Northbound Management Feature Description (SRAN15.1)

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Northbound Management Feature Description

Issue 01
Date 2019-01-18


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Issue 01 (2019-01-18) Huawei Proprietary and i

Confidential Copyright © Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Northbound Management Feature Description About This Document

About This Document

Northbound management is a part of Huawei network operation and maintenance (O&M).
This document briefly introduces the overall architecture and system, service scope,
documentation system, and special application scenarios of northbound interfaces.
The northbound interfaces described in this document are supported by the U2020 and CME
and are applicable to wireless network elements (NEs), such as BSCs, RNCs, NodeBs,
eNodeBs, gNodeBs, and co-MPT base stations.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for personnel who:
 Need to understand this feature.
 Work with related Huawei products.

Change History
This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
 Feature change
Changes in this feature of a specific product version
 Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier

Document Issue
The document issue is as follows:

01 (2019-01-07)
This issue introduces the following changes to SRAN13.1 08 (2018-11-12).

Issue 01 (2019-01-18) Huawei Proprietary and ii

Confidential Copyright © Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Northbound Management Feature Description About This Document

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial Added the CME northbound None
change RESTful interface.
Added the 5G simplified
northbound model.
Added the gNodeBFunction
series documentation.

Issue 01 (2019-01-18) Huawei Proprietary and iii

Confidential Copyright © Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.

About This Document....................................................................................................................ii

1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Benefits...........................................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Architecture....................................................................................................................................................................5

2 Functions of Northbound Interfaces.........................................................................................7

2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Configuration Northbound Interface..............................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 CME Configuration Northbound Interface.................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 U2020 Configuration Northbound Interface.............................................................................................................17
2.3 Performance Northbound Interface..............................................................................................................................21
2.3.1 Performance Northbound Interface Protocols...........................................................................................................21
2.3.2 Performance Northbound Interface Data...................................................................................................................21
2.3.3 Reference Materials for Performance Northbound Interfaces...................................................................................22
2.4 Alarm Northbound Interface.........................................................................................................................................24
2.4.1 Alarm Northbound Interface Protocols.....................................................................................................................25
2.4.2 Alarm Northbound Interface Data.............................................................................................................................26
2.4.3 Reference Materials for Alarm Northbound Interfaces.............................................................................................27
2.5 Inventory Northbound Interface...................................................................................................................................30
2.5.1 Inventory Northbound Interface Protocols................................................................................................................30
2.5.2 Inventory Northbound Interface Data.......................................................................................................................30
2.5.3 Reference Materials for Inventory Northbound Interfaces.......................................................................................30
2.6 Security Northbound Interface.....................................................................................................................................31
2.6.2 Reference Materials for Security Northbound Interfaces..........................................................................................32

3 Northbound Documentation System......................................................................................34

3.1 Northbound Documentation.........................................................................................................................................34
3.2 Usage of Documentation for 3900&5900 Series Base Stations...................................................................................36
Northbound Management Feature Description 2 Functions of Northbound Interfaces

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction
A northbound management module provides an interface for other vendors or operators to
access to or manage Huawei devices. In the Telecommunication Management Network
(TMN) logical layer architecture, the Element Management Layer (EML) and Network
Management Layer (NML) are connected by a northbound interface.

1.2 Benefits
This feature provides northbound interfaces for other operators to access to or manage

1.3 Architecture
A northbound interface is an external interface integrated between Huawei's element
management system (EMS) (that is U2020) and a third-party network management system
(NMS). Figure shows the position of a northbound interface.
Northbound Management Feature Description 2 Functions of Northbound Interfaces

Figure Position of a northbound interface

2 Functions of Northbound Interfaces

2.1 Overview
The U2020 is an O&M system that centrally manages Huawei wireless products and provides
open northbound interfaces to the NMS. The U2020 provides a full range of northbound
interfaces to meet various requirements of different operators.

Figure U2020 northbound interfaces

As shown in Figure, by providing different northbound interfaces, the U2020

provides the following O&M services:
 The configuration management module is provided with the U2020 file interface,
command line interface, CORBA interface for basic configurations (which is not
recommended), interface for importing/exporting CME configuration files, CME
CORBA interface (which is used for control flow only), and CME RESTful interface.
 The fault management module is provided with the CORBA interface, ASCII streaming
interface, SNMP interface, and file interface.
 The performance management module is provided with the file interface.
 The security management module is provided with the CORBA interface, LDAP
interface, and RADIUS interface.
 The inventory management module is provided with the file interface.

Operators can determine the interconnection solutions based on requirements of third-party

O&M systems in live networks.

2.2 Configuration Northbound Interface

The configuration interface can be deployed on both the U2020 and CME. The CME
configuration interface consists of the interface for importing/exporting configuration files,
CORBA interface, and RESTful interface, while the U2020 configuration northbound
interface consists of file interface, CORBA interface for basic configurations, and command
line interface.
It is recommended that the interface for importing/exporting CME configuration files be
configured for northbound interconnections.

