Effective Biological Nitrogen Removal TR PDF
Effective Biological Nitrogen Removal TR PDF
Effective Biological Nitrogen Removal TR PDF
Received: March 22, 2009 Accepted in revised form: October 28, 2009
Discharge of nitrogenous components to water bodies can cause eutrophication, deterioration of water quality,
toxicity to aquatic life, and pose a potential hazard to human and animal health. Biological nitrogen removal can
remove nitrogenous components via conversion to harmless nitrogen gas with high efficiency and relative low costs.
However, the removal of nitrogen from domestic wastewater with a low carbon=nitrogen (C=N) ratio can often be
limited in municipal wastewater plants (WWTPs) because organic carbon is a limiting factor for denitrification. The
present work reviews innovative bacterial nitrogen removal pathways such as shortcut nitrification=denitrification,
simultaneous nitrification=denitrification, and the nitritation Anammox process, which can remove nitrogen with
low or zero dosage of organic carbon sources. We conclude that advanced process control and some new biological
treatment processes including the modified anaerobic=anoxic=oxic (A2=O) process, the step-feed multistage an-
aerobic=oxic (A=O) process, and new reactors like the membrane bioreactors (MBRs) and the membrane-aerated
biofilm reactors (MABRs) can support the innovative biological nitrogen removal pathways. They can effectively
be used for nitrogen removal from low C=N domestic wastewater without external carbon addition. In addition,
conventional and alternative carbon sources for enhanced biological nitrogen removal were also reviewed. We
conclude that alternative carbon sources such as wine distillery effluent, the leachate of food waste, digested piggery
manure, hydrolyzed molasses, biologically hydrolyzed or mechanically disintegrated sludge offer the same or better
performance for nitrogen removal at reduced costs. Finally, we suggest that (1) these new processes and technol-
ogies are implemented at large scale for nitrogen removal from low C=N domestic wastewater, (2) further method
logic are explored to introduce the Anammox pathway into domestic wastewater treatment, and (3) alternative
carbon sources are explored and optimized for supporting the denitrification. With these efforts, cost-effective
nitrogen removal from low C=N ratio domestic wastewater can be obtained in the near future.
Key words: nitrogen removal; C=N ratio; nitrification; denitrification; Anammox; carbon source; domestic
wastewater; WWTP
112 SUN ET AL.
biodegradable nitrogenous matter is subdivided into ammonia denitrification, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Ana-
(NH4þ ), soluble organic nitrogen, and particulate organic ni- mmox) (Ahn, 2006; Peng and Zhu, 2006; Xia et al., 2008b).
trogen. Particulate organic nitrogen is hydrolyzed to soluble
organic nitrogen. The soluble organic nitrogen is acted on by Shortcut nitrification=denitrification
heterotrophic bacteria and converted to NH4þ . The NH4þ
Because NO2 is an intermediate compound in both nitri-
serves as the nitrogen supply for synthesis of heterotrophic
fication and denitrification, a pathway may be formed by
biomass and as the energy supply for growth of autotrophic
controlling the extent of NH4þ oxidation to NO2 (nitritation)
nitrifying bacteria (Henze et al., 2000). Presently, the most
instead of to NO3 (nitratation) and then coupled by reduction
commonly used approach for nitrogen removal in WWTPs
of the accumulated NO2 via denitrification (Ruiz et al., 2006;
comprises a combination of aerobic autotrophic nitrification
Yang et al., 2007).
of NH4þ to nitrite (NO2 ) and nitrate (NO3 ) and later anoxic
The stoichiometric equations of the conventional
heterotrophic denitrification of the oxidized N-species to N2
nitrification=denitrification process and the shortcut
(Pynaert et al., 2004). Biological denitrification is carried out
nitrification=denitrification process are shown below [Eqs.
by heterotrophic bacteria (HB), which require a biodegrad-
(1)–(6)] (Henze et al., 2008).
able organic carbon source as an electron donor. Thus, the
Conventional nitrification=denitrification:
denitrification potential of wastewater is primarily a function
of the available organic carbon (usually expressed as biode-
gradable chemical oxygen demand (bCOD)=nitrogen (N) Nitrification: NH4þ þ 1:5 O2 ! NO2 þ H2 O þ 2H þ (1)
[carbon=nitrogen (C=N)] or biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD)=N ratio (Kujawa and Klapwijk, 1999). Without exter-
nal carbon sources, the specific denitrification rates (SDNR), NO2 þ 0:5 O2 ! NO3 (2)
range from 0.2 to 0.6 mg-N=g-mixed liquor volatile sus-
pended solids (MLVSS)=h due to endogenous processes
(Kujawa and Klapwijk, 1999). Beccari et al. (1983) suggested Denitrification: NO3 þ 4g COD þ H þ
minimum C=N ratios of 13, and a similar value was inferred ! 0:5 N2 þ 1:5g biomass
with full-scale predenitrification experience (Komorowska-
Kaufman et al., 2006). Henze et al. (1994) calculated that a
Summary: NH4þ þ 2 O2 þ 4g COD ! 0:5 N2 þ H2 O
minimum C=N ratio of 3.5–4.5 g-COD=g-N and proposed (4)
that 6–11 g-COD=g-N could achieve good nitrogen removal þ H þ þ 1:5g biomass
in single sludge systems with predenitrification. The C=N
ratio of domestic wastewaters is, however, often lower than Shortcut nitrification=denitrification:
these prescribed values, and nitrogen removal is limited by
the lack of available organic carbon source (Ryu and Lee, Nitrification: NH4þ þ 1:5 O2 ! NO2 þ H2 O þ 2H þ (1)
2009). It is desired for many municipal WWTPs to look for
practical and cost-effective alternative technologies for nitro-
Denitrification: NO2 þ 2:4g COD þ H þ
gen removal. (5)
Given the mentioned references above and the C=N ratio of ! 0:5 N2 þ 0:9g biomass
typical domestic wastewater (10.5–12.5) (Tchobanoglous et al.,
2004), we define a low C=N ratio domestic wastewater as a Summary: NH4þ þ 1:5 O2 þ 2:4g COD ! 0:5 N2
wastewater with a C=N ratio lower than 8.0. To get satisfac- (6)
þ H2 O þ H þ þ 0:9g biomass
tory nitrogen removal performance for wastewater with a
C=N ratio lower than the critical value, one way is to intro-
duce an innovative nitrogen removal pathway or treatment From Equations (1)–(6), it can be seen that the shortcut ni-
processes that can support nitrogen removal with a low or trification followed by denitrification of NO2 can reduce
zero organic carbon demand; the other way is to add external approximately 40% of carbon requirements, 25% of the oxy-
carbon for denitrification. Therefore, this article reviews in- gen supply, and result in 40% less biomass produced com-
