Wilson Monthly News October 2018

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A monthly newsletter brought to you by Glen A. Wilson High School



Happy October, Wildcats!

We had a terrific September! I saw many of you at

the District College and Career Fair at Los Altos.
Despite being a rather warm day, the event was
well attended. Assemblyman, Ian Calderon,
awarded five $1000 scholarships for winners of
the essay contest. Four of the five scholarships
went to Wildcats. Congratulations to our
scholarship winners Michelle Kakumasu, Sarah
Chun, Vannida Kol, and Katie Kyan!

Congratulations are also in order for Engineering teacher, Justin Ro. Mr. Ro
was Wilson’s Teacher of the Year for 2017-18. He went on to be recognized
as District Teacher of the Year and as a semi-finalist for LA County Teacher of the Year.
Besides teaching Physics and Engineering, Mr. Ro is the program coordinator for W.I.T.S.
(Wilson’s Institute of Technology and Sciences) which boasts pathways of study in Bio
Medical Science, Computer Science, and Engineering. Under his leadership, Mr. Ro has
led teams of students to win the State Chevron Design Challenge and the Congressional
APP Challenge. Thank you for all you do for students and Wilson, Mr. Ro!!

We were delighted to host our annual Quad Night in

September. We welcomed K-8 students wearing their
Wilson Quad School gear or Cardinal and Gold. Thanks
to ASB for creating the “Fun Zone” and our
cheerleaders for hosting a cheer clinic for our Quad
kids. A big thanks to all Wilson Quad Principals for
spreading the word.

Each year our athletic league, Valle Vista, holds a Leadership Symposium. I
am proud to have had the following students represent Wilson High
School at this year’s Valle Vista Symposium – Serena Lee, Natalie Wu, Kelly
Moc, Isabel Gonzalez, Mia Ayala, Johnathan Pfeiffer, Kyle Tang, Tyler Kam,
Nick Barrera, and David Gonzalez. Thank you to these student athletes for
their leadership and representation of Wilson High School, both on and off
the field.

October is another busy month on the Wildcat Campus. October 3rd will be our first lunch time ROAR Rally. At the
rally, certificates will be awarded to students earning honor roll recognition (GPA of 3.0 or higher) for the last 6 weeks
of the 2017-18 school year and the first 6 weeks of this current school year. I am happy to report that we hit record
numbers for honors in the last 6 weeks of the 2017-18 school year. 892 students will earn this recognition which is an
increase of 23 students from the February marking period. Let’s keep that number rising! We will also be conducting
our first ROAR Raffle drawing. Students earn tickets throughout ROAR class and during the school day for
exemplifying our values of Respect, Ownership, Adaptability, and Resilience. Good luck Wildcats!

Calling all Sophomores and Sophomore Parents! Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30 PM will be Sophomore Parent Night.
Come out to the Media Center to hear from our wonderful counselors on where your student should be in their
progression toward college and career readiness.

The school will host our first ever SAT School Day on Wednesday, October 10th. All Wilson students will participate in
either the PSAT or the SAT free of charge. On October 10th, our LATE START schedule WILL BE CANCELLED and
replaced with a REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE to accommodate this testing. Zero period will be cancelled. All students will
report to their assigned testing location at 7:55 AM. We will post the revised schedule on our website.

Come out to the Dave Merrill Stadium on Friday, October 12th to see the crowning of our Homecoming King and
Queen. Wildcat Football takes on Baldwin Park at 7:00 PM. Saturday, October 13th, the Homecoming Dance will be
held at Wilson High School at 7:00 PM. Students should check with ASB on the purchase of tickets for the dance.

There is lots more going on in October. Please check out our calendar of events on the last page.

Danielle Kenfield, Ed.D., Principal

Welcome to another exciting year for Wilson athletics. September was a great
month for the Wildcats that brings stability and toughness to our programs. Wilson
has some new faces running our programs. New head coach Artem Gevorkyan is
now in charge of our Aquatics programs (Boys and Girls Water Polo and Swim). We
are very lucky to have hired someone with his experience, boasting 7 years of
collegiate experience at LA Trade Tech. Losing over 10 seniors last year makes
taking over very tough on the new coach. We do have a young team with multiple
freshman on varsity. That being said, his vision for our programs is clear and we
look forward to him building our Aquatics program back into a powerhouse.