2.2.1 CME Configuration Northbound Interface

The CME configuration interface supports the import and export of files for radio access
networks and also supports BulkCM.
The CME configuration northbound interface provides a whole-process configuration
solution, which involves the process of obtaining northbound configuration data and
activating the data. The northbound interface for control flow includes the file interface
(manual control), CORBA interface (automatic control), and RESTful interface (automatic
control), and all of the interfaces provide the functions of importing and exporting
configuration data.

Figure CME configuration northbound interface CME Configuration Northbound Interface Protocols

Table Descriptions of CME configuration northbound interfaces

Protocol Function Characteristics Scenario

Configuration Configuration file  Simple and  Applicable to base station

file export interface: stable creation and batch
import/export  Exports RAN interfaces reconfiguration.
interface configuration data  Data integrity  Applicable to querying NE
(CME) on the entire configuration data.
 XML files are
network. in the flat  Applicable to NEs on RAN
 Supports periodic structure. including GBSS, UTRAN,
data export and eRAN, and NR, but is not
manual data applicable to NEs on CN or
export. other networks.
 Saves  Applicable to the scenario
configuration where customers need to
files in XML send configuration data to
format. NEs through the
Configuration file northbound interface.
import interface:  Not applicable to
 Imports RAN incremental data export.
files in XML
 Imports
policies in XML
files issued by the
NMS to the
U2020 (CME).
After the U2020
(CME) parses and
sends the XML
files to NEs, these
policies take
effect on these
 Supports BulkCM
CORBA  Queries the  Compatible  Applicable to base station
interface standard 3GPP with 3GPP deployment and batch
(CME) configuration data Release 6 modifications of
on the entire configuration data
network.  Applicable to querying NE
 Notifies users of configuration data
session status  Applicable to NEs in
changes. wireless networks, including
 Modifies GBSS, WRAN, and eRAN,
configuration but not applicable to NEs in
parameters, and the CN or other networks
supports BulkCM.  Applicable to the scenario
where the CORBA interface
is required
Configuration Export interface  Compatible  Applicable only to the
RESTful APIs  Supported the with the import and export
standard and standard functions for NEs in
open HTTPS wireless networks,
Representational RESTful API including GBSS, WRAN,
State Transfer  Simple and eRAN, and NR, but not
(REST) stable applicable to NEs in the
interface. interface for CN or other networks
 Provided the easy  Applicable to configuration
function of interconnecti scenarios such as site
exporting on with the deployment, cell setup,
configuration NMS neighboring cell
data files at the  Complete data adjustment, and
radio access side reparenting
 Tile XML file
of the entire structure  Applicable to configuration
network. data modification
 Supported the
export of
specified NEs or
 Supported the
XML format.
Import interface
 Supported the
standard and
open REST
 Provided the
interface for
files at the radio
access side, with
the format being
 Supported manual
import in real
 Supported the
XML format. CME Configuration Northbound Interface Model Universal CME Northbound Interface (for 2G/3G/4G/5G)
Northbound interfaces support the parameters used in customers' routine maintenance.
 Parameters that are frequently modified in routine maintenance, such as radio
parameters, RET parameters, and antenna parameters. These parameters need to be
supported on northbound interfaces.
 Parameters that are rarely modified in routine maintenance, such as transport parameters.
These parameters need to be supported on northbound interfaces.
 Parameters that are configured at one time and do not need to be modified in routine
maintenance, such as equipment parameters. These parameters are not supported on
northbound interfaces.
Based on the preceding principles, a northbound interface involves a great number of
parameters. The NMS should configure parameters that are frequently used in routine
maintenance. The parameters involved in these scenarios are only a subset of the total
parameters. The NMS only manages this subset of parameters to decrease the cost of
northbound interconnections and simplify routine configurations. Therefore, hierarchical
mechanism for managing northbound parameters is supported to customize parameters. This
mechanism is supported only by a CME interface where the imported or exported .xml files
use the flat structure.
To relieve the impact of northbound changes on customers' NMS, a parameter disuse
mechanism is supported. The northbound changes that affect the interconnection with the
NMS must be notified to customers beforehand so that the NMS can adapt to the changes.
This prevents the NMS from delayed adaptation to sudden changes.
Hierarchical mechanism for parameter management
Because of the great number of parameters, complex principles, and difficult configurations,
Huawei proposes a hierarchical mechanism for parameter management to simplify the
configurations, decrease R&D costs, and reduce customer OPEX.

