U 9: E, ! School Subjects Sentence: Personal Best A2 Word Lists

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School subjects SENTENCE
art (n) She loves art classes
biology (n) Biology is the best class ever
chemistry (n) I like the experiment in chemistry class
foreign languages (n) I don’t need foreign classes
geography (n) I don’t like geography
history (n) Andrea reads history’s books
IT (information technology) (n) I am going to IT
literature (n) Maria don’t like literature classes
math (mathematics) (n) I don’t understand math classes
music (n) I love to listen to music
PE (physical education) (n) PE is my last class for today
physics (n) Physics is a new subject in high school
science (n) We need more science class
social studies (n) Why we see this social study?
technology (n) This technology is going to be use for the lab

Education SENTENCE
do a test (v. phr.) We need to do a test
do an exam (v. phr.) The students are going to do an exam
do homework (v. phr.) I need to do homework
fail a test (v. phr.) I just fail a test
fail an exam (v. phr.) I am so upset because a fail an exam
get into college (v. phr.) Keyla gets into college
go to college (v. phr.) I just complete this form to go to college
go to elementary school (v. phr.) Carolina is going to elementary school
go to high school (v. phr.) Next year I am going to high school
go to kindergarten (v. phr.) My son will go to kindergarten

A2 Elementary 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


go to middle school (v. phr.) Tomorrow we will go to middle school

go to nursery school (v. phr.) I need to go to nursery school
pass a test (v. phr.) I pass a test, the most difficult test
pass an exam (v. phr.) Rebeca passes an exam
take a test (v. phr.) Roberto will take a test this Friday
take an exam (v. phr.) Michael take an English exam

Resolutions SENTENCE
be more organized (v. phr.) I need to be more organized in the university
buy a car (v. phr.) My family bought a car
earn more money (v. phr.) I need to earn more money to buy a camera
get more exercise (v. phr.) I am getting fat; I will get more exercise
get a new job (v. phr.) Angel get a new job
get in shape (v. phr.) Jose get in shape
have an interview (v. phr.) Ana will have an interview
improve your diet (v. phr.) You need to improve your diet
improve your relationship (v. phr.) Me and my girlfriend need to improve our relationship
join a gym (v. phr.) I need to join a gym
lose weight (v. phr.) Maybe I am just needed to lose weight
make new friends (v. phr.) When I will arrive, I am going to make new friends
meet someone new (v. phr.) I will go to meet someone new
run a marathon (v. phr.) I will run a marathon
save more money (v. phr.) You need to save more money

A2 Elementary 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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