside
temperature drops to 4°C, is to be heated by electric resistance heaters.
If the house is to be maintained at 25°C at all times, determine the
reversible work input for this process and the irreversibility. 8
Determine the heat transfer rate from a rectangular fin of length 20 cm,
width 40 cm and thickness 2 cm. The tip of the fin is not insulated and
the fin has a thermal conductivity of 150 W/mK. The base temperature
is 100°C and the fluid is at 20°C. The heat transfer coefficient between
the fin and the fluid is 30 W/m2K. 8
What purposes does an expansion device serve in a vapour compression
refrigeration system ? Explain how a simple capillary tube can serve
these purposes. 8

Q2. (a) Prove that:

(aPjs _ k k (5P), where k
Cp v•

[Hint : C p
_c ravI 2 rap)
v 15

Three thin walled infinitely long hollow cylinders of radii 5 cm, 10 cm

and 15 cm are arranged coaxially. The temperatures of the innermost
and outermost cylinders are respectively 1000 K and 300 K. Calculate
the steady state temperature of the middle cylinder surface and the heat
flow per m2 area of the innermost cylinder. Assume emissivity of all the
cylinders to be 0.5 and vacuum in the spaces between the cylinders.
Take cy = 5.67 x 10-8 whn2K4. 15
Explain, with the help of T-s diagram, that for atmospheric moist air
Tdry bulb > Twet bulb > Tdew point, in unsaturated condition, and

Tdry bulb = Twet bulb = Tdew point, in saturated condition. 10

Q3. (a) A refrigeration plant operates on Reversed Carnot cycle. The saturation
temperatures in the condenser and evaporator are 40°C and — 5°C
respectively. The volumetric efficiencies of the compressor and expander
are 100 percent each.
Calculate (i) the refrigeration effect per kg of refrigerant, (ii) the
coefficient of performance, (iii) the compressor displacement per kW of
refrigeration effect, and (iv) the net work input per kg of refrigerant.
Also, calculate the corresponding for a simple vapour compression
refrigeration cycle. Assume no superheating either at the inlet or exit of
the compressor, and no subcooling.
Show the cycles on T-s diagram.
Explain, why in practice a throttle valve is used in vapour compression
refrigeration rather than an expander cylinder.
The properties of the refrigerant are as follows .
(The specific volume of the saturated liquid is negligible compared to
Enthalpy, kJ/kg Entropy, kJ/kg K
Saturation Saturation
Temperature Pressure h
h s (m3/kg)
°C bar f g sf g

40 9.6065 238.535 36715 11298 1.5405 1817

(-5) 2.6096 195-395 349-32 0.9831 1-5571 64-963

f and g refer to saturated liquid and saturated vapour respectively. 15

(b) A piston-cylinder device contains 0-8 kg of steam at 300°C and 1 MPa.

Steam is cooled at constant pressure until one-half of the mass
condenses. 15
Show the process on a T — V diagram.
Find the final temperature.
Determine the volume change.
Determine the heat transfer.

P T v v h h
sat f g f g
(kPa) (°C) (m3/kg) (m3/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg)
1.000 6-97 0.00100 129.19 29-303 2513-7
100-0 99.61 0.00104 F6941 417.51 2675.0
1000.0 179.88 ft 001127 0-19436 762.51 27771

At P = 1.00 MPa and T = 300°C
= 74246 kJ/kg-K
= 0-25799 m3/kg
h 3051.6 kJ/kg

(c) Water at 20°C flowing at the rate of 0.015 kg/s enters a 25 mm inner
diameter tube which is maintained at a temperature of 90°C. Assuming
hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed flow, determine the
heat transfer coefficient and the tube length required to heat the
water to 70°C.
Given water properties at 20°C; p = 1000.5 kg/m3, Cp = 4181-8 J/kg K,
Kinematic viscosity = F006 x 10-6 m2/s.
Properties of water at 45°C :
p = 992 kg/m3, Cp = 4180 J/kg K, k = 0.638 W/mK,
Kinematic viscosity = 0.613 x 10-6 m2/s.
The average Nusselt number for the tube is 3.657. 10

