Letchworth District Reopening Plan 2020-21

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Letchworth Central

School District
Re-Opening Plan

“Together… We Are Letchworth”

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Reopening the
Letchworth Central School District
Table of Contents
Letter from the Superintendent of Schools ---------------------------------------------------------- 5
Providing Context ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Recommendations for school closures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
State of Emergency Declarations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
New York State School Closure Executive Orders -------------------------------------------------------- 6
New York Forward Phase Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
County-by-County Data on Testing, Positive Cases, and Fatalities ------------------------------- 7

Communication and Family Engagement ------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Reopening Task Force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Communications Plan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Letchworth Central School Organizational Chart For COVID Plan -------------------------------- 9

Health and Safety ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Health Checks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Screenings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
Healthy Hygiene Practices------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Social Distancing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
Cloth Face Coverings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Management of Ill Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
Return to School After Illness-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
COVID-19 Fever/Symptoms Flow Sheet ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
COVID-19 Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Contact Tracing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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School Closures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Cleaning and Disinfection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Facilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Required Square Footage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Safety Drills------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Child Nutrition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Training----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ---------------------------------------------------------- 31

Transportation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
The School Bus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
School Bus Staff --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Students on Transportation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Non Public School------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Protocols Once Students Disembark from Transportation------------------------------------------- 38

Social-Emotional Wellbeing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38

Scheduling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Teacher Workday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Student Arrival Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Student Departure Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

Budget and Fiscal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

Attendance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Technology and Connectivity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
Teaching and Learning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
Early Learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Grades K – 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
Grades 7 – 12 – Units of Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56
Physical Education ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59

Career and Technical Education (CTE)--------------------------------------------------------------- 60

Genesee Valley BOCES Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60

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2020 – 2021 CTE Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 61

Athletics and Extracurricular Activities -------------------------------------------------------------- 62

Interscholastic Athletics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
Extra-Curricular Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62

Special Education --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62

Bilingual Education and World Languages -------------------------------------------------------- 67
Teacher and Principal Evaluation System ---------------------------------------------------------- 68
Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching ------------------------------- 68
Student Teaching -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

Staffing and Human Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

Staffing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Letter from the Superintendent of Schools
Letchworth Central School District Family Members:

As we developed this plan I was always asking myself how this plan would impact our
families and staff. We have to be sure that everyone is safe to the best of our
ability. I also realize that school is the best place for our students to learn on a daily
basis. It is a difficult balance to keep all the many factors of reopening school in mind as
we take this journey together. We are mindful that guidelines and recommendations are
continually being updated and changing. We will update this plan as that occurs.

School districts across New York State received finalized reopening guidance on July
16, 2020. Our charge was to develop and submit a reopening plan by July 31, 2020.
To accomplish this task, the District established a Reopening Task Force consisting of:
Board of Education members, administrators, teachers, related service providers,
support staff, health care professionals, parents, and grandparents. The Committee
was tasked with consuming the most up-to-date: research, statistics, guidance
documents, reopening frameworks, local parent surveys and school reopening models.
The Committee utilized the aforementioned information and their varied perspectives to
construct a plan in the best interests of Letchworth Central School District Family
members. The following functional areas were deliberated with an emphasis on facts,
research and best practices.

● Health and Safety ● Schedules

● Nutrition ● Teaching and Learning
● Social-emotional Well-being ● Technology and Connectivity
● Facilities ● Special Education
● Transportation ● Bilingual and World Languages
● Budget and Fiscal ● Staffing and Human Resources
● Attendance

The safety of our community was our main priority in every decision-making process.
We investigated, collaborated, problem-solved, and debated the merits of each
component of the plan. The resulting framework considers our local context while
respecting national public health trends. Executive Orders, regulatory changes, data,
and our experiences may cause us to modify our course of action and alter the contents
of this living document.

We look forward to safely getting students back to school and offering a Letchworth
education to our students.

Together...We Are Letchworth,

D. Todd Campbell
Superintendent of Schools

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Providing Context
Governor Cuomo recently asserted, “How New York reopens is not an emotional
question, it’s not a political question, it’s not an anecdotal question, it’s not a gut instinct
question. Follow the facts. Follow the data.” If we follow the data and base our
decisions on the data as Governor Cuomo suggests, the data sets that follow provide
the big picture context for the work of reopening our District:

Recommendations for school closures

Wyoming County Schools closed beginning Monday, March 16, 2020

State of Emergency Declarations

Wyoming County State of Emergency declared Sunday, March 15, 2020

New York State School Closure Executive Orders

On March 16, 2020, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state of New York, signed an
executive order closing schools statewide for two (2) weeks beginning on March 18,
2020 and ending on April 1, 2020.

On March 27, 2020, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state of New York, signed an
executive order extending school closures statewide for another two (2) weeks
through April 15, 2020.

On April 7, 2020, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state of New York, signed an
executive order extending school closures statewide for another two (2) weeks
through April 29, 2020.

On May 1, 2020, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state of New York, signed an
executive order closing school districts for the remainder of the 2019 - 20 school year.

New York Forward Phase Descriptions

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County-by-County Data on Testing, Positive Cases, and Fatalities
Wyoming County

Percentage Positive Test Results by Region

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Region-by-Region Status Statistics

Communication and Family Engagement

Reopening Task Force
Individuals from the following stakeholder groups participated in the development of this
reopening plan:

● Board of Education ● Public Health

● Administrators ● Parents/Guardians
● Teachers ● Grandparents/Guardians
● Related Service Providers ● Letchworth Teachers Association
● Support Staff ● Letchworth Educational Support
● Operations and Maintenance Staff Association

Communications Plan
The District will utilize a multi-prong approach to communicate matters of importance to
its students, parents/guardians, staff and visitors.

● District Webpage – http://www.letchworth.k12.ny.us

● Facebook:
○ https://www.facebook.com/Letchworth-Middle-School-352265428534667/
○ https://www.facebook.com/LCSROCKS1/
○ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lcs_indians
● Blackboard Connect automatic call, email and text system.
● District mailing
● Signage will be posted in conspicuous areas to promote best practices and the
safety of building inhabitants.

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The District will utilize print signage from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) -
● Interpretation services will be utilized to translate District correspondences to the
following languages: Spanish
● Videos will be produced and published that model best practices when in school
buildings, at school functions or on District transportation. Topics will include:
○ Hygiene practices ○ Social distancing
○ Health screenings ○ Proper transitions
○ Signs and symptoms of ○ Entrance and egress
COVID-19 ○ Cleaning and disinfection procedures
○ Face coverings

Letchworth Central School Organizational Chart For COVID Plan

Superintendent D. Todd Campbell 585-493-5450 tcampbell@letchworth.k12.ny.us

Director of Pupil Personnel Rae Lynn Helman 585-493-3512 rhelman@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Elementary Principal PK-4 William Bean 585-493-2581 wbean@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Middle School Principal 5-8 Amy Leone 585-493-2592 aleone@letchworth.k12.ny.us
High School Principal 9-12 Paul Rogers 585-493-2571 progers@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Business Administrator John P. Novak 585-493-5150 jnovak@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Supt Buildings & Grounds Todd Brant 585-493-3550 tbrant@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Transportation Director Daniel Proctor 585-493-2828 dproctor@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Cafeteria Manager Karen Almeter 585-493-5755 kalmeter@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Dir. of Curriculum & Inst Julie Pernesky 585-493-3513 jpernesky@letchworth.k12.ny.us
Asst MS/HS Principal Kevin Murray 585-493-2571 kmurray@letchworth.k12.ny.us
School Nurse Diane Houseknecht 585-493-3520 dhouseknecht@letchworth.k12.ny.us
School Physician Peter Coggiola 716-983-6490 peter_coggiola@yahoo.com

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Health and Safety

Health Checks
Parents/guardians and staff members will be provided the following resources to
educate them regarding the careful observation of symptoms of COVID-19:
● CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
● The following signs will be distributed to parents/guardians, and staff members
and will be posted throughout the District’s facilities.

● Parents/guardians and staff members will be able access a video which

describes the symptoms of COVID-19:
○ Fever or chills (100° or ○ Headache;
greater); ○ New loss of taste or smell;
○ Cough; ○ Sore throat;
○ Shortness of breath or difficulty ○ Congestion or runny nose;
breathing; ○ Nausea or vomiting; and/or
○ Fatigue; ○ Diarrhea
○ Muscle or body aches;

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● Staff will be educated to observe students or other staff members for signs of any
type of illness by participating in the following mandated SafeSchools (Utica
National) trainings:
○ Coronavirus Awareness (Full Course)
○ Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face Coverings (Full
○ Coronavirus: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Workplace (Full Course)
● Staff and approved visitors will complete the following health questionnaire daily.
Individuals will be provided a link to this form prior to visiting the District’s
○ Form:ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8L70jRvfdpkFKuevV7JZLiDjelL3-
○ In the event individuals do not have access to the internet or cannot access
the form, a hard copy of the form will be distributed to the individual.
● Students will complete the following health questionnaire weekly. Students will
be instructed on how to complete the questionnaire. Students may require
assistance due to their unique needs.
○ Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8L70jRvfdpkFKuevV7JZLiDjelL
○ The form will be loaded as a desktop icon on the students’ one-to-one
○ In the event individuals do not have access to the internet or cannot access
the form, a hard copy of the form will be distributed to the individual.

Daily temperature checks are required for staff, students and approved visitors.
Temperature checks will be performed prior to staff, students and approved visitors
entering District facilities or District transportation to the greatest extent practicable.
● Prior to utilizing any thermometer, operators should review product-specific
● Parents/guardians will be provided access to the video: “It’s All About
○ https://youtu.be/G-m0aNDw_zQ
● Staff, students and approved visitors are strongly encouraged to complete
temperature screenings at home.
● The School Nurses will train staff on the appropriate use of infrared
● Trained staff conducting temperature screenings will:
○ Utilize no-touch, infrared thermometers;
○ Wear a face covering;
○ Wear gloves; and
○ Perform a visual inspection of an individual prior to conducting a temperature
● Individuals who are unable to complete temperature screenings at home must
participate in screenings prior to entering District facilities.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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● Individuals will maintain social distance while waiting for their temperature

Healthy Hygiene Practices

Healthy hygiene practices will be taught and re-taught in ten (10)-week intervals for
students. Staff will receive training at the beginning of the school year and receive
periodic updates as CDC procedures mandate.

Instruction will be provided in the following areas:

● Hygiene practices ● Proper transitions
● Health screenings ● Entrance and egress
● Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 ● Cleaning and disinfection
● Face coverings procedures
● Social distancing

The District will provide trainings through:

● Daily General Announcements:
○ COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions -
○ COVID-19 Readiness - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
○ Coronavirus Stops with Me - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
○ Cleaning and Disinfection - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
○ What To Do If You Are Sick - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
● Videos
○ Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 - https://youtu.be/7zzfdYShvQU
○ How does COVID-19 spread? - https://youtu.be/WfJSVbQtHsk
○ What You Need to Know About Handwashing -
● Conspicuous signage will be placed in the following areas:
○ Entrances ○ Auditoriums
○ Restrooms ○ Operations and Maintenance Spaces
○ Cafeterias ○ Buses
○ Classrooms ○ Transportation areas
○ Offices
● Signage will be posted on the following topics:
○ Wash Your Hands - https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/pdf/wash-your-hands-
○ Handwashing is Your Superpower - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
○ Stop the Spread of Germs - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-

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○ Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 -
○ Please Wear a Cloth Face Covering - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
○ Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19 -
○ Cover Coughs and Sneezes - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-

Hand Hygiene
Students, staff and approved visitors will practice good hand hygiene to reduce the
spread of COVID-19. Hand washing stations are located:
● Inside and outside restrooms (hand sanitizer outside of restrooms)
● Inside some classrooms
● Inside health offices
● Inside operations and maintenance areas
● Inside food service areas

Soap dispensers, hand sanitizer and paper towels are provided at each station. All air
dryers have been decommissioned. Paper towel dispensers have been placed next
to all handwashing stations.

Students, staff and approved visitors will wash their hands:

● Before, during, and after preparing food
● Before eating food
● After using the restroom
● After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
● After touching garbage
● After having been in a public place and touched an item or surface that may be
frequently touched by other people, such as door handles, railings, etc.

When washing hands, individuals will:

● Wet their hands with clean, running water and apply soap.
● Lather their hands by rubbing them together with the soap.
● Scrub their hands for at least 20 seconds.
● Rinse their hands well under clean, running water.
● Dry their hands using a clean towel.

Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrances, handwashing stations, classrooms,

large-occupancy spaces (Gymnasiums, Auditorium, etc.), cafeterias, and operations
and maintenance areas.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Respiratory Hygiene
Students, staff and approved visitors will be instructed and re-instructed on:
● How to Safely Cough and Sneeze - https://youtu.be/a220fnvLyxY

The District will provide the necessary hand and respiratory hygiene supplies.

In instances where social distancing or mask requirements cannot be complied or easily

regulated, light-transmitting plastic barriers will be installed:

Social Distancing
Students, staff and approved visitors will receive instruction and re-instruction on
physical distancing.
Training video - https://youtu.be/GDDDz89EhSU

The District will adhere to maintaining six (6) feet of space between individuals to the
greatest extent practicable. In instances when six (6) feet of distance cannot be
maintained, individuals will be required to utilize face coverings or protective barriers.