novative nitrogen removal pathways and available biological pared to oxidation to and denitrification of NO3 . The
treatment processes that are capable of nitrogen removal with reductions in the COD requirement by this pathway make
low or zero organic carbon demand. In addition, conventional nitrogen removal from low C=N ratio domestic wastewater
and alternative external carbon sources that can be used for feasible. On top of that, NO2 denitrification rates are 1.5–2
enhanced nitrogen removal are also discussed and summa- times faster than NO3 denitrification rates (Peng and
rized. Hopefully, this review can provide guidance to mu- Zhu, 2006; Aslan and Dahab, 2008; Kornaros et al., 2008). In
nicipal WWTPs operators and planners to select cost-effective full-scale WWTPs average maximum specific ammonia utili-
nitrogen removal alternatives for the treatment of low C=N zation rates (nitrification) are from 0.03 to 0.18 g-NH4þ -N=g-
ratio domestic wastewater. MLVSS day (0.06–0.54 kg-NH4þ -N=m3=day), whereas the
observed specific denitrification rate (SDNR) are 0.04–
0.42 g-NO3 -N=g-MLVSS=day(0.08–1.36 kg-NO 3
3 -N=m =day)
Feasible N-Removal Pathway for Wastewater
for predenitrification with sufficient carbon source and
with Low C/N Ratio
0.01–0.04 g-NO3 -N=g-MLVSS=day (0.02–0.12 kg-NO3 -N=
During the past 30 years several innovative nitrogen m3=day) for postdenitrification without an exogenous carbon
removal pathways have been discovered such as shortcut (Kristensen et al., 1992; Munch et al., 1996; Tchobanoglous
nitrification=denitrification, simultaneous nitrification= et al., 2004; Park et al., 2007).
Unfortunately, NO2 -N accumulation is difficult to attain for NOBs and AOBs. The SHARON (single reactor
because nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) generally have high-activity ammonia removal over nitrite) process
higher substrate-utilization rates than ammonia oxidizing relies on successfully washing out NOBs from a reactor
bacteria (AOB) (Kim et al., 2008). However, it is technically operated at high temperature between 30 and 408C and
feasible to achieve shortcut nitrogen removal via NO2 by an SRT of 1–1.5 days.
specific inhibition or removal of NOBs while retaining AOBs 4. Inhibitors. Besides FA and FNA, some volatile fatty
(Wu et al., 2007; Blackburne et al., 2008). These methods are acids such as formic, acetic, propionic and n-butyric
based on the fact that AOBs and NOBs have different physi- acid, and some heavy metals such as chromium (Cr),
ological characteristics and responses to environmental fac- nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and cad-
tors (Gali et al., 2006b). For instance: mium (Cd) preferentially inhibit NOBs (Peng and Zhu,
2006). Eilersen et al. (1994) showed that concentrations
1. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration. It has been of formic acid above 100 mg=L inhibited NOBs with
found that NOBs have lower affinity for oxygen than no adverse effect on AOBs. More recently, Blackburne
AOBs, with DO half-saturation coefficients of 1.2– et al. (2008) used 40 mg=L of formic acid to successfully
1.5 mg=L and 0.2–0.4 mg=L, respectively. Therefore, the initiate NO2 accumulation in a sequencding batch re-
growth of NOBs can be limited by lowering the DO actor (SBR) system. However, the use of inhibitors can
concentrations at values between 0.3 and 1.2 mg-O2=L also bring an increase in the operation cost, the risk of
(Peng and Zhu, 2006; Chuang et al., 2007; Kim et al., inhibiting other bacteria, and the possibility of them
2008; Aslan et al., 2009). appearing in the effluent as secondary pollutants.
2. pH value. Free ammonia (FA) and free nitrous acid
(FNA) inhibit the growth of AOBs and NOBs at dif- Table 1 summarizes the nitrogen removal from domestic
ferent concentration levels. The concentrations of FA wastewater based on shortcut nitrification=denitrification in
and FNA can be calculated according to Equations (7) recent years. Total nitrogen (TN) removal rates between 0.08
and (8) as function of the pH value (Anthonisen et al., and 0.238 kg-N=m3=day were obtained for the domestic
1976), wastewater with a C=N ratio between 2.1 and 4.4 in a lab- and
pilot-scale SBR reactor or A=O process.
17 TAN · 10pH
FA(mg=L) ¼ · (7) Simultaneous nitrification=denitrification
14 [e6344=(273 þ T) þ 10pH ]
Simultaneous nitrification=denitrification was inferred from
the observation that TN losses of up to 30% are frequently
47 TNN reported in aerated tanks of the activated sludge process (Hao
FNA(mg=L) ¼ · (8)
14 [e 2300=(273 þ T) · 10pH þ 1] et al., 1997; Yoo et al., 1999; Zhao et al., 1999; Fuerhacker et al.,
2000; Ammary and Radaideh, 2005). One prevailing explana-
where TAN is the total ammonium as nitrogen tion to this phenomenon is the simultaneous activity of auto-
(TAN ¼ NH4þ - N þ NH3 - N, mg - N=L), TNN is the trophic nitrification on the surface of the activated sludge flocs,
total nitrite as nitrogen (TNN ¼ NO2 - N þ HNO2 - N, with denitrification occurring in the floc interior supported by
mg - N=L), T is the temperature (8C). Anthonisen et al. the existing DO gradients (Fig. 1) (Zhao et al., 1999; Holman
(1976) reported that from 0.1–1.0 mg-FA=L NOBs ac- and Wareham, 2005). A second explanation is that the contin-
tivity is inhibited, whereas concentrations between 10 ued ability of heterotrophic denitrifiers to reduce nitrogen
and 150 mg-FA=L are necessary to inhibit AOBs. In- under aerobic conditions (Holman and Wareham, 2005). A last
hibition of NOBs by FNA is reported at concentrations theory postulates that denitrifiers possess is greater physio-
between 0.011 and 2.8 mg-FNA=L (Anthonisen et al., logical variety than previously expected. In particular, it has
1976; Vadivelu et al., 2006, 2007a, 2007b). Vadivelu et al. been suggested that some denitrifiers are also heterotrophic
(2006, 2007a, 2007b), however, also reported that nitrifiers and can directly convert NH4þ into gaseous nitrogen
growth of the AOBs (Nitrosomonas) become inhibited at end products (Zhao et al., 1999; Holman and Wareham, 2005).
approximately 0.10 mg-FNA=L and are completely It should also be pointed out that AOBs such as Nitrosomonas
stopped at 0.40 mg-FNA=L. Although NOBs are in- europea and Nitrosomonas eutropha are able to denitrify in the
hibited at concentrations as low as 0.1 to 1 mg-FA=L, the presence of small amounts of oxygen (Helmer and Kunst,
threshold inhibitory concentration of FA gradually 1998), and some NOBs strains can denitrify as well (Schmidt
increases with time because NOBs can tolerate and et al., 2003). However, the contribution of these organisms
acclimate to the increasing levels of FA (up to 40 mg- to denitrification is speculative.