Figure Structure of the hierarchical parameters

 Principles for the hierarchical parameters

Northbound parameters are classified into commonly used parameters and uncommonly
used parameters based on parameter utilization.
− Commonly used parameters: refer to parameters that are mandatory or frequently
modified for related features. They are identified as "commonly used parameters." In
most cases, 30 to 40% of all parameters are commonly used parameters. These
parameters are supported by northbound interfaces by default. Huawei provides the
management object model document (Northbound Interface MOM Reference) for
commonly used parameters. This document describes MOCs, relationships between
MOCs, parameters, and service rules.
− Uncommonly used parameters: refer to parameters that are seldom used, and are
identified as "uncommonly used parameters." They are not supported by northbound
interface by default. Users can use a parameter selection tool to subscribe to these
parameters over the northbound interfaces if required.
 Parameter customization
In live networks, customized parameters are required for routine operation and
maintenance. If some parameters are identified as "uncommonly used parameters", they
may be key parameters at certain sites, while some parameters are unnecessary at certain
sites even if they are identified as "commonly used parameters" or are mandatory.
In these cases, the CME support customization of parameters to prevent negative impact
of the hierarchical parameters on northbound interconnections.
− Customize the scope of parameters: Users can subscribe only to required parameters.
After users select parameters, the northbound interfaces allow the users to import and
export the subscribed parameters.
− Customize default values of parameters: Users can use the customization tool to
customize default values for mandatory parameters that have only unique values on
the live network or for parameters whose default values provided by Huawei do not
meet user requirements.
For example, in the GSM configuration resource model, users can set latitude and
longitude information for a cell in the MOC GCELLLCS and set the format of
latitude and longitude information in the INPUTMD parameter. The default value of
the INPUTMD parameter is Degree. However, on certain networks, the commonly
used format of latitude and longitude information may be the following: "Degree
Minute Second". In this case, users can customize default values so that the upper-
layer OSS does not manage this parameter.
Parameter disuse mechanism
This disuse mechanism is a compatibility mechanism for relieving the impact of northbound
changes on customers. Specifically, the changes are notified to the customers beforehand to
have time left for the NMS to adapt to the changes. Essentially, this mechanism buffers the
impact of changes.
The northbound parameter changes need to comply with the northbound parameter disuse
mechanism. Figure shows the status of parameters that fall into disuse in the
corresponding version.
Figure Parameter disuse mechanism

If the customer's NMS uses parameter A for northbound interconnections, it needs to complete
the NMS modifications (which can be performed in version N or N+1) before the upgrade to
version N+2, and stop using parameter A. Simplified CME Northbound Interface (only for 5G)

The process of NBI integration is complicated and time-consuming. An innovative solution of
eModel has been introduced in 5G to simplify NBI parameters.
The following figure is the eModel implementation principles:

eModel consists of two parts.

 One part is parameter policies, which are the logic that specifies how feature parameters
are configured in a specific scenario. eModel is designed based on the network model,
and the parameter policies are written in a similar modeling language named Yet Another
Markup Language (YAML). YAML is easy to understand and easy to learn. The
parameter policies simplify NBI parameter management.
 The other part is the eModel engine, which executes parameter policies to interpret the
logic dynamically. Parameter policies can be dynamically uploaded and executed, and
therefore new policies can be written on demand to meet specific requirements. The
eModel engine helps the customer better control networks.
From the beginning of 5G, Huawei will provide default parameter policies, based on which
the NBI parameters that the customer needs to manage will be reduced by 80%. This
simplifies the complexity of NBI integration. Reference Materials for CME Configuration Northbound

The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table

Table Reference materials for CME configuration northbound interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Documentation
Type Package

Interconnectio U2020-CME This document, applicable to CME northbound

n guide Northbound the configuration file documentation
Interface import/export interface (CME), package
Specification describes the software
architecture and principles for
the northbound file interface of
the CME, and provides
guidance on the northbound
interconnection of the NMS.
U2020-CME This document describes errors
Northbound that may occur during the file
Interface Import import through the
Error configuration northbound
Description interface, enabling the NMS
engineers to understand the
import process and efficiently
clear the errors.
Northbound This document describes the
BulkCM northbound BulkCM CORBA
CORBA interface of the CME and
Interface related working principles, and
Developer provides guidance on how to
Guide configure the CORBA interface
for the NMS.
U2020-CME This document describes the
NBI RESTful design principles and technical
API specifications for open APIs,
Specifications and provides parameters and
examples for the open APIs.
This document provides
specification reference and
development guidance for
NMSs and Huawei U2020-
CME NBI system.
U2020 This document describes the U2020 northbound
Northbound U2020 CORBA interface, and documentation
CORBA provides guidance on how to package
Interface interconnect the CORBA
Developer interface with the NMS.
Model Product This document, applicable to Northbound data
description Version universal CME northbound documentation
Parameter List interfaces, describes parameters package
supported by northbound
interfaces and parameter-related
Product This document describes the
Version Disuse parameters that fall into disuse
Parameter List in the current version.
Product This document provides MOM
Version reference for northbound
Northbound parameters, and describes
Interface MOM model relationships and
Reference configuration principles.
Product This document describes
Version relationships between MOs.
Interface MOC
Product This document describes
Version changes of model parameters
Parameter between two versions.
Material for This document, applicable to
Product northbound change
Parameter communications, describes
Changes(Destin overall changes of two versions.
ation Version
vs Source
Product This document, applicable to
Version simplified CME northbound
Parameter List interfaces, describes parameters
(NRM) supported by simplified
northbound interfaces and
parameter-related attributes.
Product This document provides MOM
Version reference for simplified
Northbound northbound parameters, and
Interface MOM describes model relationships
Reference and configuration principles.
Product This document describes
Version changes of model parameters
Parameter between two versions for
Changes simplified northbound
(NRM) interfaces.
Material for This document, applicable to
Product simplified northbound change
Parameter communications, describes
Changes overall changes of two versions.
Version vs
Source Version)
U2020-CME This document describes
Northbound scenarios for the CME
Interface configuration northbound
Scenario interface, and provides guidance
Description on the interconnection with the
Samples These documents describe the
(including structure of the .xml files
imported and exported through the
exported configuration file import/export
samples, and interface (CME), and provide
Schema) samples of the imported and
exported files.