The District will implement the following methods, to the greatest extent practicable, to
encourage social distancing and reduce density:
● Develop multiple entrance points
● Stagger arrival and departure times
● Reduce the use of locker storage areas
● Structure classroom settings to ensure social distancing between individuals or
groups of individuals
○ In settings where groups of individuals must be distanced, light-transmitting
plastic barriers will be installed
● Desks will be turned to face in the same direction to the greatest extent
○ In settings where desks cannot be turned in the same direction due to
grouping, light-transmitting plastic barriers will be installed
● Students will pass between settings in staggered intervals
● Hallways will be monitored and marked with directional arrows if needed.
● Windows and doors will be opened to improve ventilation
● Limit the use of shared supplies.
○ Supplies will be sanitized and disinfected if they must be shared.
● Utilization of outdoor and large alternate spaces (Gymnasiums, auditoriums, etc.)
to maintain adequate distance between individuals.
● Limit the number of individuals in smaller spaces (Main Offices)
● Limit the number of activities where multiple groups interact (Playground,
assemblies, etc.)
● Additional distancing will be ensured for individuals who are participating in
activities requiring projection of a voice or instrument, or aerobic activity.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Medically Vulnerable/High-Risk Groups
Individuals in these groups should consult with their healthcare provider regarding
● Age 65 or older;
● Pregnant;
● Underlying health conditions including, but not limited to:
○ Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
○ Serious heart conditions
○ Immunocompromised
○ Severe obesity
○ Diabetes
○ Chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
○ Liver disease
○ Sickle cell anemia
○ Children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic
conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe
illness from COVID-19 than other children.

Individuals in these groups will collaborate with their healthcare providers to make
informed decisions. In order to meet the needs of individuals in these groups and
ensure their health and safety, the District requires medical documentation supporting
recommended courses of action. The District will consider all information when
determining courses of action.

School health services personnel, special education personnel, and administration may
develop alternate plans for individuals in these groups. Appropriate accommodations
include, but are not limited to:
● Additional PPE for staff caring for such students
○ Tyvek suits
○ Face shields
○ Light-transmitting plastic barriers
● Limiting the number of students in an educational setting
● Development of alternative schedules

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Students, staff and approved visitors will utilize face coverings at all times with the
following exceptions:
● Individuals are social distanced (Six (6) feet) and in a secure setting (Classroom,
● Individuals who are not social distanced, in a secure setting, but protected by
light-transmitting plastic barriers.
● Individuals have provided the District with medical documentation supporting
accommodations. Medical or sensory issues may impede an individual’s ability
to participate in the learning environment. The aforementioned individuals will
wear an alternative barrier to protect others in the learning environment.
Acceptable barriers include, but are not limited to: dust masks, face shields, etc.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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The District will allow individuals to wear their own face coverings as long as they cover
individuals’ mouths and noses. The District will provide trainings for students and staff
on the use and care of face coverings.
The District is encouraging staff and students to bring their own mask each day.
● Trainings:
○ SafeSchools - Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face
Coverings (Full Course)
○ Students – Prevent COVID-19: Wear a Cloth Face Covering -
○ Students and Staff – How to Wash Cloth Face Coverings -

The District has currently stockpiled disposable looped masks. Masks will be made
available to students, staff and approved visitors who are unable to secure their own

The School Nurses will be provided additional PPE to care for individuals expressing
COVID-19 symptoms. Such PPE includes, but is not limited to:
● Respirators (N95) masks that are fitted
● Eye protection
● Face shields
● Gloves
● Disposable gowns

Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP)

School Nurses will use the following PPE when administering aerosol-generating
● Gloves;
● N95 or surgical facemask;
● In lieu of N95 – a surgical mask with face shield;
● Eye protection; and
● A gown.

AGPs include:
● Suctioning;
● Administering nebulizer treatments; or
● Using peak flow meters with students who have respiratory conditions.

Treatments will be conducted in a room separate from others in the Health Offices. The
separate room will be sanitized after each treatment.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Cloth Face Coverings
The District is encouraging staff and students to bring their own mask each day.
Students, staff and approved visitors will utilize face coverings at all times with the
following exceptions:
● Individuals are social distanced (Six (6) feet) and in a secure setting (Classroom,
● Individuals are not social distanced, in a secure setting, and protected by light-
transmitting plastic barriers.
● Individuals have provided the District with medical documentation supporting
accommodations. Medical or sensory issues may impede an individual’s ability
to participate in the learning environment. The aforementioned individuals will
wear an alternative barrier to protect others in the learning environment.
Acceptable barriers include, but are not limited to: dust masks, face shields, etc.

The District will allow individuals to wear their own face coverings as long as they cover
individuals’ mouths and noses. The District will provide trainings for students and staff
on the use and care of face coverings.
● Trainings:
○ SafeSchools - Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face
Coverings (Full Course)
○ Students – Prevent COVID-19: Wear a Cloth Face Covering -
○ Students and Staff – How to Wash Cloth Face Coverings -

The District has currently stockpiled disposable looped masks. Masks will be made
available to students, staff and approved visitors who are unable to secure their own.

Management of Ill Persons

Students and staff with symptoms of illness will be sent to the health office. School
Nurses will assess individuals who are sent to the health office. If a school nurse is not
available, building administrators will isolate and dismiss any student or staff member
who has a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 that are not explained by a chronic
health condition for follow up with a health care provider.

If Students or Staff become Ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at Schools

The District will follow Education Law § 906, which provides:
“whenever...a student in the public schools shows symptoms of any
communicable or infectious disease reportable under the public health law that
imposes a significant risk of infection of others in the school, he or she shall be
excluded from the school and sent home immediately, in a safe and proper
conveyance. The director of school health services shall immediately notify a
local public health agency of any disease reportable under the public health law.
The director of school health services, or other health professionals acting upon
direction or referral of such director, may make such evaluations of teachers and

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any other school employees, school buildings and premises as, in their discretion,
they may deem necessary to protect the health of the students and staff.”

Staff will immediately report any illness of students or staff to the school nurse or
building administrator. Reports will be made in compliance with FERPA, and Education
Law 2-d. If nurses choose to go to classrooms to make assessments of students, this
will be done in a manner that protects the student’s confidentiality. If there are several
students waiting to see the school nurse, students will wait at least 6 feet apart. Health
offices in both buildings have general admission areas, bathrooms, bed areas and
isolated examination rooms. The offices are supervised by the school nurses and have
hand hygiene supplies. The school nurses assessing or providing care to ill students
and staff will adhere to the following transmission-based precautions:

● Contact Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/contact-

● Droplet Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/droplet-
● Airborne Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/airborne-

Students and staff will be provided a Flow Chart by the school nurse to remind them of
procedures they must take before returning to school.

Students suspected of having COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the

parent/guardian will be isolated in the health offices examination rooms separated from
others. Once individuals have exited the examination rooms, the rooms will be closed
until cleaning and disinfection has occurred.

Return to School After Illness

The District will follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to
school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. The District will refer to the following
Flow Sheet.

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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COVID-19 Fever/Symptoms Flow Sheet

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COVID-19 Testing
Per CDC Guidance, the District will not conduct COVID-19 testing. The decision of
whether a test needs to be conducted will be determined by a healthcare provider or the
local department of health.

Contact Tracing
Contact tracing is a public health function performed by local public health departments
to trace all persons who had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. This allows
public health officials to put in place isolation or other measures to limit the spread of
the virus. The District will cooperate with state and local health department contact
tracing. The District will assist the Department of Health in knowing who may have had
contact at school with a confirmed case by:
● keeping accurate attendance records of students and staff members;
● ensuring student schedules are up to date;
● keeping a log of any visitors which includes date, time and where in the school
they visited; and
● Assist the Department of Health in tracing all contacts of the individual at school
in accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the New
York State Contact Tracing Program.

Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations.
School staff will not determine who is to be excluded from school based on contact
without guidance and direction from the Department of Health.

School Closures
The District will collaborate with the Department of Health to determine the parameters,
conditions or metrics (e.g., increased absenteeism or increased illness in school
community) that will serve as early warning signs that positive COVID-19 cases may be
increasing beyond an acceptable level.

The District will consider closing school if absentee rates affect the ability of the school
to operate safely. The District may choose to modify operations prior to closing to help
mitigate a rise in cases. The District will consult with its medical director and the
Department of Health when making such decisions.

Cleaning and Disinfection

The District will:
● Create and retain logs stating:
○ Date & Time
o Scope of cleaning and disinfection
● Schedule (at least daily) cleaning and disinfecting of touched surfaces during the
regular school day. Cleaning and disinfecting will include frequently touched
surfaces (PE equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) and
shared objects (toys, games, art supplies) between uses.

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● Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants ensuring adequate contact
● Keep products away from children
● Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor
air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, or other Outside airflow
methods by increased utilizing our HVAC system.
● Do not open windows and doors if they pose a safety or health risk (e.g., allowing
pollen in or exacerbating asthma symptoms) risk to children using the facility.
● Take steps to ensure all water systems and features (for example, drinking
fountains, decorative fountains) are safe to use
● Soft Surfaces - Clean the surface using soap and water or with cleaners
appropriate for use on these surfaces
● Electronics
o Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting. If there are
no instructions, use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70%
isopropyl alcohol. Dry surfaces thoroughly

Cleaning/Disinfecting Procedure
Appropriate cleaners
● Surface cleaner
o Spray bottle & Bucket
● Soap & water
o Spray bottle & Bucket

Step 1. Clean
● Wear disposable gloves or any other required PPE to clean and disinfect
● Clean surfaces using an appropriate cleaner making sure you produce friction on
the surface
● Read all labels and follow instructions (PPE may be required)
● Cleaning reduces the number of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface.
Friction action breaks biofilm on any virus allowing disinfectant to contact the
● Change out cleaning cloths (microfiber) often or use disposable products
● Clean surfaces prior to disinfecting
● Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.

Step 2. Disinfect
● Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces
● Ensure the area or item is cleaned with a cleaning agent before disinfecting
● Then disinfectant can be used
● Take all precautions on the label such as PPE, and safe handling procedures
● Change out cleaning cloths (microfiber) often or use disposable products
● Use EPA-registered disinfectant. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure
safe and effective use of the product. Many products recommend:
o Keeping the surface wet for the entire contact/dwell time (see product label)
o Precautions such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good
ventilation during use of the product

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● Diluted bleach solutions may also be used if appropriate for the surface
o ⅓ cup bleach per gallon of water - highly concentrated solutions may result in
adverse health effects, discoloration and residue
o Bleach solutions should be made fresh and not kept for more than 24 hours
o Check the label to see if your bleach is intended for disinfection, and ensure
the product is not past its expiration date. Some bleaches, such as those
designed for safe use on colored clothing or for whitening may not be suitable
for disinfection
o Unexpired bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly
diluted. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper
o Never mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser
o Leave solution on the surface for at least 1 minute


Staff and students should wash their own reusable masks on a regular basis.

Launder items (if possible) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the
warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely or disinfect with an EPA-
registered disinfectant
o Washing face coverings in a washing machine and drying in a dryer is
recommended to properly clean a face covering
o If masks are hand washed, prepare a bleach solution of 4 teaspoons
household bleach per quart of room temperature water. Soak the face
covering for 5 minutes. Rinse the face covering thoroughly with cool water.
Air-dry, in direct sunlight, when possible. Wash hands for 30 seconds after
washing the mask
o Face coverings must be completely dry before wearing
● Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick
● Dirty laundry from a person who is sick can be washed with other people’s items
● Do not shake dirty laundry
● Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to guidance above for surfaces
● Remove gloves and wash hands right away

● Teachers may be responsible for general cleaning within the classrooms and
should be provided with appropriate cleaning supplies
● Keep cleaning supplies out of reach of children
● Schedule (at least daily) cleaning and disinfecting of touched surfaces during the
regular school day. Cleaning and disinfecting should include frequently touched
surfaces (PE equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) and
shared objects (toys, games, art supplies) between uses. Consider scheduling
this task late morning and early afternoon, ensuring adequate contact time for the

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● In order to facilitate cleaning and disinfection, classroom materials should be
removed to the greatest extent possible. All classroom area rugs will be
removed, labeled and stored. Non-district owned furniture should be removed
from premises. Hard to clean items, such as cloth beanbag chairs, curtains,
fabric wall hangings, should be removed.
● Trained Custodial staff should be responsible for heavier cleaning and
disinfecting within classrooms

Suggested Cleanliness and Disinfection Standards

This section outlines the process and expectations following an extended school closure
for the continued levels of cleanliness and disinfection required to meet federal and
state mandates.

● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Classroom desks and chairs
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and counter tops
● Window in the classroom door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Clean/Disinfect classroom sink and toilet area (if applicable)
● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Restrooms [All Locker rooms are closed to students & staff (other than offices) at this time]
● Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks and shower areas
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Drinking Fountains
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Handrails
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors full mopped
● Clean Doors and Partitions in Restrooms

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● Walls are spot cleaned
● Check that toilets, faucets, and drains are working
● Check Sanitary Napkin Boxes
● Clean Exterior of Dispensers
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Restock all toilet paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Common Areas (Hallways)

● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Drinking Fountains
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Handrails
o Buttons on vending machines
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Walls are spot cleaned, when soiled
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Make sure all unoccupied classrooms are locked

Medical Office
● Clean and disinfect health cots regularly (after each student use)
● Discard or launder coverings after each use
● Cover treatment tables and use pillow protectors
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Classroom desks and chairs
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops
● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked

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● Clean/Disinfect classroom sink and toilet area if applicable
● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures – Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Clerical/Admin Offices
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and counter tops
● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Clean/Disinfect shared sink and toilet area if applicable
● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable
● Restock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Athletic Areas
● Establish a regular cleaning schedule for shared environmental surfaces such as
wrestling mats or strength training equipment
● Disinfect mats and other high-use equipment at least daily
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment)
o Drinking fountains
o Ice Machines
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops

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● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

● Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks and shower areas
● Wear proper PPE, avoid splashes
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Sinks
o Faucets
o Soap dispensers
o Drinking Fountains
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Handrails
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from room
● Floors full mopped
● Clean Doors and Partitions in Restrooms and Locker Rooms
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Check that toilets, faucets, and drains are working
● Check Sanitary Napkin Boxes
● Clean Exterior of Dispensers
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures – Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Required Square Footage
While recommendations on social distancing suggest that maintaining a six-foot
distance from others is optimal, the building code itself does not mandate a minimum
square footage per person on which districts or other applicable schools must base the
number of students and staff in a building.