FA=L), resulting in an irreversible decline in NO2 ac- COD concentration, DO concentration, and floc size
cumulation efficiency (Wong-Chong and Loehr, 1978; are significantly affecting the simultaneous nitrification=
Turk and Mavinic, 1989; Villaverde et al., 2000). denitrification performance in activated sludge systems
3. Temperature. It is possible for AOBs to effectively (Pochana and Keller, 1999). An optimal C=N ratio was re-
outcompete NOBs at temperatures above room tem- ported at 11.1, where the nitrification and the denitrification
perature (e.g., the specific growth rate of AOBs is ap- reactions are in balance (Chiu et al., 2007). The optimal bulk
proximately two times that of NOB at 358C) (Bougard DO concentration was reported to be 0.5–1.5 mg=L (Bernat
et al., 2006; Aslan and Dahab, 2008; Xue et al., 2009). and Wojnowska-Baryla, 2007) with an optimum floc size of
Therefore, NOBs can be washed out in a contriuous 80–100 mm. Simultaneous nitrification=denitrification also oc-
stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) by controlling the sludge curs in some other wastewater treatment processes besides
retention time (SRT) at values between the critical SRT the activated sludge process, such as biofilm systems (Helmer
114 SUN ET AL.
and Kunst, 1998; Hibiya et al., 2003), slow sand filters (Nakhla 1 NH4þ þ 1:32 NO2 þ 0:066 HCO3 þ 0:13 H þ
and Farooq, 2003), biological aerated filters (Lemoine et al., ! 1:02 N2 þ 0:26 NO3 þ 0:066 CH2 O0:5 N0:15
2006) and single packed bed batch reactors (Daniel et al.,
þ 2:03 H2 O (9)
Compared to the conventional nitrification=denitrification
pathway, simultaneous nitrification=denitrification offers Compared to the conventional biological nitrogen removal,
several advantages (Andrade do Canto et al., 2008; Li et al., the Anammox process presents several advantages such as
2008b): (1) it utilizes 22–40% less carbon source and reduces 100% savings on external organic carbon source, 63% less
sludge yield by 30%, (2) it exerts less alkalinity demand be- oxygen demand, small surplus biomass production, and re-
cause alkalinity is consumed during nitrification but pro- duced carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and nitric
duced during denitrification, (3) it has smaller footprint oxide (NO) emissions (Feng et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2008).
because it eliminates the need for either two separate tanks Anammox has attracted a lot of attention in the wastewater
operated in series or intermittent aeration operation in a sin- engineering field in recent years as a key element in alterna-
gle tank, (4) it consumes less energy due to the reduction tive nitrogen removal process. However, in order to take
in aeration requirement. Table 2 summarizes the different advantage of the Anammox, partial nitritation is required. In
processes for nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater the oxidation of induced N-species (ammonia and organic-N),
based on simultaneous nitrification=denitrification. TN re- the conversion of NO2 to NO3 should be avoided and the
moval rates between 0.072 and 0.121 kg-N=m3=day have amount of NH4þ converted to NO2 should be limited to ap-
been achieved for domestic wastewater with a C=N ratio of proximately 60% (Yamamoto et al., 2008). Many novel bio-
2.7–4.9. logical nitrogen removal processes have been developed to
couple nitritation to Anammox. They can be grouped in two
categories: (1) two-reactor processes where a CSTR perform-
Anammox process
ing partial nitrification is followed by another reactor per-
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) is an impor- forming the Anammox process (SHARON=Anammox) (Van
tant microbial pathway in the nitrogen cycle that could be Dongen et al., 2001; Hwang et al., 2005), and (2) the one reactor
used to yield a new cost-effective technology to remove NH4þ processes with simultaneously nitritation and Anammox oc-
from wastewater. Anammox bacteria (AnAOB) have the un- curring, such as completely autotrophic nitrogen removal
ique metabolic ability to oxidize NH4þ with NO2 as electron over nitrite (CANON) (Sliekers et al., 2002; Third et al., 2005)
acceptor to produce N2 and a small part of NO3 under anoxic and oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification denitrification
conditions without the requirement of an organic carbon (OLAND) (Windey et al., 2005). Both processes have been
source (Date et al., 2008; Kuenen, 2008). AnAOBs belong to the successfully used for the treatment of concentrated NH4þ
Planctomycetes. So far, two freshwater species, Candidatus streams such as sewage sludge digester liquor, swine waste-
Brocadia anammoxidans and Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartien- water digester liquor, livestock wastewater, seafood processing
sis, three marine species, Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii, wastewater, power plant wastewater, and other ammonium-
Candidatus Scalindua brodae, and Candidatus Scalindua wag- rich wastewaters at lab-, pilot-, and=or full scales (Lamsam
neri, and a mixotrophic anammox bacterium Candidatus et al., 2008; Yamamoto et al., 2008). An outstanding case is the
Anammoxglobus propionicus have been described (Tsushima first full-scale Anammox reactor with a volume of 70 m3 and
et al., 2007). The stoichiometry of the Anammox reaction is treatment ability of 750 kg-N=day at the sludge treatment plant
accepted to be as in Equation (9) (Strous et al., 1998). Sluisjesdijk (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) (Van der Star et al.,
Table 1. Nitrogen Removal from the Low Carbon=Nitrogen Ratio Domestic Wastewater Based on Shortcut Nitrification and Denitrification
NO2= COD NH4þ- N TN rate
Process COD NH4þ- N TN HRT SRT DO Temperature NOx removal removal removal (kg-N=m3
Year and scale (mg=L) (mg=L) (mg=L) C=N (h) (days) pH (mg=L) (8C) (%) (%) (%) (%) day) References
2003 SBR, Lab-scale 150TOC 50 50 3a 6 No 7.2–7.3 0–6.8 25 97% N=A 98% 98% 0.196 (Katsogiannis
control et al., 2003)
2007 SBR, Lab-scale 123.3–392.5 65.4–150 68.5–150 2.1a 6–12 14–18 7.35–7.9 0–7.0 28 80% N=A 80% 74% 0.222 (Wu et al., 2007)
2007 SBR, Lab-scale 160–310 58–108 59–110 2.8a 12 20 6.9–7.85 0.6a 23 1 95.6% 80% 95% 50% 0.080 (Peng et al., 2007)
2007 SBR, Pilot-scale 142.3a 60.05a 60.05* 2.4a 6 13 6.9–7.8 0–6.0 11.9–26.5 95% N=A 95% 95% 0.238 (Yang et al., 2007)
2007 A=O, Pilot-scale 163.2–389 65.4–105.7 68.5–110.2 2.9a 9 15 7.5 0.3–0.8 20–22 90% N=A 93% 63% 0.147 (Wang et al.,
2008 A=O, Lab-scale 160–500 50–100 60–110 4.4a 10–12 15–20 7–8 2.5–3.0 22 2 90% 88% 92% 87% 0.146 (Wang et al.,
2009 A=O, Pilot-scale 232.6 67 76.9 15 78.2 15 3.0a 9–10 15 7.5 0.4–0.7 21 2 95% N=A 98% 70% 0.146 (Ma et al., 2009)
Mean value.