Coach Carly Lee was hired for our volleyball program. She comes to us from the
Norwalk School District. She has her Masters in human development and will be
receiving her doctorate in Psychology. She has already started to turn our girls
volleyball team around not only physically with her practices, but also mentally in
our young ladies approach to the game. We also were able to hire a new Women’s basketball coach Antwine
Adkins. Coach Adkins was an assistant coach for the Woman’s team at Whittier College where he ran many of the
outreach programs for high school players. Our fall season workouts have been tough but have made a big difference
for our young ladies.

Our Fall sports are off to a good start. Football beat Gladstone and ruined Montclair’s homecoming by beating them
on the road. Girls tennis is 10-4. They came in 2nd place in the prestigious “First Serve” tournament and are
currently undefeated in Valle Vista League play. Earlier this month Cross Country team ran for the first time in an
invitational at the Rose Bowl. Our runners were exceptional. There were over 60 schools and we had 6 of our
athletes place high enough to earn medals. Geo Gudiel placed 4th out of 200 and Izzy Carranza placed 5th out of 200
runners in their races. Girls golf is doing well sweeping Los Altos this year. We have a very strong team. Robert
Chavez, our new woman’s coach, is taking our girls to Long Beach Bruins Invitational October 1st. Coach Chavez
recently graduated from Boulder University and where he played golf collegiately.

October will be the last month for our fall sports. Homecoming festivities will be October 12th as our football team
takes on the Baldwin Park Braves. This month will be filled with league games and multiple senior nights. Please
come out and support our Wildcats as they look earn bids into the CIF playoffs.
Willie Allen, Athletic Director
Greetings from the Conservatory of the Arts Department! We have 7 disciplines in
coARTS: instrumental music (band), vocal music (choir), drama, dance, art, graphic
arts, and photography. We have over 450 students currently enrolled in the
conservatory and last year we recognized over 75 coARTS completers during
graduation. Congrats to our first class of coARTS graduates!

We are off to a great start this school year and look forward to seeing you at one of
our events. Here are some upcoming dates for first semester…

Band: WILDCAT COOKOUT (Fri. 10/5, 7p) – Come out and support your Royal
Wilson Marching Alliance in our home stadium as we premiere our 2018
competitive field show “Alcatraz”. Tickets are $5, see any RWMA member
for tickets. Concessions will be available and gates will open at 5:30p. Come
early to get some food and a great seat for the debut!
GOLDEN STATE FIELD CLASSIC (Sat. 10/27, 1p) – The latest stop in the Marching Band Competitive Season comes to
Wilson High School! Our 30th Annual Golden State Field Classic is a tournament we will be hosting on our campus on
October 27th. Various groups from around Southern California will come to perform their shows to earn scores and
win awards as all marching bands compete in the marching band season. Come out and watch the best schools in the
area compete!

Choir: Fall Concert: October 17th

Winter Concert: Dec. 4th

Drama: Haunted Theatre: October 29th, 30th at lunch. October 31st 3-4pm.
Comedic One Acts: November 15th and 16th, 7pm.
A Gift to Remember: December 6th-8th, 7pm.
Contact: gawhsdrama@gmail.com

Dance: 11/30 Dancers attend “The Nutcracker”; Inland Pacific Ballet at Lewis Family Playhouse in Rancho Cucamonga
12/13 6:30pm Fall Dance Concert featuring the Intermediate and Advanced Dance Classes

De John Brown and Nina Chang, CoArts Program Coordinators

Greetings From Guidance – Our annual District College and Career Fair was a GREAT
success. Thank you for all that could attend this event which was held at Los Altos
High School earlier this month.

Counselors are busy with Senior Credit Checks. Counselors will meet with each of
their senior students for a one-to-one session to review their progress toward
graduation and assist with post-secondary planning such as reviewing college
admission requirements, college application info, upcoming college admission
testing and resources for both college and career planning.

We have also had several colleges come to Wilson to provide information about
their campuses to interested seniors. There are many colleges that are eager for
our Wilson seniors to apply as they have all the attributes that these colleges are
seeking to have as college freshmen.
We have heard from Harvey Mudd College, Pepperdine university, UCLA, UC Merced, to name a few. We will have Cal
Poly Pomona, USC, UC Riverside, University of La Verne and a few others scheduled for the months of October and

In October, the Guidance Department will focus on students that need a bit more support as the 6 week grades will
have posted. Our efforts are to let struggling students know that we are committed to their academic success and are
prepared to help them with their readiness for college and 21st century careers.