Classrooms in the District will be looked at individually to accommodate 6 feet of social

distancing and/or the use of desks arranged in socially distanced clusters with light-
transmitting plastic barriers between individual desks. Classroom populations will
adhere to District protocols in regards to distancing.

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Facilities Alterations and Acquisition
The District does not intend to alter its existing spaces or acquire additional spaces for
the purpose of reopening.

Changes to Space Utilization and/or Alterations

The District does not intend to make changes to its space utilization or alter its existing
spaces for the purpose of reopening.

Space Expansion
The District does not intend to expand its square footage for the purpose of reopening.

Tents for Additional Space

The District does not intend to utilize tents for additional space for the purpose of

Safety Drills
Education Law § 807 requires that schools conduct 8 evacuation and 4 lockdown drills
each school year. Conducting drills is an important part of keeping students and staff
safe in an emergency; however, steps will be taken to minimize the risk of spreading
infection while conducting drills.

Emergency Response Protocols:

● Shelter-In-Place
● Hold-In-Place
● Evacuation
● Lockout
● Lockdown

Shelter-In-Place protocols will be the same with the following changes:
● Provide 6 feet of space between students and staff during the Shelter-In-Place
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person
does not have one
● Listen for updates and respond accordingly

Hold-In-Place protocols will be the same the following changes:
● Provide 6 feet of space between students and staff during the Hold-In-Place
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person
does not have one
● Listen for updates and respond accordingly

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Evacuation protocols will be routinely the same with some minor adjustments:
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person
does not have one
● Identify, in advance, who will be holding the door to get out of the building,
therefore reducing the amount of people touching the door hardware when
leaving the building. Personnel that will be conducting this task may be assigned
to holding the door for one or more classrooms or until confirmation that
everyone has vacated the building
● Bring all necessary items needed: extra face coverings, and hand sanitizer
● If no extra face coverings are available, instruct anyone that does not have a face
covering to use their shirt to cover their nose and mouth during the event

Lockout protocols will be the same, besides maintaining 6 feet of space between
students and staff in the area.

During a Lockdown, there will be a violation of the 6-foot recommendation between
people. In order to protect life safety, lockdown protocols will be mostly the same
process as they have been conducted in the past.
● Evaluate, in advance, if there is room to social distance without being in the line
of sight
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person
does not have one
● Instruct anyone that does not have a face covering to use their shirt to cover their
nose and mouth during the event

General Health and Safety Assurances

● We will adhere to all recommendations, procedures and training that have been
listed previously in the plan under Health and Safety.

Fire Code Compliance

● All additional safety dividers will not affect egress and will meet code

● All stairway and corridor doors will be cleaned daily, especially after a drill
procedure where the doors would have been touched by students or staff. In
most cases, these doors are not frequently touched because they remain in the
open position when an emergency is not in progress.

Please refer to Suggested Cleanliness and Disinfection Standards under Health and

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Emergency Drills
The District will conduct standard operations and procedures for fire drills and lock down
drills as required by Education law and regulation and fire code without exception. Fire
safety, evacuation, and lock down plans will be maintained. The District will promote
and provide for social distancing during the drills.

 The District will have its required Visual inspection completed for the 2020 school
 All Health and safety inspections will be completed in accordance with the
NYSDOH and SED requirements..

Hand Sanitizers
 Hand sanitizers will be placed in every classroom, office, outside of all bathrooms
and at all entryways in accordance with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5 .

Lead Testing Due in 2020

 The District will comply with NYSDOH Lead testing requirements for schools.
Testing will be completed no later than Dec 31,2020
 All test results and applicable information will be reported to the State using the
NYSDOH's electronic reporting system and posted on the school's website.

Plumbing Facilities and Fixtures

 Take steps to ensure all water systems and features (for example, drinking
fountains and sinks) are safe to use.
 Disinfect drinking fountains, sinks and faucets as often as possible to ensure safe
 The District will meet the minimum requirements necessary for providing toilets,
sinks and drinking fountains.

 Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor
air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, and or Outside air flow
will be increased utilizing our HVAC system.

Child Nutrition
A successful nutrition program is a key component to a successful educational
environment. Children cannot focus on learning when they are hungry. School meals
boost learning, and studies show that students perform best academically when they
are well nourished. No child should ever go hungry, and school reopening plans
must provide for the feeding of all students who require food assistance.

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 All students enrolled in the SFA will have access to school meals; this includes
students in attendance at school and those learning remotely.
 Students will be given three daily lunch options and two daily breakfast options,
meeting all Child Nutrition Program requirements.
 Breakfast will be served at three pick-up stations in school, served in disposable
paper bags. Students will be socially distanced when picking up their breakfast.
 K-3 students in attendance will eat lunch socially distanced at a minimum of six
feet, seated throughout the three cafeterias and will be served their meal.
 PK, 4-12 students in attendance will eat in a classroom and have pre-ordered
meal delivered to the classroom. Students will be socially distanced at a
minimum of six feet while eating their lunch. No-touch trash cans will be
provided throughout the area.
 All applicable food service related health and safety guidelines will be followed.
 Hand sanitizing stations will be placed in all classrooms and at the entrance of
the cafeteria. Signage will be posted to promote frequent hand washing and
sanitizing. Classroom teachers, administrators, and support staff will also teach
 Food and beverage sharing will be discouraged. This will be conveyed by
signage as well as supervised by classroom teachers, administrators, and
support staff.
 School meal service, eligibility/benefits, options, changes, and contact
information will be communicated with families through numerous means of
communication including: newsletter, mailings, email, blackboard connect, etc.
Families will be provided numerous opportunities to complete meal benefit
applications, including applications with summer meals. This will also be
appropriately communicated to non-English speaking families, when needed, by
means of bi-lingual staff.
 Students with food allergies will continue to receive measures of protection and
accommodation to support their dietary needs and restrictions.
 Production records will continue to be accounted for each in-person and remote
 Payment options and concerns will be addressed (student account, money
collected, receipts, etc.)

 Required Annual Training and Standard Operating Procedures
 COVID Awareness
○ New cleaning Protocols
○ Hand washing
○ Face Covering (sizing, use, wear & care)
○ Personal Health and Hygiene
○ Respiratory Etiquette
○ Special working conditions with face coverings (strenuous activity)

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Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Gloves
 Face Covering/Mask
 Face Shield (if applicable)

Face coverings/masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer will be available. Use and disposal
of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be required.

Roles and Responsibilities

Supervisor will:
 Create weekly/bi-weekly plans per guidance
 Inventory necessary materials and supply chain for cleaning, disinfecting, and
preventing spread of disease
 Provide training to staff members on operating procedures, proper cleaning
techniques, proper use of chemicals and personal protective equipment
 Provide ongoing communication to staff and feedback to staff on a weekly basis
 Participate in planning meetings as needed

Food Service Staff will:

 Maintain social distancing as much as possible
 Wear face coverings at all times unless the employee is not in the food
preparation area or in the serving area
 Use all chemical cleaners and disinfectants in the manner recommended by the
manufacturer and your supervisor
 Wear all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when cleaning and using
 Follow US CDC Guidelines for Cleaning and Disinfecting
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/community/disinfecting-building-
 Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and
water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at
least 60% or 70% isopropyl alcohol

Cafeteria and Classroom

 Adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand
sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol (for staff and older
children who can safely use hand sanitizer), tissues, wipes, and no-touch trash
cans throughout the area
 Adequate cleaning and disinfection of tables between each use
 Sharing of foods and utensils will be discouraged.
 Reminders about the importance of not sharing utensils, food or drinks
 Restricted access to vending machines

Food Preparation Areas and Contact Surfaces

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 If possible, minimize shared workspaces
 When possible, dedicating employees to certain tasks, at separate workstations,
for the task duration
 Place adhesive floor mats at entrances and at the entrances of food preparation
 Cover any exposed clean silverware, dishes, glasses, pots and pans.
 Provide silverware wrapped or covered at the table, or use disposable silverware.
 Provide pre-packaged condiments when available.

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Waste and Laundering
Single-use items and used disinfection materials will be treated as regular waste
following food safety guidelines.

Laundry for clothing, towels, linens and other items will be handled by LCS
maintenance staff and will follow these procedures:
 Cloth materials (i.e., aprons) will be washed daily and dried on the highest
temperature setting allowable for the fabric. Disposable aprons may also be used.
 Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick
 Dirty laundry from a person who is sick can be washed with other people’s items.
 Do not shake dirty laundry.
 Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to guidance above for surfaces.
 Remove gloves and wash hands right away

Additional practices to minimize exposure:

 There will be no self-serving food items.
 Napkins and silverware are provided directly by staff, not for individuals to grab.
 Use of reusable silverware, reusable trays, disposable silverware, disposable
trays, and disposable bags, will be utilized depending on the meal delivery and
 Engineering controls such as sneeze guards are in place in the cafeteria (if
 Tape marks on the floor six feet apart to promote social distancing while waiting
in line.
 No shared condiments
 Consider planning measures for food delivery on carts to classrooms
 Preference of not using cash for purchases.
 Discourage the use of drinking fountains by providing disposable cups and
identifying other, safe and approved, water sources

Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols

General Cleaning
 Review cleaning protocols for cafeteria furniture, meal preparation and serving
areas, point-of-sale transactions and dishes/utensils and update accordingly.
 Ensure all cleaning staff have been trained on any new PPE, cleaning products
and techniques.
 Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep products away
from children.
 Ensure the facility has been cleaned/disinfected as per current NYSDOH/CDC
protocols and that all high touch surfaces are routinely cleaned/disinfected
(document and define frequency). Responsible Parties must ensure adherence
to hygiene and cleaning and disinfection requirements as advised by the CDC
and DOH, including “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection of Public and
Private Facilities for COVID-19,” and the “STOP THE SPREAD” poster, as
applicable. Responsible Parties must maintain logs that include the date, time,
and scope of cleaning and disinfection.

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 Clean surfaces using a cleaner or soap and water. Practice routine cleaning of
frequently touched surfaces.

General Disinfecting
 Clean the area or item with soap and water or another detergent. Replace the
cleaning agent frequently. Then, use disinfectant
 Use EPA-registered disinfectant. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure
safe and effective use of the product. Many products recommend:
○ Keep surfaces wet for the entire contact time (see product label).
○ Precautions such as wearing proper PPE and making sure you have good
ventilation during use of the product.
○ Diluted bleach solutions may also be used if appropriate for the surface
○ Check the label to see if your bleach is intended for disinfection, and ensure
the product is not past its expiration date. Some bleaches, such as those
designed for safe use on colored clothing or for whitening may not be suitable
for disinfection
○ Unexpired bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly
diluted. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper
ventilation. Never mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser

Cleaning Daily Cafeteria/Kitchens

 Consider establishing a single staff position whose responsibility is to disinfect.
Each table, chairs (as possible), and partitions should be disinfected after each
customer. Clean and disinfect all food preparation areas (at least once daily).
 Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces including but not limited to:
○ Handles on equipment (faucets, ovens, mixers).
○ Drinking fountains
○ Ice Machines
○ Door handles and push plates
○ Light switches
○ Shared equipment (telephone, desktops, cash register, computer keyboards
and mice). Please make sure appropriate cleaning methods and products are
used for these types of equipment
○ All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from area
 Floors fully mopped
 Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
 Walls are spot cleaned
 Clean/Disinfect sink and toilet area if applicable
 Re-stock all paper and soap products
 Clean Baseboards - Weekly
 Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
 Replace Lights (Notify Custodian)

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The Letchworth Central School District will coordinate its Transportation plan in
accordance with all NYSED/CDC regulations.

The School Bus

Density Reduction, Social Distancing, Bus Capacity
 Children will sit one (1) child per seat as denoted in the following diagram.(21

 Siblings or those that live in the same household will sit together.
 Decals will indicate where students may sit and to mark six-foot distances in
 The seat directly behind the driver will be left unattended for the safety of
the driver.
 Students will wear face coverings while in transit.
 Parents/guardians will be surveyed regarding an “opt-out” option.
 The District will remind students/parents/guardians that social distancing
requirements extend to the bus stop.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

 Buses and other transportation vehicles will be cleaned and disinfected daily and
in between runs if scheduled for multiple routes.
 Daily Cleaning
 All trash removed
 Floors swept and dust mopped
 Walls and windows cleaned
 High Touch Surfaces
 Bus seats and seat backs
 Seat belts
 Door handles, handrails
 Driver operator area
 EPA approved cleaning and disinfecting products will be used. Labels will be
read and directions will be followed. Appropriate PPE will be worn by staff who
are cleaning and disinfecting transportation.
 Proper ventilation will be ensured during cleaning.
 Windows, and roof hatches will be opened, and fans will be turned on during
route operation.
 Eating and drinking is prohibited on the bus, except for medical issues.
 All cleanings and inspections will be documented.

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 District will emphasize to parents/guardians and students prior to reopening
schools that it has thoroughly disinfected all buses and student transportation

School Bus Staff

Roles and Responsibilities
 Ensure employees are equipped with proper PPE and protective measures to
keep them safe
 Ensure employees maintain annual training requirements. Update employees on
new policies and/or procedures adopted during COVID-19 pandemic.
 Enforce social distancing, density reduction, bus capacity, routing issues,
cleaning and disinfection procedures and practices.
 Inventory and order PPE with sufficient lead time for use when schools open.
 Provide access to mental health resources for transportation staff in crisis or
under stress.
 Review employee medical records (19a files).
 Regularly inspect busses and other transportation vehicles for cleanliness.
 Enforce and communicate the self-screening program for staff before coming to
 Provide ongoing communication and feedback to staff on a regular basis.

