Tahud National High School: Republic of The Philippines Region VIII Eastern Visayas)
Tahud National High School: Republic of The Philippines Region VIII Eastern Visayas)
Tahud National High School: Republic of The Philippines Region VIII Eastern Visayas)
Department of Education
Region VIII Eastern Visayas)
Tahud National High School
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
MELC 1: Analyze the theme and techniques used in a particular text
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
24 25 26 27 28
What are the dominant What is the pattern in What are the themes and Application
literary conventions of development of plot in both techniques you should use Rewrite the excerpts from ICL
fiction and drama? fiction and drama? when writing a story? the Tale of Tungkung Langit
Activity: Compare and What are the good starting and Alunsina by using a Revise the dialogue based
contrast how the points for writing stories? dialogue. Have a peer-edit on the observations and
conventions of nonfiction after. comments made by the
and drama are used and peers.
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
MELC 2: Create samples of the different literary elements based on one’s experience (e.g. metaphor to describe an emotion
Duration : 1 week (4 hours)
31 1 2 3 4
HOLIDAY Develop a story line or plot Write down observations Take a photo of anything
line based on a personal about your mother/father. that catches your fancy. Post ICL
experience or an event one Focus on the things that you it on your facebook page and
has witnessed or had a like about the person. Limit write your thoughts about Write about “ How I spent
major impact in one’s life. your entry to seven to 10 the photograph that you my Summer Vacation” with
sentences. took. the following details:
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
MELC 3: Analyze factual/nonfictional elements (Plot, Characters, Characterization, Point of View, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere, Symbols and
Symbolisms, Irony, Figures of speech, Dialogue, Scene, Other elements and Devices) in the texts
Duration : 1 weeks (4 hours)
7 8 9 10 11
What is a plot? What do you What is a Character? What is What is a Point of view? Application
consider when writing a a Dialogue? What is What is an Angle? What is Write a complete creative ICL
plot? How do you write a characterization? setting and atmosphere? nonfiction piece. One that
title? The first paragraph? Activity: Slumbook What are symbols? has a beginning, middle and Do a close reading of
How to write the ending? Structure? Symbolism? an end. Write a five-page creative nonfictional texts.
Activity: Write a seven- Figures of Speech? memoir. You may write
sentence creative nonfiction Activity: Short quiz to have a about a memorable or
piece about an exciting short review on figures of important moment in your
event in school with a title speech. high school; a personal
and a beginning. struggle you were able to
overcome; a person who
inspires you or a life
changing experience.
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
MELC 4: Write a draft of a short piece (Fiction, Poetry, Drama, etc.) using any of the literary conventions of genre following these pointers:
1. Choosing a topic 2. Formulating a thesis statement 3. Organizing and developing ideas 4. Using any literary conventions of a genre 5. Ensuring that
theme and technique are effectively developed
Duration : 2 weeks (8 hours)
14 15 16 17 18
Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece:
Choosing a topic Organizing and developing Organizing and developing Using any literary Drafting of a short piece:
Formulating a thesis ideas ideas conventions of a genre
statement Using any literary
conventions of a genre
21 22 23 24 25
Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece: Drafting of a short piece:
Ensuring that theme and Ensuring that theme and Ensuring that theme and Ensuring that theme and Ensuring that theme and
technique are effectively technique are effectively technique are effectively technique are effectively technique are effectively
developed developed developed developed developed
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Checked by:
Head Teacher III