DO, dissolved oxygen; SRT, sludge retention time; HRT, hydraulic retention time; TN, total nitrogen; COD, chemical oxygen demand; NO2, nitrite; NOx, nitrite plus nitrate; SBR, sequencing batch
reactor; A=O, anaeorbic=oxic process; C=N, carbon=nitrogen.
Table 2. Nitrogen Removal from the Low Carbon=Nitrogen Ratio Domestic Wastewater Based on Simultaneous Nitrification=Denitrification
2006 Orbal oxidation 160–310 58–108 59–110 2.7a 16.5 N=A N=A 0.1–0.7 20–26 80% 90% 72% 0.085 (Gao et al., 2006)
ditch, Pilot-scale
2008 SHBR, Lab-scale 350a 65a 71a 4.9a 12 10 7.0–8.0 0.3–1.5 23–25 92% 93.5% 85% 0.121 (Wang et al., 2008a)
2008 BMBR, Pilot-scale 10–38TOC N=A 9–25 1.4a 4.7 29 N=A 0–6.5 10–15 85%TOC N=A 77% 0.102 (Kimura et al., 2008)
2008 SBBR, Lab-scale 100 50 N=A 3b 8 N=A 7.3–8.8 2.0 30 1 89% 97% 80% 0.072 (Andrade do Canto
et al., 2008)
2009 MBR, Pilot-scale 586a 125a 156a 3.8a 7.2 36 N=A 1.8–2.0 20–25 N=A 50% 37% 0.19 (Sarioglu et al., 2009)
Mean value.
The ratio was calculated by the addition of two different kinds wastewater (I: 100 mg=L COD and 50 mg=L NH4-N, II: 100 mg=L COD, VI=VII ¼ 2:1).
116 SUN ET AL.
2007). Additional high TN removal rates of about 26 kg- wastewater treatment compared to that by the conventional
N=m3=day have been obtained in an up-flow fixed-bed Ana- nitrification=denitrification.
mmox biofilm column reactor (Tsushima et al., 2007).
Although Anammox can present a very cost-effective bio-
Alternative Novel Treatment Processes or Reactors
logical nitrogen removal pathway, there are no report on the
nitrogen removal from low C=N ratio domestic wastewater Common biological nitrogen removal processes occurs in
by Anammox process. Some reasons for this maybe: (1) long various treatment train configurations in WWTPs, including
reactor start-up periods due to extremely slow growth rates of the A=O process, the A2=O process, the University of Cape
Anammox bacteria (with doubling time of about 11 days) Town (UCT) process, the Modified Bardenpho, and the Vir-
(Strous et al., 1998). For the first full-scale Anammox reactor in ginia Initiative Plant (VIP) process. All these processes rely on
Rotterdam, no detectable Anammox activity was observed a predenitrification zone where a portion of the nitrified
during the first 800 days of operation, and stable conversion wastewater is recycled and mixed with the influent to serve as
did not take place until day 1,235 (Van der Star et al., 2007). an electron donor for denitrification. Disadvantages include
Recently, a new cultivation system for Anammox bacteria the need for high recirculation rates and the addition of ex-
was reported in which the organisms grow in suspension at ternal carbon substrate when the influent C=N ratio is not
significantly higher enrichment, but the doubling time was high enough (Downing and Nerenberg, 2008b). To overcome
still approximately 8 days (Van der Star et al., 2008). (2) Their this situation, advanced process control methods, new bio-
growth is reversibly inhibited by oxygen concentrations logical treatment processes and reactors such as the modified
above 0.5% air saturation (about 0.042 mg-O2=L) and also ir- A2=O process, the multistage A=O step-feed process, mem-
reversibly inhibited by NO2 concentrations higher than brane bioreactors (MBRs) and membrane-aerated biofilm
70 mg-NO2 -N=L (Schmidt et al., 2003; Kuenen, 2008). (3) Still reactors (MABRs) have been developed, many of them sup-
little is known about how the Anammox organisms interact porting the biological removal pathways described in previ-
with denitrifiers, nitrifiers and dissimilatory nitrate reducers ous sections.
when organic compounds are present (Kuenen, 2008). Because
AnAOBs have a much lower growth rate than denitrifiers, they
Advanced process control for achieving shortcut
are easily outcompeted by denitrifiers, and Anammox reaction
nitrogen removal
cannot be sustained if organic carbon (COD=N > 2–5) is pres-
ent in the influent (Lackner et al., 2008). Therefore, more Control of DO, pH, and temperature have been success-
experience is necessary before Anammox is successfully in- fully used for shortcut nitrogen removal from high strength
corporated in the technologies for stable and reliable nitrogen ammonium containing wastewaters such as sanitary landfill
removal from low C=N domestic wastewater. leachate, sewage sludge digester liquor, soybean wastewater,
Figure 2 shows an indicative comparison between con- and industrial wastewater (Wang et al., 2004; Ciudad et al.,
ventional nitrification=denitrification and the rest of the de- 2005; Fux et al., 2006; Lai et al., 2004; Pedersen et al., 2003; Aslan
scribed microbial pathways. The reduction in organic carbon and Dahab, 2008; Spagni and Marsili-Libelli, 2009). However,
demand in the denitrification step, the lower oxygen re- it is difficult and not economical to achieve shortcut nitrogen
quirements, and the reduced sludge production by these al- removal for domestic wastewater treatment by maintaining
ternate pathways are the main differential features of these a relatively high pH and temperature for several thousand
processes. Additionally, higher removal rate can also be ob- or million tons=day of domestic wastewater in municipal
tained by these pathways for low C=N ratio domestic WWTPs.