 Self-screen before coming to work. Do not come to work if sick.
 Maintain social distancing.
 Wear an appropriate face covering that covers the mouth and nose when social
distancing measures cannot be maintained.
 Use all chemical cleaners and disinfectants in the manner recommended by the
manufacturer and your supervisor.
 Wear all required PPE when cleaning and using chemicals.
 Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and
water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at
least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol. Follow current rules regarding the
use of hand sanitizer on buses and other transport vehicles. Wash hands with
soap and water as soon as possible.

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Students on Transportation
Children on the Bus
 Children will sit one (1) child per seat as denoted in the following diagram.(21

 Siblings or those that live in the same household will sit together.
 Decals will indicate where students may sit and to mark six-foot distances in
 The seat directly behind the driver will be left unattended for safety of the
 Students will wear face coverings while in transit.
 The District will remind students/parents/guardians that social distancing
requirements extend to the bus stop.

Loading/Unloading & Pickup/Drop-off

 Students will be loaded in sequential route order. First student on the bus sits in
the back, when going to school, last student off sits in the back when going home
from school.
 Dismissal times will be staggered to promote social distancing.

Transporting to BOCES
 The District will keep a log of attendees on the trip in both directions from the
BOCES building. Upon request, the District will supply the log of passengers in
addition to cleaning logs in the event BOCES must assist in contact tracing due
to exposures either at the BOCES buildings, or during transportation.

Special Education Considerations

 The District may implement multiple bus runs for some of its smaller vehicles to
ensure social distancing.
 The District will communicate additional COVID-19 accommodations for
individual students to its contract service provider.

Non Public School

If a non-public school is in session and LCS is remotely learning, LCS will provide
transportation to those schools having physical, in classroom education. I.E. private,
parochial, charter, special IEP schools.

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Protocols Once Students Disembark from Transportation
Students will maintain social distancing when they disembark from transportation.
Students will proceed to their assigned entrances at their respective schools.

Social-Emotional Wellbeing
Guiding Assumptions
 There has been substantially reduced time spent interacting in person throughout
this pandemic and this will continue throughout re-entry due to social distancing
 Social-emotional learning must be a priority for all students, faculty, and staff
 It is unrealistic to expect that all students will return at the same place they were
when they left (academically, socially, emotionally, or behaviorally)
 Some students have had positive experiences that need to be nurtured
 Some students may return to school anxious, fearful, withdrawn, grieving, and/or
underprepared to self-manage behavior
 We must be prepared to meet students, faculty, parents, and staff where they are

Current Programs/Partnerships
 Community partnership will remain with Clarity providing mental health services
to high needs students during school hours, and families after school hours on
the Letchworth Campus
 Mental health staff will continue to attend monthly Wyoming County Tier II
meetings to discuss the programs and supports available to children and their
families. These meetings include all mental health providers, school district
personnel, and child service agencies operating in the county.
 Mental health staff in the school will continue to collaborate with outside
providers to ensure consistent care is provided to students while in school
 Mental health/PPS staff will have a list of local resources available to families in
 Preventative social emotional measures including instruction in the Second Step
Program will continue in grades PreK-8. This instruction will be modified based
on immediate student need when they return to school.
 Classroom circles will be incorporated at all levels in order to provide students
and adults to build safe and productive classroom communities
 The Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG) team will continue to meet to discuss and
plan for responses to traumatic events and/or illness that occur due to the
 Mental Health staff will meet weekly at the building level with administration to
discuss the needs that have developed throughout the week and plan to address
student need
 Monthly mental health team meetings will be held to allow mental health staff to
debrief and support one another, as well as to problem solve through difficult

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Plans for 2020-21 School Year
 School counseling plan will be reviewed and updated based upon the schedule,
staff and student need
 A screening tool will be developed and data collected for both students and
faculty/staff to determine the need for instruction and/or intervention
○ Data will be collected on a regular basis from students
○ Data will be collected on a regular basis from faculty and staff
○ Tier 1 Level will include
 Class meetings using the restorative practices model
 Second Step Lessons
 At the high school level there is a survey and follow up check and connect
with trusted adults for all students
 Push-in support through the counselors and school psychologists
 PBIS system that is in place (LEAP in elementary school, PRIDE for
middle school students)
 Pairing students with trusted adults to ensure positive school relationships
 Co-teaching in middle and high school ELA classrooms with teachers and
mental health support professionals when reading novels with social
emotional lessons
 Social emotional wellness and mental health lessons taught in middle and
high school health and Physical Education classes to include
(interpersonal competencies, self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making,
resilience, empathy, self-agency, etc.)
○ Tier II Level interventions include
 Smaller restorative circles when students need further support
 Reinforcement of whole class instruction
 Small group counseling to develop skills (interpersonal competencies,
self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills,
and responsible decision-making, resilience, empathy, self-agency, etc.)
 Practice in the classroom with support in order to generalize skills
 Behavior/Reinforcement plans and/or behavior report cards
 Check-in Check-out
○ Tier III interventions include
 Individual counseling to develop skills
 Behavior Intervention plans
 Functional Behavioral assessment
 Outside behavior consultation with Summit Educational Services
 Restorative Practices will include
○ Class circles
○ Progressive discipline
 Review of discipline referrals, code of conduct, and discipline procedures to be
sure they are aligned with trauma informed practices and restorative care
 NYS Social Emotional Framework and Standards will be reviewed and the district
plan updated based on data collected from stakeholders, including parents,

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students, faculty, staff, administrators, community members and the Board of
 Training and instruction will be provided while in person to support if hybrid or
online learning is needed

Support for Adult Social Emotional Learning and Well-Being

 Professional learning opportunities include
○ Safe-schools online learning webinars
○ Ricky Robertson is presenting on Trauma Informed Care and ACES with a
focus both on student well-being, but also adult self-care
○ Adults have the opportunity to attend yoga and Zumba classes as well as
access to the school indoor track and fitness center
○ Staff surveys will be sent to gather information on how faculty and staff are
doing and what supports may be needed
○ Virtual group sessions will be held to address issues identified in the survey
○ Team, department, and faculty meetings will have a component to address
self-care and to support one another
○ The TIG team will provide resources to all faculty and staff on trauma
informed practices, restorative practices, educator self-care, and restorative
○ Faculty and staff are able to participate in social emotional training at the
regional level through Genesee Valley BOCES which address mental health,
trauma informed care, restorative practices, bias and racism, and facilitating
difficult conversations
○ Administrative staff meet weekly to discuss issues and plans to support all
students, faculty, and staff, and have read the book “Onward” which
addresses educator resilience.
○ Lists of community resources are available from mental health staff
○ Hold small group virtual meetings with faculty and staff to discuss losses,
differences, and newness of preparation
○ Allow staff access to Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
○ Book talk on racism and bias will be offered

Student SEL and Well-Being

 Mental health staff will work with teachers to plan for an orientation period
throughout the first week of school in order to address student need, build
positive and supportive relationships, and remind students of the resiliency and
grit lessons
 Community building circles will be held in all classrooms PK-12 with the support
of administrators and mental health staff
 Prepare students for the possibilities of future remote learning and school
closures (scripts will be prepared for teachers by the TIG and mental health
 Teachers will be reminded of the need to provide safe and supportive classrooms
 Survey students again about the trusted adults in their lives, and be sure that
every child has at least one supportive adult in the building

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 Send student surveys regularly to document how students are doing, and review
the data to address new needs
 A team will be created to address the lack of social involvement of students
usually addressed through clubs, sports, musicals, and other activities to
determine the possibility of virtual options for students

School Schedules - Mandatory Assurances
The District reopening plan describes the school schedule planned for implementation
at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year and to the extent practicable any contingent
scheduling models it may consider if the situation warrants.

The Letchworth Central School District has developed school schedules that can be
modified to meet the needs of students in three possible scenarios: in-person, remote
learning, or a hybrid model. Each school will make every effort to continue offering all
elective and special area courses to the extent reasonable within the parameters of
SOPs for cleaning and use of equipment.

In-Person Models:
In grades PK-6, students will arrive at school by 7:45am and will move into classrooms
for a traditional schedule that includes core content areas and physical education daily.
Specials like art, music, library, agriculture, world languages, and technology will be
added to individual teacher schedules in the most appropriate time slots to allow each
class each special once a week. Elementary students will be scheduled for lunch across
three cafeteria spaces and individual classrooms to allow for social distancing. By 2pm,
all students in grades PK-6 will be loaded to buses for departure.

In grades 7-12, the schedule has been adjusted to a modified block to accommodate
four 72 minute periods and a 60 minute lunch/AIS in the middle of each day. This
schedule would run on an A-Day/B-Day schedule and split blocks for those courses that
traditionally meet on alternating days (i.e. physical education, science labs, health).
Elective courses will continue to be offered to every extent practicable, based on
equipment usage and other logistical needs that are unrealistically complicated given
the COVID-19 restrictions.

Teacher Workday
 Pre-K - Grade 6 Staff must be screened and in their assigned area at 7:40am/
Grade 7-12 staff must be screened and in their assigned area by 8:00am M-Th
and 8:40 on Friday
 Homeroom and grade level teachers will be in their classrooms to welcome
 Masks must be worn during arrival and dismissal
 Pre-K - Grade 6 Staff are dismissed at 3:00pm M-Th and 2:20 on Friday / Grade
7-12 staff are dismissed at 3:20

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Student Arrival Procedure
Assigned Administrators, School personnel and the SRO will be at the front and rear
bus loop to supervise loading and unloading buses and parental drop-off. Personnel will
assure that students have masks and are adhering to social distancing protocols.

 No parents and/or visitors will be allowed to enter the building unless they
have a scheduled appointment.

Pre-K-Grade 6 Arrival
 Buses will be ready to dismiss students at 7:45am. Buses will stagger the release
of students to ensure social-distancing.
 Each student will enter through their assigned door and directly report to
 Students transported by parents will be dropped off in the elementary loop and
enter the school through the assigned door.

Grade 7-12 Arrival

 Buses will be ready to dismiss students at 9:00am. Buses will stagger the release
of students to ensure social-distancing.
 Each student will enter through their assigned door and directly report to
 Students transported by parents will be dropped off in the elementary loop and
enter the school through the assigned door.

Student Departure Procedure

Assigned Administrators, School personnel and the SRO will be at the front and rear
bus loop to supervise loading and unloading buses and parental pick up. Personnel will
assure that students have masks and are adhering to social distancing protocols.

Pre-K-Grade 6 Dismissal
 Students will be dismissed to buses by 2:00 pm.
 Parents will pick up in the elementary bus loop, and children will be dismissed to
the parent.
 No parents will be allowed to enter the building unless a previous appointment
has been made.

Grade 7-12 Dismissal

 Students will be dismissed to the buses by 3:15 pm.
 Parents will pick up in the elementary bus loop, and children will be dismissed to
the parent.
 No parents will be allowed to enter the building unless a previous appointment
has been made.

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Online Models:
In the event that a fully online model is warranted, the daily schedules for both student
groups will remain unchanged with the teachers’ expectations changing to
accommodate live virtual courses for a portion of the school day and preparing video
content for online learning opportunities for the rest of the day. Faculty will provide
lessons and feedback to students using online platforms consistent with Google
Classroom and Google Meet will be used for face-to-face contact with classes
throughout the week while maintaining the A-Day/B-Day schedule. This will alleviate
some of the concerns about too many student-teacher interactions in a single day by
cutting the number of courses per day (for 7-12) from eight to four.

Hybrid Models:
A hybrid model for grades PK-6 would include one completely virtual day for online
conferencing, planning of online content by teachers, and completion of online
assignments for students, followed by four days of in-person learning as described
above. The 7-12 schedule would remain the modified block in a hybrid model, utilizing
the A-Day/B-Day schedule for four days (M, T, Th, F) and a virtual day on Wednesday.
The hybrid schedule allows students to have routine contact with their teachers, both in-
person and virtually, throughout the week while also providing the district with a
dedicated day to complete deep cleaning in high-use areas of the building.

Budget and Fiscal

Budget and Fiscal Economic
Both the national economy and New York State’s economy have been dramatically
impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and the various mitigation efforts that have been
undertaken since March 2020. What is still unknown is the extent to which the impact
will improve or worsen, how long it will last, and which sectors of the state economy will
be most severely impacted. It is important to understand the fundamentals of education
finance policy in New York State to develop the most responsible - and flexible - budget
plans for reopening schools.

The economic demographics of school districts across the state vary widely, from some
of the wealthiest districts in the country to some of the poorest. The various state aid
formulas work to complement that reality, with the wealthiest district receiving less state
aid and the districts with less local fiscal capacity receiving more.

New York State government operations are funded through a blend of many revenue
sources, including the personal income tax, sales tax, corporate taxes, user fees, and
federal grants and entitlements. Each of these sources is impacted in different ways by
the changes in economic activity in the state due to COVID-19.

School District Fiscal Preparedness

Another major factor in the fiscal outlook for school districts is the availability of
undesignated reserve funds, which districts set aside for times of fiscal hardship. Again,
the individual district circumstance can vary widely. According to the most recent data

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available to the Department, overall unexpended fund balances total 13.83 percent of all
school spending outside the big five city school districts, 10 but the level available in
individual districts ranged from 0.04 percent to 86.19 percent. These reserves are
approximately two-thirds capital, retirement, and employee benefit accrued liability
reserve (EBALR) reserves.

Unrestricted reserves total approximately 4.5% of total proposed spending, again

excluding the five dependent city school districts. Relaxing rules around withdrawals
from certain purpose driven reserves would provide districts additional flexibility in
budgeting for the upcoming years with a diminished prospect of increases in state aid,
but such changes would require enactment of legislation. The Office of the New York
State Comptroller (OSC) issues fiscal stress scores for school districts and
municipalities across the state annually.

The Letchworth Central School District received “No Designation” ratings for both fiscal
and environmental stress. The District’s Audit/Finance Committee meets monthly
beginning the month of October through June. The District engages the services of
Bernard P. Donegan, Inc. for long-range financial planning. The District reviews,
updates and approves its Reserve Plan annually.

