Assignment1 Survey

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SORVEYING AND MAPPING IN WORLD \ A CALE STUDY OF U-S-A The pitt dares back to onceny timps ,with a record eq) i He iO pt Ip 30008-C. and reetreb- “ishemot o soundstes Cl Poo) concteverion oO} 109 Grok byrunia ils Giza recorobd about tho 40 oe Hake . mibp anp g THe mos: Important dr0rches ¥ engineond i hos Yhs Onn history x evolu Hon Ip on a places Gee of bt pern nt Te een with me roore "Ryog o Panel onnors. p: an - cipres Gnd “mp itonees of SUN deb Aas rvs an archipoctare sticjent, uelhaw lookin olgr the bio clevelopme rt jon ey ve. 1, Gee. OS6IVe Puram iolt Aa almost pyre 49 ase Jong Ma anenfahon which sh. ons ghd desbapent in G prom 3 tho i tepirereg hy used a noted rope “os rmoasutiog ol 20 ancient Baby ton, around) 1200 B-¢- a limestone FOBICF nQs fascribod en #407 of (aNd). 1 wos earliest S0undny stone - 47 S00 BC, Groots ad rod mon ptton ane Pecan ae Zaror, Lomant adpro Alollor bod far YO, oh ruined. QAt alte ithoo) Mas 9 propeslone which KOI” known au r- - eMfOres- LOR, 410 Chi'nbse ASO betame Ghood I tre fi gy ¥. Aung, OF % cory SAD, Chinese cortedeapiert foul seo pth C Mmapt for Fraious purposes. American kond urveying eramindl te 91GNe! and Aorpok poos fury (Hous ruc 4nd surve he mopping [10 IK earliest clays 1 Current 4 ford a hyehly resnocwy Pitt + TAP COune surveys a ported! fram 1630 to tod' ie, mord ON 300 Yyoars. TAItINy” About ve Nrstory , 60 eonOHes wore aotactoo to tf wore anol ren 2 Parse cunhing fon, Thomas Josperson, Dan rel Boon? , Abraham Lirtsin and # oa Dawley Thorboy atl combed. ct Sur ve yous . Scanned WItn CamsCal Thurs now that JOOrsPsS which suraayox for gene ronens retscred - Bo of Amorica srotecy roe 1 ng hsh b pte In te ire 7 , the neod to parr 4a colores each~ otpor peetarne te doe lepay~Mr 0} boundan'hs oj “wuod- lon’. pe ice asc) Me doentries coro lusae A 7oney tlre com“nsn, SM Ne-RnAIS wow AuiE to Ctoor the arm yrokdt and crear permanes bound nes . rch rn the oxigrngl Celonres Uere py 742 Me pe 7 atd sounds morhdd, cebich tovalved many SCH pth yor dirvohvn and aikorre 2. tee dicliprer reer ad," Peocwoding renee nye. we pra durances 6 chajns. AS pophioton 910%, abmMard oj fandsurvey ons Feb)» They 4O/e - Hes Choke rrooumes a frpleg bor mt a" ~head. cory. ld b¢ conveyed! 7 Qnosfer IoLahon: ney Sod 2 thy 1eve) cated “uorer love!” Jor mse works AUP VOYOIS Here 16LaILeF fasod - So, aumy mo mods frrguenrty youned to" one te? Hwn 1 anorten. ; Pn the 4 eld, practical Autrey IpplicaHons of oy and dis- YENCPS Coy passed form ij 70l 10500, 0r prdm pa to surayor: fer! aro 9% and BI? auref requir cemp.. ter V sbi! axon eramplo °) p. Prasuryp Hd OCWICY , Jahn lave In Gooctoes/9 (0 1682 SUM I0K1 AQ) (S00 Sor en toy 70bIe of sino) and va, so 0 provides ard wl, “2... raked 10610 buf ro Quy fi th MInuR ANF dof Od? a 2noy, i in On sen Ay reason joa Hh? duidey Dr's THEA 1396 man , with He bosy Ds ODA NOH oy ever whe A. Mowe can rahe a apple tp the "of Digher, h* high , OS ts 1 ros DUPE + Podoys pupae epphah arr capable ot reaching ons /ey 306-500 HM 9 anor / ag a scanned with Camscar Early suey L shops Teer: AMERILD A number o en lsh So0e1 rent