U2020-CME Northbound Interface Description (NR)

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Northbound Interface Description (NR)

Issue 01
Date 2019-06-12


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1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1

2 Introduction....................................................................................................................................2
3 Features............................................................................................................................................3
3.1 NRM...............................................................................................................................................................................3
3.1.1 MOM...........................................................................................................................................................................3
3.1.2 NBI Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Operation Attribute in NBI Files....................................................................................................................................3
3.3 Radio Parameter Configuration......................................................................................................................................4
3.3.1 Creating Cells..............................................................................................................................................................4
3.3.2 Deleting Cells..............................................................................................................................................................5
3.3.3 Modifying Cell Data....................................................................................................................................................5
3.3.4 Reconfiguring Neighbor Relationships.......................................................................................................................6
3.4 NR NE Creation.............................................................................................................................................................7
3.4.1 Creating NR NEs.........................................................................................................................................................7

4 Enhanced Features.........................................................................................................................8

Issue ()
Northbound Interface Description (NR) 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

U2020-CME, NBI, XML, scenario, template

This document describes the technical specifications of creating NR NEs using the U2020
CM NBI, and provides specification references for interconnecting the NMS and Huawei
U2020. CM is short for configuration management. NBI is short for northbound interface.

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 2 Introduction

2 Introduction

The U2020 CM NBI provides scenario-based CM. This document describes how to configure
transmission and radio parameters for NR NEs in common scenarios using the NBI.
The configuration in common scenarios is implemented using the Network Resource Model
(NRM). For details, see attachments listed in this document.

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 3 Features

3 Features

3.1 NRM
3.2 Operation Attribute in NBI Files
3.3 Radio Parameter Configuration
3.4 NR NE Creation

1.1 NRM
1.1.1 MOM
For details about the NRM, see Northbound Interface MOM Reference. MOM is short for
management object model. This reference document provides information about managed
object classes (MOCs), relationships between MOs, parameters, parameter value ranges, and
service rules.

3.1.1 NBI Parameters

CM depends on parameters, and therefore parameters are key information for the NRM.
The MOM reference document and parameter list file describe parameters supported by the
NBI. The parameter list file contains only MOC and parameter information, excluding MOC
service rules and relationships. MOC service rules and relationships are subsets used for
defining MOMs.
The U2020 CM NBI also provides files that conform to XML schema constraints and contain
parameter definitions. This enables applications to execute basic data checks on XML
instance files transferred over the NBI based on XML schema files.

3.2 Operation Attribute in NBI Files

As described in U2020-CME Northbound Interface Specifications, users need to specify
Operation in NBI files.

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 3 Features

Users need to pay attention to the following values of Operation:

 CreateSite: allows the U2020-CME to create gNodeBs using templates.
 BulkModify: allows the U2020-CME to batch reconfigure configuration parameters.
 CreateCellWithTemplate: allows the U2020-CME to create cells using templates.
If users do not set Operation, the U2020-CME sets it to BulkModify by default.

3.3 Radio Parameter Configuration

This section describes the NR radio parameter configuration scenarios supported by the
U2020 CM NBI.
The NR radio parameter configuration scenarios include creating cells, deleting cells,
modifying cell data, and reconfiguring neighbor relationships.

1.1.1 Creating Cells

This section describes how to create NR cells using the U2020 CM NBI. Cells are main
entities that provide network access services through radio resources. The MOC of a cell
includes only basic information about the cell. When creating a cell that can provide network
access services, users must configure channels, sectors, baseband resources, and algorithm
parameters for the cell.

Before creating a cell, users must verify that resource-related data, such as sector data,
baseband data, and telecom operator information, has been configured. For details about the
data that users must collect before creating a cell, see the basic configuration manual of a
desired NE version.

Creating Cells
The U2020 CM NBI allows users to create cells using either of the following methods:
 Creating cells based on full parameters
When users create cells based on full parameters, XML files generated by the NMS must
include all cell-related MOs. Some cell parameters are basic and mandatory, whereas the
others are optional based on required features. For details about the basic and mandatory
parameters and mapping information about features and parameters, see the MOM
document of a desired NE version.
An example file for creating cells based on full data is listed as follows:
02_Sample_add _CELL_without_template.xml
 Creating cells using templates
A large number of MOCs and parameters are involved in cell creation, and therefore
creating cells based on full parameters through the NMS is complicated.
Such MOCs and parameters are divided into the following categories based on
configuration data similarities between cells:
− Planned parameters (such as sector- and gNodeB-related parameters): Settings of
such parameters vary with cells.

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 3 Features

− Reusable parameters (such as channel-related parameters): On an actual network,

settings of such parameters are usually the same for cells of the same batch.
Based on the preceding information, the U2020 CM NBI allows users to quickly
create cells using templates. Each cell template represents a type of typical cell
configuration data. When users create cells by importing files through the NBI, only
planned parameters and templates are required. Then, users can copy the cell
configuration data from the templates and modify the planned parameters based on
the files imported over the U2020 CM NBI. This simplifies user operations for
creating cells through the NMS.
The U2020-CME provides the template management function to manage cell
templates. For details, see CME Online Help.
Users are advised to create cells using templates. In NBI files, the template
information is specified by the TEMPLATENAME parameter in the NRCELL
and NRDUCELL MOs. An example file for creating cells using templates is listed
as follows:
02_Sample_add _CELL_with_template.xml

To use the example file to create a cell, users need to set Operation to CreateCellWithTemplate. Users
do not need to set modifier for the cell and its subobjects because the U2020-CME sets this parameter to
create in such a scenario by default.

