Ahmed Antimicro
Ahmed Antimicro
Ahmed Antimicro
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*Address all correspondence to: Fang-Sheng Wu, Department of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 842012, USA;
ABSTRACT: Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible mushroom that also has high medicinal values. In this study, P.
ostreatus was tested for its ability to inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. The freeze-dried fruiting body, broth
from submerged culture, and mycelial biomass of P. ostreatus were extracted using alcohols and water as solvents.
The extracts were then tested for their antimicrobial activity against the growth of fungi and bacteria. It was observed
that the water extract from fruiting bodies had the strongest effect in inhibiting the growth of most fungi. The
most sensitive test microfungi to the inhibition were Candida albicans, Cryptococcus humicola, and Trichosporon
cutaneum, and the most sensitive test bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus followed by Escherichia coli. Water
extracts from culture broth or mycelial biomass were moderately inhibitive to the growth of fungi and bacteria.
The alcohol-based solvents from all samples had much less antimicrobial activity against most test microorganisms.
An antimicrobial compound was purified from the water extracts of fruiting bodies with Sephadex G l00 column
chromatography and characterized by infrared absorption spectrum (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and
mass spectroscopic analysis. We have identified this compound to be 3-(2-aminophenylthio)-3-hydroxypropanoic
acid. This purified compound had a minimum inhibitory concentration of 30 µg/mL and 20 µg/mL against the growth
of fungi and bacteria, respectively.
KEY WORDS: medicinal mushrooms, antimicrobial activity, oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, mushroom ex-
tracts, 3-(2-aminophenylthio)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid
ABBREVIATIONS: IR: infrared absorption; MSO: dimethyl sulfoxide; ME: malt extract; MIC: minimum
inhibitory concentration; NA: nutrient agar; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; PDA: potato dextrose agar; RCMB:
The Regional Center for Mycology and Biotechnology, Cairo, Egypt; TLC: thin layer chromatography; YMB: yeast-
malt broth
ß-glucan,9,10 dietary fiber,11 unsaturated fatty ac- Aldrich, Missouri), 20 g/L dextrose (Pharmacia,
ids,12 vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, New York), and 20g/L agar (Sigma-Aldrich). The
biotin, and ascorbic acid,13 and various minerals mycelia were then transferred to a spawn medium,
such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, which was a mixture of cereal grains, calcium
magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron.14 Some mush- carbonate (Sigma-Aldrich), and calcium sulphate
room species are medicinally valuable due to their (Sigma-Aldrich) =100: 2: 1 (wt:wt:wt), and incu-
antimicrobial,15 antiviral,16 antioxidant,17,18 anti- bated at 22°C for 21 days. The spawns were then
hypertensive,19 cholesterol-lowering, cardiovas- inoculated into 1–1.2 Kg of a rice straw medium
cular diseases preventative,20,21 liver protective,22 (a mixture of rice straw, wheat bran, and gypsum
anti-fibrotic,23 anti-inflammatory,24 anti-diabetic,25 powder = 100:5:5; wt:wt:wt) in plastic bags (24 ×
and anti-cancer18 activities. 60 cm) fitted with a cotton plug. The bags were
The antimicrobial activities of many species sterilized with an autoclave for 40 min at 121°C
of mushrooms in various parts of the world have under 1.5 × atmospheric pressure before the spawn
been extensively studied.15,27,28 Both fruiting body inoculation. The inoculated bags were incubated in
and mycelium of many mushroom species contain a dark mushroom house at 18°C with 95% humid-
antimicrobial compounds.29 For example, Lentinus ity, and exposed to light for 2 h daily. The bags
edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms have were ventilated with fresh air for 1 h daily until the
antibacterial and antifungal properties.30 Some mycelia fully penetrated into the substrate. After
species in the Pleurotus genus showed an ability 15 days, the bags were opened to allow the produc-
to produce both antifungal and antibacterial agents tion of fruiting bodies.