Qvarlable to He eo vty dure. @, tO Mrnoynod Os “ ray rtnee fox surveyors selene Kt [ror JES3- $F. “TAC Co. plegt dutty centatniny rhe uchole Art 6) Seve a of 10nd by will iolh Lowbourn Y fo bts book, Ley born W$el 70 0% O mON /p sAdrt ¢/me Seco r02 exquig/Al prrjicieor vn tte Geomotac pong aunty ” He ww nr See lan , dumey 'problims . Epsrru- monk and tobls discussed wow + nrbohine. CBT esMofe n- ror, plain rable , cross cha}o, protractor , Acoli 4 [” 00 ts PObIOS opines and fppariions ners als’ provid ad. Kenran “Gt 210” 0 of aSUgqIHY sure plan m Uyiaubl book - f Now, thank jit card glolbr, ' (832 ,Torr Love, anosber Sune ” 1D ory Amero attsochd ouldocrmen, educa nite monn, 810K owners ,ad WAtunss 0d phitesop por. Beld poiscnalidios nor0 QtrOLId to the rere ancl jomous men Lcrtod outdoors «Ae P provicuily mentoned, Gera? AOShin- ge, Tehome , Topper, Doe! Boone, Abrohor Lints/ no) efpory paid thorrau ow aoreed af (ond SUM yors Daniel Boone :- Ao rk one o 1H roost ermuat ay rte 2071 fy pplonter atone oe Zon 10 bis if bo peqor dn y pubis his title “as suneyors, Boone Udiméd synon hip me / Molo ob py re cordiipg 4 megs Ne toler withdrew J rom? ie ee re : Mods A mericat 6S Jorsnl 3U NReYGrS- Alte gs, Ae fer 4 roy 0007 Asana Usd Gere 4Aure — Pe yer en. Mh Tul’ (xy at #0 a ay, "he ‘40 cure! an bpeintrn D} as ceo) neyor crane) ronHor me OL His Nels snveluamene [ie Absa and Ysit 4). mp u aitege 0h ining that he chouid & hove boon Arneria's premire AUIVe Gor. Treiber Depp te: 8 yeaa ayer Washinaton soca? Q adr 1, De pcl/entol aimee - He hod cane Ae former hes HOS Lcboted 6 reno o dur thon provi pe Yorvier , Hevowned! seer) compa. Abr 1'0 1778, aeguireo mort 40 ee pron meth as #hvedoliA 3 Lorn Agen hich dura turn a tf In beth herrenkg & verre) pian o- DUAINEU WILT Cd I HIDCdP As pride nt, Cwakd HY Cops oJ Disco wang which (eo! f rf0 Louis ond Clare éepoditon 70 expire ran)” h map tho Ceo. Hine i 3 perso Lato don Thoodoh #. Adrotgm Linuln.: Aceoraing 1 Cort Aond burp, Q eral Prrvon- Gop pert and Linccln siyrapher, Linton “prodursd a compas Ong charn , §tudi00 phony and Gibson a iitte ad nend7 OF Je. This procurd Had and bept Aov! ond body togesr. "HE uomed as ascurveyor 10 New Adler) for O thurT Hine «ted Withr'o fou" oor 4 his sump) Coreen Ke moved to apron geld Q 4 (oq ishoits: He vas delf- ‘og ulekhy Ne bRCAME KeNbenf Jor hr atcuracy - Mis Compass ‘hag Phe Guta! guppos? pole 9nd a “gt cfpwnie?, ONY vos capabre of ronauuny anglee withing 43 rbfpuks 4 are. &incelo'n clistonces reCbrod to Ae moored Wok "4-92 rnchat), horrenk) Geeurney pea an rnor te, Heary david Toray Hp 040 HOrvard ygaualt, bho mode mai pond 9 pean paor of on emeeye, CnVircnMenk) Cnsi- ousnors In Amenca , worked {° many Gor a1 1000 gurve yer. ths Pits) survey wOr iy 1846, oy tho Me ttarneus Wolden Pond, | Me seye0 re tyjer projessicno! property auneys in (4 $- DEGHNEU WILT UdISCar Mp comple more ¢han 100 survays in 12 Yeats. Kp AOU HOd ari- UA ond aid surveys + Me % LOGin 10 Haw centnurd Surveyrel #0 to atloast Until 1860 - Pubiic_lond Survey system! America OpH') (78S, alt arver ID Aro rico nos by mere and Gund! TZhow nor comdifers de erth chowmany’ to won syshoy- ded plan