The District’s Reserve Plan may be found at:


The District’s financial audits may be found at:


2020 – 21 Enacted State Budget

Governor Cuomo’s Executive Budget proposal in January 2020 initially called for a
statewide increase in school aid for the 2020-21 school year of $825 million, or 3
percent. As the COVID-19 crisis emerged prior to the enactment of the final budget, that
planned increase did not materialize, resulting in a school aid apportionment that held
unrestricted funds flat for districts and maintained reimbursements at statutory levels. A
reduction in state-funded aid was partially offset by an increase in emergency federal

Pandemic Adjustment and CARES Act Funds State Aid was reduced in the 2020-21
school year by a total of $1.13 billion through a “Pandemic Adjustment”, which reduced
school district aid allocations at their bottom line, commensurate with the amount of
federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES Act) funds each district
was projected to receive. Districts were then allocated an amount of federal funding
through the combination of the CARES Act Elementary and Secondary School
Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF) and the Governors Emergency Education Relief
Fund (GEERF). As a result, school districts will experience a decrease in state aid
payments but will be eligible to apply for an amount from these federal grants. However,
it should be noted that the CARES Act requires a portion of the funds to be used to
provide equitable services to non-public schools.

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The District has been allocated $175,174 for ESSERF and $29,689 for GEERF. The
District has made application for utilization of both funding sources. The District has
collaborated with its non-public schools during the application process. Potential Further
Aid Reductions The 2020-21 Enacted Budget also included provisions that will allow the
Director of the Budget, subject to amendment by the Legislature, to reduce
appropriations across any and all program areas of the state budget should actual
revenues come in at levels that are below the assumptions made in the Executive
Budget. As of April 2020, this projected total shortfall was $13.3 billion for the 2020-21
state fiscal year. The actions noted above reduced this gap by nearly $1.2 billion.11
Combined with other budget actions, the remaining gap was projected to be $8.2 billion.
Absent additional federal support, the Division of Budget has stated that further
reductions to school aid, Medicaid, social services, and transportation might be
necessary to eliminate that projected budget gap.

The District has adjusted its 2020 – 21 budget to absorb an additional eight percent
(8%) reduction in aid ($621,448).

180 Day Calendar and Attendance Reporting for State Aid Purposes
School districts report certain enrollment, attendance, and school calendar information
through the State Aid Management System (SAMS). While this data submission
process differs from other procedures, the underlying data provided should be
consistent with all other attendance reporting and requirements. The minimum annual
instructional hour requirement and 180 days of session requirement are also both
reported through SAMS. For both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, school
districts will be required to continue the same information, based on the schedule
provided for the average student, rather than reporting for each individual student.
Under regulatory changes adopted as an emergency rule by the Board of Regents on
July 13, 2020, school districts may be eligible to apply for a waiver from the minimum
instructional hour requirement for both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years to the
extent that “the district is unable to meet such requirement as a result of an Executive
Order(s) of the Governor pursuant to the State of emergency declared for the COVID-19
crisis, or pursuant to Education Law §3604(8), as amended by Chapter 107 of the Laws
of 2020, or reopening procedures implemented as a result of the COVID-19 crisis”.
Successful application of the waiver will shield school districts from a reduction in aid for
failure to meet the minimum instructional hour requirement. However, the 180 days of
session requirement is in statute, and for the 2020-21 school year there are currently no
statutory provisions that would allow a school district to provide fewer than 180 days of
instruction over the course of the full school year.

Impact of Low Attendance on State Aid

School districts have expressed concerns about the impact that students choosing to
stay home during the pandemic will have on their state aid calculations. State Aid
formulas use multiple attendance counts in the calculation of aid apportionments for
school districts. Statewide over 70 percent, largely in Foundation Aid, is based on
Average Daily Membership or district enrollment, which is a measure of student
registration in the district and does not take attendance into account. These aid

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formulas should not be impacted by attendance rates. Some formulas use Average
Daily Attendance in the calculation of reimbursement rates, and Education Law
§3602(1)(d)(2) provides for the commissioner to exclude from that calculation “days on
which school attendance was adversely affected because of an epidemic....” NYSED
plans to advance a proposed COVID-specific change to such regulations in September
for consideration by the Board of Regents. Flexibility of Non-NYSED-Governed

While budget and fiscal matters have implications in nearly all operational and
instructional program areas, the laws, regulations, and business rules are largely
outside of the discretion of the State Education Department.

Below are a few areas where recommendations have been made to NYSED staff that
deserve further consideration by state policymakers:
 Reserve funds: consideration for providing temporary flexibility in the immediate
use of designated or restricted reserve funds, and requirements to repay funds
over a set period of time;
 Transportation issue: as mentioned in the Transportation section of this
guidance, providing flexibility on the adoption of contracts with providers and
pursuing a streamlined bus driver licensing process with the Department of Motor
Vehicles to ease the burden of hiring new bus drivers;
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and technology purchases: provide more
avenues for shared service agreements and ease burdens on BOCES to
expanding service in this area.

Flexibility for Budgetary Transfers

It is anticipated that there may be costs in 2020-21 that districts did not budget for in
necessarily the correct account codes. In particular, the need for additional equipment
has been noted above. Flexibility for budget transfers in the 2020-21 school year only
for additional equipment needed (associated with re-opening and the maintaining of
buildings primarily) would help school districts in that position.

Historically, school districts have been advised that money cannot be transferred into an
equipment account code because equipment is considered a non-contingent expense
(generally) and transfers into non-contingent line items are prohibited.
This determination appears to be based primarily on Formal Opinion of Counsel No.
213 (www.p12.nysed.gov/mgtserv/budgeting/handbook/appendixg.html). In addition,
school districts are encouraged to maximize their state-aided hardware in order to
ensure that all necessary equipment is being purchased.

Tax Collection Tax Collection Method:

Please make out school tax checks to CSD - Tax Collector Checks can be mailed to the
following address: Letchworth Central School District - Tax Collector PO Box 6697
Ithaca, New York 14851 In person payment can be made at any Bank of Castile
location during normal banking hours. Cash payments will be accepted for Bank of
Castile customers only. Non-Bank of Castile customers must pay in the form of a

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personal check, official bank check, or money order. Any taxpayer can send their non-
cash payment to the address listed above. Tax bills and information may be found on
the District website (www.letchworth.k12.ny.us).

Other Considerations: All existing state aid reporting requirements and deadlines must
be maintained; the content of data submissions will largely remain consistent with past
practice, except where modified by law, regulation, or executive order. Additional costs
for PPE, transportation, food service, and other mitigation needs will likely be
necessary. Districts should not assume additional state or federal support will be
available beyond what has already been budgeted for the 2020-21 school year and
should plan those needs accordingly.

Attendance & Chronic Absenteeism - Mandatory Assurances
Each school and/or district reopening plan must describe a mechanism to collect and
report daily teacher-student engagement or attendance while in a remote or hybrid

All students will remain on SMS (SchoolTool) rosters for all teachers throughout the
year. The Student Check-in mechanism in ST will also be maintained daily for all remote
learners, regardless of the schedule model in place. The teachers must maintain a log
of all contact with remote learners and, if various attempts are made without successful
contact, the district will engage the Department of Social Services to investigate
educational neglect. “Engagement” between a teacher and student will be defined as
completion of online assignments, virtual conferencing, phone calls, email
correspondence, or whatever means are required to show a teacher that a student has
engaged with curriculum that day.

Students in remote settings will have access to district-provided Chromebooks, flash

drives of curricular materials, the opportunity to utilize district WiFi in the parking lot, and
other resources to make their learning accessible, even without internet connection in
the home.

Attendance for Reporting Purposes

The District will use SchoolTool for tracking in-person, hybrid and virtual learning
attendance. Student interactions/engagement are tracked using the following methods
for attendance purposes:
 Call logs with parents/guardians and students.
 Email correspondence.
 Google Classroom assignment completion.
 Google Hangout participation.
 Castle Learning reports.

Attendance for State Aid Purposes

School districts report certain enrollment, attendance, and school calendar information
through the State Aid Management System (SAMS). While this data submission
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process differs from other procedures, the underlying data provided should be
consistent with all other attendance reporting and requirements.

As discussed in the Budget and Fiscal Matters section of this guidance, the minimum
annual instructional hour requirement and 180 days of session requirement are also
both reported through SAMS. For both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, school
districts will be required to continue to submit the same information through SAMS that
has been required in previous years, namely aggregate instructional days and hours, as
well as daily calendars.

Under regulatory changes adopted as an emergency rule by the Board of Regents on

July 13, 2020, school districts may be eligible to apply for a waiver from the minimum
instructional hour requirement for both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years to the
extent that “the district is unable to meet such requirement as a result of an Executive
Order(s) of the Governor pursuant to the State of emergency declared for the COVID-19
crisis, or pursuant to Education Law §3604(8), as amended by Chapter 107 of the Laws
of 2020, or reopening procedures implemented as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.”
Successful application of the waiver will shield school districts from a reduction in aid for
failure to meet the minimum instructional hour requirement. However, the 180 days of
session requirement is in statute, and for the 2020-21 school year there are currently no
statutory provisions that would allow a school district to provide fewer than 180 days of
instruction over the course of the full school year.

Chronic Absenteeism
Extensive research indicates that missing ten percent of school days tends to be the
“tipping point” when student achievement declines. Chronic absence, or absenteeism, is
defined as missing at least ten percent of enrolled school days, which in New York State
is eighteen days per school year, or two days per month. Classroom teachers, grade
level and department chairpersons, building principals and the Director of Pupil Services
are responsible for identifying students who are not participating.
Interventions are scaffolded as follows:
 Google Hangout/Meet to establish face-to-face contact.
 Phone call to parent/guardian.
 Email to student and parent/guardian.
 Home visitation (Exercising social distancing protocols) When contact is
established by the aforementioned parties, a plan is developed to overcome any
learning barriers. If students cannot access virtual instruction, hard-copy
materials are delivered to households and collected when assignments are

Education Neglect
The District will collaborate with the Wyoming County Department of Social Services
when it has questions regarding educational neglect. The Statewide Central Register of
Child Abuse and Neglect will only be contacted as a last resort. An allegation of
educational neglect may be warranted when a custodial parent or guardian fails to
ensure a child’s prompt and regular attendance in school or keeps the child out of

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school for impermissible reasons resulting in an adverse effect on the child’s
educational progress, or imminent danger of such an adverse effect.

Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS)

The District will collaborate with the Wyoming County Department of Social Services
when it has questions regarding PINS and before taking action. Under the Family Court
Act Article 7, a PINS proceeding may, in certain circumstances, be initiated to have a
person under eighteen years of age, who does not attend school, is incorrigible,
ungovernable, habitually disobedient and beyond the lawful control of a parent, or other
person legally responsible for such child’s care, or appears to be a sexually exploited
child, adjudicated by the Family Court as a PINS.

Technology and Connectivity

Standard Operating Procedure
Technology knowledge and skills are vital for full participation in 21st century life, work
and citizenship. The District is committed to assuring that our students have the skills
and access they need to navigate learning on computing devices.

District Platform: Google Apps for Education (Google Classroom, Google Meet)

Regardless of the instructional model the District will utilize our 1-1 plan with student
Chromebooks at the highest extent possible.

 All students in grades K-12 have the personal use of a Chromebook that can
travel from school to home. The District is committed to implementing digital
fluency across all content areas.
 Chromebooks and the Google educational platform will continue to be a part of
normal classroom instruction.
 The District has surveyed the community and will continue to identify those
families that do not have connectivity at home.
 Under 10% of our student population does not have consistent access to the
internet in their homes. (GVBOCES/EduTech is currently working with Verizon to
try to improve coverage throughout our area.) For students who cannot have
consistent internet access in their homes, the district will provide other means to
access the instruction. If we need to shut down, but are allowed to have a small
number of students in the building, students without internet access will be
allowed to come to school for instruction. If students are not allowed in school,
learning packets will be provided to supplement the instruction.
 Classes that utilize school computers that are specific to their subject, such as
SIMS, will follow the safety/cleaning procedures outlined below.
 The District will continue to explore all options for families that do not have
internet services and attempt to secure connectivity for them. The school will
purchase flash drives for students without internet access to be able to watch
recorded lessons from the classroom teachers.

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 All staff have been provided a Chromebook device for work on-site and work
from home use.
 The District will safely provide space for all staff to work from the building in all
three models of instruction. This will provide the staff the connectivity and
resources they need for remote instruction.
 In instances where staff cannot be in the building and do not have strong
connectivity, hotspots/jetpacks will be provided by the district.
 The District will continue to offer professional development in the area of remote
learning, digital fluency and technology use in the classroom.

Please refer to the following documents for more guidance:

 General Practices
 Cleaning
 Daily Screening and Returning to Work
 Training
 Posters
 NYS Forward Plan
 Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Face Covering/Mask
 Face Shield (if applicable)

Face coverings/masks and hand sanitizer are available for you to use while you are in
the building. Use and dispose of personal protective equipment (PPE) properly If you
find that sanitizer or face coverings/masks are not available, please alert your direct
supervisor or administrator immediately

Procedures to Consider
 Avoiding shared equipment is essential to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
 If computers, tablets etc. must be shared it is better to bring the devices to the
students (once they have been cleaned and sanitized) instead of bringing
students to the computer lab.

Desk Arrangement in the computer lab or technology classrooms:

 Remove desks to meet social distancing requirements
 Options include using physical barriers between desks and turning desks to face
the same direction (rather than facing each other) or having students sit on only
one side of the table, spaced apart
 Do not face desks toward each other or in a square

All instructional and non-instructional rooms in school must comply with social
distancing standards to the maximum extent practicable.

