Oracle of Visions Book PDF
Oracle of Visions Book PDF
Oracle of Visions Book PDF
of Visions
by Ciro Marchetti
acteristics, virtues and gifts. But beyond the Life is a constantly changing maze filled with
more commonly known, one is obliged to learn choices at every turn with consequences for every
and become familiar with the numerous other decision. Making better decisions requires the
goddesses (along with their attributes) that make reference point of experience, intuition and com-
up the full deck in order to be able to use it. The parison. The best we can do is think our circum-
different qualities associated with each goddess, stances through, evaluate the possible scenarios,
fairy or themed character is not apparent unless and consider the various factors related to them.
one reads the corresponding explanations pro-
We do this by using our instincts, as well as con-
vided for each.
firming facts. Where appropriate we consider the
My intention was to create a set of images that ramifications of our decisions and actions both
would speak for themselves and require no sup- for ourselves and any others directly or indirectly
porting text in communicating their possible involved. Ultimately, despite it all, we must be
meanings; a deck consisting of a set of visual cognizant of the fact that despite our best inten-
starting points on which to base readings from tions, there are still no guarantees that whatever
an entirely intuitive level. Additionally, these choices we make will prove to be the correct ones.
images would for the most part be neutral; their
purpose would not be to provide a consistent
‘feel good’ positive spin or motivational self-help
encouragement (although they can certainly
provide that if you, the reader, see them in that
way). In and of themselves, these images could
T he images of the Oracle of Visions are
loosely broken into four categories: Situa-
tions, Emotions, Actions and Behavior. Initially
be interpreted quite differently, often with con- I had intended to subdivide the deck into only
trasting or contradictory conclusions, depending those four groups, but I soon realized that this
on the specifics of any reading. I hope that this would be imposing an unnecessary restriction.
Oracle of Visions fulfills that objective. The images needed to be able to apply to more
4 5
and characters, are shared throughout, and
than one category, e.g., a card depicting “fear”
there is no specific significance to which cards
(an emotion) might equally be communicating
they are employed. In general terms the jest-
“danger” (a situation). Similarly, a card depict-
ers, masks and theatrical performances serve
ing “memories” (a concept) might equally serve
as archetypes. Masked figures and performers
to communicate “remembering” (an action). By
can serve as either generalizations or individu-
discarding such categories, each card is free to
als. They are both anonymous and role playing
serve in many roles.
and as such can more easily be representative
By extension, there is no need for reversals in a of whoever is the subject of the reading.
reading as the potential for such variations are
The mechanical devices serve as they do in
contained within the images themselves. To this
most of my work (including the previous tarot
end I have also chosen not to include keywords or
decks) as metaphors of our partial control in
titles on the face of the cards. I believe that doing
our fate. A Wheel of Fortune may represent the
so would only serve as restrictions to their inter-
cyclical spiritual and mystical ups and downs
pretations. By omitting any preconceived mean-
of life, but in its man-made mechanical form it
ings, it will be far easier for you, the reader, to
also suggests that we have some buttons and
interpret them differently for the context of a par-
levers of our own making that we can adjust
ticular reading. I have included numbers, but that
along the way. The Victorian feel is a decora-
is simply to provide a practical reference point.
tive indulgence that visually aligns with the
There is no intended significance on my part as
“Steampunk” (or as I have always described it,
to which numbers were chosen for which cards
“Retrotech”) style of my mechanical devices,
apart from 21 for Lady Luck. (I couldn’t resist.)
and gives them a complementary setting. What
Visually there is no one common theme. My per- commonality the images do share is hopefully
sonal penchant for jesters, masks, and mechani- they all in their own way invite interpretation
cal devices, along with faux Victoriana costumes and ask to be given meaning.