2.2.2 U2020 Configuration Northbound Interface U2020 Configuration Northbound Interface Protocols
The northbound configuration data can be queried over the file interface. Specifically, the
configuration data of the entire network can be exported into an .xml or a .csv file
periodically. An upper-level NMS can obtain the exported file in the specified directory on the
U2020 through the FTP or SFTP server. The U2020 also supports the uploading of files.
Specifically, the NMS specifies the IP address of the server or a file directory, and the U2020
uploads files to the specified server through the FTP or SFTP server. Except for the file
interface, the configuration interface also supports the CORBA interface and command line
Table Descriptions of U2020 configuration northbound interfaces
Protocol Function Characteristics Scenario

File interface  Periodically  Simple and stable  Highly

(NE-based) exports interfaces recommended
configuration data  Data integrity when configuration
of the entire data needs to be
network to files.  Both the flat queried but not to
structure and tree be modified
 Generates one file structure are
for each NE. supported. NOTE
 Saves exported The flat structure is
files in an .xml or a recommended.
.csv format.
 Does not support
real-time or
incremental export.
 Exports rather than
imports files, and
does not support
bulk CM
Command  Queries and  The MML  Recommended for
line interface modifies commands for querying or
configuration data. querying and modifying a small
 Issues maintenance modifying amount of
commands in configuration data configuration data
addition to should be  This interface can
configuration supported by the also be used
commands. NEs and the together with the
corresponding file interface (NE-
U2020s. based). When used
together, the file
interface is used to
query a large
amount of data,
while the command
line interface is
used to modify
simple data
CORBA  Queries the  Compatible with  Not recommended
interface for standard 3GPP 3GPP Release 6
basic configuration data
configuratio on the entire If customers require
n network. this interface, contact
Huawei MO.
 Notifies users of
configuration data
 Supports RAN and
 Does not support
the modifications
of configuration
attributes or
operations. U2020 Configuration Northbound Interface Model

The U2020 configuration northbound interface involves configuration objects related to
performance and alarms and parameters related to service extension. Reference Materials for U2020 Configuration Northbound Interfaces

The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table, Table, and Table

Table Reference materials for U2020 file interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Documentation
Type Package

Interconnect U2020 This document describes the U2020 northbound

ion guide Northbound northbound configuration file documentation
Configuration interface of the U2020, and package
File Interface provides guidance on how to
Developer interconnect the U2020
Guide configuration file interface with
the NMS.
Configuration This document describes the
Export Format structure of the .xml files
exported through the
northbound configuration file
interface of the U2020.
Model U2020 This document describes the
description Northbound configuration objects of a
Configuration certain type of NE supported by
Objects the U2020 and related attributes.
U2020 This document provides Northbound data
Configuration examples of files exported documentation
Export through configuration package
Examples northbound interfaces, which is
used as a reference for
northbound interconnections.
Table Reference materials for U2020 command line interfaces
Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Documentation
Type Package

Interconnect U2020 This document provides U2020 northbound

ion guide Northbound guidance on the interconnection documentation
Command Line with the northbound command package
Interface line interface of the U2020.
Model Product This document describes all NE reference
description Version MML MML commands supported by a documentation
Command certain version of products. package
Product This document describes
Version MML changes of MML commands
Command between two versions.

Table Reference materials for U2020 CORBA interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Documentation
Type Package

Interconnect U2020 Version This document provides U2020 northbound

ion guide Guide to Install guidance on how to configure, documentation
and Query query, and modify the U2020 package
Northbound CORBA interface.
U2020 This document describes the
Northbound U2020 CORBA interface, and
CORBA provides guidance on how to
Interface interconnect the CORBA
Developer interface with the NMS.
IDL Files This document defines the
interface definition language
(IDL) for the U2020 CORBA
Model U2020 This document describes the
description Northbound objects supported by the U2020
CORBA CORBA interface for basic
Interface configurations and related
V1.2.0 attributes.