The online monitoring of parameters such as pH, DO,
oxidation reduction potention (ORP), and N-species (NH4þ ,
NO2 and NO3 ) can be helpful for achieving shortcut nitro-
gen removal in domestic wastewater treatment process.
Especially in batch mode, the end of nitrification and deni-
trification can be readily obtained from the typical bending
points of pH, DO, and ORP profiles (Yang et al., 2007).
Therefore, real-time control strategy regulating the operation
time of aerobic and anoxic phases can be successful to
achieving shortcut biological nitrogen removal (Fuerhacker
et al., 2000; Gao et al., 2003; Peng et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2007;
Tanwar et al., 2008). In addition, studies have indicated that
excessive energy and resource consumption could also be
avoided as well by using a real-time control strategy.
For instance, Yang et al. (2007) and Wang et al. (2008b) used
the real-time control strategy with pH (dpH=dt) and ORP
(dORP=dt) as the control parameter in a pilot-scale SBR
(working volume of 54 m3) and alternating activated sludge
system (AAS) for real domestic wastewater treatment. The
FIG. 2. Comparison the nitrogen removal by conventional results showed that nitrogen removal via the nitrite pathway
nitrification and denitrification, shortcut nitrification and could be successfully achieved with an average NO2 accu-
denitrification, simultaneous nitrification=denitrification, and mulation rate above 95% at either normal or low temperature
Anammox process. (11.9–26.58C) in the SBR system and above 90% in the AAS
system. In addition, approximately 20% aeration energy was A2=O process, (1) the recycle sludge is directed to a separate
saved compared to the conventional steady-state control preanoxic basin where hydrolysis processes can release
systems. biodegradable organic carbon, which can be used in the de-
nitrification processes taking place downstream. (2) The in-
Modified A2=O process fluent wastewater goes directly to the anaerobic zone of the
reactor and gets mixed with the wastewater from the pre-
The A2=O process with separate anaerobic, anoxic, and
anoxic tank. Part of mixed wastewater in this reactor is re-
aerobic tanks is a suitable method for biological nitrogen re-
circulated to the postanoxic zone at a ratio of 0.4Qin to provide
moval (schema is shown in Fig. 3a). Denitrification of the
available organic carbon for denitrification. (3) In the first
NO3 recirculated from a downstream aerobic tank occurs in
aerobic zone, NH4þ is oxidized to NO2 and NO3 , and both
an anoxic tank where denitrifiers can utilize the organic
are fed continuously to the so-called postanoxic zone for de-
matter present in the influent, avoiding the need for an ad-
nitrification. (4) The treated wastewater passes through a final
ditional organic carbon source (Ouyang et al., 2000). However,
aerobic tank to minimize the amount of COD in the effluent,
the A2=O configuration normally requires a high mixed liquid
and enhances the settling ability of the sludge by minimiz-
return ratio (2–4Qin) from the aerobic zone to the anoxic zone
ing denitrification in the secondary settler. Pilot-scale re-
to bring more NO3 back for denitrification. High return ratios
sults showed more than 88% COD and 70% TN was removed
can result in DO concentration increase and COD dilution in
under a volumetric loading rate of 0.9 kg-COD=m3=day
the anoxic zone, which inevitably deteriorates the denitrifi-
and 0.12 kg-N=m3=day for the real domestic wastewater
cation efficiency, especially when the organic matter present
in the influent wastewater is insufficient to deplete the DO
present in the recycled mixed liquor. In addition, high return
Step-feed multistage A=O process
ratios also lead to higher energy consumption and increased
operating costs. The step-feed multistage A=O process consists of two or
Yang et al. (2006) modified the A2=O process to avoid these more denitrification–nitrification units in series with waste-
disadvantages (schema is shown in Fig. 3b). In the modified water distributed at several reactor points so that an internal
FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of the anaerobic=anoxic=oxic (A2=O) process (a) and the modified A2=O process (b).
118 SUN ET AL.
NO3 recirculation is unnecessary. A schema of step-feed several advantages over conventional activated sludge sys-
multistage A=O process is shown in Fig. 4. The biodegradable tems including excellent removal of solids and organic matter,
organic material in the influent is utilized for denitrification, ability to maintain high biomass condition, ability to handle a
and also simultaneous nitrification=denitrification may occur wide range of SRTs at relatively short hydraulic retention
in this process (Zhu et al., 2007b). times (HRT), and a small footprint due to the elimination of
For the design of a step-feed multistage A=O process it is clarifier (Ersu et al., 2008; Kimura et al., 2008).
important to optimize the influent flow distribution at each In submerged MBR, good nitrification performance can be
stage, the relative split between anoxic and aerobic volumes, attained due to the high concentration of nitrifying biomass,
and the final pass mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) long SRTs, and the aerobic condition provided by the inten-
concentration (normally based on using an acceptable solids sive aeration used to mitigate membrane fouling. Almost
loading for the secondary clarifier) (Tchobanoglous et al., complete nitrification can be easily achieved in MBR, but
2004). The volume or sludge loading in each stage can sig- denitrification may limit TN removal, because a required
nificantly affect the nitrification rate. A small volume or anoxic condition for denitrification cannot easily be created
sludge loading might lead to a decreasing of the nitrification with intensive aeration (Kimura et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008b). To
rate, whereas a large load might cause overload and sludge overcome these drawbacks, some modifications of MBR have
bulking (Zhu et al., 2007a, 2009). been proposed and developed:
Studies by Zhu et al. (2007a, 2009) indicated that a uniform l
1. A first approach involves installing an additional anoxic
can be used in this process for the treatment of wastewaters
reactor with MBR for denitrification, typically in pre-
with C=N ratio >9.0, by which it is simple for the process
denitrification configuration. Tan and Ng (2008) re-
control, optimization, and management. The optimal influent
ported almost 0.1 kg-TN=m3=day was removed from
flow distribution ratio (lOpt) can be obtained by trial method
raw domestic wastewater with a mean C=N ratio of
and the influent flow rate in each stage can be calculated by
7.24 under mixed liquor recycle ratios of 3Qin using a
Equation (10).