6 7
? vying for our souls was often a conflict played
out by the deities on our behalf and beyond our
mortal control. From that viewpoint one can
I hope that these images can be equally appli-
cable to the bigger issues as well as the every-
day nuances of our lives. If there is a common
almost see humans as merely bit part players in
a grand theatrical performance of life, following
a predetermined script.
thread, it’s that they mostly deal with the theme
of choice. Choices made, choices to be made, Today, we are aware of having greater choices
their timing and the influences that go into in our lives compared to the past. Clearly, this
making them. Our lives are filled with decision can be an overgeneralization and regrettably,
making and its consequences. These images may this might not apply to the majority of people
help provide a perspective as to how we might even today. But for the vast majority of those who
arrive at those decisions and consider their con- are likely to be using this deck, it is applicable.
sequences both to ourselves and others. How we We enjoy many freedoms of choice that simply
evaluate our options is influenced by a myriad would not have applied to less complex times in
of factors, including personal self-interest, moral the past. Where we live and work, with whom we
issues, fear, anticipation, value of rewards and choose to share our lives, how many children to
consequences of punishment. bear and when, what religious beliefs and polit-
ical opinions we hold; these are just some of the
Historically, images of tarot acknowledged
options we experience that would not have been
this element of choice, albeit reflected heavily
the case in earlier times. The images on this deck
through the iconography and agenda of church
reflect those freedoms of choice we may now
doctrine on how best to live one’s life. This was
have along with considerations and responsibili-
encouraged with the corresponding promises
ties we have to apply when making them.
and threats offered in the afterlife, but despite
that there was also great emphasis on the role
of fate. The battle between good and evil forces
8 9
I n the following pages I have provided a brief
summary of my personal description and
meanings for each card, along with some occa-
sional opposing suggestions where applicable.
These can serve as a starting point from which
you are welcome and encouraged to deviate. You THE CARDS
as a reader will take it from this point. What will
the Oracle have to say? Your journey with these
cards will be your own as mine has been; but
I am confident that you will have a wealth of
images to accompany you.
10 11
– card 1 –
12 13
– card 2 –
Spiritual Escape
Some colors exist in dreams that are
not present in the waking spectrum.
–terri guillemets
16 17
– card 4 –
Points of View
I was once like you are now, and I know that it’s
not easy to be calm when you’ve found something
going on. But take your time, think a lot. Why, think
of everything you’ve got. For you will still be here
tomorrow, but your dreams may not.
–lyrics from father and son, cat stevens
18 19
Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn’t do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe
harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
–H. Jackson Brown
– card 5 –
Leap of Faith
Taking a Next Step
20 21
– card 6 –
At Peace
I go to nature to be soothed and healed,
and to have my senses put in order.
–john burroughs
22 23
– card 7 –
Difficult things take a long time,
impossible things a little longer.
–andré a. jackson
24 25
– card 8 –
When we are motivated by goals that have deep This card is a reminder to stay focused on the
meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure goal and to continually apply the required
love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. self-discipline. It will all be worth it in the end.
–greg anderson
26 27
– card 9 –
28 29
As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as
useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may
accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be
of far less value than a much smaller amount if you
have not thought it over for yourself.
–arthur schopenhauer
– card 10 –
30 31
– card 11 –
32 33
– card 12 –
A g
uardian angel is witness to the birth of
the one whose life he will oversee. He is in
awe of the wonder of creation and its signifi-
cance. Cradling a mystical incubator in which
this new life is enclosed, he understands its fra-
gility. As he is now so will he remain throughout,
offering help and support, yet knowing the lim-
itations of his influence.
Wonder of Creation
The guardian angels of life fly so high
as to be beyond our sight, but they are
always looking down upon us.
–jean paul richter
34 35
– card 13 –
36 37
– card 14 –
Each day is a new canvas to paint upon. Make sure
your picture is full of life and happiness, and at the
end of the day you don’t look at it and wish you had
painted something different.
–ritu ghatourey
38 39
– card 15 –
Forever and forever, farewell, Cassius!
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then this parting was well made.
– william shakespeare, julius caesar, 5. 1
40 41
– card 16 –
42 43
– card 17 –
44 45
– card 18 –
Taking Care of Others
When you are a mother, you are
never really alone in your thoughts.
A mother always has to think twice,
once for herself and once for her child.
–sophia loren
46 47
– card 19 –
48 49
– card 20 –
50 51
You’ve got to ask yourself one question:
Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
– Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry
– card 21 –
52 53
– card 22 –
54 55
– card 23 –
56 57
– card 24 –
58 59
– card 25 –
Misleading Illusion
Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be
influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is
a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values
and false ideals. But you are not part of that world.
–Sai Baba
60 61
– card 26 –
Past & Future that will open doors to new opportunities and
a blank book ready to be written.
Fresh Start
You just have to turn the page. It’s tough knowing what
has happened in the past and how close we’ve been,
but you can’t dwell on the past. This is the time to
rewrite a new chapter for the future. Hopefully we can
put ourselves in a position where we’ll all be happy.