2.3 Performance Northbound Interface

The performance interface consists of the NE-based file interface and measurement unit-based
file interface.

The NE-based file interface is recommended.

2.3.1 Performance Northbound Interface Protocols

Table Descriptions of U2020 performance northbound interfaces
Protocol Function Characteristics Scenario

File interface  Periodically exports  Short delay  This interface is

(NE-based) performance data to files. for file export recommended.
 Generates one result file for  No impact on
each NE in each period. the database
 Exports the original NE
measurement results.
Aggregated measurement
results and calculation
entities cannot be exported.
The exported file contains
all NE-related counters.
 Saves the exported file in
the .xml format, which
complies with the 3GPP
File interface  Automatically exports  Less efficient  This interface is
(measurement performance data to files  Impact on the supported only at
unit-based) periodically. database inventory sites
 Generates one result file for where this
each measurement unit or interface has
template in each period. been used, rather
than sites with
 The exported file only new northbound
contains the counters interconnections.
subscribed on the U2020.
 Saves exported file in a
.csv, a .txt or an .xml,
2.3.2 Performance Northbound Interface Data
Northbound interfaces support all external performance counters of NEs.
File interface (NE-based): All counters are exported by default.
File interface (measurement unit-based): Only the counters subscribed on the U2020 are
exported by default.
The counters will be deleted according to the disuse mechanism, and the reasons are as
 A performance counter may no longer be used or be replaced by another performance
counter due to algorithm changes or optimization of performance counter design.
 The measurement object for a performance counter may be deleted due to hardware,
function, or feature changes.
In addition, some parameters of a measurement object may be deleted or replaced by other
parameters after configuration model optimization. Performance counters and measurement
object parameters to be deleted will be reserved for two NE versions: the current version and
the following version. Table lists the disuse mechanism.

Table Disuse mechanism for performance counters

Scenario Disuse Mechanism

Version N and Version N+1 Version


Old performance Old performance counters are reserved. The Old

counters are replaced counter values can be normally measured and performance
by new performance reported, or reported as null values. counters are
counters. The values of the new counters can be normally deleted.
measured and reported.
Old performance Old performance counters are reserved. The Old
counters are deleted. counter values can be normally measured and performance
reported, or reported as null values. counters are
Old measurement  Old measurement object parameters are Old
object parameters are reserved and reported. The parameter value performance
deleted or replaced by validity depends on the validity of the values counters are
other parameters due for the corresponding parameters in the deleted.
to configuration configuration model.
model optimization.  New measurement object parameters are
reported properly.

2.3.3 Reference Materials for Performance Northbound Interfaces

The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table
Table Reference materials for performance northbound interfaces
Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Documentation
Type Package

Interconnect U2020 Applicable to: File interface U2020 northbound

ion guide Northbound (NE-based) documentation
Performance This document describes the file package
File Interface interface, and provides guidance
Developer on how to interconnect the file
Guide (NE- interface with the NMS.
Performance Applicable to: File interface
Export Format (NE-based)
(NE-Based) This document describes the
structure of the exported .xml
U2020 Applicable to: File interface
Northbound (measurement unit-based)
Performance This document describes the file
File Interface interface, and provides guidance
Developer on how to interconnect the file
Guide interface with the NMS.
Performance Applicable to: File interface
Export Format (measurement unit-based)
(Measurement This document describes the
Unit-Based) structure of the exported .xml
Model Product Applicable to: Performance Northbound data
description Version interface documentation
Performance This document provides a list of package
Counter List performance counters that can
be exported through northbound
interfaces and attributes related
to those counters.
Product This document describes the
Version Disuse performance counters that will
Performance fall into disuse in the current
Counter List version.
Product This document describes
Version changes of performance
Performance counters between two versions.
Material for This document, applicable to
Product northbound change
Performance communications, describes
Counter overall changes of two
Changes(Destin versions.
ation Version
vs Source
U2020 This document provides
Performance examples of performance
Export counters exported through
Examples northbound interfaces, which is
used as a reference for
northbound interconnections.

2.4 Alarm Northbound Interface

U2020 alarm northbound interfaces are categorized into the following types:
 Alarm CORBA interface
 Alarm ASCII streaming interface
 Alarm SNMP interface
 Alarm file interface
Operators can use different interface interconnections based on the corresponding

The alarm CORBA interface is recommended.