predenitrification MBR.
n1 n2 2. A second approach involves creating cyclic anoxic and
QTotal ¼ q kOpt þ q kOpt þ K þ q kOpt þ q (10)
aerobic conditions in a single reactor MBR by inter-
mittent aeration (Choi et al., 2008).
where QTotal is the total influent flow rate (m3=day), q is the
3. A final method, the MBR’s chamber is modified to
influent flow rate distributed in the last stage (m3=day), and n
create an anoxic or anaerobic zone within a single re-
is the total number of the stage. However, the influent dis-
actor along with internal mixed liquor recirculation.
tribution ratio (l) between two adjacent stages should not be
uniform for treating domestic wastewaters with a low C=N Chae et al. (2006) proposed a vertical submerged membrane
ratio. An optimal l with 2.0:2.1:2.5:3.4 (0.2Qin:0.21Qin:0.25- bioreactor (VSMBR) (Fig. 5a). In a VSMBR, lower anoxic zone
Qin:0.34Qin) was proposed for the treatment of wastewater is separated from the upper aerobic zone by a horizontal plate
with C=N ratios lower than 4.9 in a step-feed four-stage A=O with a hole in the center. The mixed liquor is recycled from the
process. Under the given condition, 20% higher TN removal aerobic to the anoxic zone, while raw wastewater also enters
efficiency could be achieved compared to the case with a the anoxic zone for supporting denitrification by using in-
uniform l. fluent organic carbon. A pilot-scale study showed removal
rates of 0.093 kg-TN=m3=day when treating domestic waste-
water with a C=N ratio of 5.5 by the VSMBR (Chae and Shin,
2007). Similarly, Kimura et al. (2008) proposed a baffled
In an MBR, activated sludge treatment and membrane membrane bioreactor (BMBR) (Fig. 5b). With a baffle inserted
separation are combined as a compact technology. MBRs have in the MBR’s chamber and an aeration bubbler placed inside
FIG. 5. Schematic diagram of the modified membrane bioreactor (MBR): vertical submergedmembrane bioreactor (VSMBR)
(a); baffled membrane bioreactor (BMBR) (b).
of it, aerobic and anoxic conditions are alternatively created in are provided from two opposite sides of the biofilm. Oxygen
the outer zone at constant intervals. A pilot-scale study concentration is highest at the biofilm–membrane interface
showed a 77% TN removal efficiency at a removal rate of and decreases toward the biofilm–liquid interface due to mi-
0.102 kg-TN=m3=day for the treatment of domestic waste- crobial activity. At the same time the nutrient concentration is
water without external carbon addition. higher at the biofilm–liquid boundary, decreasing with depth
Another possibility is to operate MBRs at very high MLSS into the biofilm. With such concentration gradients, popula-
levels (25,000–30,000 mg=L), still allowing simultaneous nitri- tions of nitrifiers and aerobic heterotrophs thrive adjacent to
fication and denitrification due to the creation of an inner ag- the membrane while heterotrophic denitrifiers grow adjacent
gregate anoxic zone to withstand heavy aeration (Sarioglu to the liquid because of the higher carbon concentrations and
et al., 2009). In addition, decay of the high concentration of oxygen limitation there (Semmens et al., 2003; Satoh et al.,
biomass can support endogenous denitrification. By control- 2004; LaPara et al., 2006; Lemoine et al., 2006; Downing and
ling the bulk DO concentration at 1.5 mg-O2=L in a pilot MBR Nerenberg, 2008a; Syron and Casey, 2008b). Therefore, an
operated without a separate anoxic volume, TN removal rates MABR can support complete nitrification=denitrification and
of 0.19 kg-N=m3=day could be obtained for raw domestic can offer a typically protected niche for nitrifiers against
wastewater with a mean C=N ratio of 7.1 (Sarioglu et al., 2009). heterotrophs, shock loads, and toxicants contained in the
Table 3 summarize the nitrogen removal results for the treat- wastewater influent (Syron and Casey, 2008a).
ment of low C=N ratio domestic wastewater by various MBRs Hibiya et al. (2003) reported simultaneous nitrification=
studies. denitrification in MABRs successful treating of domestic
wastewater. By controlling the intramembrane oxygen supply,
more than 80% TN and 90% TOC were removed under TN
and TOC loading rates of 0.16 kg-N=m3=day and 0.42 kg-
The MABR is another novel bioreactor technology that TOC=m3=day, respectively. FISH analysis showed that AOBs
combines biofilms and membrane technology. In an MABR, were mainly located inside the biofilm while denitrifying
gas-permeable hydrophobic membranes are used for bub- bacteria developed in the outer biofilm layers and in the sus-
bleless aeration and also as the support for biofilm growth. pended sludge. Terada et al. (2003) reported 83% TN and 96%
Through control of the intramembrane oxygen supply pres- TOC removal efficiencies in an MABR under TOC and TN
sure and gas flow rate in MABR one can develop biofilms on loading rates of 0.30 kg-TOC=m3=day and 0.27 kg-N=m3=day,
the membrane with oxic–anoxic–anaerobic zones (as shown respectively. Matsumoto et al. (2007) modeled the effects of
in Fig. 6), which support stratification of different functional C=N ratio, biofilm thickness, and surface loading of oxygen on
microbial populations in a single biofilm (Li et al., 2008a; the efficiency of MABR performing simultaneous nitrification=
Syron and Casey, 2008a). denitrification: by adjustment of the JO2 =JNH4þ flux ratio could
MABRs can support nitrification=denitrification biofilms control simultaneous nitrification=denitrification and over
with higher activity compared to conventional biofilm reac- 70% TN removal efficiency could be achieved at C=N ratios
tors because of the unique biofilm stratification and high ox- ranging from 3.0 to 5.2 with biofilm thicknesses of 600–
ygen supply efficiency in MABRs. In a conventional biofilm 1,200 mm. Hu et al. (2008) also reported that 86% COD, 94%
reactor all substrates follow the same route of transportation NH4þ and 84% TN removal in a carbon-membrane MABR
and conversion processes within the biofilm. Because of their under COD and NH4þ loading rates of 0.698 kg-COD=m3=day
higher growth rates and oxygen affinities, heterotrophic and 0.154 kg-NH4þ -N=m3=day, respectively.