–Donovan McNabb
62 63
– card 27 –
64 65
– card 28 –
66 67
– card 29 –
68 69
– card 30 –
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run
than outright exposure. The fearful are
caught as often as the bold.
–Helen Keller
70 71
– card 31 –
Lessons Learned
Choices Made the diary that we
all carry about with us.
–Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
74 75
– card 33 –
76 77
– card 34 –
78 79
– card 35 –
80 81
We have more ability than willpower, and it is
often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that
things are impossible.
–François de la Rochefoucauld
– card 36 –
82 83
– card 37 –
84 85
– card 38 –
Inner Peace
An Instant in Time
It strikes! One, two, three, four, five, six. Enough,
enough, dear watch, Thy pulse hath beat enough.
Now sleep and rest; Would thou could’st make the
time to do so too; I’ll wind thee up no more.
–Ben Jonson
86 87
– card 39 –
90 91
– card 41 –
92 93
– card 42 –
94 95
– card 43 –
96 97
It is probably not love that makes the world go
around, but rather those mutually supportive
alliances through which partners recognize their
dependence on each other for the achievement of
shared and private goals.
–Fred Allen
– card 44 –
98 99
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a cabaret, old chum. Come to the cabaret.
–lyrics from the musical Cabaret
– card 45 –
Role Playing
Wishful Thinking
100 101
– card 46 –
102 103
Throughout history, “tender loving care”
has uniformly been recognized as a
valuable element in healing.
–Larry Dossey
– card 47 –
104 105
– card 48 –
106 107
– card 49 –
I felt a tug.
You must be at the end of your rope.
108 109
the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are
blooming outside our windows today.
–Dale Carnegie
– card 50 –
110 111
– card 51 –
112 113
If one advances confidently in the direction of his
dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has
imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected
in common hours.
–henry david thoreau
– card 52 –
Taking a First Step
114 115
A woman holds the robe of memories to her
heart. Her eyes are closed as she thinks back
to other times when she was prepared to take
a chance, just like The Fool in the tarot cards
at her feet. Before she opens her eyes to behold
what comes next, three doves of pure joy and
faith are released. They flutter encouragingly
116 117
above the box containing her unlimited, and – INTERPRETATION 2 –
still yet untested, possibilities.
Are you having trouble starting something? This
The moon looks on from behind. She breathes card shows three Fool cards on the ground, each
and meditates a second more and then moves representing the number “zero.” Zero is that time
into the moment. in the ethers before anything happens, before
we can get an idea up and running. It has no
In a defining moment, a decision is made. Per- numeric value so it hasn’t quite happened yet.
haps it is your choice, or the result of a choice by And because there are three of these Fool cards,
another. You find yourself outside the gate, which perhaps you have tried to consider something
is now locked behind you. There is no turning more than once? There are also three doves, so
back. You are temporarily immobilized by the things may happen for you in threes.
significance of this moment. You must now gar-
ner the courage to move forward. You know that The light shining out of the box shows the bright-
taking the next step is necessary, albeit difficult ness of your dream, your vision’s light, and it
and stressful. wants to take flight like those doves. Doves rep-
resent peace, so the feeling of peace you’d feel in
We are all ever poised on the brink of now, ever realizing this dream is evident. Yet you hold your
prepared to look foolish in the pursuit of mys- cloak tightly in a protective manner over your
tical perfection. What is each moment in time heart. What are you holding back? How does
but another chance of now; the opportunity to this effect the expression of your heart and soul?
choose to be who we truly are? Close your eyes, Why do you hold back?
connect with your heart, and go within to say
a silent prayer for strength and appropriate tim- The dove also represents a powerful time of
ing. Can you remove your mask and drop the clear vision, and the ability to glimpse into the
security of your protective robe? Are you ready future. The dove nurtures us with its care, and
to begin? it suggests letting go of worry and anxiety and
118 119
finding peace. Don’t focus on doubt; instead see moon casts long shadows of darkness. We have
the light of hope and manifestation. This may to use context in order to fill in what we don’t
involve passing an olive branch to someone, as see. Take note of your subconscious thoughts and
a sign of forgiveness, in order for you to be able the impact they have on your reality. Note how
to move on. you are personally filling in what you are unsure
about in order to fulfill or complete your vision.