and senna BP ble (ON Sevoro? ar merde- en ner made ir ‘Urvey snshruthens 1010 fiven in / ordinonee, which Hore ard c COT - dp ipocipre sosuccos Jt Purves 61S od deed bomoon (20S ang isi . AoW, 770se imu Hen} apeuyiod procedurt! ond revel of Oceurac icoiogy dike ps, eernpass consrruchin , ‘ne0dle reason KO uae /rocoOue! sprue opr (eophp fold ndroe - Those June Ayskm made howe me ny pores “na ype oF een Jo af| enh pertons « » a Are revised and oll robphsie sor of aunay igh roghucwcas nas issued. LOnM INE , TAILU- gr arty 2009, 101973 ronal remain od FA0 gf pv! pbc wurding survey af public land. d of 7 ye ute : san pagnumen tt : ho Aivontan Aearch per en bound: comers 9 Ged Fat to revel Henasy 41m). Tron bars 1S point Sy 705 inthe shoes , copnwn , c.00d sores on . Diets QW tas toon used, Americans used combnatn y Slot 0 Ee ; gyundry i" y Conpbyn atten 5 Yared store used! Qs Cowen DUAINEU WILT Cd HIDCAP Early survey Tnsfrumpnts _: America * © THOM ONL Cie ceim paren tors + Survegur' cemposs «Chain "THOR AM but ty MONrO) ‘ips Fonards +70 mowudny g qa piece Ok land 7 bo done in (e. TP C0 7's fo M0OSUIO mn ae ‘and the other fotahe me Yual: F a of DA AN ° 70S. no a 11050 Nines, or BHICD ¢HOW On Yinhosy oy OSfe- as wr Sura gars ” —~ Tbp Love, Gooch Oo TACO doles :- Thy hore (and SHOW) Peto tr ca) sophi SHG bool snshuront used ‘to obsain eittor verttca/ or Hoxrhovo! o, DS rr00deli#S 80am? mor common, rhuse moun ce Dit men tal angtes ner called ch oy poin- 7ho9d0!F ros. wth g MosreHic node “Hono, br) Loybourn ond Loud rt cup. mond poo uso | “Mooate e bons urdopcod b or 70n pi HM'0, aang. oy hale Boon usoc/ poy rnc pon TAA Crum orertrs ; we creep) omnetey fs comm™nly trenn as ainegon coropass to- iy Pend uso 7o “pease Adrenal ay 7h thoecloidht (ar- aypuracded it, quit *Obi0 10 Purr 01 Mer acceHIO Fe apie ugth century Breurporores. m1 cortlsfod of bross ctu ontetched! fo base. On circle 1a) COMPA Aividdd tints 360°. Nmenoian line dlenokd Nath. and souts divioloo! ¢70 base, Cast-wo nere etched wi ee ONS. On ff circum fowneo KOSQ BIOS 4) nton pi (485 Mea) Q 40/0 ONCHOIENe jor maggnehcU nood! ont ud) moiunkd oo a one legged 47947 Wing Yoratins bor £ astoctet joing. DUCMIINEU WILT Cd HIDCAl Davicl BitonhoutP colonial Ammorica't foremost Anges mePp maker, made mony noiable mstruMPnKS wr Aono Aurveyers, /ncubling a surveyors compass - i NU of y of p Plain Table: Peda poled plano fobie (daverse tebIe) fre ear 10 1ob- [8 ws of itt s/mples? A caning boord mounkd-ena tipo a anh a orang apgorlrar cHoo! atioade . Pn HP lon 19% ong LO century, Hf yas ULOd fo compel fe complain of mops (10m araorial phoregraphs , porn ty- hy hore he f De) nos bsces real! Ao creptiteh yatuet ue obtaind 40, If Kot (rophreal ony . The (15s? F ao) fois commonly cused dowieo lo 2nsuw the mesunment of right ongtes » Tyuas tus rulers yee 14 mchet (en . hes ? wor QF Midst teghto pe. vre tholn: Dirorror now rpeosurg usps a choin .A device /ig1 vad i. 100 sor Areancg for cvorV 360 years. Composed! oy rm to) Hinks rh core (0 trb vorieher - foot cha/n and ctedbng) chain. 