that can be used to control fungal and bacterial For submerged culture, the mycelial biomass
infections.31 Aqueous and ethanol extracts from of P. ostreatus were grown in 250 mL Erlen-
fruiting bodies or mycelia of P. ostreatus possess meyer flasks containing 100 mL of a yeast-malt
different antimicrobial and antineoplasic activi- broth (YMB) medium, which consisted of 3 g/L
ties,32 so suitable solvents must be identified to ef- yeast extract (Sigma-Aldrich), 3 g/L malt extract
fectively extract the active ingredients from these (Sigma-Aldrich), 10 g/L glucose (Pharmacia), and
mushrooms.33 In addition, mushrooms at different 5 g/L peptone (Pharmacia). The flasks were shaken
developmental stages may contain different types at 120 rpm on a shaker and incubated at 24°C for
and amounts of antimicrobial compounds that re- 15 days. To separate the mycelial biomass from the
quire different solvents to maximize the yields of cultural broth, the submerged cultures were filtered
specific antimicrobial compounds.34 with a 0.2 mm microfilter and the filtrates were
In this study, we investigated the levels of concentrated by a Virtis BT4KZL-105 freeze-dry-
antimicrobial activity against selected fungal and er (SP Industries, Warminster, Pennsylvania) and
bacterial species of extracts of P. ostreatus from stored at –20°C until use.
both water and alcoholic solvents. We then iso-
lated, purified, and identified a new antimicrobial B. Fungal and Bacterial Strains Used
compound. for Testing Antimicrobial Activity of
Mushroom Extracts
Twenty test fungal strains, as listed in Table 1,
A. Mushroom Strain and Culture were cultured on a malt extract agar (MEA) me-
Conditions dium consisting (g/L) of 20 g malt extract, 20 g
glucose, 1 g peptone, and 20 g agar. Ten test bacte-
The mycelia of P. ostreatus were grown and main- rial strains, as listed in Table 2, were cultured on
tained on potato dextrose agar medium (PDA), a nutrient agar (NA) medium consisting (g/L) of
which consisted of 4 g/L potato extract (Sigma- 3 g beef extract (Sigma-Aldrich), 5 g peptone, and
*RCMB Number: Code numbers for test microorganisms in the Regional Centre for Mycology and Biotechnology, Al-Azhar
University, Egypt
**Control: Solvent only
TABLE 2: Diameters of Inhibitory Zone Against Bacterial Growth by Different Solvent Extracts from Fruiting Bodies,
20 g agar. All microorganisms were obtained from zone. After subtracting the diameters of the inhibi-
the culture collection of (RCMB) Al-Azhar Uni- tion zone from the controls, the standard deviation
versity, Cairo, Egypt. (SD) of the mean was calculated from the tripli-
cated samples for each test.
C. Extraction of Antimicrobial Agents
E. Purification of the Active Antimicrobial
Fresh fruiting bodies were washed with distilled Compound
water, cut into small pieces, and lyophilized in
the Virtis freeze-dryer. Ten g of the lyophilized Column chromatography was carried out by us-
fruiting bodies were added into 10 mL of metha- ing a Pharmacia column (40 × 2 cm) packed with
nol, 70% (v/v) ethanol, or distilled water, and then Sephadex G l00 (Pharmacia) in a Gilson FC 203B
soaked overnight before they were ground by mor- LPLC system (Gilson, Inc., Middletown, Wiscon-
tar and pestle. The mixtures were then centrifuged sin) with UV∕VIS-151 detector and a pump. The
at 10,000 × g for 20 min to remove debris, and the water extracts of the fruiting body were loaded into
supernatants were concentrated by lyophilization the column and 42 fractions were collected at 3 mL
before they were stored at –20°C. per tube. All fractions were tested for antimicrobi-
Lyophilized mycelial biomass pellets from al activity by the agar diffusion method described
submerged culture were suspended at 1 gm/mL above.
in distilled water overnight at 24°C. They were Fractions having high antimicrobial activ-
then ground by mortar and pestle, pulverized in an ity were subjected to thin layer chromatography
ultra-sonicator (Branson 2510, at RCMB, Cairo) (TLC) using F254 17 cm silica gel plates (Merk
for 30 min at 25 KHZ, and subjected to centrifuga- Inc., Kansas), with a solvent mixture consisting of
tion at 10,000 × g for 20 min to pellet the debris. butanol, acetic acid, and water = 4: 1: 1 (v/v/v). The
The supernatants were concentrated by lyophiliza- plates were analyzed by a CAMAG TLC Scanner
tion followed by storing at –20°C until use. 3 system (CAMAG, Wilmington, Delaware).