2.4.1 Alarm Northbound Interface Protocols

Table Descriptions of U2020 alarm northbound interfaces
Protocol Function Characteristics Scenario

CORBA  Reports alarms in  Compatible with 3GPP  Applicable to

interface real time. Release 6 scenarios that require
 Queries active  Real-time alarm high reliability and
alarms. reporting where comprehensive
functions need to be
 Filters alarms by  Comprehensive performed
criteria. functions, such as
filtering alarms by  Applicable to
 Clears, scenarios that comply
acknowledges, and criteria; clearing,
acknowledging, and with 3GPP Release 6
alarms. unacknowledging  Applicable to
alarms scenarios where the
 Reports NMS interconnects
communication  High reliability
achieved by querying with OSSs of
surveillance multiple vendors
notifications. active alarms and
ASCII  Reports alarms in  Simple and easy  Applicable to
streaming real time. connection to the NMS scenarios that require
interface  Queries active  Real-time alarm real-time alarm
alarms. reporting reporting and easy
connection to the
 Filters alarms by  Simple functions of NMS
criteria. filtering alarms by
 Resends alarms criteria
generated during the  High reliability
disconnection after achieved by querying
connection is active alarms and
resumed. resending alarms
 Reports handshake generated during the
message. disconnection after
connection is resumed
SNMP  Reports alarms in  Compatible with  Applicable to
interface real time. SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, scenarios that require
 Queries active and SNMPv3 the SNMP interface
alarms.  Real-time alarm
 Filters alarms by reporting
criteria.  Comprehensive
 Clears, functions such as
acknowledges, and filtering alarms by
unacknowledges criteria, reporting
alarms. heartbeat traps,
querying active alarms,
 Reports heartbeat and clearing,
traps. acknowledging, and
File  Periodically exports  Periodic export of  Applicable to
interface alarm data to files alarm data to files scenarios that require
based on preset based on preset criteria massive alarm query
criteria.  Query of a large or scheduled alarm
number of alarms verification
 Applicable to
scenarios where
multiple alarm
interfaces are used
This interface cannot be
used for reporting alarms
in real time.
2.4.2 Alarm Northbound Interface Data
The alarm northbound interfaces support all alarms.
The alarms will fall into disuse according to the disuse mechanism, and the reasons are as
 Service changes in a new version: Some alarms no longer apply to scenarios in the new
 Internal design optimization: Some alarms are no longer required for their corresponding
 Alarm optimization: Some alarms are replaced by other alarms.
In addition to alarm disuse, location parameters of an alarm may fall into disuse for the
following reasons:
 Service optimization: Some of the location parameters become invalid.
 Configuration model optimization: The location parameters are invalid or are replaced by
other parameters.
Alarms or alarm location parameters that will fall into disuse will be reserved for two
versions: the current and the following version. Table lists the disuse

Table Disuse mechanism for alarms

Scenario Disuse Mechanism Disuse


Version N and Version N+1 Version N+2

Alarms without Old alarms are not reported and are only Old alarms are
application scenarios are reserved in related NE documents. deleted.
Old alarms are replaced  Old alarms are not reported and are only Old alarms are
by new alarms. reserved in related NE documents that deleted.
provide the mapping between old
alarms and new alarms. New alarms are
reported properly.
Old alarm location Old alarm location parameters are Old alarm
parameters are invalid reserved, and parameter values reported location
due to service through the northbound interface are null parameters are
optimization and are values. deleted.
Old alarm location  Old alarm location parameters are Old alarm
parameters are invalid reserved and reported through the location
due to configuration northbound interface. The parameter parameters are
model optimization and value validity depends on the validity of deleted.
are deleted or replaced the values for the corresponding
by other parameters. parameters in the configuration model.
 New alarm location parameters are
reported properly.
2.4.3 Reference Materials for Alarm Northbound Interfaces
The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table

Table Reference materials for alarm northbound interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Type Documentation