bacteria generally outcompete autotrophs in the biofilm un- In addition to traditional nitrification=denitrification,
less the organic carbon concentration is low. This organic completely autotrophic nitrogen removal can be achieved in
carbon fluxes to the inner anoxic area are usually insufficient MABRs. Terada et al. (2007) developed a multipopulation
to support denitrification (Walter et al., 2005; Syron and biofilm model to compare the conventional and MABR bio-
Casey, 2008a). In an MABR, however, oxygen and nutrients film reactor for autotrophic nitrogen removal: the MABR
Table 3. Nitrogen Removal from the Low Cargon=Nitrogen Ratio Domestic Wastewater by Various Membrane Bioreactors
Operating conditions TN
Wastewater characteristics removal
COD NH4þ- N TN rate
COD NH4þ- N TN HRT SRT Temperature removal removal removal (kg-N=m3
Year Configuration and scale (mg=L) (mg=L) (mg=L) C=N (h) (d) pH (8C) (%) (%) (%) day) References
1999 Additional anoxic tank 135BOD 20 34a 4.0a 13.4 72 6.7–6.9 19 99%BOD 99% 79% 0.048 (Ueda and Hata, 1999)
and sludge recirculation,
2007 Vertical modified single 232 41 27 3 42 5 5.5a 8–10 60 7.3 13–25 88–97% 79–88% 63–74% 0.093 (Chae and Shin, 2007)
tank with continuous
aeration, pilot-scale
2007 Anaerobic, aerobic and 571–756 23–41 76–134 6.6a 12.2–13.7 20 N=A 18–23 96% 99% 76% 0.141 (Bracklow et al., 2007)
anoxic tanks with water
recirculation, lab-scale
2008 Additional hydrolysis 526 120 84.3 12.9 100 6.2a 48 50–200 N=A N=A 93% 98.7% 90% 0.045 (Abegglen et al., 2008)
chamber and sludge
recirculation, pilot-scale
2008 Additional anoxic tank 99–206 21–47 22–49 4.3a 4.2 N=A N=A N=A 93% 99% 90% 0.183 (Xia et al., 2008a)
and sludge recirculation,
2008 Additional anoxic tank 365 74 N=A 51.7 5.0 7.2a 10 33.3 7.0–7.4 26–31 94% N=A 60–89% 0.110 (Tan and Ng, 2008)
and sludge recirculation,
Mean value.
FIG. 6. Schematic diagram of the simultaneous nitrification=denitrification (a) and completely autotrophic nitrogen removal
(b) in membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) biofilm.
biofilm had a wider range for autotrophic TN removal than and AnAOBs coexisted in the MABR biofilm. The nitrifying
that in conventional biofilm reactors and an optimal JO2 =JNH4þ layer was located at the membrane–biofilm interface, whereas
ratio of 1.73 g-O2=g-N was inferred. Furthermore, AnAOB the Anammox layer populated the anaerobic region closer
activity could be better maintained in the MABR biofilm to the liquid–biofilm interface (Gong et al., 2008). Clearly,
versus conventional biofilm under excess oxygen conditions MABRs are able to support single-stage completely autotro-
(JO2 =JNH4þ ratio >3.7). Gong et al. (2007) developed a labora- phic nitrogen removal, offering a promising perspective for
tory-scale MABR where a gas-permeable carbon tube was nitrogen removal from low C=N ratio wastewaters.
covered with nonwoven fabrics to support biofilm for single-
stage autotrophic nitrogen removal. Partial nitrification and External Carbon Sources
completely nitrogen removal were successfully achieved in
Conventional carbon sources
the single MABR, a max removal rate of 0.77 kg-TN=m3=day
was achieved with 88.5% TN removal efficiency after a 116- Using the traditional nitrification=denitrification technol-
day startup without need for any external organic carbon ogy, external carbon sources are often required to support
source addition. Moreover, FISH analysis showed that AOBs denitrification from nitrified low C=N domestic wastewater.
VFA, volatile fatty acids; BOD, biochemical oxygen demand; TP, total phosphorus; TCOD, total chemical oxygen demand; SCOD, soluable
chemical oxygen demand; VSS, volatile susplended solids; TSS, total suspended solids; VS, volatile solids.
During the past 30 years, commercially available chemicals complex hydrolysate containing low molecular weight and
with methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, propionic acid, and glu- readily biodegradable matter. Quan et al. (2005) used hydro-
cose have served to this end, with methanol typically pre- lyzed molasses as an external carbon source for nitrogen re-
ferred because of its lower cost (Table 4) (Mokhayeri et al., moval from synthetic wastewater in an SBR with a TN
2009). Generally, only one type of carbon source is used, but removal efficiency of 91.6%, which was slightly superior to
recent studies report that using mixed carbon sources might using methanol (85%). Obaja et al. (2005) used digested and
be more effective than using a single one. For instance, Hag- nondigested piggery manure as carbon source for biological
man et al. (2008) reported that a higher nitrate uptake rate was nitrogen and phosphorus removal from digested piggery
observed by the addition of a mixture of acetate and methanol wastewater, same nutrient removal efficiencies (99.8% N and
than with each alone. Ahmed et al. (2008) also reported that 97.8% P) was also obtained as when using acetate.
using methanol and acetate as a mixed carbon source was Gali et al. (2006a) examined hydrolyzed primary and sec-
more effective for nutrient removal and fouling problems ondary sludge as a carbon source for denitrification, but only
control in an MBR. This can be explained by the presence the hydrolyzed primary sludge supported stable denitrifica-
of two different populations and each metabolizing only tion. Nitrogen removal efficiency was almost similar as when
one substrate, or a population of denitrifying bacteria that using methanol as a carbon source; it could lead to a cost
utilized the two carbon sources simultaneously (Hagman saving of 0.2–0.3 euro for per kilogram-N removed. In addi-
et al., 2008). tion, Kampas et al. (2009) reported that mechanically disin-
Nevertheless, the use of organic carbon sources increases tegrated surplus activated sludge with energy inputs between
the operating cost significantly, and less-costly alternative 2,300 and 6,200 kJ=kg-TS, and a short disintegration time
carbon sources for denitrification have been explored in some (2–5 min) can also be used as an alternative carbon source
WWTPs. for denitrification.