Hand Hygiene
 Students should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer immediately prior to and
after use of computers or other technology equipment

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 Teachers may need to clean/disinfect between classes – desks/keyboards and
frequently touched surfaces. Do not expect that custodial personnel will be
readily available to provide this service
 Keyboards or other touch surfaces must be wiped with a disinfectant cloth with
appropriate cleaner based on manufacturers recommendations.
 When working with electronic equipment it is important to make sure the wipe
being used is not dripping or saturated as it might damage equipment.
 Using a plastic cover over keyboards or other touch surfaces will assist in
minimizing direct contact.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning - Mandatory Assurances
1. Each school and/or district reopening plan includes a continuity of learning
plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Such a plan must prepare for in-person,
remote, and hybrid models of instruction.

See attachments for the variations to the grades PK-6 scheduling models.
See additional attachment for the modified block schedule for grades 7-12. That model
will be in place regardless of students being in-person, remote, or hybrid.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan includes an educational program

that is aligned to the New York State Learning Standards regardless if
instruction is delivered in-person, remotely or in a hybrid model.

All NYS Learning Standards will be maintained throughout the school year regardless of
the model of instruction for 2020-2021. Elective coursework that presents logistical
challenges as a result of our social distancing and other health and safety restrictions
will be modified to meet standards in creative, engaging and thoughtful ways.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan provides for a program that
includes regular substantive interaction between teachers and students
when delivered in-person, remotely or through a hybrid model of instruction.

If our students are provided an in-person schedule, all academic and behavioral
expectations remain the same as a typical school year.
For fully remote or hybrid learning models:
 To maintain access to teachers, students in PK-6 will be required to touch base
daily with their classroom teacher or special education teacher. This will be done
on an established routine and through multiple means (i.e. Google Classroom,
emails, phone calls, etc.). Further, all ELA and mathematics curriculum is
available online and additional needs will be met by the distribution of flash drives
loaded with necessary content.
 Students in grades 7-12 will also have access to their curriculum from their
assigned teachers through Google Classroom. Students and teachers will
communicate regularly throughout the week on the days their classes are
scheduled in the A-Day/B-Day structure. Feedback and questions will be

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addressed by teachers through multiple means including emails, phone calls,
and digital communication. Special Education teachers will also have contact
with students on the same days as their assigned resource rooms.
 Special area teachers will establish a schedule of contact by grade level to hold
office hours for students to provide feedback, encouragement, and further
 Our Google platform will be utilized primarily for teaching and learning throughout
the school year.

4. Equity must be at the heart of all school instructional decisions. All

instruction should be developed so that whether delivered in-person,
remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure,
there are clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to all
students. Such opportunities must be aligned with State standards and
include routine scheduled times for students to interact and seek feedback
and support from their teachers.

All students, regardless of school scheduling model, will be provided with clear
opportunities to continue learning and accessing instruction throughout any potential
school closure. The schedules developed by the district have been thoughtful about
creating systems that can be easily manipulated to accommodate in-person, remote or
hybrid learning. Leaning on structures that we developed and implemented last spring,
our students will be provided with instructional materials through our lunch distribution
sites if they do not have internet access. Faculty and staff will be available to hold office
hours, virtual learning, or to make contact via phone or email throughout each school
day. Students who require additional support or services for counseling, physical,
speech or occupational therapies will be made a priority for service providers to
continue working with to every extent possible.

5. Schools must create a clear communication plan for how students and their
families/caregivers can contact the school and teachers with questions
about their instruction and/or technology. This information needs to be
accessible to all, available in multiple languages based on district or charter
school need, widely disseminated, and include clear and multiple ways for
students and families to contact schools and teachers (e.g., email, online
platform, and/or by phone).

Office phone numbers, including the IT department, and teacher emails will be readily
available to all district families through the district website.

Other contact will be made using LCS Chromebooks, the SchoolTool Parent Portal,
Blackboard Connect, Google Classroom, and principals will maintain building-level
Facebook pages with updates and information.

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Early Learning
All children are capable of learning, achieving, and making developmental progress
through access to a high-quality Prekindergarten program. It is essential the District
create a plan for providing continuity of instruction for in-person, remote, and hybrid
learning models.

Health and Safety Considerations

 Pre-K students will be eating in the classrooms. Each cohort/classroom will stay
in their classrooms and abide by social distancing. Students will get breaks from
wearing masks. During these breaks, students will be socially distanced to
maintain health and safety requirements.
 The pre-kindergarten classroom has an interior bathroom. The bathroom will be
sanitized and disinfected after each use. Students may also use common
restrooms. In all instances, students will be accompanied by adults to ensure
proper hand washing protocols are followed.
 Given that each classroom is self-contained there is no need to sanitize and
disinfect napping materials.
 During center-based instruction, lessons will rotate rather than the students.
Students will continue to maintain appropriate social distance during instruction.
 Sensory materials will not be used. (sand, water, etc..)

Instructional Practices and Programming Considerations

 The District’s program will refrain from strategies and practices that encourage
physical contact.
 While technology may increase distance learning options, there are many ways
students can continue learning that do not require access to a computing device.
If students are required to participate in a remote learning option, the District’s
program will limit screen time to promote hands-on learning activities.

Budget and Fiscal Considerations

 The District is currently waiting for its 2020 – 21 universal pre-kindergarten grant
allocation and the NYSED’s 2020 – 21 universal pre-kindergarten grant
 When both the aforementioned items are released, the District will submit its
application to operate its universal pre-kindergarten program.

Staffing Regulatory Flexibility

 Instruction will be delivered by a certified teacher.
 Two sections will have eighteen (18) or fewer students, and one section will have
twelve (12) or fewer students. Each section is an approved special education
classroom. Therefore, the District is required to have one (1) teacher and two (2)
paraprofessionals in the classroom.
 Related service providers (speech, OT, PT, counseling) will push into the
classroom to prevent students from mixing with children from other classes

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Cohorts Consideration
 The District’s three sections are independent cohorts.

Flexibility in Duration of Full-Day Programs

 The District will provide flexibility in scheduling to provide teachers with an
opportunity to engage students who are learning in a remote environment.

Prekindergarten/Kindergarten Screening Considerations

 The District has conducted its pre-kindergarten and kindergarten screenings.
 Students who have not participated in these processes may do so at the
beginning of the school year. The District has ensured appropriate health and
safety measures throughout screening processes.

Considerations for Volunteers, Visitors, and Service Providers

 During the COVID-19 public health crisis, volunteers and visitors will be
prohibited in District facilities.
 Currently the District has no outside providers. However, Outside service
providers must adhere to the health screening protocols when delivering services
in the District’s facilities.

6. Districts that contract with eligible agencies, including CBOs, to provide

Prekindergarten programs must attest that they have measures in place to
ensure eligible agencies with whom they contract will follow health and
safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and required by the New York
State Department of Health. The district must also ensure their eligible
agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that addresses in-person,
remote, and hybrid models of instruction.

The Letchworth Central School District does not contract with any agencies or CBOs to
provide Prekindergarten programs.

Grades K – 6
Per Commissioner’s regulations, all students will receive instruction that is designed to
facilitate their attainment of the State learning standards. The District’s students will
receive high quality rigorous, standards-based instruction that will meet their academic
needs and allow them to
attain the learning standards in all curricular areas.

In-person and Hybrid Instructional Model

 Class/section sizes will be created to accommodate social distancing (Six (6) feet
of distance between students and/or physical barriers).
 Students and staff will adhere to the District’s protocols regarding face covering
 To the greatest extent practicable, special area teachers (Art, Music, and Library)
will move to classrooms to limit cross-contact.
 Diagnostics will be delayed to allow students to adjust to their environments.

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 A teacher of record will be assigned to students who are unable to attend for
medical purposes. Instruction for students who are unable to attend for medical
purposes will be accomplished through:
o synchronous Google Meets.
o Recordings watched via Google Classroom.
 Classroom professionals will be provided with cleaning and disinfecting materials
to utilize during the school day.
 Classroom professionals will limit the use of communal equipment. If communal
equipment is necessary, classroom professionals will clean and disinfect
equipment between uses.
 Classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected by the Facilities and Maintenance
Department during the second shift.
Remote Instructional Model
 A teacher of record will be assigned to students. Instruction for students will be
accomplished through:
o synchronous Google Meets.
o recordings watched via Google Classroom.
 To the greatest extent practicable, students will adhere to the same schedule as
if in-person.
Learning Materials and Content
 Paper textbooks, and other content
 Digital copies of textbooks
 Digital content and activities provided by the District, either free or subscription-
 Online learning courses or course content modules

Communication Tools
 Telephone and/or video calling
 Email
 Video conferencing
 Social media
 Website
 Learning Management System (Google Apps for Education)

Teacher and Student Interface

 Teacher office hours, virtually (online) via video conferencing and/or chat, and/or
 Scheduled teacher/student(s) check-ins, virtual (online) and/or via phone
 Asynchronous communication, feedback, and support via email or the Learning
Management System (Google Apps for Education)
 Hard copy (paper) instructional materials provided to students
 Instructional materials provided via technology, such as posted on a teacher
website or available through the Learning Management System (Google Apps for

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 Individual or small-group synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies
such as telephone or video conferencing.
 Large-group or whole class synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies
such as telephone or video conferencing.
 Recorded instruction disseminated through technology, including via podcast,
dedicated website, or Learning Management System (Google Apps for
Technology Access
All teachers and students are provided with computing devices.

Hybrid Instructional Model

2:2:1 Model
 Two (2) cohorts of students (To be determined by District administration) will be
 Cohorts will attend in-person instruction for two (2) days. One (1) cohort will
attend for two (2) days while the other cohort is learning remotely.
 Students will receive remote instruction/office hours for the other three (3) days
of the week their cohorts are not receiving in-person learning.

Instructional Models
 Model 1 – Classes/sections may be live-streamed and, to the greatest extent
practicable, students will maintain the same schedule as if in-person.
 Model 2 – Focus on priority standards while in-person. While learning remotely,
students are engaged in independent learning activities aligned to priority

Grades 7 – 12 – Units of Study

Per Commissioner’s regulations Part 100.4 and 100.5, all students shall be provided
instruction designed to enable them to achieve the State’s learning standards. These
regulations outline specific time (unit of study) requirements for various subject areas.
The unit of study definition (180 minutes per week or the equivalent) provides a
framework for the instructional entitlement for our students in these grades. The
intention is to provide a mandated minimum amount of instruction (contact hours) a
school must provide in order to give students the opportunity to master a body of
content in a certain subject.

The definition of a “unit of study” has been revised in Commissioner’s Regulations to

further clarify what may be considered in the design of such units of study.
 Unit of study means at least 180 minutes of instruction per week throughout the
school year, or the equivalent. Equivalent shall mean at least 180 minutes of
instructional time for instruction delivered in a traditional face to face model or
through alternative instructional experiences, including but not limited to through
digital technology or blended learning, that represents standards-based learning
under the guidance and direction of an appropriately certified teacher.
Instructional experiences shall include, but not be limited to: meaningful and

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frequent interaction with an appropriately certified teacher; academic and other
supports designed to meet the needs of the individual student and instructional
content that reflects consistent academic expectations as in-person instruction.
Any alternative instructional experience must include meaningful feedback on
student assignments and methods of tracking student engagement.

Units of Credit
The priority for the instruction is that which best prepares students to meet the learning
outcomes for the course. The design of the course, the selection of the curriculum, and
the student expectations are set locally by the District. Any student who achieves the
learning outcomes for the course will be granted the unit of credit for such course if

Science Laboratory Requirements

Per Commissioner’s Regulations, courses that culminate in a Regents examination in
science must include 1200 minutes of laboratory experiences. Due to the possibility of a
hybrid or fully remote model of instruction as a result of COVID-19, the 1200-minute lab
requirement can be met through hands-on laboratory experiences, virtual laboratory
experiences, or a combination of virtual and hands-on laboratory experiences coupled
with satisfactory lab reports for the 2020-21 school year. This laboratory requirement is
in addition to the course requirement and entitles a student to admission to a
culminating Regents Exam. The District is responsible for aligning laboratory
experiences specific to each science course; determining the mode or modes of
instruction; and identifying a viable vetted list of acceptable virtual labs or a combination
of virtual and hands-on labs that a student would need to complete for each science
course that culminates in a Regents examination. Laboratory experiences will be
recorded as part of the District’s continuity of learning plan and records of satisfactory
lab reports will be maintained. Any student who has completed all laboratory
experiences in accordance with teacher expectations shall be deemed to have met the
1200-minute requirement.

In-person and Hybrid Instructional Considerations
 Classroom professionals will limit the use of communal equipment. If communal
equipment is necessary, classroom professionals will clean and disinfect
equipment between uses.
Remote Instructional Considerations
 Classroom professionals will adapt their instruction to accommodate lack of
materials in the home environment.
In-person and Hybrid Instructional Model
 Class/section sizes will be created to accommodate social distancing (Six (6) feet
of distance between students or physical barriers or 12 feet for activities such as
singing, projecting the voice and playing wind instruments.).
 Students and staff will adhere to the District’s protocols regarding face covering

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 A teacher of record will be assigned to students who are unable to attend for
medical purposes. Instruction for students who are unable to attend for medical
purposes will be accomplished through:
o synchronous Google Meets.
o Recordings watched via Google Classroom.
 Classroom professionals will be provided with cleaning and disinfecting materials
to utilize during the school day.
 Classroom professionals will limit the use of communal equipment. If communal
equipment is necessary, classroom professionals will clean and disinfect
equipment between uses.
 Classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected by the Facilities and Maintenance
Department during the second shift.
Remote Instructional Model
 A teacher of record will be assigned to students. Instruction for students will be
accomplished through:
o synchronous Google Meets.
o recordings watched via Google Classroom.
 To the greatest extent practicable, students will adhere to the same schedule as
if in-person.
Learning Materials and Content
 Paper textbooks, and other content
 Digital copies of textbooks
 Digital content and activities provided by the District, either free or subscription-
 Online learning courses or course content modules

Communication Tools
 Telephone and/or video calling
 Email
 Video conferencing
 Social media
 Website
 Learning Management System (Google Apps for Education)

Teacher and Student Interface

 Teacher office hours, virtually (online) via video conferencing and/or chat, and/or
 Scheduled teacher/student(s) check-ins, virtual (online) and/or via phone
 Asynchronous communication, feedback, and support via email or the Learning
Management System (Google Apps for Education)

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 Hard copy (paper) instructional materials provided to students
 Instructional materials provided via technology, such as posted on a teacher
website or available through the Learning Management System (Google Apps for
 Individual or small-group synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies
such as telephone or video conferencing.
 Large-group or whole class synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies
such as telephone or video conferencing.
 Recorded instruction disseminated through technology, including via podcast,
dedicated website, or Learning Management System (Google Apps for
Technology Access
All teachers and students are provided with computing devices.

