Teri University Campus, New Delhi Teri University Campus, New Delhi

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• Built on around 2 acres of land in Vasant kunj, New Delhi this four storeyed
structure in masonry, with stone cladding and glazings, is an example of a
sustainable campus responding to the site and enironment using energy
saing technologies!
•  "t proides a setting that enhance learning and showcases the concept of
modern green buildings! #$N%$& '()* ,D*#"+N -"N."$/, '"ND#$.*


 0sustainability was the back bone of the entire design concept and it was
communicated to the architect that the building should incorporate all possible
elements of passie solar architecture and low energy cooling systems1 says '"//"

•  3he linear geometry

geometry of the site with a narrow
narrow frontage
frontage and an aspect ratio
almost 456 dictated the strong linear axis in the design!
•  3he logical se7uence of positioning the three distinct functioning zones in a
hierarchy of public access to restricted entry formed the other key
consideration in design deelopment! lacing the commercial potential of the
frontage of the site !
•  3he residential
residential zone comes
comes up from
from the rear forming inin the linear se7uence!
•  3hat the design
design responds
responds to orientation
orientation and climatic
climatic factors, is but an obious

Elements of Design

•  3he #un, #ky,

#ky, $ir, 8ater
8ater and *arth
*arth shape the nature
nature of architectur
e which
emerges on this site!
•  3he process of continuous dialogue between the architect and 3*-" and the
engagement of 3*-" in the design process augmented the thrust on climate
responsie design in a large way!


• assie solar design is an important feature in the design of this building!

•  3he planning and orientation of spaces and building blocks ensures glare free
daylight in all regularly occupied spaces! $ll the linear blocks are oriented in
the *ast98est direction with shorter facades facing the sun!
•  'ost of the south west facing walls are kept blank in order to protect the
building from the harsh south west solar radiations!
• 8here the south west walls hae openings, they are protected by means of
pergolas or projecting balconies!
•  3he east, west and south facades of the building hae minimum glazing!
• Daylighting integration using light :xtures :tted with electronic ballasts
regulating the leel of illumination responding to ailable natural light and
adjustable aeroscreen loures to regulate summer and winter sunlight entry
;top and centre<
• Double glazed facades reduce heat gain without a=ecting the leel of
illumination ;bottom<
• $"- 3he predominant wind direction is taken into account in designing the
open spaces! 3he central atrium acts as an air funnel de:ned by the other
buildings! 3he opening oriented in the preailing wind direction catches the
outside air and channelizes it through a narrow stretch of the block before
releasing it into the central court area!
•  3he architect>s experience of design in hot dry areas, particularly in earlier
projects in )yderabad made him con:dent of the e=ectieness of this design
feature in cooling the ambient temperatures of the enclosed areas!


•  3he form and massing of the campus responds entirely to climate and the
•  3he south9west walls with few fenestrations and stone cladding, responding
to the climatic conditions, forms an impenetrable wall, proiding, as it were, a
isual cue to the inherent resistance of the structure to inclement weather!
ergolas, oerhangs and balconies form isual links as well as create drama
in light and shade, which is 7uintessential to 'ohe>s work!
•  3he northern walls, in contrast, are lightweight with their glazing and large
fenestrations, once again in response to the site and climate! 3he louers on
the glazing create interesting isuals on the facade!
•  3he oerall composition of transparency and opacity unfolds to the iewer
with changing orientations within the site!

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