When the doves take flight, what happens? Do
you see a lost opportunity as they fly away? Or Her mask keeps her true identity hidden. What
do you see freedom taking flight and the hope of is under the mask that we don’t see? How would
personal release through manifesting and move- this help identify her? How would it make her dif-
ment? Is there anything remaining in the box? ferent? What does this say about you if you were
Will the box have something left inside if you to remove the mask and show your true self?
open it again later, or is time of the essence, a
The box is open and something has been let
one-shot deal?
out, even if it is just a vision of light. Note what
The moon can carry much deception. It looks visions you see and what needs to be released. It
like it casts light, but it is merely reflecting the may take more than one time to fully manifest
light of the sun. It is not all that it seems. It can as there are three doves and three cards, but they
create illusions and can make us feel unsure. show the progression of taking flight: speeding
Understand what parts of your subconscious up on the runway, leaving the ground, and then
may be feeling alone and unsure, or acting out soaring.
of instinct or fear. The moon evolves from night
to night. Some nights it expands, other nights it
wanes. Where are you in your life now? Is oppor-
tunity growing or diminishing? When we see
by the light of the moon, we don’t see the full
picture, because even the silver light of a full
120 121
A b c d e f
–card 36– –card 34– –card 30– –card 10– –card 5– –card 49–
Working with C.
Pursuing this dream is not free of risk or
card combinations danger. Should it not succeed, you may have
burned your bridges. Any repercussions may
122 123
detract from some of the mystique that is part
of tarot. On the other hand, much of that very
imagery is mired in symbolic meanings, the
meanings of which are questionable and might
be considered less applicable for today’s read-
ers. Many scenes depicted in earlier tarot decks
would have been more easily recognized and rel-
evant centuries ago but now require some study
and assimilation by those who seek to read with
them today. As I worked on the creation of my
three tarot decks, in each case I was challenged
BACKGROUND by the notion of doing so in a way that honored
and the Journey to Here tradition without bowing to it and providing
imagery that could be read more intuitively.
124 125
more detailed study and experimentation for the that part of tarot’s heart was its visual and con-
projects that followed. The history and symbol- ceptual links to the past.
ism behind tarot’s imagery became of increasing
However, judging any deck requires some refer-
interest to me, and as with so many things in our
ence point of comparison if that judgment is to
lives, the more I learned, the clearer it became
serve any purpose other than offering a simple
how much more there was (and still is) to learn!
personal opinion. It requires a standard with
Ironically, the more progress I made, the more
which one can measure the distance a new ver-
doubts and confusion I had as to the relationship
sion has deviated from a previous marker, and
between tarot’s history and the role of its imagery
therein lay my personal dilemma; namely, to
from the past as a part of a “reading” in today’s
counterbalance my respect for tarot’s heritage
world. Even when considering those images from
with my increasing belief that tarot’s past did
the perspective of generalized archetypes for
not provide any such definitive original. There
the human experience presented in their tradi-
was no starting point that could be traced back
tional way, I wondered if those images still had
through the mists of time, ultimately arriving at
relevance to today’s world. If not, what changes
some sacrosanct and correct “first” to be either
could be made to those images in order to make
defended at all costs or if deviated from, done
them more reflective of current circumstances,
with a compelling rationale. Instead, it became
beliefs and values?
increasingly apparent that the creation of decks
There has been a deluge of attempts to break the of tarot had always been an evolutionary process;
mold over the last thirty-odd years, with varia- an accumulation of various modifications and
tions in style, content and format to add fresh tampering along the way. Changes also reflected
faces to tarot. Personally, I had no interest in numerous nuances from country to country and
devoting the time involved simply to produce from printer to printer as well as more significant
a safe, close reworking of an existing deck. But ideological personal views of various key protag-
by the same token, I sympathized with the view onists along the way. This realization provided
126 127
me some latitude with my own experimentation incorrect. This is something with which any afi-
to deviate from the norms. Tampering with tra- cionados of the Marseilles-styled decks that pre-
dition in any field always tends to be received ceded the RWS would no doubt have strong issue.
with mixed responses ranging from complete However, via my interaction over the years with
dismissal by traditionalists to more enthusiastic the tarot community, I could see that it is clearly
acceptance by others whose views are less rigid. a view that is shared by many. With recent tarot
In this sense tarot is certainly no exception; decks, this adherence (or lack thereof) to classic
indeed it has to contend with both symbolic attri- images and symbolism of the core pillars of the
butions and artistic style, both highly subjective tarot past—the Marseilles and RWS—by more
criteria. recent tarot decks has been the subject of many
conversations I’ve enjoyed over the years.