7M fouk chain nas doporningkd YN /20t while adecimals nom 1% units d) 10: Thy pow 66 foot hb Chain’ row qurthr sub2divihd) as perches or poles, each 16:€( 00 tn -forgtd ,aquarlr of chain's lenya> jarr im coleryey + became tor as Guottets chat nS : Koves goruicr$ Hho agpi, surveyors, Mn et Koo kd) shivugh rhe Goa “Af you 600 tham b0%,000 yyy and tre “Mark observed, i an in’ stajght (700, orvrnlt se nore” DUAINEU WILT Cd HIDCdP Karer Sureey Prstrurm ent - AMERICA . ‘De pronstt_s- QS Q speciolbed pe | wROdaINe APvOloped fn py 19/? contury » PF rep irk Hrpilor but less acterate rnsht monk Carle bofimaod” 2 ig. Alelescepe thor con Jipcer datk Allening 20s ns and Coybtiny of onset [ar ot Os ducHon - 7 i} a | TAO (orp! t. fouls re LoMMunly avoarlodble 7'n a varor 105 rtp Sand narmoy tite oy ‘cop's Procise , Goh ie DY Wik k mene THe an Kbxanons of device @ bred bsp soly 1 Hovertnn Lowey lowe) ripdsund vorhm) enopye mre “ecco thon rhoodeli? or Pransis/s- Mochonicol lel! grr consrs/ ¢ of ce ad with 0 1G, nyy- age: (lens) (10.70 3ax magnip'corbos) 10 which 1b Footsnh. e 4x6 one ty tro huddle Fore . wony come SUpph'ed nin ABOVO barr on tM 4i "a dovice, nordos 40 elton the Amntel adronre yo D1 moawu red. 19905 mon need, Ojyered LCG DIC chara) levolt oe nore quicker Ton worl loeamon Y “fn 20’ conhuny, mony apevalsed dovwices on Ae velopo0) Ausool Aroeyicg Y Pry , thoy includd yore) dfariont , v0 bei'c de. vices , reyloeh wo meaunnsU7ools , ad anced! Clin ore Ws, vonahons an ite surveyGl§ corppars eeerns 70 mPa Ohstance, rnshumenh Yor fi ayrebouny ‘paleo FhO0dbIHe8 ano! fo/oscepe f use gf woobigr0 od miow Other efochynt and aoral moeasummonts Dro pt hab eon made in i auney 1D folie GPS, LDAR and ‘nsdUmenk v0 bows alloy hobs P50 1D reve/uh'onure AUN DUdINeU WILT Cd HIDCar Prsiic_Demand for Protection » America . AOns applod 1 susyoyors uOrLns on Jevernrent (and , byt Fon wn no rule! Ahar suichh uo Ae privote OnHiN. Throyehast Much of Aroicas 2a IHX, land vas cheap and sumey measun MePN ner eld to fou Stondard , Disp des ne ae (ond 4Pcarne mor ex ent hve Public de- mata i" ied nen deme cernmo Bn +e 1890s susve uas { reguind as a prof esi'en Jo Calryesnia, UNA - Be Chea 140 il erppreeriy pein en Sri MUR”. rege Ha slow and IncnmenraT. many pr ud uleot hd a ‘omaged fublic ted to Liteon su bp Fog. UiP mop Kiconsur keguiysmonk + Inliconsec! Suneyors to the Lopis taro) lond Aurve yur_U9 BOs to 19603). A Separar _Payentt! the mid t9¥0s to 19s ,s fhe en noerip OU 0G ‘ogen m weptlon Sete cay Driney, HHep chony od ”» prfpsnias lake J My w CPL. z Au the 4OKS ID Le OSB reguin (/COPS808S + fo be 10 dome BLOM AUMIDKKNA by te Notbno! Count)t o Eraminpors for 6nx rem on Conn (NCEES), by te Lorly 19605 HOR naratadeMmle dunt Pp ailie ~The Kitt A-yoort prover was Initoka 8 Lreing t/ale Gilby 0 CalijomsaYn 1996. J eloned b Unrverehty 3 Hoda Mm (973. Coon they've bern Rnocn ap Gemarncs Educahen /égpine cad : DUAINEU WILT Cd HIDCdF Aaticna! Survey Orgontignrtot mone» To (9405 , gist organs aon eascrahd In thp Untied den ” cul reo! d. re prtsor sory 6rS 7AP American a on J radepi h nepprey (ASM) war tho su. fos 5 dork fo create nationdl oxganisatiin - Mora of ic oyociee ns re preson fol el ors 80, ero! a yencier Ala hoaids apd I's ayiteone bmononot aunag'on 9 groups He cont a bo ve povisod