Northbound Management Feature Description (SRAN15.1)
Northbound Management Feature Description (SRAN15.1)
Northbound Management Feature Description (SRAN15.1)
Issue 01
Date 2019-01-18
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Northbound management is a part of Huawei network operation and maintenance (O&M).
This document briefly introduces the overall architecture and system, service scope,
documentation system, and special application scenarios of northbound interfaces.
The northbound interfaces described in this document are supported by the U2020 and CME
and are applicable to wireless network elements (NEs), such as BSCs, RNCs, NodeBs,
eNodeBs, gNodeBs, and co-MPT base stations.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for personnel who:
Need to understand this feature.
Work with related Huawei products.
Change History
This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
Feature change
Changes in this feature of a specific product version
Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier
Document Issue
The document issue is as follows:
01 (2019-01-07)
This issue introduces the following changes to SRAN13.1 08 (2018-11-12).
1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
A northbound management module provides an interface for other vendors or operators to
access to or manage Huawei devices. In the Telecommunication Management Network
(TMN) logical layer architecture, the Element Management Layer (EML) and Network
Management Layer (NML) are connected by a northbound interface.
1.2 Benefits
This feature provides northbound interfaces for other operators to access to or manage
1.3 Architecture
A northbound interface is an external interface integrated between Huawei's element
management system (EMS) (that is U2020) and a third-party network management system
(NMS). Figure shows the position of a northbound interface.
Northbound Management Feature Description 2 Functions of Northbound Interfaces
2.1 Overview
The U2020 is an O&M system that centrally manages Huawei wireless products and provides
open northbound interfaces to the NMS. The U2020 provides a full range of northbound
interfaces to meet various requirements of different operators.
If the customer's NMS uses parameter A for northbound interconnections, it needs to complete
the NMS modifications (which can be performed in version N or N+1) before the upgrade to
version N+2, and stop using parameter A.
The NE-based file interface is recommended.
The alarm CORBA interface is recommended.
Alarms without Old alarms are not reported and are only Old alarms are
application scenarios are reserved in related NE documents. deleted.
Old alarms are replaced Old alarms are not reported and are only Old alarms are
by new alarms. reserved in related NE documents that deleted.
provide the mapping between old
alarms and new alarms. New alarms are
reported properly.
Old alarm location Old alarm location parameters are Old alarm
parameters are invalid reserved, and parameter values reported location
due to service through the northbound interface are null parameters are
optimization and are values. deleted.
Old alarm location Old alarm location parameters are Old alarm
parameters are invalid reserved and reported through the location
due to configuration northbound interface. The parameter parameters are
model optimization and value validity depends on the validity of deleted.
are deleted or replaced the values for the corresponding
by other parameters. parameters in the configuration model.
New alarm location parameters are
reported properly.
2.4.3 Reference Materials for Alarm Northbound Interfaces
The reference materials include the interface interconnection guide and data model
description. For details, see Table
LDAP user Complies with LDAP. Through this Applicable to scenarios where
management interface, a third-party security the LDAP interface is required
interface management system can create, by a third-party user
modify, delete, and query accounts management system for the
of Huawei OSS systems. interconnection of security
LDAP user Supports the account authentication Applicable to scenarios where
authentication based on LDAP. Supports remote the LDAP interface is required
interface authentication of user names and by a third-party user
passwords. authentication system for the
interconnection of central
authentication services
RADIUS user Supports the account authentication Applicable to scenarios where
authentication based on RADIUS. Supports the RADIUS interface is
interface remote authentication of user names required by a third-party user
and passwords. authentication system for the
interconnection of central
authentication services
Security CORBA The ORB Core used by the security Applicable to scenarios where
interface CORBA interface complies with the security CORBA interface is
the OMG 2.3 standards. Through required by a third-party user
this interface, a third-party security management system for the
management system can query, interconnection of central
create, modify, and delete users, authentication services
and authorize users by adding them
to a user group.