Michele Mabrie, Lead Counselor

Hello everyone. My name is Justin Ro and I am your new STEM coordinator. We had
a fantastic 2017-2018 season, our Science Olympiad team finish 4rd overall in state,
our Robotics team competed in the world championship in Houston, our Science
fair team finished 2nd in the LA regional, while our design challenge team finish 1st
in LA regional in back to back years. Our CyberPatriot team placed in the top 0.5%
in the nation. While our competitive computer science team, CODE participated in
the Cal poly Pomona code competition and finished 6th overall. In addition, our
CODE team was able to win 1st place overall in the 39th congressional district’s APP
challenge and they were able to travel to Washington DC to display their APP.
We are continuing our momentum in 2018- 2019 season. Our Robotics team
attended their kickoff event on September 8th and discover this year’s challenge,
“Rover Ruckus”. In addition, we have over 30 members participating in Science Olympiad and are meeting every
Tuesday and Thursday afterschool. Our CODE team is also off to a great start developing their APPs for the 2018 APP
Challenge. We have 4 teams developing APPs that deal with topics such as coping with social anxiety, reducing waste,
or simplifying seating arrangements. This year we are offering 5 engineering classes, 9 biomedical science classes and
3 computer science classes. I believe that our success is made possible because of our dedicated teachers
collaborating alongside supportive parents. I look forward to seeing our new school year bring success to all our
students. Justin Ro, WITS Program Coordinator
10/2/18 Varsity Tennis @ Baldwin Park – 3:00 PM 10/12/18 Varsity Football VS Baldwin Park @ Home – 7:00 pm
JV Tennis VS Baldwin Park @ Home – 3:00 PM 10/13/18 Homecoming Dance – Wilson High School – 7:00 pm
Volleyball @ Baldwin Pk – F/S 3:15; JV 4:30; VAR 5:30 PM 10/15/18 Water Polo VS Rowland @ Home – 3:15 PM
10/3/18 ROAR Bell Schedule 10/16/18 Tennis VS Rowland; Var: Away; JV: Home – 3:15pm
Water Polo VS Cathedral @ Home – 3:15 PM 10/17/18 ROAR Bell Schedule
School Site Council – 3:30 PM; Conference Room Fall Choir Concert – Gymnasium @ 7:00 pm
10th Grade Parent Night – 6:30 PM; Media Center Water Polo @ Baldwin Park – 3:15 PM
10/4/18 Volleyball @ San Dimas -FS 3:15; JV 4:30, V 5:30 10/18/18 Earthquake Drill @ 10:18 AM
Varsity Tennis @ San Dimas – 3:15 PM Tennis VS Baldwin Park; Var: Home; JV: Away – 3:15 pm
JV Tennis VS San Dimas @ Home – 3:15 PM Frosh Football VS San Dimas @ Home – 3:15 pm
Frosh Football @ Rowland – 3:15 PM 10/19/18 Varsity Football VS San Dimas @ Home – 7:00 pm
10/5/18 Varsity Football @ Rowland – 7:00 PM 10/20/18 FIRST Lego Tournament – Wilson Gym; all day
10/6/18 District Open House – HHCC @ 10:00 AM 10/22/18 Water Polo VS Cathedral @ Home – 3:15 PM
10/9/18 Volleyball VS Covina @ Home -FS 3:15; JV 4:30, V 5:30 10/23/18 Coffee With the Principal – Media Center @ 6:30 PM
Varsity Tennis VS Covina @ Home – 3:15 PM 10/24/18 LATE START BELL SCHEDULE
JV Tennis @ Covina – 3:15 PM 10/25/18 Safety Committee Meeting – Conference Room @ 3:00 pm
10/10/18 Regular Bell Schedule – NO ZERO PERIOD Varsity Football @ Covina – 7:00 pm
SAT/PSAT School Day 10/26/18 Frosh Football @ Covina – 3:15 pm
Water Polo VS San Dimas @ Home – 3:15 PM 10/27/18 Golden State Field Classic – Wilson Stadium; all day
10/11/18 ELAC Meeting – 9:00 AM; Media Center 10/29-31 Haunted Theater – Wilson Theater; 12 – 4 pm
Tennis VS Northview; Var: Home; JV: Away – 3:15pm 10/31/18 ROAR Bell Schedule

Frosh Football VS Baldwin Park @ Home 11/1/18 Wilson Quad STEM Night – Wilson Gym @ 6:00 pm

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