However, it has to be pointed out that the addition of any
Alternative carbon sources external organic carbon source to enhance nitrogen removal
may increase the load to the system, especially for using the
Various organic byproducts or waste rich in readily biode-
alternative carbon sources that may also introduce slowly
gradable organic matter and volatile fatty acids (VFA), such as
biodegradable COD, leading to an increase of total suspended
wine distillery effluent, the leachate of food waste, digested
solids (TSS) in the process and compromise the effluent
piggery manure, mecellulose wasted liquor, biodiesel waste,
quality. Therefore, the dosage of external organic carbon
biologically hydrolyzed or mechanically disintegrated sludge,
source addition should be prior tested and not exceed the
etc., have been suggested and tested as alternative carbon
requirement for the system.
sources for denitrification (Table 5) (Kampas et al., 2007; Bodı́k
et al., 2009). A potential benefit of using organic carbon con-
tained in byproducts or waste materials as alternative carbon Conclusions and Future Directions
sources is that they are produced in large amounts and can be
easily available at zero or even at negative cost.
The preparation of these carbon sources involves acid or The present work has reviewed innovative biological nitro-
alkaline hydrolysis, thermal hydrolysis, thermochemical hy- gen removal pathways, shortcut nitrification=denitrification,
drolysis, or biological hydrolysis to yield a concentrated and simultaneous nitrification=denitrification, and the Anammox
process that can remove nitrogen with low or zero dosage of Andrade do Canto, C.S, Rodrigues, J.A.D., Ratusznei, S.M.,
organic carbon sources. Zaiat, M., and Foresti, E. (2008). Feasibility of nitrification=
It can be concluded that the advanced process control denitrification in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor with liq-
based on the typical bending points of pH, DO and ORP uid circulation applied to post-treatment. Bioresource Technol.
profiles is very helpful for achieving shortcut nitrogen re- 99, 644.
moval in an activated sludge system. In addition, the modi- Anthonisen, A.C., Loehr, R.C., Prakasam, T.B.S., and Srinath,
fied A2=O, step-feed mulistage A=O processes, MBR, and E.G. (1976). Inhibition of nitrification by ammonia and
MABR, can support the innovative biological nitrogen re- nitrous-acid. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 48, 835.
moval pathways and they can be used to treat low C=N ratios Aslan, S., and Dahab, M. (2008). Nitritation and denitritation of
ammonium-rich wastewater using fluidized-bed biofilm re-
domestic wastewater without external carbon addition.
actors. J. Hazard. Mater. 156, 56.
Furthermore, it has been shown that alternative organic
Aslan, S., Miller, L., and Dahab, M. (2009). Ammonium oxidation
carbon sources can be potentially used for enhanced biologi-
via nitrite accumulation under limited oxygen concentration in
cal nitrogen removal. These materials can offer the same or sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technol. 100, 659.
better performance for enhanced nitrogen removal compared Beccari, M., Passino, R., Ramadori, R., and Tandoi, V. (1983).
to the common carbon source, allowing for a substantial re- Kinetics of dissimilatory nitrate and nitrite reduction in sus-
duction of the operating costs. pended growth culture. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 55, 58.
Overall, this review can provide guidance to municipal Bernat, K., and Wojnowska-Baryla, I. (2007). Carbon source in
WWTPs operators and planners to select cost-effective nitro- aerobic denitrification. Biochem. Eng. J. 36, 116.
gen removal alternatives for the treatment of low C=N ratio Blackburne, R., Yuan, Z., and Keller, J. (2008). Demonstration of
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treating domestic wastewater. Water Res. 42, 2166.
Future directions Bodı́k, I., Blšťáková, A., Sedláček, S., and Hutňan, M. (2009).
Biodiesel waste as source of organic carbon for municipal
Besides above, the presented results also show that further
WWTP denitrification. Bioresource Technol. 100, 2452.
studies are still required to obtain satisfying nitrogen removal
Bougard, D., Bernet, N., Chèneby, D., and Delgenès, J.P. (2006).
from low C=N ratio domestic wastewater in WWTPs. Some Nitrification of a high-strength wastewater in an inverse tur-
research key points are proposed below: (1) go further and bulent bed reactor: Effect of temperature on nitrite accumu-
apply these new processes and technologies mentioned in the lation. Proc. Biochem. 41, 106.
review at a large scale for the treatment of low C=N ratio Bracklow, U., Drews, A., Vocks, M., and Kraume, M. (2007).
domestic wastewater; (2) explore the best alternatives to Comparison of nutrients degradation in small scale membrane
introduce the Anammox pathway into domestic wastewater bioreactors fed with synthetic=domestic wastewater. J. Hazard.
treatment process because of its attractive metabolism; (3) Mater. 144, 620.
explore and optimize alternative carbon sources for enhanced Chae, S.R., Kang, S.T., Watanabe, Y., and Shin, H.S. (2006).
biological nitrogen removal. With these efforts, effective ni- Development of an innovative vertical submerged membrane
trogen removal from low C=N ratio domestic wastewater can bioreactor (VSMBR) for simultaneous removal of organic
be achieved in the near future. matter and nutrients. Water Res. 40, 2161.
Chae, S.R., and Shin, H.S. (2007). Characteristics of simultaneous
Acknowledgments organic and nutrient removal in a pilot-scale vertical sub-
merged membrane bioreactor (VSMBR) treating municipal
The authors thank the Shanghai Tongji Gao Tingyao En- wastewater at various temperatures. Proc. Biochem. 42, 193.
vironmental Science & Technology Development Foundation Chiu, Y.C., Lee, L.L., Chang, C.N., and Chao, A.C. (2007). Con-
(STGEF) and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for sup- trol of carbon and ammonium ratio for simultaneous nitrifi-
porting this work. The authors also thank Lisbet Brusendorff cation and denitrification in a sequencing batch bioreactor. Int.
(DTU Environment, Denmark) for her contributions to the Biodeteriorat. Biodegrad. 59, 1.
graph design in the present work. Choi, C., Lee, J., Lee, K., and Kim, M. (2008). The effects on
operation conditions of sludge retention time and carbon=
Author Disclosure Statement nitrogen ratio in an intermittently aerated membrane biore-
actor (IAMBR). Bioresource Technol. 99, 5397.
No competing financial interests exist.
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