fraction was performed in deuterated dimethyl al assays. The largest inhibitory effect on fungal
sulfoxide (DMSO-d6) on a Varian Mercury- growth by cultural broth produced an inhibition
VX-300 NMR spectrometer (Bruker crop). Mass zone of 12 mm against both Candida albicans and
spectroscopy of the active fraction was performed Ttichoderma viride and 11 mm against both As-
in a Shimadzu QP-5050 GC-MS (Shimadzu Corp. pergillus flavus and A. terreus. The smallest zone
Kyoto, Japan) using the direct inlet unit to deter- sizes were between 5 and 7 mm against Candida
mine the purity of the active compounds. dubliniensis, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Cur-
vularia clavata, and Fusarium moniliforme. No
III. RESULTS inhibitory effect was observed on other test fungi.
The water extract of mycelia grown on YMB
A. Antifungal Activity of Different Extracts inhibited the growth of Trichosporon cutaneum
from Pleurotus ostreatus with 15 mm of inhibition zone, followed by Cryp-
tococcus humicola with 10 mm. The growth of
When the antifungal growth activities in extracts Candida dubliniensis, C. albicans, Curvularia cla-
of ethanol, methanol, and water from fruiting bod- vata, Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium expan-
ies were compared, the water extract showed the sum, and Fusarium moniliforme were also slightly
highest inhibitory activity against most of the fungi inhibited by the water extract from mycelia with
tested, producing the largest inhibition zone of 30 inhibition zones ranging from 3 to 6 mm (Table 1).
mm against both Candida albicans, Cryptococcus No inhibitory effect was observed on other test
humicola and Trichosporon cutaneum, followed fungi.
by 23–25 mm against Geotrichum candidum, As-
pergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, Drechslera rostrata, B. Antibacterial Activity of Different
Curvularia clavata, and Fusarium moniliform (Ta- Extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus
ble 1). The smallest inhibition zones of 8 mm Peni-
cillium expansum and the growth of P. roqueforti, The ethanol extract of fruiting bodies from P. os-
Botrytis cinerea, Mucor rouxii, and Syncephalas- treatus inhibited the growth of Bacillus thuringi-
trum racemosum were not affected. In comparison, ensis with 7 mm diameter of inhibition zone, fol-
the ethanol extract from fruiting bodies produced lowed by both Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus
a 6 mm mean diameter of inhibition zone against subtilis with 5 mm zone. No other bacteria were
Cryptococcus humicola and Geotrichum candi- inhibited (Table 2). The methanol extract inhibited
dum, and 4, 3, 3, 3, and 1 mm against Candida only the growth of B. thuringinsis and Pseudomo-
dubliniensis, Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichoderma nas aeruginosa with 10 mm of inhibition zone, and
viride, Curvularia clavata, and Candida albicans, Shigella dysenteriae and Sh. enterica with 6 mm.
respectively (Table 1). The ethanol extract did not No other bacterial strains were affected. The wa-
have any inhibitory effect on the growth of any ter extract had a growth inhibitory activity against
other fungi tested. The methanol extract from fruit- all bacteria tested with highest inhibition zone of
ing bodies showed the largest inhibition zone of 7 25 mm on Staphylococcus aureus, followed by 23
mm against Eupenicillium ludwigii followed by 6 mm on E. coli. The inhibition zones were 19 mm
mm against Cryptococcus humicola, Geotrichum on both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas
candidum, and Drechslera rostrata (Table 1). The aeruginosa, 16 mm on both Bacillus subtilis and
fungal growths of Candida albicans, Trichoderma B. thuringinsis, 13 mm on both Streptococcus pyo-
viride, Alternaria chlamydospora, and Fusarium genes and S. dysenteriae, and 8 mm on both Bacil-
moniliforme were slightly affected, having only a lus megaterium and Shigella enterica.
3 mm inhibition zone. The water extract of cultural broth produced
For the cultural broth and mycelial biomass, 17 mm zone against Sh. enterica and Bacillus
only water extracts were used in the antimicrobi- thuringiensis, followed by 13 mm on Pseudomo-
nas aeruginosa, Streptococcus dysenteriae, and be indicated by the presence of a band at 2923.9
S. pyogenes. For Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cm–1.
subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneu- Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec-
moniae, it showed 12 mm of inhibition zone. No troscopy in CDClз [Fig. 1(b)] produced signals at
inhibition was observed with Bacillus megaterium 10.613 ppm that represented a naphthalene with
(Table 2). a carboxyl group (–COOH). In addition, an aro-
The water extract of mycelial biomass showed matic ring was indicated by a signal at 7.547 ppm;
a low inhibitory effect on the growth of bacteria. a hydroxyl group (–OH) by a signal at 3.233 ppm;
Only the growths of Streptococcus pyogenes, Kleb- an amino group (NH2) by a signal at 2.509 ppm; a
siella pneumonia, and Streptococcus dysenteriae sulfur by 2.562 ppm; and an alkane group by 6.947
were slightly inhibited, having an inhibition zone ppm. The mass spectrum of mass spectroscopy
of 5 mm (Table 2). No inhibition was detected on [Fig. 1(c)] showed many fragmental peaks from
other bacteria. the molecular ionization of a pure compound that
has a molecular weight of 215 as signaled at M/Z.
