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12V140E-3 Series

50 Disassembly and assembly

Disassembly and assembly, Part 2
General assembly of engine ........................................................................................................................... 2

12V140E-3 Series 1
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

General assembly of engine 5] Check the counterbored part and

remove burrs. If chips or dust is on
a The shapes, quantity, locations, etc. of the face C, the liner does not fit and cool-
parts depend on each applicable machine. ant may leak and the projection of the
Take care. liner may become improper conse-
a When a part is provided on both sides of the quently.
banks, one side alone will be shown as an a If the counterbored part is droop-
example. Except where otherwise noted, the ing, corroded, or pitted, repair it.
same work procedure shall be employed for
the both banks.
a Clean each part carefully, and check it for
bruise, flaw, cavity, etc. Make sure each oil or
coolant path is through.

Tightening bolts by plastic-region turning angle

a Bolts tightened by plastic-region turning angle
q Cylinder head mounting bolt
q Main cap mounting bolt
q Connecting rod cap mounting bolt
a If the plastic-region turning angle method is
applied, the tightened bolts have permanent 2. Cylinder liner
strain. Accordingly, the allowable number of a Replace the O-ring and clevis seal with
using times of each bolt is limited. Observe the new ones.
following precautions.
1) Check that the cylinder liner O-ring groove
q Check each mounting bolt head for punch
and periphery of the liner are not rough-
marks. If there were punch marks more
ened because of rusting or pitting. If those
than the specified numbers, replace the
parts are roughened, replace the cylinder
2) Install clevis seal (1), O-rings (2) and (3) to
1. Cylinder block
the cylinder liner.
1) Lift the cylinder block and then set it on a Check that there is not a burr, dust,
tool A. etc. in the groove of the liner.
4 Cylinder block: 850 kg
a Fit the clevis seal with the chamfered
2) Before inserting the cylinder liners, pre- side down. When fitting it, press it
pare the cylinder block according to the against the seal groove all round so
following procedure. that it will not be twisted.
1] Remove the rust and scales from a When installing O-rings (2) and (3),
faces A and B with sandpaper, etc. refer to the following.
until the machined surfaces are q O-ring (2): Black
exposed. q O-ring (3): Orange
2] Polish parts B, R and r with sandpa- 2 Clevis seal and O-ring:
per of about No. 200 until they Rubber lubricant (RF-1)
become smooth. a RF-1: DAIDO CHEMICAL INDUSTRY
If part R is sharpened or burrs are CO., LTD.
present there, finish it with a scraper If RF-1 is not available, apply clean
or sandpaper. engine oil (EO30).
Finish this surface particularly a Since the clevis seal and O-ring are
smoothly so that it will not damage swollen and deteriorated by oil, apply
the O-ring. a small amount of oil to them thinly
3] If face R is so pitted that it cannot be with a brush just before fitting them.
repaired, replace the cylinder block.
4] If faces A and parts R and r are pit-
ted, finish them smoothly.

2 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

q Gasket sealant application diam-

eter: ø0.8 – 1.6 mm

3) After fitting the liner O-ring, check it for

twist. If it is twisted, correct it with a
a When applying the gasket seal-
smooth rod (about 10 mm in diameter).
ant, make sure overlapping b
between the coating at start and
the end complies with the follow-
ing dimension.
q Gasket sealant overlapping
dimension b: 6 ± 6 mm

4) Install the cylinder liner according to the

following procedure.
1] Using cloth, wipe dirt and oil com-
pletely off the contact faces between
the counterbored part of the cylinder a After applying the gasket sealant,
block and liner flange. finish the cylinder liner installa-
2] Apply silicon-based gasket sealant to tion within 50 minutes.
the counterbored mating parts a of q When the bottom contact face of
the cylinder block and cylinder liner. the counterbored liner flange is
2 Cylinder block: modified and shim (2) is used.
Gasket sealant (LG-6)

12V140E-3 Series 3
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

1] Coat the bottom side of shim 8) Using tool F, press-fit cylinder liner (1) to
(2) with a small amount of the cylinder block.
gasket sealant LG-6 and
then assemble the shim.
2] Then apply gasket sealant
LG-6 according to the same
procedure as that employed
when the shim is not used.

9) To prevent the gasket sealant from pro-

jecting through the clearance between the
block and liner after the cylinder head is
tightened, tighten the cylinder head tem-
porarily with the used head gasket
5) Immediately before press-fitting of the a At this time, observe the following
liner, apply a small amount of engine oil to tightening torque and tightening
the liner O-ring, crevice seal and contact order.
face of the cylinder block. 3 Temporary tightening torque:
2 Clevis seal, O-ring and cylinder 137 – 157 Nm {14 – 16 kgm}
block: Engine oil (EO30) a Installation of No. 7 bolt is not neces-
a Apply the engine oil, using hands, sary.
uniformly on the entire contact face of
the cylinder block.

