Low Cost Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Low Cost Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Low Cost Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Pakistan’s current population of 170 million is Continuing urbanization, growing populations and
expected to grow up to about 221 million by the year increasing industrialization have increased water-
2025. This increase in population will have a direct consumption, correspondingly generating higher
impact on the water-sector for meeting the domestic, volumes of wastewater. Untreated wastewater and
industrial and agricultural needs. Pakistan has now poor solid-waste management are threats to human
essentially exhausted its available water-resources health and natural environment. Regrettably, the
and is on the verge of becoming a water-deficit public-and the private-sectors, in developing
country. The per-capita water availability has dropped countries, including Pakistan, are not focusing on the
wastewater-treatment practices at domestic and
from 5,600 m3 to 1,000 m3. The quality of groundwater
industrial level. Lack of interest even extends to
and surface-water is low and is further deteriorating
controlling water-borne diseases, which causes
because of unchecked disposal of untreated municipal
severe environmental and health problems. Most of
and industrial wastewater and excessive use of
the wastewater is not treated and, with the expansion
fertilizers and insecticides. Water quality monitoring
of urban settlements without wastewater-treatment
and information management is lacking, even though
facilities, it will continue to adversely impact the natural
it’s crucial to any water-quality improvement
environment and public health. The worst impact is
evident in areas that are close to industrial sites.
Results from various investigations and surveys
indicate that water-pollution has significantly Saeed and Bahzad (2006), had reported that more
increased in Pakistan. The pollution-levels are higher than 28 m3/sec wastewater was being disposed off into
particularly in and around the big cities of the country the River Ravi without any treatment from Lahore, the
where clusters of industries have been established. second largest city of Pakistan. The river pollution is
The water-quality deterioration problems are caused frequently associated with the disposal of untreated
by the discharge of hazardous industrial wastes, effluents from municipal, industrial and agricultural
including persistent toxic synthetic organic chemicals, wastes into the natural streams, which is always
heavy metals, pesticides and municipal wastes and considered as an easy way to dispose off many kinds
untreated sewage water into natural water-bodies. of effluents. The people’s psychology is that the
These substances mixed with water then cause wastes are washed away and are not visible after
widespread water-borne and water-washed diseases dumping.
(Chandio and Abdullah, 1998).
* Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad 22060, Pakistan.
Email: mahmoodzju@gmail.com
A scientific journal of COMSATS – SCIENCE VISION Vol.15 No.1 (January to June 2009) 71
Low-Cost Municipal Wastewater Treatment Options for Use in Pakistan – A Review
A study (by Balfours, 1987) revealed that about 18 from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff
m /sec of wastewater from Lahore city was being (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical,
disposed off into the River Ravi and it is estimated that chemical, and biological processes, to remove
wastewater flow would increase to 35m /sec by the physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its
year 2017. This wastewater is accompanied by a objective is to produce a waste-stream (or treated
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of upto 240 mg/L. effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for
discharge or reuse back into the environment. This
It is difficult to propose conventional systems of material is often inadvertently contaminated with many
wastewater-treatment to apply for the treatment of toxic organic and inorganic compounds (Nidal, 2008).
municipal wastewater in Pakistan, because there is no
separate drainage system for domestic and industrial 2.2 Process Overview
wastewater. All types of wastewater are moving
towards to single drain. Therefore, there is a Sewage can be treated close to where it is generated
tremendous need to select a most economical (in septic tanks, bio-filters or aerobic treatment
treatment-system that should be able to treat systems), or collected and transported via a network of
municipal wastewater containing industrial pipes and pumping stations to a municipal treatment
wastewater as well. There are many options to use; plant. Sewage collection and treatment is typically
natural biological, CEPT and AOP need so as to be subject to local, state and federal regulations and
tested to select one most appropriate and economical standards.
system. The problem with such kind of wastewater is
variations in COD and BOD from 200 to 2000 mg/L. Conventional sewage-treatment may involve three
Sometimes, simple CEPT, direct treatment with stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary
hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide/UV and treatment. Primary treatment consists of temporarily
anaerobic treatment process may be required holding the sewage in a quiescent basin, where heavy
individually, or with combination, to overcome the high solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and
variation in COD in municipal wastewater stream. lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and
Separate installation of treatment-facility at each floating materials are removed and the remaining
source may not be feasible to overcome this problem, liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary
at present status. treatment.