2.6.2 Reference Materials for Security Northbound Interfaces
The reference materials for security interfaces only include the interface interconnection
guide. For details, see Table
As shown in the preceding figure, the northbound documentation includes three parts: CME
northbound documentation, U2020 northbound documentation, and northbound data
documentation. For northbound interfaces that each kind of documentation applies to, see the
corresponding sections about reference materials above. For paths to obtain the
documentation, see Table
Table Publishing paths for northbound documentation
Belonged Document Publishing Path (
Documenta Name
CME U2020-CME Support -> Product Support -> Wireless Network ->
northbound Version Release SingleOSS-MBB -> SingleOSS-MBB -> M2000-
documentati Documents/Nort Common -> U2020-CME -> Product Documentation ->
on package hbound File Release Documentation
For example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released
when each CME version (including patch versions) is
U2020 U2020 Version Support -> Product Support -> Wireless Network ->
northbound ReleaseDoc/07.N SingleOSS-MBB -> SingleOSS-MBB -> M2000-
documentati orthbound File Common -> U2020-M -> Product Documentation ->
on package Release Documentation
For example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released
when each U2020 version (including patch versions) is
Northbound Solution Version Support->Product Support -> Wireless Network
data NBI Data Common ->XXX (SingleRAN, GSM RAN, UMTS
documentati Documents RAN, LTE FDD RAN or Small Cell for example)->
on package XXX (SRAN, GBSS, RAN, eRAN or AtomCell for
example) Solution->Product Documentation-
>Northbound Interface Data Documentation
Take SRAN as an example:
Release frequency: This documentation is released with
TR5/TR6/GA, and will be updated when changes occur
3.2 Usage of Documentation for 3900&5900 Series Base
The base stations whose NE types are BTS3900 WCDMA, BTS5900 WCDMA, BTS3900
LTE, BTS5900 LTE, BTS3900 5G, BTS5900 5G, BTS3900, and BTS5900 use SingleOM
model. All types of base stations share a set of northbound reference document.
To facilitate connection from the NMS to a module or mode (GSM, UMTS, LTE or NR) in a
base station, the northbound documents are divided into the following parts: Node,
GBTSFunction, NodeBFunction, eNodeBFunction, gNodeBFunction, and RFAFunction (only
for LampSite base stations).
Node: Common to all modes, which is configured for implementing the device- and
transport-related functions.
GBTSFunction: GSM specific function, which is configured for implementing GSM
radio access functions.
NodeBFunction: UMTS specific function, which is configured for implementing UMTS
radio access functions.
eNodeBFunction: LTE specific function, which is configured for implementing LTE
radio access functions.
gNodeBFunction: NR specific function, which is configured for implementing NR radio
access functions.
RFAFunction (only for LampSite base stations): RFA specific function, which is
configured for implementing radio frequency access functions.
Figure shows the method of how to use parameter lists. The methods of using
other documents are the same as this method.
For the BTS3900 and BTS5900, parameter lists include a Node parameter list, a
GBTSFunction parameter list, a NodeBFunction parameter list, an eNodeBFunction, a
gNodeBFunction, and an RFAFunction parameter list.
For the BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS5900 WCDMA, parameter lists include a Node
parameter list and a NodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains
parameters of multiple modes, including parameters that the UMTS mode does not
support. Parameters that correspond to the value U and values containing U in the
Applicable Mode column are supported by the UMTS mode. If it is a LampSite base
station, it also contains RFAFunction.
For the BTS3900 LTE and BTS5900 LTE, parameter lists include a Node parameter list
and an eNodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains parameters of
multiple modes, including parameters that the LTE mode does not support. Parameters
that correspond to the value L and values containing L in the Applicable Mode column
are supported by the LTE mode. If it is a LampSite base station, it also contains
For the BTS3900 5G and BTS5900 5G, parameter lists include a Node parameter list and
a gNodeBFunction parameter list. The Node parameter list contains parameters of
multiple modes, including parameters that the NR mode does not support. Parameters
that correspond to the value N and values containing N in the Applicable Mode column
are supported by the NR mode. If it is a LampSite base station, it also contains
BTS5900 and BTS3900 share a set of NBI documents.