Interconnection U2020 Version Applicable to: CORBA U2020

guide Guide to Install interface northbound
and Query This document provides documentation
Northbound guidance on how to configure, package
CORBA query, and modify the U2020
Interface CORBA interface.
U2020 Applicable to: CORBA
Northbound interface
CORBA This document describes the
Interface CORBA interface, and
Developer Guide provides guidance on how to
interconnect the CORBA
interface with the NMS.
IDL Files Applicable to: CORBA
This document defines the
IDL for the U2020 CORBA
U2020 Applicable to: ASCII
Northbound streaming interface
Alarm Streaming This document describes the
Interface U2020 ASCII streaming
Developer Guide interface, and provides
guidance on how to
interconnect the ASCII
streaming interface with the
Alarm Stream Applicable to: ASCII
Interface Object streaming interface
Type List This document describes the
objects supported by different
types of NEs and these objects
can be located using the
alarms. The alarms reported by
those objects can be used to
locate the objects. Other
alarms can be used to locate
NEs only.
U2020 Applicable to: SNMP interface
Northbound This document describes the
Alarm SNMP northbound SNMP interface of
Interface the U2020, and provides
Developer Guide guidance on how to
interconnect the SNMP
interface with the NMS.
Mapping Applicable to: SNMP interface
Between U2020 This document describes the
NE Type IDs and SNMP interface and the
NE Type Names mapping relationship between
the ID and name of an NE
MIB File Applicable to: SNMP interface
This document defines MOs
for the SNMP interface. In
addition, this document
describes the operations that
can be performed by the NMS
and the information that NMS
customers can obtain.
U2020 Applicable to: file interface
Northbound This document describes the
Alarm File file interface, and provides
Interface guidance on how to
Developer Guide interconnect the file interface
with the NMS.
Alarm Export Applicable to: file interface
Format This document describes the
structure of the exported .xml
Model Product Version Applicable to: alarm interface Northbound data
description Alarm List This document provides a list documentation
of northbound alarms and package
related attributes.
Product Version Applicable to: alarm interface
Event List This document provides a list
of northbound events and
related attributes.
Product Version This document describes the
Disuse Alarm alarms that will fall into disuse
List in the current version.
Product Version This document describes the
Disuse Event events that will fall into disuse
List in the current version.
Product Version This document describes
Alarm Changes changes of alarms between
two versions.
Product Version This document describes
Event Changes changes of events between two
Material for This document, applicable to
Product northbound change
Alarm_Event communications, describes
Changes(Destina overall changes of two
tion Version vs versions.
Source Version)
U2020 Alarm This document provides
Export Examples examples of alarms exported
through northbound interfaces,
which is used as a reference
for northbound

2.5 Inventory Northbound Interface

The U2020 inventory northbound interface is a file interface.

2.5.1 Inventory Northbound Interface Protocols

Table Descriptions of U2020 inventory northbound interfaces
Protocol Function Characteristics Scenario

File  Periodically exports inventory  This interface  This interface

interface data to files. supports full data is
 Exports files based on NEs or export, but does recommended
MOCs. not support .
incremental or
 Saves the files in the .csv, .xml, real-time data
or .txt format. (They cannot be export.
 Saves the MOC-based
inventory files in the .csv, or
.xml format. (They cannot be
2.5.2 Inventory Northbound Interface Data
An inventory data file contains the following data:
 Logical inventory data: information about cells and NE versions.
 Physical inventory data: information about frames, subracks, slots, boards, antennas, and
ports. Physical inventory attributes include the device location, device name, device type,
device version, electronic label, serial number, device vendor, and delivery date.

2.5.3 Reference Materials for Inventory Northbound Interfaces

The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table

Table Reference materials for inventory northbound interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Type Documentation

Interconnection U2020 This document describes the U2020

guide Northbound northbound inventory file northbound
Inventory File interface of the U2020, and documentation
Interface provides guidance on how to package
Developer Guide interconnect the U2020
inventory file interface with
the NMS.
Inventory Types of This document describes
NEs attributes supported by
inventory northbound
interfaces of different types
of NEs.
Inventory Export This document describes the
Format structure of the .xml files
exported through the
northbound inventory file
interface of the U2020.
Model Product Version Applicable to: inventory Northbound data
description Inventory interface documentation
Information List This document provides a package
list of northbound inventory
data and related attributes.
Product Version This document describes
Inventory changes of inventory data
Information between two versions.
U2020 Inventory This document provides
Export Examples examples of inventory data
exported through northbound
interfaces, which is used as a
reference for northbound

2.6 Security Northbound Interface

Security northbound interfaces include the following interfaces:
 LDAP user management interface
 LDAP user authentication interface
 RADIUS user authentication interface
 Security CORBA interface
The LDAP user management interface and LDAP user authentication interface are recommended.

Table Descriptions of security northbound interfaces

Protocol Function Scenario

LDAP user Complies with LDAP. Through this Applicable to scenarios where
management interface, a third-party security the LDAP interface is required
interface management system can create, by a third-party user
modify, delete, and query accounts management system for the
of Huawei OSS systems. interconnection of security
LDAP user Supports the account authentication Applicable to scenarios where
authentication based on LDAP. Supports remote the LDAP interface is required
interface authentication of user names and by a third-party user
passwords. authentication system for the
interconnection of central
authentication services
RADIUS user Supports the account authentication Applicable to scenarios where
authentication based on RADIUS. Supports the RADIUS interface is
interface remote authentication of user names required by a third-party user
and passwords. authentication system for the
interconnection of central
authentication services
Security CORBA The ORB Core used by the security Applicable to scenarios where
interface CORBA interface complies with the security CORBA interface is
the OMG 2.3 standards. Through required by a third-party user
this interface, a third-party security management system for the
management system can query, interconnection of central
create, modify, and delete users, authentication services
and authorize users by adding them
to a user group.
2.6.2 Reference Materials for Security Northbound Interfaces
The reference materials for security interfaces only include the interface interconnection
guide. For details, see Table