Over a billion people around the world lack access to Secondary treatment removes dissolved and
safe drinking-water, when around 80% of all diseases suspended biological matter. This treatment is
are due to poor drinking-water quality in developing typically performed by indigenous, water-borne micro-
countries; this lead to 1.7 million deaths annually organisms in a managed habitat. The treatment may
(UNDP, 1996). In Pakistan, water availability has require a separation-process, to remove the micro-
already fallen from 5,000 m3 per capita to 1,100 m3 in organisms from the treated water, prior to discharge or
2005. According to government statistics, 88% of the tertiary treatment.
districts (urban population) and 62% of rural residents
have access to water supply. But, in fact, only 33% Tertiary treatment is sometimes defined as anything
people has water supply at their homes and 67% rely more than primary and secondary treatment. Treated
on outdoor sources. The water-quality analysis report water is sometimes disinfected chemically or
2005-06 says: 55% samples were found with coliform physically (for example, by lagoons and micro-
contamination (IUCN, 2009). Accordingly, we present filtration) prior to discharge into a stream, river, bay,
a Review of some low-cost options for water- lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the irrigation of
treatments. Some of that more sophisticated ones are a golf course, green way or park. If it is sufficiently
suitable only for use in the larger metropolitan cities. clean, it can also be used for groundwater recharge or
agricultural purposes (Roland, 1997).
PAKISTAN 2.3 Pre-treatment
72 A scientific journal of COMSATS – SCIENCE VISION Vol.15 No.1 (January to June 2009)
Zulfiqar A. Bhatti, Qaisar Mahmood, Iftikhar A. Raja, Amir H. Malik, Naim Rashid, Zahid M. Khan and Farhana Maqbool
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Low-Cost Municipal Wastewater Treatment Options for Use in Pakistan – A Review
flocculent form. Influent enters into the system and capable of withstanding surges in organic
from bottom of the reactor and leaves from upper load. RBCs were first installed in Germany in 1960
side of the reactor. Uplift velocity of the influent is and have since been developed and refined into a
very critical to allow sufficient time to uptake the reliable operating unit. The rotating disks support
substrate through the biomass without uplifting the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms
the sludge-granules. This is the most attractive present in the sewage, which breakdown and
treatment-system due to its no-sludge excess stabilize organic pollutants. To be successful,
sludge-production because substrate convert into micro-organisms need both oxygen to live and
biogas (Ghangrekar, 2005). food to grow. Oxygen is obtained from the
atmosphere as the disks rotate. As the micro-
2.4 Bioreactors organisms grow, they build up on the media until
they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided
2.4.1 Membrane bioreactors: Membrane by the rotating discs in the sewage. Effluent from
bioreactors (MBR) combine activated sludge- the RBC is then passed through the final clarifiers,
treatment with a membrane liquid-solid where the micro-organisms in suspension settle
separation process. The membrane component as sludge. The sludge is withdrawn from the
uses low-pressure micro-filtration or ultra-filtration clarifier for further treatment.
membranes and eliminates the need for
clarification and tertiary filtration. The membranes A functionally similar biological filtering system
are typically immersed in the aeration tank has become popular as part of home aquarium
(however, some applications utilize a separate filtration and purification. The aquarium-water is
membrane tank). One of the key benefits of a drawn up out of the tank and then cascaded over a
MBR system is that it effectively overcomes the freely spinning corrugated fiber-mesh wheel,
limitations associated with poor settling of sludge before passing through a media-filter and back
in conventional activated system (CAS) into the aquarium. The spinning mesh wheel
processes. The technology permits bioreactor develops a biofilm coating of micro-organisms
operation with considerably higher mixed-liquor that feed on the suspended wastes in the
suspended solids (MLSS) concentration than aquarium water and are also exposed to the
CAS systems, which are limited by sludge- atmosphere as the wheel rotates. This is
settling. The process is typically operated at especially good for removing waste urea and
MLSS in the range of 8,000–12,000 mg/L, while ammonia urinated into the aquarium water by the
CAS is operated in the range of 2,000–3,000 fish and other animals (Leslie et al. 1998).
mg/L. The elevated biomass concentration in the
MBR process allows for very effective removal of 2.4.3 Lagooning: Lagooning provides settlement
both soluble and particulate biodegradable and further biological improvement through
materials at higher loading rates. Thus increased storage in large man-made ponds or lagoons.
Sludge Retention Times (SRTs)—usually These lagoons are highly aerobic and
exceeding 15 days—ensure complete colonization by native macrophytes, especially
nitrification, even in extremely cold weather. reeds, is often encouraged. Small filter-feeding
invertebrates, such as Daphnia and species of
The cost of building and operating a MBR is Rotifer, greatly assist the treatment by removing
usually higher than conventional wastewater- fine particulates (Hammer, 2004).
treatment, however, as the technology has
become increasingly popular and has gained 2.4.4 Constructed wetlands: Constructed
wider acceptance throughout the industry, the life- wetlands include engineered reed-beds and a
cycle costs have been steadily decreasing. The range of similar methodologies, all of which
small footprint of MBR systems and the high- provide a high degree of aerobic biological
quality effluent produced, makes them particularly improvement and can often be used instead of
useful for water-reuse applications (Judd, 2006; secondary treatment for small communities.