Hybrid Instructional Model

2:2:1 Model
 Two (2) cohorts of students (To be determined by District administration) will be
 Cohorts will attend in-person instruction for two (2) days. One (1) cohort will
attend for two (2) days while the other cohort is learning remotely.
 Students will receive remote instruction/office hours for the other three (3) days
of the week their cohorts are not receiving in-person learning.
Instructional Models
 Model 1 – Classes/sections may be live-streamed and, to the greatest extent
practicable, students will maintain the same schedule as if in-person.
 Model 2 – Focus on priority standards while in-person. While learning remotely,
students are engaged in independent learning activities aligned to priority

Physical Education
Participating in Physical Education (PE) is important for our students’ health and well-
being. Not only do PE activities benefit students’ physical health, but research indicates
regular physical activity improves students’ mental health as well as contributes to
academic success. School re-opening plans should ensure that whether in-person,
remote, or hybrid models are utilized, students should be participating in physical
activity under the direction and supervision of a certified physical education teacher to
the extent practicable. Understanding that hybrid schedules may limit face-to-face class
time with a certified PE instructor, such instructors should plan, to the best of their
ability, a menu of learning activities for students to engage in under the direction of their
classroom teachers, other staff, or independently.

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 To the greatest extent practicable, the District will continue to implement its
physical education plan.
 In order to satisfy the mandated minutes as specified in Part 135 of the
Commissioner’s Regulations for all three (3) instructional models, the District will
incorporate the following strategies into its PE instruction:
o Consider assigning tasks for at-home completion and then have students
apply the knowledge gained in the school setting (i.e., have students
practice a skill at home and then apply it during a class activity).
o In school, have students participate in individual physical activities (e.g.,
dance, yoga, track and field, fitness stations) that comply with physical
distancing guidelines (12 foot space for aerobic activity) and require little
or no equipment. When students are at home, have them focus on
activities for motor skill development (e.g., underhand throwing, self-toss
and catch, catching with a parent or sibling).
o Consider a flipped classroom approach where students first learn about a
topic at home and then come prepared to learn more about it in class
(e.g., students watch a video about The Haka at home, then in school the
teacher answers questions and teaches in more depth).
o Consider switching from providing direct instruction to more of a student-
directed instruction approach (e.g., project-based learning or flipped
o Provide synchronous learning opportunities (distance learning that
happens in real time) as much as possible, but record lessons to provide
to students who may not have access in real time.
o Allow for optimal student choice and provide opportunities for students to
engage with teachers directly and often. This will be crucial to keep
students motivated. Additionally, students are more interested in seeing
videos created by their own teachers than shared videos created by other

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Genesee Valley BOCES Introduction
The Career and Technical Education Center (CTE) is dedicated to teaching students
both industry and work-readiness skills in a variety of technical areas, as well as support
academic skills mainly in the areas of Math, Science and English. In a blended learning
environment, teachers will be on campus five days per week. Students will follow the
schedule outlined below.

In following a two day schedule students enrolled in programs that require hours for
certification will be assured that these hour can be met. Additionally, the academic
credits that can be earned by virtue of being enrolled in an approved CTE program will
be preserved. This flexibility to earn potentially up to three academic credits including
Math, Science, English, PE, and/or Health may prove to be a valuable tool to assist
students meeting all CTE and academic credit requirements for graduation.

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For students in a remote high school experience CTE teachers will use Google
Classroom to connect, post assignments, and give traditional assessments (tests and
quizzes). Webex or Zoom will be used to deliver real-time lessons. All students, whether
learning virtually or in-person will take part in the live lessons. Teachers will also provide
recorded lessons for students to review as reinforcement, or if they have missed a
lesson. After the live lesson, students working virtually will complete work assigned
through the Google Classroom. Students on campus will work in shops/labs to gain
hands-on experience. Teachers will assess skill attainment at this time. Teachers will
also reach out to industry partners to provide demonstrations as well as assign real-life
simulation activities provided through a variety of career and technical education
All assignments and projects will continue to align with related technical assessments
and industry certifications that will be completed while students are on campus.

2020 – 2021 CTE Schedule

Approximate # of Students on
Districts Full Day attendance Campus

Batavia Campus
Alexander Batavia Byron- Batavia Campus - 337
Bergen Cal-Mum Elba

Mt. Morris Campus- Warsaw

Perry Wayland Geneseo Avon Mondays & Tuesdays Mt. Morris Campus- 300

Batavia Campus
Attica Leroy Oakfield
Batavia Campus - 334
Pavilion/Wyoming Pembroke
Notre Dame

Thursdays & Fridays

Mt. Morris Campus

Dansville Mt. Morris Livonia Mt. Morris Campus-310
York Keshequa

Wednesday - Virtual
All Students/Districts Learning/Planning, cleaning 0 CTE students on campus
and disinfecting.

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Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
Interscholastic Athletics
Per the NYDOH Guidance, interscholastic sports are not permitted at this time, and
additional information on athletic activities is forthcoming.

The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) has
established a COVID-19 Task Force comprised of NYSPHSAA member
superintendents, principals, athletic directors and executive directors in addition to
representatives from New York State Athletic Administrators Association and State
Education Department. The Task Force will provide guidance when New York high
school student-athletes are allowed to return to athletics. The task force is reviewing
State and local health guidelines, as well as NYSED guidance, regarding the 2020-2021
school year to determine, among other things, the extent to which changes may be
needed for each interscholastic sports season.

The COVID-19 Task Force will continue to review all aspects of the fall 2020 season
and the 2020-2021 school year related to the COVID-19 crisis, such as practice
requirements; fan attendance; re-socialization efforts; protocol; procedures;
transportation; etc. As more information becomes available it will be shared on the
NYSPHSAA website.

The NYSPHSAA issued a statement regarding the status of interscholastic

athletics. Please see Resources at the end of this document.

Extra-Curricular Activities
 All internal facility use requests (Inside the District’s buildings) are restricted to
District-sponsored activities only.
 External facility use requests (Outside the District’s buildings) are permitted for all
organizations/groups (District-sponsored and community) so long as the groups
abide by the District’s reopening plan and adhere to all local, regional, and state
health and safety protocols.
 District-sponsored activities will receive preference when scheduling external
facility use requests.
 Only Board of Education appointed coaches and advisors may supervise District-
sponsored activities.

Special Education
Guiding Assumptions
 Children with Disabilities are entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education
(FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
 Students with disabilities were impacted greatly by the school closure
 Special Education programs and services allow children access to and the ability
to participate in the general education curriculum
 Adherence to the regulations that guide special education continues to be

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 Frequent guidance has been provided by both the NYS and US Departments of
Education and will be important to be aware of
 Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) will continue to be implemented to the
best of our ability within the health and safety requirements necessary
 Communication with parents and providers is necessary

Reopening Plan
 Students with disabilities will be included in the general education setting as
indicated on their IEP whether in person, hybrid, or virtual. Special education
programs (Consultant teacher, related services), supplemental aids and
supports, accommodations, and assistive technology supports will be provided in
all settings to the best of our ability. As with ESY services, some students did not
receive the full benefit of instruction and related services using a virtual model
due to individual student needs. If virtual instruction is needed, the CSE/CPSE
will determine if there are students who may require in person services in the
home in order to prevent regression and allow for educational benefit. A safety
plan will be updated with the Wyoming County Department of Health if there
continues to be a need for home-based services in the fall.
 The CSE/CPSE office will communicate prior to the beginning of the school year
to determine the reopening plans for all programs that Letchworth Central School
has placed students in including preschool, BOCES, and approved private
schools. The communication will be shared with all parents to ensure that they
understand what is being offered for their child. In the event that schools are not
holding in-person instruction, regular communication between the CSE office and
the program regarding student participation and progress monitoring will be
implemented. This will occur at least quarterly, but may need to be more
frequent depending on individual student needs.
 All students in the district have been provided with a Chrome book in order to
access virtual learning and assignments. Some students with disabilities require
applications in order to receive the appropriate accommodations including text to
speech software, speech to text software, predictive spelling applications, access
to Bookshare, etc. This is decided and provided based on individual student
need, and will continue based on CSE and CPSE recommendations.
 Test accommodations, resource room support, and supplemental aids such as
access to class notes or repetition of material will be provided in all types of
instructional modes (in person, virtual, or hybrid) through the special education
teacher assigned as the case manager for students. This may include testing
individually for tests read, extended time, etc. Virtual resource room settings for
supplemental instruction have run well. This requires good collaboration
between special and general educators to plan for the materials and supports
needed for each child.
 Services, materials, and communication will be documented using
communication logs within the Cleartrack system for the 20-21 school year. This
will include student attendance, meetings with parents, phone, and online
communication in order to ensure that students are receiving the services and
programs as outlined on the IEP.

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 Our plan for instruction includes plans if we may need to move to hybrid or
remote instruction due to changes in the health and wellness of students. Efforts
will be made to allow students access to the same instruction afforded to all
students, and in some cases students with disabilities will be given more face to
face services than their general education peers. Preschool students with
disabilities will be provided face to face services unless a complete stay at home
order is issued.

Least Restrictive Environment

 Students with disabilities will be provided services as indicated on the IEP in the
Least Restrictive Environment. If it becomes necessary to convert instruction to
hybrid or remote learning, students will be provided with face to face instruction
as much as practicable, and may reduce the amount of interaction with general
education peers, but this will only happen if it is the only practicable option. In
this situation, opportunities to interact with same age peers will be provided
 LRE will be documented as required on student IEPs and the implementation will
be documented through attendance and contact logs.
 Parents are included in all discussions regarding LRE and the services provided
to their child. Many parents have opted for electronic communication, which has
allowed ongoing and frequent communication between the Special Education
Office and families and providers and families.

IEP Implementation
 IEPs will be followed as closely as practicable under the current health and
safety guidelines. Changes to size of group, location , mode, and frequency that
become necessary will be documented via contact logs. Communication with
parents will occur regarding any necessary changes.

Provision of Services
 To reduce the number of transitions throughout the school day, related services
will be provided within the classroom for most students. This will increase
opportunities for interaction with general education peers.
 Services will be provided at the duration and frequency listed on IEPs as much
as practicable.

Progress Monitoring
 Teachers and related service providers will continue to monitor student progress
towards IEP goals for all students with disabilities. If students have met goals, or
are not making progress towards goals, changes will be made to the IEP to
address the growth and/or need.
 Progress reports will continue to be provided to parents either in paper or digital
format at the intervals required by the IEP.

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Compensatory Services
 Once we have returned to face to face instruction in the LRE, all students will be
formally or informally assessed to determine the current level of functioning.
CSE or CPSE will review the progress or regression for each child in conjunction
with the services that were provided and make individual recommendations
regarding the need for compensatory services.
 If compensatory services are recommended, they will be indicated on the IEP,
and documented in contact logs whether we are in person, hybrid, or remote

IEP Implementation Documentation

 Implementation of IEPs has been documented throughout the closure using the
school management system, contact logs, and preschool billing records.
 Communication with parents has also been documented using contact logs for
phone contact and through electronic communication.
 Letchworth will continue to use contact logs throughout the school year
regardless of the mode of instruction to document the services received, parent
consultation, and communication.

Child Find
 District procedures for contacting the CSE/CPSE offices to make referrals will
remain on the website.
 Teachers, parents, physicians, Early Intervention Providers can continue to make
referrals to the CSE/CPSE based on student need
 Initial referrals, reevaluations and supplementary evaluations will continue to be
process through the CSE office whether we are in person, hybrid, or remote due
to the system being web-based.

 When a referral is received, consent to evaluate will be gathered from the
parent/guardian either digitally or through the mail.
 Once consent has been received, the evaluators will be notified to schedule the
evaluations needed. Most evaluations will take place in person to avoid
concerns regarding the reliability and validity of tests given virtually using a safety
plan that was developed in conjunction with the Wyoming County Department of

Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation
 Evaluations will be completed in person within the timelines prescribed State and
Federal Guidelines
 Most evaluations will be conducted face to face to eliminate the concerns with
reliability and validity of evaluations completed virtually.
 School psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologists
and other evaluators will follow a safety plan developed in conjunction with the
Wyoming County Department of Health.

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 Results will be shared with the parent/guardian in writing, and reviewed via tele
or video conferencing prior to the CSE meeting.
 For reevaluations, a discussion will be had that includes parents to determine if
formal evaluations are needed or if a record review would suffice to make a
determination of continuing eligibility.