10) Remove the cylinder head and wipe off

6) Direct stamping "T" on the top face of the the gasket sealant projected from the
liner toward the engine front side and then counterbored part.
insert cylinder liner (1) to the cylinder a Be sure to perform steps 9) and 10)
block while taking care so that the O-ring above since the projected gasket
may not be damaged. sealant can deform the grommet of
7) Push in cylinder liner keeping weight on the head gasket.
both hands. 11) After press-fitting the cylinder liner, mea-
a If the liner does not enter the cylinder sure its projection using tool D.
block smoothly when pushed with a Before measuring projection of the
weight on both hands, stop the work liner, tighten it with plate [1] so that it
since the O-ring is potentially dam- may not be lifted by the O-ring.
aged. In this case, check the cylinder q Measuring position:
block for burrs. 4 positions at a, b, c and d.

4 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

3 Plate mounting bolt:

686 – 980 Nm {7 – 10 kgm}
a Standard cylinder projection:
0.07 – 0.15 mm
a If the projection is out of the standard,
correct it according to the mainte-
nance standard.
a If the gasket sealant is projected from
the fitting parts of the cylinder block
and cylinder liner up to the top of the
cylinder block, wipe it off.

2) Drive in the roll pin in such that its projec-

tion from the block end face may become
2.7 – 3.4 mm and then install upper thrust
bearing (5).
a Install the thrust bearing with the
grooved surface on the crankshaft
2 Thrust bearing sliding surface:
Engine oil (EO30)
3) Before assembling crankshaft, confirm the
following items.
3. Crankshaft q Presence/absence of abnormality in
1) Fit upper main bearing (6) to the cylinder the front and rear threaded portions.
block, matching the projection of the (Make sure the bolt can be smoothly
former to the notch of the latter. screwed in with hand.)
q Presence/absence of scratches or
dents on the pin and main journal.
q Presence/absence of dusts in the oil

a Upper bearing: With oil hole A

a No. 4 bearing is wider than others.
Thus, care must be taken to prevent
an assembly error.
a Bearing with a 4) Lift crankshaft (4) and then install it on the
No. 4 bearing: 52 mm cylinder block.
Bearings other than No. 4: 48 mm a When installing the crankshaft, take
a Before fitting the bearing, make sure care not to hit its sliding surfaces
that its back side is free from foreign against the cylinder block.
matter. 4 Crank shaft: 210 kg
2 Bearing inner surface: 2 Cylinder block journal:
Engine oil (EO30) Engine oil (EO30)
a Don't apply the engine oil to the bear-
ing backside.

12V140E-3 Series 5
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

5) Install the projection of lower bearing (7) 6) Drive the roll pin of cap No. 7 so that it will
locating it to the notch of main cap (1) and be projected by 2.7 – 3.4 mm from the cap
install. end and then install lower thrust bearings
a Before fitting the bearing, make sure (3) to both sides.
that its back side is free from foreign a Install the thrust bearing with the
matter. grooved surface on the crankshaft
2 Inside of bearing: side.
Engine oil (EO30) 2 Thrust bearing sliding surface:
a Don't apply the engine oil to the bear- Engine oil (EO30)
ing backside. 7) Apply the engine oil to the surface of the
journal of the crankshaft. Then install the
main cap after making sure that the No.
being stamped on respective main caps
(1) is matching the cylinder block No.
2 Crankshaft journal:
Engine oil (EO30)
a When installing the main cap, direct
its cast part number side toward the
front of the engine.
8) Apply engine oil to the threaded portion of
the main cap mounting bolt and washer
and then drive in the bolts alternately until
the main cap is completely fitted.
2 Main cap mounting bolt:
Engine oil (EO30)
a Lower bearing: Without oil hole
a No. 4 bearing is wider than others. Thus, care
must be used to prevent an assembly error.
a Bearing with a
No. 4 bearing: 52 mm
Bearings other than No. 4: 48 mm

9) Tighten main cap mounting bolts (2)

according to the following procedure.
a Tighten the bolts from the center one
to the outer ones in order.

6 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

2 Threaded portion of mounting bolt

and washer: Engine oil (EO30)
3 Main cap mounting bolt
1st time: 284 ± 15 Nm {29 ± 1.5 kgm}
2nd time: 569 ± 10 Nm {58 ± 1.0 kgm}
3rd time: Using tool G, retighten the
bolt by 90° (+30°/0°).

