Teri University Campus, New Delhi Teri University Campus, New Delhi
Teri University Campus, New Delhi Teri University Campus, New Delhi
Teri University Campus, New Delhi Teri University Campus, New Delhi
• Built on around 2 acres of land in Vasant kunj, New Delhi this four storeyed
structure in masonry, with stone cladding and glazings, is an example of a
sustainable campus responding to the site and enironment using energy
saing technologies!
• "t proides a setting that enhance learning and showcases the concept of
modern green buildings! #$N%$& '()* ,D*#"+N -"N."$/, '"ND#$.*
0sustainability was the back bone of the entire design concept and it was
communicated to the architect that the building should incorporate all possible
elements of passie solar architecture and low energy cooling systems1 says '"//"
Elements of Design
• 3he form and massing of the campus responds entirely to climate and the
• 3he south9west walls with few fenestrations and stone cladding, responding
to the climatic conditions, forms an impenetrable wall, proiding, as it were, a
isual cue to the inherent resistance of the structure to inclement weather!
ergolas, oerhangs and balconies form isual links as well as create drama
in light and shade, which is 7uintessential to 'ohe>s work!
• 3he northern walls, in contrast, are lightweight with their glazing and large
fenestrations, once again in response to the site and climate! 3he louers on
the glazing create interesting isuals on the facade!
• 3he oerall composition of transparency and opacity unfolds to the iewer
with changing orientations within the site!