Fooo Facts: Okies

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Human beings are 70% water.

With so me people, the rest is collagen.

1 GRAMMAR quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot 0(, etc.

a Co mpl ete the question s. T hen complete the sentences.

( - -:= -!i0W mI/ eh

~okies do you eal?
salt do ~~ sugar
~u put on your food? ~you put in your tea?

Notmu~ Alot~ Notma~

He dQesll't tJlIt mI/eh 50ft on his (D ad.

i ~
2 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 5he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~ndY do you buy? ~rcise do you do?

(-:;- cups
~coffee do you drink?


4 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 5 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 5he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

bRead the informatio n and write qu estions.

How mI/eh sUBar is there jn 011 orª'l:8e ?

Answer: .8 1 ounees.
Th ere is .81 ounces of sugar in an orange. Answer:About 12 5.
3 ?
There are about 125 calories in a banana. Answer: About 18.
There are about 18 oranges in a carton of orange juice. 4 ?
Answer: .04 ounees.
There is .04 ounces 01 salt in a bowl 01 cereal.
There are twelve eggs in a carton. A nswer: twelve.
There are 16 ounees of jam in ajar.
Answer: 16 ounees.
2 VOCABULARY food containers 4 L1STENING
a Unscramble rhe words to make foad containers. a Lisren ro the radio program abour food
groups. Complete rhe examples of rhe groups.
I 'la _ jar
2 bxo
3 rneoar
4 gab
5 cpeagka
6 nca
7 rotble
b Complete rhe sentences \Virh a conta iner from a.
She \Vas rhirsty, so she bought a can of soda.
2 Do yau need rhe sc issors ro open rhe _ _ _ _ _ __
3 He raok rhe of strawberry ¡am out
4 T here is a la rge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of potato chips 011
rhe table.
5 We always take a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of water when \Ve
go for a wa lk.
6 Ken feel s sick because he ate a big _ _ _ _ _ __
of cook ies. 1 carbohydrates: bread, pasta, _ _ _ _ _ , pota roes
7 1 gave her a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of chocolates ro say 2 fruits and vegetables: apple s, oranges, _ _ _ __
thank you. carrors
3 protein: meat, _ _ _ __
3 PRONUNCIATION IJI and Isl 4 milk and dairy: _ _ _ _ _ • yogurt
5 fats and sugars: cake, _ _ _ _ _ , candy, chips
a ~~the word \Virh a differem sound.

b Lisren again. Fill in rhe blanks wirh
1 sugar salad cereal one word.
snake 1 Carbohydrates give us _ _ _ __

J)1 2 sure fresh salt

2 Fru its and vegetab les conta in important _ _ _ __
3 Prorein helps our bodies ro and repair.
4 Milk and dairy are im portant for Qur bones
and _ _ _ __

3 rice shopping science
5 You shou ld eat fars and sugars _ _ _ _ _ O f
_ _ _ _ _ a week.

J)1 4 short information center USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES

Learn these words and phrases.
b "mm Listen and check. Then listen and go ld Igouldl
repear rhe words. spoon /s pun/
vitam in s /'v alt ~ m ::m z/
e Listen and repear rhe sentences.
ffesh IffoJI
1 She saw Susan standing outside rhe study.
spoonful /'spunful/
2 Shawn said sorry for singing in the shower.
instead of /1I1'stEd 'JV/
3 Steve puts six spoon s of sugar on his cereal.
4 Sylvia spends Saturdays in rhe shopping centee.

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