Verstraete, 2005). Constructed wetland is fed in at the inlet and
moved in laminar regime through porous medium,
2.4.2 Rotating biological contactors: Rotating until it reaches the outlet zone where it is collected
biological contactors (RBCs) are mechanical before the outlet. During this flow-regime
secondary-treatment systems, which are robust wastewater is in contact with aerobic, anoxic and
74 A scientific journal of COMSATS – SCIENCE VISION Vol.15 No.1 (January to June 2009)
Zulfiqar A. Bhatti, Qaisar Mahmood, Iftikhar A. Raja, Amir H. Malik, Naim Rashid, Zahid M. Khan and Farhana Maqbool
anaerobic zones. Rhizomes and plant roots encourage the appropriate biological
release the oxygen and develop aerobic communities to form. It is facilitated by a wide
conditions. Constructed wetlands have long been diversity of bacteria. Sand filters, lagooning
used for domestic and municipal wastewater and reed-beds can all be used to reduce
(Vymazal, 2009; Cooper et al., 1996; Brix et al., nitrogen, but the activated-sludge process,
1987). membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) (if
designed well) can do the job most easily.
2.4.5 Nutrient removal: Wastewater may contain Since denitrification is the reduction of nitrate
high levels of the nutrients nitrogen and to di-nitrogen gas, an electron-donor is
phosphorus. Excessive release of waste-water to needed. This can be, depending on the
the environment can lead to a build-up of wastewater, organic matter (from faeces),
nutrients, called eutrophication, which can in turn sulfide, or an added donor, like methanol.
encourage the overgrowth of weeds, algae, and Sometimes the conversion of toxic ammonia
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). This may to nitrate alone is referred to as tertiary
cause an algal bloom, a rapid growth in the treatment (Terada et al., 2003).
population of algae. The algae numbers are
unsustainable and eventually most of them die. Phosphorus removal: Phosphorus
The decomposition of the algae, by bacteria, uses removal is important, as it is a limiting nutrient
up so much of oxygen in the water that most or all for algae growth in many fresh-water systems
of the animals die, which creates more organic (for negative effects of algae, see Nutrient
matter for the bacteria to decompose. In addition removal). It is also particularly important for
to deoxygenatoin, some algal species produce water-reuse systems where high phosphorus
toxins that contaminate drinking-water supplies. concentrations may lead to fouling of
Different treatment-processes are required to downstream equipment, such as reverse
remove nitrogen and phosphorus. Removal of osmosis (Landner, 1976).
nutrients has been studied for different reactors.
Sequential-batch reactor, for biological nutrient Phosphorus can be removed biologically in a
removal from municipal wastewater, was found process called ‘enhanced biological
very effective in reducing BOD5, TSS and phosphorus-removal’. In this process, specific
ammonium nitrogen upto 98, 90 and 89 % at 12 bacteria, called polyphosphate-accumulating
hours cycle time. It consists of a sequencing organisms (PAOs), are selectively enriched
operation, including the steps of “fill, react, settle, and accumulated large quantities of
decant and idle” (Kargi and Uygur, 2003). phosphorus within their cells (up to 20% of
their mass). When the biomass enriched in Nitrogen removal: The removal of these bacteria is separated from the treated
nitrogen is effected through the biological water, these biosolids have a high fertilizer
oxidation of nitrogen from ammonia value (Verstraete, 2004).
(nitrification) to nitrate, followed by
denitrification the reduction of nitrate to Phosphorus removal can also be achieved by
nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas is released to the chemical precipitation, usually with salts of
atmosphere and thus removed from the water. iron (e.g. ferric chloride), aluminum (e.g.
alum), or lime. This may lead to excessive
Nitrification itself is a two-step aerobic sludge-productions, as hydroxides
process, each step facilitated by a different precipitates, and the added chemicals can be
type of bacteria. The oxidation of ammonia expensive. Chemical phosphorus-removal
(NH3) to nitrite (NO2-) is most often facilitated requires significantly smaller equipment-
by Nitrosomonas sp. Nitrite oxidation to nitrate footprint than biological removal, is easier to
(NO3-), though traditionally believed to be operate and is often more reliable than
facilitated by Nitrobacter sp., is now known to biological phosphorus-removal. Once
be facilitated in the environment almost removed, phosphorus, in the form of a
exclusively by Nitrospira sp. (Verstraete, phosphate-rich sludge, may be stored in a
2004). land-fill or resold for use in fertilizer
(Tchobanoglous et al., 2003).
Denitrification requires anoxic conditions to
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