Q4. (a) In a parallel flow heat exchanger, engine oil enters a heat exchanger at
150°C and leaves at 80°C. The cooling water enters at 30°C and leaves
at 65°C. If the fluid flow rates and the inlet conditions are unchanged,
find exit temperature of each stream in counterflow exchanger. 15

(b) A building has the following calculated cooling loads :

RSH gain = 310 kW, RLH gain = 100 kW.
The building's inside space is maintained at the following conditions of
Room DBT = 25°C and Room RH = 50%. The outdoor air is at 28°C DBT
and 50% RH. And 10% by mass of air supplied to the building is outdoor
air. If the air supplied to the space is not to be at a temperature lower
than 18°C, find
minimum amount of air supplied to the space in m3/s,
volume flow rate of air entering the coil,
capacity of the cooling coil in TR, and
ADP and bypass factor of the cooling coil.
Also, draw the layout sketch.
(Psychrometric chart is attached) 15
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.....toatAgraufsdnisiwmatian 'MIMI Ira
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(c) In the early development of steam power plants, approximately 112 kg
of coal is required per kilowatt hour. Assume that the mean temperature
at which heat was supplied is 175°C and heat was rejected is 100°C at
that time. Presently, assume that heat is supplied at a mean
temperature of 380°C and rejected at 32°C. The ratio of the actual
thermal efficiency to that of the Carnot cycle today is about 1.25 times
that of earlier years. Assuming the same heating value for coal in both
cases, calculate the amount of coal now required per kilowatt hour. 10


Q5. (a) Compare the cooling effect of fuel evaporation on charge temperature in
a turbocharged spark ignition engine for the following two cases :

The carburettor is placed before the compressor

The carburettor is placed after the compressor

The specific heat capacity of the air and the latent heat of evaporation of
the fuel are both constant. For the air/fuel ratio of 12.5 : 1, the
evaporation of the fuel causes a 25 K drop in mixture temperature. The
compressor efficiency is 70% for the pressure ratio of 1-5, and the
ambient temperature is 15°C. Assume the following values :

for air, Cp = F01 kJ/kgK, y = 1-4,

for air/fuel mixture, Cp = F05 kJ/kgK, y = 1.34.

Finally, compare the compressor work in both cases. 8

A Ford 2-stroke engine has a swept volume of 1.2 litres. At a speed of

5500 rpm, the full load torque is 108 Nm and the brake specific fuel
consumption is 294 g/kWh. Calculate the brake mean effective pressure,
and the brake thermal efficiency (assume a calorific value of 43 MJ/kg).
Give at least 5 reasons why the brake thermal efficiency is lower than
the value predicted by the Otto cycles analysis. 8

What is meant by "work done factor" in the axial flow compressors ?

Explain how the work done factor value varies with the number of
stages. Why is the work done factor not considered in centrifugal
compressors ? 8

What is 'slip factor' for a centrifugal compressor stage ? What is its effect
on the flow and the pressure ratio in the stage? 8

(e) Water in a large lake is to be used to generate electricity by the
installation of a hydraulic turbine-generator located, where the depth of
water is 50 m (see Figure). Water is to be supplied at the rate of
5000 kg/s. The electric power generated is 1862 kW and the generator
efficiency is 95%. Determine (i) the overall efficiency of the turbine
generator, (ii) the mechanical efficiency of the turbine, and (iii) the shaft
power supplied by the turbine to the generator. -

50 m


--> 5000 kg/s

Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and gravitational acceleration is
9.81 m/s2.