Some of my customers’ reviews sum up the feel-
ings of the former group. In several cases they Such comparisons go to the core question of what
question my lack of accuracy or consistency rel- constitutes a tarot deck, so let me return to that
ative to the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) system. point. As I mentioned, there is no single original
pure and correct deck. Tarot’s history is riddled
Whereas I personally felt that I had in fact kept a
with changes and variations, based on nebu-
very strong association to the basic Rider-Waite-
lous arguments and associations to religious and
Smith. To have kept the symbolism even closer
mythological beliefs, which in turn are based on
by simply recreating the deck with minor varia-
even more esoteric historical references.
tions as has been done by others so many times
before, albeit even using my own style, was of Tarot’s evolution from an initial existence as a
no interest to me. Nevertheless, it seems that for card game through various stages that embraced
some I had veered too much from the accepted religious, political, moral and philosophical mes-
norm. What is telling from this is the inference sages, is now more or less universally accepted.
that the RWS constitutes the correct version of The images of early Italian decks reflected values
tarot and that any deviation from it by default is and understanding of the world by the thinkers
128 129
of their day. Tarot’s adoption and adaption over time, I cannot help but wonder how such claims
time by such characters as Levi, Gebellin, Waite would be regarded today.
and Crowley introduced twists and turns along
In Robert Place’s various books on tarot’s sym-
the way as each added their own variations of
bolism (which I highly recommend) he explains
rationale and esoteric interpretation. Despite the
the various rationales behind the content, order
intellectual credentials of such key players, their
and combination of cards. To fully appreciate
contributions did not in themselves convince me
tarot’s rich heritage, it would indeed be a sacri-
that their version of tarot’s historical meaning
lege to not be aware of what was going on behind
and purpose was akin to some kind of irrefutable
those images from centuries past. However, one
law of physics such as the speed of light.
should also consider their limitations and the
On the contrary, there is no evidence that I’m relevance of those images to today’s values and
aware of that was ever presented by these grand circumstances. There are many examples but
figures of tarot to give substance to their views. one that serves particularly well in demonstrat-
They appeared to be merely personal conclu- ing the changing values from the earlier days
sions; conclusions which readily tinkered with of tarot to the present is the myriad uses of the
others that had preceded them and with which number seven. Seven is a powerful number with
they publicly disagreed. Evidence of competing mystical associations in many cultures. In a cer-
theories merely added to my skepticism that tain card game that is still played today in Italy,
something was correct merely because it had a the Seven of Coins is the trump card of what is
quasi-official stamp of “historical authority”. also a trump suit. The Seven of Coins is the only
Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, which many consider to card in the deck that is worth a point on its own,
be the third major pillar of tarot’s history, was in addition to any trick won with it. This Sette
based in part on his claims of epiphany while Bello, or “beautiful seven”, is such a commonly
traveling in Egypt and studying its ancient his- understood token of positive connotations that
tory, specifically the Book of the Dead. As interest- an express train was named after it, along with
ing and convincing as they may have been at the numerous Italian restaurants.