C. Purification of the Antimicrobial On the basis of the characterizations by
Compound by Column Chromatography IR, NMR, and mass spectroscopies as de-
and TLC scribed above, we suggest this compound to be
3-(2-aminophenylthio)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid
The water extract of the fruiting bodies was sub- with a molecular formula of C9H10NO3S and the
jected to column chromatography with Sephadex structure formula shown in Fig. 1(d).
G l00. Among the 42 fractions collected, the frac-
tion number 12 had the highest overall antimicro- E. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
bial activity with inhibition zone of 30 mm against (MIC) of the Active Antimicrobial
Candida albicans, 25 mm against Aspergillus fu- Compound
migatus, 25 mm against Staphylococcus aureus,
and 23 mm against Escherichia coli. Fraction The MIC of the fraction number 12 was tested
number 12 yielded only a single band on the TLC against two bacterial strains (Staphylococcus au-
plate with Rf = 0.63, indicating that this fraction reus and Escherichia coli) and two fungal strains
contained only a single compound detectable by (Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus).
the TLC. The MIC were 20 µg/mL and 30 µg/mL against the
two bacteria and two fungal strains, respectively.
D. Characterizations of the Purified
Compound by IR, NMR, and Mass IV. DISCUSSION
In this investigation, the freeze-dried fruiting body
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy of fraction number 12 of P. ostreatus was extracted by alcohols and wa-
indicated the presence of a hydroxyl group (OH) ter. The cultural broth and mycelia from suspen-
by a band at 3417.6 cm–1 and the presence of a sion culture were also freeze-dried, but were ex-
carbonyl group (C-O) by bands at 1118.6 cm–1 and tracted only by water due to our preliminary results
1245.9 cm–1 [Fig. 1(a)]. The existence of an amino that indicated a low activity of the alcohol extracts.
group (NH2) was indicated by the presence of band Our results of these extracts for their antimicro-
at 3799.5 cm–1 and the presence of the aromatic bial activities against 20 fungal and 10 bacterial
ring can be detected by the presence of a band at species showed high degrees of variation between
1643.2 cm–1. A sulfur molecule was indicated by the extraction solvents used and the species of test
the presence of a band at 2021.3 cm–1 whereas the microorganisms. The extracts from cultural broth
existence of an alkane (–CH) or (CH2) group can had the lowest activity, indicating the possibility
Figure 1
3-(2-aminophenylthio)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid
that the active antimicrobial components may not ethanol extract from fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus
be of secretive nature. Our results clearly indicated have antimicrobial activities against Candida al-
that the water extracts from fruiting bodies had the bicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli,
widest spectrum and highest growth inhibitory ef- and Bacillus subtilis.37 It was also reported that the
fect against fungi. The most sensitive fungal spe- ethanol extracts from the fresh fruiting bodies con-
cies to this water extract were Candida albicans, C. tained more antimicrobial metabolites than those
dubliniensis, Cryptococcus humicola, and Tricho- from dried ones.38 Also, ethanol extract of lyophi-
sporon cutaneum, followed by Geotrichum candi- lized mycelium of P. ostreatus had a strong anti-
dum, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, A. terrus, A. bacterial activity against some bacterial strains.31
niger, Fusarium moniliforme, Drechslera rostrata, However, our results indicated that water extracts
Curvularia clavata, Alternaria chlamydospora, from the fruiting bodies and broth from P. ostrea-
Eupenicillium ludwigii, Trichoderma viride, and tus had much higher antibacterial activities against
Penicillium expansum. This result is in accordance gram-negative and positive bacteria in comparison
with that the water extracts of fruiting bodies from to the ethanol and methanol extracts. The inhibi-
both Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus con- tion of bacterial growth was most effective against
tained antimicrobial compounds against certain Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli fol-
fungal pathogens.30 Also, the water extract of fresh lowed by Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas
fruiting bodies from P. ostreatus had an inhibitory aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, B. megaterium, B.