Table Reference materials for security northbound interfaces

Reference Document Function Belonged
Material Type Documentation

Interconnection LDAP This document describes how a U2020

guide Northbound centralized user management northbound
Interface User system interconnects with the documentation
Guide U2020 server. package
Guide to This document describes how to
Configuration configure the LDAP
of the LDAP authentication and RADIUS
Authentication authentication on the U2020.
U2020 This document provides
Northbound guidance on interconnections for
CORBA the NMS security interfaces,
Security including the definition and
Interface functions of the security
Developer CORBA interface and its
Guide interconnection with the NMS.
IDL This document defines the
interface definition language
(IDL) for the U2020 security
CORBA interface.
3 Northbound Documentation System

3.1 Northbound Documentation

Northbound documentation includes the northbound interconnection guide and northbound
data definition. In addition, the northbound interconnection guide is further classified into the
CME northbound interconnection guide and U2020 northbound interconnection guide based
on the carriers of northbound interfaces.

Figure Northbound documentation system

As shown in the preceding figure, the northbound documentation includes three parts: CME
northbound documentation, U2020 northbound documentation, and northbound data
documentation. For northbound interfaces that each kind of documentation applies to, see the
corresponding sections about reference materials above. For paths to obtain the
documentation, see Table
Table Publishing paths for northbound documentation
Belonged Document Publishing Path (
Documenta Name

CME U2020-CME Support -> Product Support -> Wireless Network ->
northbound Version Release SingleOSS-MBB -> SingleOSS-MBB -> M2000-
documentati Documents/Nort Common -> U2020-CME -> Product Documentation ->
on package hbound File Release Documentation
For example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released
when each CME version (including patch versions) is
U2020 U2020 Version Support -> Product Support -> Wireless Network ->
northbound ReleaseDoc/07.N SingleOSS-MBB -> SingleOSS-MBB -> M2000-
documentati orthbound File Common -> U2020-M -> Product Documentation ->
on package Release Documentation
For example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released
when each U2020 version (including patch versions) is
Northbound Solution Version Support->Product Support -> Wireless Network
data NBI Data Common ->XXX (SingleRAN, GSM RAN, UMTS
documentati Documents RAN, LTE FDD RAN or Small Cell for example)->
on package XXX (SRAN, GBSS, RAN, eRAN or AtomCell for
example) Solution->Product Documentation-
>Northbound Interface Data Documentation
Take SRAN as an example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released with
TR5/TR6/GA, and will be updated when changes occur
3.2 Usage of Documentation for 3900&5900 Series Base
The base stations whose NE types are BTS3900 WCDMA, BTS5900 WCDMA, BTS3900
LTE, BTS5900 LTE, BTS3900 5G, BTS5900 5G, BTS3900, and BTS5900 use SingleOM
model. All types of base stations share a set of northbound reference document.
To facilitate connection from the NMS to a module or mode (GSM, UMTS, LTE or NR) in a
base station, the northbound documents are divided into the following parts: Node,
GBTSFunction, NodeBFunction, eNodeBFunction, gNodeBFunction, and RFAFunction (only
for LampSite base stations).
 Node: Common to all modes, which is configured for implementing the device- and
transport-related functions.
 GBTSFunction: GSM specific function, which is configured for implementing GSM
radio access functions.
 NodeBFunction: UMTS specific function, which is configured for implementing UMTS
radio access functions.
 eNodeBFunction: LTE specific function, which is configured for implementing LTE
radio access functions.
 gNodeBFunction: NR specific function, which is configured for implementing NR radio
access functions.
 RFAFunction (only for LampSite base stations): RFA specific function, which is
configured for implementing radio frequency access functions.
Figure shows the method of how to use parameter lists. The methods of using
other documents are the same as this method.

Figure Usage of the parameter list

 For the BTS3900 and BTS5900, parameter lists include a Node parameter list, a
GBTSFunction parameter list, a NodeBFunction parameter list, an eNodeBFunction, a
gNodeBFunction, and an RFAFunction parameter list.
 For the BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS5900 WCDMA, parameter lists include a Node
parameter list and a NodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains
parameters of multiple modes, including parameters that the UMTS mode does not
support. Parameters that correspond to the value U and values containing U in the
Applicable Mode column are supported by the UMTS mode. If it is a LampSite base
station, it also contains RFAFunction.
 For the BTS3900 LTE and BTS5900 LTE, parameter lists include a Node parameter list
and an eNodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains parameters of
multiple modes, including parameters that the LTE mode does not support. Parameters
that correspond to the value L and values containing L in the Applicable Mode column
are supported by the LTE mode. If it is a LampSite base station, it also contains
 For the BTS3900 5G and BTS5900 5G, parameter lists include a Node parameter list and
a gNodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains parameters of
multiple modes, including parameters that the NR mode does not support. Parameters
that correspond to the value N and values containing N in the Applicable Mode column
are supported by the NR mode. If it is a LampSite base station, it also contains
 BTS5900 and BTS3900 share a set of NBI documents.

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