Mooiyiod and Grporded 0 eyjular ‘adie + US Now nate $ ys. 7 feist 40cds. ‘oupeh tok pioce rn Jiggo- Tn fain purled op the “cysh im ws 70 nvide poston ‘nfermahen to Po lars niselleg AUb TEGD IS, kk moin use nat @ rabising beonchmates In remo lacanon, 2 Sa ire rreodblite, Fofal Amwon, LTE GPS surwy rer Gin Irn ge merous 1D Use Lomore gensing and satriye 1 my yi Continue 10 Mp» ond become Cheaper cheaper y Alon7ng MO comme? YIP. Prominent nen — feehnolsqiar ‘netu0 Aree. al mensmg) (8D) aorning and use of np je topographica) sureys. vay ibis ateny Or abe ait ney pod. an pd /ppeo “f seane isthe fore qd unaying Mappin, “wit come alen sor If0 vope afedteh ert of aN. crept Egypt by ‘ood by nee jechroleny ds SHIN wwon if Lomeon re /n0 are /n clton f eed 11 Pop. yaw mb? on mobile 3D mepPrey and onyer in oat monysamenr, dune log hag PY dowlopmenh oh m3 rey vie ry pm Lad 2n_ 20 contey a AOtolu® jet sosetfr hm nas Gg) TTS TATITET WITT CATITISTA r rvaye IM On an D rhe ge 5 db ef » A0vora) rndirumpok ¢hat ar U0- Cler dlevtleprert) Coil? 60 hed. Arones anal reps vorpent /0 MN GP-S. catenhs rnerembor @ aecunany is posible: Prone _duneyiony + Dr ne Favor hrojors 70 110 wN® of Odlone . oF Unrranned X Qe7. Q0170/ vkbictil (U-AY) 49 chprore aorio! dato w/b 2 JOKNAGTA otrps Aepsoss dUCh ‘ag multt=speo/ come- rol, LUBA hy lade, ere - Ln drone ee 70 rors photog rophoc) ourrerous tre and with o 2 es A aac iienaye Is ed al cooroinores - Phokd-ga nthe ea p cold 7 ee ed ofhornosares, Gronion mooklt or sp r5vdels of 719 gy oer any. Uniire manned ayiccray rt .% £g 79177 #01, ol reno! CoP iy oF a much lorar altitude makin ete geneiatin 6 h- rig- lution, Aighty ocurak dy much JasWr , Chooper and Joraity epombd 3 ony arenes phe lc cendivuos auch a cloud cover- \ I q RK 1.0, ANd sor. reyny copys VANS asPRU q Arone du ofr Zana pandyernin? and develepork, fl rod rah’ jhe pier lu: rods, lope mw irexipy /UIbOP pronsiog ‘ x) Phorgramm meine _Ausvey :- Roi ord-979 phi'e "Gi es ope omapnde surrofass “pe. cijize 'fn rb! 5 via bl Aparol 1M4errouH Oh & . rho Ary and a tho ovo! ond ranelinfol Phors ros phs no obtain A wvmatton Gbous physica! objoers Ind Hy DUAINEU WILT Cd I HISCdP environmopt Mostty, I rs used in poduaen d) bas mops Urban piaeriny, train -ongiyn's aha yorons moor ey esr mappiny dono wilh YD. Heh hoi not 08) orang. pdfrar as 01500 'h fb) meaelDy Oe arch ini) rei ®raten! modo! 14 cr foronv aver! anol roy construct! surgery, Yara el Ml Feb spsura! dlobilirg oF enon SY igcnened doms,ok + Con ctudips with, prone, #8 arf J) moasurin) hal anieP oF 10 abr am mocbonical rnthumbnroren #9 eleerronl< and fronl9! cid #03 - Distance moasuring har gone frorp rfp ul? Kins to otochronic & wipmont a “4, S mbosunmonts- pDage tn t0v076) huncod yoors, +o Amentan sure yoy #03 jor UnJicensed e1port io arp || ess0rn) p roel Pb afar dqnchun: A pud and awvent free Tana & pe to coptinuD 7S ceDWo! positon a lormain HOH quel combinoe einen elpornse nifty (294) anatyurs : Fie: 4p) fools have arasm avdlvad and nin 10 res5 rah Pre ny £ opp’? in to outhy, this wil ceahhye fo oh mo Heatly evitve nbfn she yer yore aud - Scanned with CamScar

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