Q6. (a) Reciprocating internal combustion engines have been fitted with
ingenious mechanisms that allow the expansion ratio (re) to be greater
than the compression ratio (re). When such a system is modelled by an
ideal gas cycle there is
(i) heat addition at constant volume,
(U) some heat rejection at constant volume,
(iii) and some heat rejection at constant pressure, to complete the cycle.
The process is shown in the following figure on a T—s plane:


Depict the processes on a P-V plane. The constant-volume temperature

rise (2 3) is 0T1. Derive an expression for the cycle efficiency in terms
of re, re and 0. State any assumptions. 15

In an ideal gas turbine cycle with reheat, air at state (P1, T1) is
compressed to (rpi). in the compressor and heated to T3x in the
combustion chamber. The air is then expanded in two stages, each
turbine having the same pressure ratio, with reheat to T3 between the
stages. Assuming the working fluid to be a perfect gas with constant
specific heats, and that the compression and expansion are isentropic,
show that the specific work output will be a maximum when 'r', the
compressor pressure ratio is given by
r(Y— 1)/Y = ( 13

where y is the ratio of specific heats, Cp/c. Draw the schematic

arrangement of the cycle and the corresponding T—s diagram also. 15

C12H26 is burned at constant volume with no excess air. The initial

temperature is 30°C. Assuming complete combustion, determine the
theoretical maximum temperature when there is no dissociation. Use
the following enthalpy values (J/mole) of different substances for the
calculations : 10

C121-126 75, 79, 383

CO2 1, 46, 203

1120 1, 18, 329

N2 88, 122

Q7. (a) In a power plant employing Rankine cycle with reheat, superheated
steam at 150 bar and 500°C (h = 3310.6 kJ/kg; s = 6-3487 kJ/kg K)
enters the first stage of the turbine. The condenser is maintained at
0.1 bar (vf = 0-001 m3/kg, hf = 191-83 kJ/kg K, hg = 2584.8 kJ/kg,
sf = 0-6493 kJ/kg K, sg = 81511 kJ/kg K). The exit steam from the first
stage of turbine is reheated to 500°C before it is fed to the second stage
of the turbine. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the power plant if
steam expands to
90 bar in the first stage of the turbine.
60 bar in the first stage of the turbine. 15

From the superheated steam tables at 90 bar

T (°C) h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg K)

400 3125.5 61067

500 3389.2 6.6728

From the superheated steam tables at 60 bar

T (°C) h (k.J/kg) s (kJ/kg K)

300 2885.0 6-0692

400 31801 6.5462

500 3422.2 6.8818

A gas engine operating on methane (CH4) at 1500 rpm, full throttle,

generates the following emissions measured on a dry volumetric basis :
CO2 10-4%
CO 11%
112 0.6%
02 0.9%
NO 600 ppm
HC 1100 ppm (as methane)

If the specific fuel consumption is 250 g/kWh, calculate the specific

emissions of carbon monooxide, nitrogen oxide, and unburned
hydrocarbons (that is g/kWh). Why is the specific basis more relevant
than a percentage basis? 15
A model of a torpedo is tested in a water filled towing tank at a velocity
of 244 m/s. The prototype is expected to attain a velocity of 6-1 m/s in
water. What would be the model speed if tested in a wind tunnel filled
with air at a pressure of 20.0 bar and constant temperature of 27°C ?
The absolute viscosity of air may be assumed as F845 x 10-5 N.s/m2, the
molecular weight of air as 28-97 kg/kmol and the universal gas constant
as 8115 kJ/kg-mol K. The kinematic viscosity of water may be taken as
113 x 10-6 m2/s. 10
Q8. (a) Starting with the differential form of the conservation equations, show
that the flow velocity increases with heat addition in subsonic Rayleigh
flow, but decreases in supersonic Rayleigh flow Also, draw the
T-s diagram. 15

(b) At the mean diameter of a gas turbine stage, the blade velocity is
350 m/s. The blade angles at the inlet and exit are 20 0 and
54° (respectively) with respect to axial direction. The blades at this
section are designed to have a degree of reaction of 50 percent. The
mean diameter of the blades is 0.432 and the mean blade height is
0.07 m. Assuming that the whirl velocity varies inversely with respect to
radius, estimate:
the flow velocity,
the angles of blades at the tip and at the root, and
the degree of reaction at the tip and at the root of the blades. 15

(c) Briefly explain the stages of combustion in SI engines elaborating the

flame front propagation. 10


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