effect on the mycelial growth of Fusarium oxyspo- thuringiensis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Shigella
rum, Mycosphaerella arachidicola, Physalospora dysenteriae, and Salmonella enterica. This result is
piricola, Cryptococcus humicola, Mycogone spp., similar to what was observed that P. ostreatus pos-
Aspergillus giganteus, and A. niger.36 sesses a wide spectrum of antibacterial compounds
Water extract from cultural broth and mycelial that can inhibit the growth Staphylococcus aureus,
biomass also exhibited moderate antimicrobial ac- S. epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus
tivities against fungal species of Candida albicans, influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella
C. dubliniensis, Curvularia clavata, and Fusarium pneumonia, and Salmonella typhi.23 We observed
moniliforme, but the degrees of inhibition varied. that the mycelia extract had little or no inhibitory
Cultural broth and mycelial biomass extracts often effect on the growth of bacteria, and the broth ex-
had sharp contracting effects in their antimicrobial tract exhibited a high antimicrobial activity against
activities against certain fungal species. For ex- a wide spectrum of bacteria strains suggesting a
ample, while the broth extract inhibited Aspergil- secretary nature of their antimicrobial compounds
lus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. terreus, and that were produced by the mycelia.
T. viride, the mycelia extract had no effect at all Many different antimicrobial compounds have
against these species. On the other hand, the my- been isolated from mushrooms. Production of cel-
celia extract inhibited Cryptococcus humicola, lulase complex enzymes from water extract of P.
Trichosporon cutaneum, Geotrichum candidum, ostreatus showed strong inhibition activity against
and Penicillium expansum, whereas the broth ex- Mycobacterium aurum, Staphylococcus aureus,
tract was without an effect on them. Four fungal Streptococcus sp., Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
species including Penicillium roqueforti, Botrytis and Klebsiella sp.39 An antifungal peptide with a
cinerea, Mucor rouxii, and Syncephalastrum rac- molecular mass of 10 kDa isolated from fruiting
emosum were observed to be recalcitrant to the in- bodies of the mushroom Pleurotus eryngii inhib-
hibition by any extracts from P. ostreatus. ited mycelial growth in Fusarium oxysporum and
Alcohol-based solvents including methanol Mycosphaerella arachidicola.40 Another antifun-
and 70% alcohol were not effective in extracting gal peptide agent with inhibitory activity on myce-
antimicrobial compounds from the fruiting bod- lial growth of F. oxysporum, Mycosphaerella ara-
ies of P. ostreatus. This result is in contrast to that chidicola, and Physalospora piricola was isolated
from fresh fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus.36 Fatty enteriae, S. enterica, C. albicans, C. humicola, T.
acids isolated from fruiting bodies of Gomphus cutaneum, A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. terreus, D.
floccosus possessed antifungal activities against rostrata, and C. clavata) (Tables 1 and 2) and of-
plant pathogens of Colletotrichum fragariae, C. fer us the opportunity to explore the possibility of
gloeosporioides, C. acutatum, Botrytis cinerea, applying the extracts topically or orally in fighting
Fusarium oxysporum, Phomopsis obscurans, and the pathogenic microorganisms. The high nutrition
Phomopsis viticola.41 of edible mushroom P. ostreatus may also be poten-
In the present study, we used IR, NMR, and tially an added benefit to patients. Finding a novel
mass spectrometric analysis that characterized a class of antibiotics that are active against gram-
purified antimicrobial compound from water ex- negative bacteria such as E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P.
tract of P. ostreatus to be 3-(2-aminophenylthio)- aeruginosa, S. dysenteriae, and S. enterica has be-
3-hydroxypropanoic acid with MIC of 20 µg/mL come increasingly important and we demonstrated
against two bacterial strains and 30 µg/mL against here that our extract is highly effective in inhibiting
two fungal strains. Twenty synthesized phenyl- these bacteria species. More studies will be needed
enedithiourea derivatives contained both an aro- to determine the mode of action of this new com-
matic amine ring and a carboxyl group, and they pound; we believe that it is worthwhile to exploit
all showed high antimicrobial activities.42 Also, the potential of this new compound in treating the
the inhibitory activity of a new antifungal com- infectious bacteria and fungi diseases.
pound, aminophenyl thiozole, suggested to be due
to the actions of its carboxyl group and its thio- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
zole group.43 We suggest that the presence of the
amino phenylthio group in our newly identified We thank Amal Mekawy and Mohammed Mourad
compound may have played an important role in from RCMB, Cairo (Egypt), and Paul Schofield
the antimicrobial activity observed in this report. from Virginia Commonwealth University (USA)
Antibiotic resistance of pathogenic microbes for their assistance.
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