130 131
After reading Robert Place’s books, associations card, Strength. It is commonly accepted today
like these made so much more sense to me, espe- as a metaphor for strength of will, not physical
cially in the context of Plato’s astrological ratio- strength. If so, then one can argue that this con-
nale of the heavens and its correlation to man’s cept seems to be poorly communicated in ear-
soul and its progress through the heavens. In lier decks where a club-wielding man is seen to
light of these associations, the numerological be imposing his will onto poor Leo via physical
significance of the Major Arcana makes perfect means. There are, of course, numerous inter-
sense. It also provides substance to the logic and pretations regarding exactly who and what is
purpose behind the tarot cards’ transformation being illustrated. Some suggest that it is Ludivico
from a game to a divinatory application. Despite Sforza, Duke of Milan, and that this card is an
the convincing logic, one has to also consider early application of political propaganda visu-
that the underlying structure of this “house of ally proclaiming his strength (of will) and cour-
cards” is based on knowledge and corresponding age in battling those troublesome Venetians,
beliefs of a different era. The compelling argu- whose city emblem was a lion. Others even argue
ments that were used to provide a comprehensive that the man is not in fact taking out his aggres-
logic, tying spiritual needs with physical facts sion on the poor beast, but rather that they are
into a cohesive entity, was also limited and argu- both working together against some unseen
ably flawed by their proponent’s understanding common enemy beyond the card’s border. This,
and beliefs. In this case specifically, the accuracy in my view, is truly pushing the argument. If
of astronomical knowledge on which all these this indeed is the intended meaning, I think the
configurations and correlations were based was artist was particularly ineffective in conveying
limited by awareness of only the seven planets it. The most likely interpretation is that it is, in
visible in those times. fact, Hercules in the act of defeating the Nemean
lion as one his twelve labors. Either way, the use
Another example is inconsistency in symbolic
of Hercules really seems an obvious attempt to
meaning. Take the case of the Major Arcana
symbolize strength through physical prowess—
132 133
qualities with which Hercules is associated— ics, the overall essence of tarot was lodged under
rather than the depiction of strength of will one all-encompassing tradition. This mystique of
for which the man/beast relationship has now the past was very much part of tarot’s value and
been commonly accepted. character. Similar to a Hollywood movie with
the setting of its scenes and its accompanying
Many other inclusions of animals, birds, flow-
musical scores, traditional tarot images are emo-
ers and fruits in tarot imagery most certainly
tional triggers that subconsciously prepare us.
have their mythological and historical expla-
In the movies, beyond the actual dialogue and
nations, as do the use of specific colors and
action, our responses to the depicted scenes are
their elemental associations. Without question,
dependent on how it’s all delivered. Tarot history
a better understanding of them leads to a bet-
and visual tradition serves a similar purpose—
ter appreciation of their legacy and relevance
beyond the actual meaning of the images, they
to their times. However, to judge the merits of
provide a stage set that enhances the reading.
a contemporary deck based on its adherence to
these past norms, or conclude that their omis-
sion or substitution would constitute inaccu-
racy, is a questionable approach. Inaccuracies
notwithstanding, to simply dismiss the past
would be equally flawed or at the very least it
would undermine the value that comes from an
established system and format, the very essence
that defines it as tarot. So I had arrived at no
conclusion; my dilemma continued.
134 135
APPROACH have shared numerous enlightening conversa-
tions, and received advice and direction from
136 137
decks, I always attempted to respect that tradi- Divine Tarot. It provided a platform and associ-
tion while looking for new approaches. I did this ation for the images; a world to which the scenes
not for the sake of novelty, but to experiment and characters could correspond to. Within the
with new approaches to telling the story of The fictional framework that I created, it ultimately
Fool’s Journey. I believe I broke new ground with provided a reason for tarot’s initial creation and
the introduction of interactive media, animated a corresponding relevance for its continued use.
cards and videos to accompany those decks.
Nevertheless, with the completion of that project,
I also dabbled with the imagery itself, chang-
I also felt that I had reached a personal limit of
ing the color-suit associations and substituting
what I could do in terms of creating tarot decks.
“Faith” for the Hierophant in the Major Arcana
Still, I wished to experiment further in produc-
of the Tarot of Dreams and Legacy of the Divine
ing imagery for meditation and divinatory use,
Tarot decks, and generally trying to add stamps
but felt that I could no longer do so within the
of personal style and interpretation.
structured format and system that defines it as a
The absence of any definitive origin for tarot that tarot. An oracle deck, on the other hand, offered
I noted earlier was also a creative opportunity. a broader canvas. Thus, we come full circle to the
I felt that its gradual morphing from a simple opening notes in this companion book.
card game to its current role didn’t do roman-
It is my hope that the Oracle of Visions will pro-
tic justice to the inherent mystery associated
vide you with as many rich and interesting a
with it. I wondered how much more compelling
journey in your readings as it has for me in its
it would be had tarot’s history actually been
based on something tangible from the past. How
much more significant would it be if it truly had
a known original historical purpose. This was
the logic and purpose behind the “GateWay”
backstory that accompanied the Legacy of the
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A grateful thanks to all those friends on Face-
book and other online social communities, who
followed the development of this project. Their
comments and observations have contributed
useful feedback and encouragement.