Eligibility Determination/Annual Review Meetings

 CSE and CPSE meetings will be held virtually unless a parent requests an in
person meeting. If parents are unable to use the online platform, they will be
able to call in to participate.
 Meetings will be held within the required timeline as prescribed by State and
Local regulation.
 Parents will be asked to provide input into the strengths and needs of their child
prior to the meeting, and will be allowed full participation.
 Draft documents will be shared with parents prior to annual review meetings to
ensure that parents have had access to the information that will be shared at the
 All documents will be provided in the native language of the parent/guardian

 Communication will be ongoing with families in regards to the mode of
instruction, progress monitoring, student needs and concerns. Updates for all
students will be made available through the use of the school website, school
social media, mail, email, and Blackboard Connect.
 Specific communication for individual students will be made on a regular basis
through phone or email communication with special education teachers and
related service providers electronic communication will be used for those parents
who have elected to receive electronic communications.
Procedural Safeguards and Prior Written Notice Requirements
 Procedural Safeguards will be provided in the mode of communication requested
by parents on an annual basis
 Procedural safeguards will also be provided at other times per regulation in either
print or digitally based on parent request
 Prior Written notice will be written and sent to parents prior to any change in the
child’s IEP as per regulation
Partnership and Collaboration to Reflect All Settings Where Students are Served
 Prior to the beginning of school year, the CSE/CPSE chair will meet with each
out of district placement to determine the extent that they are able to meet the
requirements of the IEP.
 Communication with parents will also be on a regular basis to ensure that
services are being provided.
 Ongoing communication will continue with each provider throughout the school

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Accommodations and Modifications
 Every effort will be made to provide accommodations and modifications as
prescribed on each IEP. This may require additional materials or applications on
the Chromebook to ensure that all accommodations can be provided.
 If additional accommodations or modifications are needed if the modes of
instruction are changed due to health and safety requirements
Supplementary Aids and Services
 Supplemental aids and services will continue to be provided to meet each child’s
unique instructional and social emotional needs. If, due to a change in mode of
instruction, changes are needed to change, increase or decrease a service, an
amendment to the IEP will be processed either through a meeting, or with
signatures of parents indicating agreement to amend the IEP without a meeting.
 All students in grades PK-12 are provided with a Chromebook. Teachers are
expected to use the Google suite including Google classroom and Google Meet
to provide instruction and materials to students.
 If students do not have access to the internet, paper copies are provided, and
instruction is provided telephonically.
 For students with specific accommodations and modifications, there are
additional applications added for accessibility to the Chromebook.
 Parents are able to contact the child’s teacher, main office of the building their
child attends, or the CSE office with technology questions, and the parent will be
guided to the appropriate support person to address the issue. These numbers
are available on communications sent home and also on the website.
Budget and Finance Provisions for Approved Preschool Programs
 Attendance and Enrollment (180 and 30 day requirements)
○ The approved preschool classrooms at Letchworth Central School run on the
same calendar as the school district. The allowances for flexibility during the
2019-20 school year and 20-21 Extended School Year have been taken into
consideration when billing.
○ The 2020-21 school year calendar follows the Letchworth School age

Bilingual Education and World Languages

Bilingual Education & World Languages - Mandatory Assurances
1. Each qualifying school and/or district reopening plan which reopens using in-person or
hybrid instruction must complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of
the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures
in 2019-20, as well as all students who enrolled during summer of 2020 and during the first
20 school days of the 2020-2021 school year. After this 20 day flexibility period,
identification of ELLs must resume for all students within required 10 school days of initial
enrollment as required by the Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154.
The Letchworth Central School District, to date, has not had any new ELL enrollments since our
closure in March 2020. The district is prepared, however, to address the regulatory
responsibilities for all incoming ELLs that may move into the district.

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2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must provide required instructional Units of
Study to all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency
level during in-person or hybrid instruction.

The Letchworth Central School District has built ELL student schedules with the instructional
Units of Study in mind, and all requirements can be met within the structures of in-person and
hybrid instructional models.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure the maintenance of regular
communication with parents/guardians of ELLs to ensure that they are engaged in their
children’s education during the reopening process, and provide all communications for
parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred language and mode of communication.

The Letchworth Central School District will continue all previous communication protocols to
meet the needs of our ELL students and their families.

Communications and Language Access

All communications for parents/guardians of ELLs must be in their preferred language and
mode of communication.

The District will, to the greatest extent practicable, provide interpretation and translation through
a qualified interpreter/translator in the languages most commonly spoken in the District
(Spanish, Mandarin, and Nepali), and at a minimum in those languages spoken by a large
number and percentage of ELLs.

Professional Learning for Educators

The District does qualify for, and has received a “School District Waiver CR Part 154
Professional Development Requirements Specific to English Language Learners (ELLs).”

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System

(Ed Law §3012-D/APPR)

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System - Mandatory Assurances

Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that all teachers and principals are
evaluated pursuant to the LEA’s currently approved APPR plan (or, for charter schools, the
school’s charter), including any variance applications approved by the Department.

Pursuant to Education Law 3012-d, if the Letchworth faculty is working in-person or in a hybrid
model of instruction, the district will maintain its current APPR plan for observations and
walkthroughs. Should the district be forced to move to a fully remote model, the district and
APPR committee will have an alternative plan for completing the observation cycle for the 2020-
2021 school year.

Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching

Pursuant to Education Law 3001, individuals employed by the Letchworth Central School
District will hold a valid certificate.

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Student Teaching
The District will continue to welcome student teachers into its classrooms whether in-person or
remote during the 2020 – 21 school year.
 Student teachers can play important roles in terms of bridging gaps related to
remote/online instruction, and in supporting the teachers of record and the students,
especially during these challenging times.
 The District will continue to collaborate with its regional higher education partners to offer
appropriate field experiences for their students.
 All individuals participating in field and student teaching experiences must be approved
by the Board of Education and must adhere to all guidelines contained within the
District’s reopening plan.

Staffing and Human Resources

Among school-based factors, teaching and school leadership are the two greatest
influences on student learning. Adequate staffing in each instructional model is
necessary to execute the District’s reopening plan. The District will take the following
 Direct supervisors will continue to evaluate leave requests to ensure appropriate
coverage by substitutes.
 Construct a continuous posting for instructional, support staff, and school nurse
 Ensure all teachers, school and district leaders, and pupil personnel service
professionals hold a valid and appropriate certificate for their assignment.
 Consider utilizing incidental teaching when determining how to staff classrooms.
 Employ substitutes to address staffing needs.
 Develop a voluntary period-by-period list of instructional staff who may be able to
cover classroom assignments.

 Analyze leave requests to discern the appropriate type of leave:

o Families First Coronavirus Response Act
o Family Medical Leave Act
o Accrued Leave
o Unpaid Leave
 If necessary, modify the District’s calendar to support staff in receiving additional
training related to COVID-19.
 Provide professional development in constructing engaging learning
opportunities in the virtual environment.
 Train staff in the measures indicated in the “Health and Safety” portion of this
 Modify the work schedule to allow for planning and professional development.
 Purchase necessary PPE, cleaning/disinfecting materials, barriers, and signage
to ensure the safety of its staff.
 Provide employees training on the Employee Assistance Program.
 Engage the Genesee Valley Healthcare Consortium for educational materials
and opportunities to promote health and wellness.

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 Collaborate with the Wyoming County Department of Health regarding public
health trends and make informed decisions based on current statistics.
 Engage the districts within Genesee Valley BOCES to develop innovative
programming during the pandemic.
 Advocate to local, state and federal lawmakers for additional funding for school

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Online Learning Schedule: PK-6

Prepare Math Prepare Math Prepare Math Prepare Math Prepare Math
7:45-8:30 Lesson & Record Lesson & Record Lesson & Record Lesson & Record Lesson & Record
via Google Meet via Google Meet via Google Meet via Google Meet via Google Meet

Prepare Prepare Prepare Prepare Prepare

& Record via & Record via & Record via & Record via & Record via
Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet

Prepare Prepare Prepare Prepare Prepare

& Record via & Record via & Record via & Record via & Record via
Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet Google Meet

Special / Break Special / Break Special / Break Special / Break Special / Break
Special / Break

10:30-11:15 Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google
meet teaching meet teaching meet teaching meet teaching meet teaching
Math Math Math Math Math

11:15-11:45 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google
11:50-12:20 meet Reading / meet Reading / meet Reading / meet Reading / meet Reading /
ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson

Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google Live on Google
12:30-1:00 meet Writing meet Writing meet Writing meet Writing meet Writing
Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

Prep to get ready Prep to get ready Prep to get ready Prep to get ready Prep to get ready
for reading group for reading group for reading group for reading group for reading group

1st Live Reading 1st Live Reading 1st Live Reading 1st Live Reading 1st Live Reading
Group Group Group Group Group

2nd Live Reading 2nd Live Reading 2nd Live Reading 2nd Live Reading 2nd Live Reading
Group Group Group Group Group

3rd Live Reading 3rd Live Reading 3rd Live Reading 3rd Live Reading Friday 2:20
Group Group Group Group Teachers Depart

Contact absent
Contact absent Contact absent Contact absent
students, parents,
students, parents, students, parents, students, parents,
2:25-2:55 individual
individual individual individual
conferencing plan,
conferencing, plan conferencing, plan conferencing plan
FAC Meeting

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Students Arrive, Students Arrive, Students Arrive, Students Arrive, Students Arrive,
Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast,
Individual Morning Individual Morning Individual Morning Individual Morning Individual Morning
work based on work based on work based on work based on work based on
previous day exit previous day exit previous day exit previous day exit previous day exit
tickets. tickets. tickets. tickets. tickets.

Teacher intro Teacher intro Teacher intro Teacher intro Teacher intro
Math lesson for Math lesson for Math lesson for Math lesson for Math lesson for
the day based the day based the day based the day based the day based
daily Standard daily Standard daily Standard daily Standard daily Standard

Ability Math Ability Math Ability Math Ability Math Ability Math
Groups and Groups and Groups and Groups and Groups and
8:35-9:30 Centers based on Centers based on Centers based on Centers based on Centers based on
Understanding Understanding Understanding Understanding Understanding
and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets

Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical

Education Education Education Education Education

Writers Workshop Writers Workshop Writers Workshop Writers Workshop Writers Workshop
ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson ELA Lesson

ELA Connected ELA Connected ELA Connected ELA Connected ELA Connected
10:40-11:10 Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson
Whole Class Whole Class Whole Class Whole Class Whole Class


Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups
11:50-12:50 and Daily 5 and Daily 5 and Daily 5 and Daily 5 and Daily 5
Centers Centers Centers Centers Centers

12:55-1:35 Art Music Technology Library Free Time

Science / Science / Science / Science / Science /

Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies

2:00 - Load buses and Depart

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TIME Group A Group B Group A Group B

Students Arrive, Students Arrive, Students Arrive, Students Arrive,
Breakfast, Breakfast, Plan and Video Breakfast, Breakfast,
Individual Morning Individual Morning Record Math Lesson Individual Morning Individual Morning
work based on work based on for Group A on days work based on work based on
previous day exit previous day exit they aren't here. previous day exit previous day exit
tickets. tickets. tickets. tickets.
Teacher intro Teacher intro Plan and Video Teacher intro Teacher intro
Math lesson for Math lesson for Record Math Lesson Math lesson for Math lesson for
the day based the day based for Group B on days the day based the day based
daily Standard daily Standard they aren't here. daily Standard daily Standard
Math Groups and Math Groups and Plan and Video Math Groups and Math Groups and
Centers based on Centers based on Record ELA Lesson Centers based on Centers based on
Understanding Understanding for Group A on days Understanding Understanding
and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets they aren't here. and Exit Tickets and Exit Tickets
Physical Physical Physical Physical
Education Education Education Education
10:05-10:3 Plan and Video
Writers Workshop Writers Workshop Record ELA Lesson Writers Workshop Writers Workshop
ELA Lesson ELA Lesson for Group B on days ELA Lesson ELA Lesson
they aren't here.

Plan and Video

10:40-11:10 ELA Connected ELA Connected Record Writing ELA Connected ELA Connected
Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson Lesson for Group A Text Class Lesson Text Class Lesson
Whole Class Whole Class on days they aren't Whole Class Whole Class
Plan and Video
Reading Groups Reading Groups Record Writing Reading Groups Reading Groups
11:50-12:50 and Daily 5 and Daily 5 Lesson for Group B and Daily 5 and Daily 5
Centers Centers on days they aren't Centers Centers
(Week 1) Music / Tech Music / Tech Music / Tech Music / Tech Music / Tech
12:55-1:35 Library / Art Library / Art Library / Art Library / Art Library / Art
(Week 2)
Talk with group A Talk with group B Talk with group A Talk with group B
about online and text about online and text Plan and Video about online and text about online and text
based assignments based assignments Record Science based assignments based assignments
for their day they are for their day they are Social Studies for their day they are for their day they are
1:35-2:00 not present in not present in not present in not present in
Lesson for Group A
school. Answer any school. Answer any & B on days they school. Answer any school. Answer any
questions or questions or aren't here. questions or questions or
misunderstandings misunderstandings misunderstandings misunderstandings

2:00 - Load buses and Depart

Touch base with Touch base with Touch base with Touch base with Touch base with
students, plan students, plan students, plan students, plan students, plan
anything that anything that anything that anything that anything that
could not get to could not get to could not get to could not get to could not get to
during the day. during the day. during the day. during the day. during the day.
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
issues. Parent issues. Parent issues. Parent issues. Parent issues. Parent
Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Modified Block Schedule: 7-12
 To be utilized regardless of in-person, remote or hybrid model

From 8-9 am, all teachers in MS/HS have planning time for virtual learning opportunities or may utilize the
time for contacts with students working remotely.

Period Times Duration

1 9:05 - 10:20 (9:05-9:41, 9:44-10:20) 75 minutes

2 10:23 - 11:38 (10:23-10:59, 11:02-11:38) 75 minutes

Read &
Lunch (30 min) / SH (29 min) Total: 59 minutes

3 12:42 - 1:57 (12:42-1:18, 1:21-1:57) 75 minutes

4 2:00 - 3:15 (2:00-2:36, 2:39-3:15) 75 minutes

Lunch: 11:38 - 12:08 (30 min)

1st Lunch Class - 12:11 - 12:39 (29 min)
(in period 2 classroom)

Lunch: 12:09 - 12:39 (30 min)

2nd Lunch Class: 11:41 - 12:06 (25 min)
(in period 3 classroom)

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Continued Next Page

Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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Letchworth Central School - 5550 School Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066

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