Activating Cells
Only activated cells can provide radio access services. Users can activate a cell by setting the
CellActiveState and NrDuCellActiveState parameters in the NRCELL and NRDUCELL
A cell can be activated only when all the cell data is configured. Therefore, users need to
ensure that the configuration data of the cell is complete before the activation.
For details about how to check the completeness of the configuration data of a cell, see the
product documentation of a desired NE version.

3.3.1 Deleting Cells

MOCs and parameters involved in cell deletion can be divided into the following categories:
 Private data: includes cells and their subobjects. For example, channels only belong to
the cells. After a cell is deleted, all its private data will be deleted automatically.
 Referenced external resources: include data about the external sources, such as sectors
and basebands, of a cell. After the cell is deleted, its referenced external resources can
still be used by other cells.
An example file for deleting cells is listed as follows:

3.3.2 Modifying Cell Data

To optimize network performance, users need to modify the configuration data of existing
cells. Modification of a cell also involves certain associated MOCs and parameters.
Not all cells and the parameters of associated MOCs can be modified. Parameters of
associated MOCs are divided into the following categories based on service types after the

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 3 Features

 Primary key parameters and referenced parameters

A primary key parameter is used to uniquely identify an MO. A referenced parameter is
used to uniquely identify a referenced MO and is the primary key parameter of the
referenced MO in normal cases.
Therefore, such parameters cannot be modified.
 Associated parameters
After modifying an associated parameter of a cell, users must modify parameters of the
cell's external cells on involved NEs (such as eNodeBs, RNCs, and BSCs) to ensure data
consistency. Such parameters mainly include parameters of a cell and are also used by
the corresponding external cells.
 Parameters affecting services
If such parameters are modified, services will be affected. For details, see the NBI
parameter file.
 Common parameters
The modification of common parameters does not cause service interruption or data
inconsistency. Most cell parameters are common parameters.
Example files for modifying cell data are listed as follows:
 05_Sample_Update_NRDUCELLTRP.xml
 07_Sample_Update_CELL_states.xml

3.3.3 Reconfiguring Neighbor Relationships

This section describes how to reconfigure neighbor relationships between NR cells using the
U2020 CM NBI.
Neighbor relationship reconfiguration is critical to radio network optimization and involves
two types of MOs: external cells and neighboring cells. An external cell is the proxy of a cell,
which is served by an NE other than the current gNodeB, on the current gNodeB.
External cells of an NR cell include only external NR cells (NREXTERNALNCELL). After
modifying associated parameters of a cell, users must modify data of external cells of this cell
through the NMS to avoid data inconsistency.
Currently, only the following type of neighbor NR relationship is supported:
NR-NR neighbor relationship

NR-NR Neighbor Relationship

An NR-NR neighbor relationship is configured through an NRCELLRELATION MO. NR-
NR neighbor relationships are divided into the following types, depending on whether a cell
and its peer cell are served by the same gNodeB:
 Neighbor relationship between a cell and its peer cell served by the same gNodeB: Users
can directly create an NRCELLRELATION MO for such a neighbor relationship
through the NMS.
 Neighbor relationship between a cell and its peer cell served by different gNodeBs:
Users need to create an external cell (NREXTERNALNCELL) through the NMS
before configuring a neighboring cell (NRCELLRELATION).
An example file for reconfiguring NR-NR neighbor relationships is listed as follows:

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 3 Features


3.4 NR NE Creation
1.1.1 Creating NR NEs
A large number of MOCs and parameters are involved in NR NE creation. These parameters
can be divided into three types: device parameters, transmission parameters, and radio
The device layer houses a large number of hardware MOs, such as subracks, radio frequency
(RF) units, baseband processing units (BBPs), and fans. Devices vary with vendors.
Therefore, MOs at the device layer vary with vendors, their configurations are complicated,
and their models change frequently. Additionally, these MOs are rarely changed after they are
created on an NR NE. Therefore, the U2020 CM NBI does not allow users to configure
device parameters through the NMS.
Based on configuration data similarities between multiple NR NEs, transmission and radio
parameters are divided into the following types:
 Planned parameters, such as the IP address of each interface
 Reusable parameters, such as sector and baseband configuration data
Such MOCs and parameters are divided into a limited number of types based on configuration
data similarities between NR NEs. The U2020 CM NBI allows users to quickly create NR
NEs using base station templates.
The U2020 CM NBI allows users only to create NR NEs using templates. When attempting to
create an NR NE through the NMS, users must specify base station templates in files
imported over the NBI.
The U2020-CME provides the template management function to manage the base station and
radio templates. For details, see CME Online Help.
Example files for creating NR NEs are listed as follows:
 01_Sample_Add_NR.xml
 01_Sample_Add_NR_with_template_and_all_parameters.xml

When using templates to create an NR NE, users must set Operation to CreateSite. However, users do
not need to set modifier, because the U2020-CME sets this parameter to create in such a scenario by
productversion indicates the base station version. When creating a gNodeB, users need to set this
parameter, as well as NENAME in the NE MO and PRODUCTTYPE in the NODE MO.

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Northbound Interface Description (NR) 4 Enhanced Features

4 Enhanced Features


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