4. Piston and connecting rod assembly

1) Assemble the piston and connecting rod
according to the following procedure.
1] Fit in oil ring expander (9) to the oil
ring groove.
2] Using tool C, assemble the oil ring,
second ring and top ring, in this order.
a When tool G is not used, apply
marking b to the main cap and
bolt with paint, and then retighten
the bolt by 90° (+30°/0°).
10) Make punch mark c on the mounting bolt
a When a new bolt is used, do not
make a punch mark on its head.

a Assemble respective piston rings

as shown in the figure.
a When assembling the respective
rings to the piston, direct their
stamped side upward.
a Take the expander out of the oil
ring and fit it to the piston first
and then assemble the oil ring. At
11) Check that the crankshaft turns smoothly. this time, make sure that the
a Standard crankshaft starting torque: expander is fitted to the ring
Max. 147 Nm {15 kgm} groove perfectly.
12) Measure the end play of the crankshaft a Make sure that the coil butt joint
with dial gauge [1]. of the expander is situated in a
a End play standard value: position 180° to the oil ring abut-
0.140 – 0.320 mm ment joint.
a If the end play is out of the standard,
correct it. For details, see "Structure,
function and maintenance standard".

12V140E-3 Series 7
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3] Install snap ring (10) to one side of 7] Install the projection of connecting
piston (7). rod upper bearing (11) locating it to
the notch of the connecting rod.
a Before fitting the bearing, make
sure that its back side is free
from foreign matter.
a Don't apply the oil to the bearing
a Make sure that the connecting
rod small end bushing are large
end bearing hole are aligned with
the connecting rod oil hole.
a Before assembling the connect-
ing rod, check the connecting rod
oil hole for settled dusts.
2 Connecting rod bearing inner
surface: Engine oil (EO30)
4] Set the piston (7) and connecting rod
(5). Mate the cast letters "EX i F" on
the piston against the chamfered hole
side in the big end of the connecting
rod and then assemble them.
5] Apply engine oil to the piston pin boss
and inner surface of the connecting
rod bushing and then insert piston pin
(6) while directing the connecting rod
2 Piston pin: Engine oil (EO30)
6] Install snap ring (4) on the opposite
a Turn the snap ring to make sure
that the left and right side snap
rings are completely fitted in the 8] Install the projection of connecting
ring groove. rod lower bearing (12) locating it to
a Also make sure that the connect- the notch of the connecting rod cap.
ing rod moves lightly. a Before fitting the bearing, make
sure that its back side is free
from foreign matter. Don't apply
the engine oil to the backside.

8 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

2) Apply the engine oil to the cylinder liner. 5) Align the abutment joint of respective pis-
a Apply the engine oil uniformly on the ton rings as well as the piston to the posi-
entire circumference with hands. tion shown in the figure.
2 Cylinder liner: Engine oil (EO30)

3) Turn the crankshaft to drive the pin journal

of the target cylinder of insertion to the top
dead center position.
4) After confirming No. of the piston and con-
necting rod assembly, insert the assembly
to the cylinder block directing it in the
direction shown in the figure.
a Set the direction of the cylinder block
in such that the cylinder may face
sideways. This process is needed to
prevent sudden insertion of the piston
and connecting rod assembly to the
aMake sure that the coil butt joint of the oil ring
a On each bank, install notch A for the
is situated in a position 180° to the abutment
piston cooling nozzle and chamfered
2 Piston ring, piston and crank journal:
side B of the connecting rod. In this
case, their positional relation with
Engine oil (EO30)
front direction F of the engine must be
6) Using tool H, compress the piston ring and
as shown in the figure.
then push in the piston head with a
wooden bar and the like.

12V140E-3 Series 9
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

7) Using the connecting rod puller [1] shown a When assembling a new connecting
in the figure, pull the connecting rod until it rod, record its cylinder No. on the
is closely contacted against the pin jour- connecting rod cap using a electric
nal. pen (stamping is not acceptable). It is
a Make sure the connecting rod bearing strictly prohibited to change the com-
is not displaced. bination of the connecting rod and
a The connecting rod puller [1] is made cap through this operation.
by welding bar b to unnecessary con-
necting rod bolt a.
a Total length of connecting rod puller l:
Approx. 500 mm.
2 Crank pin journal:
Engine oil (EO30)

11) Apply the engine oil to the threaded por-

tion and washer of the connecting rod.
2 Connecting rod bolt and washer
Engine oil (EO30)

8) Turn the crankshaft 180° while pulling the

connecting rod.
9) Install connecting rod lower bearing (12)
to connecting rod cap (2).
2 Connecting rod lower bearing:
Engine oil (EO30)
10) Install connecting rod cap (2) aligning it to
the dowel pin on the connecting.
a Check the cylinder No.

12) Tighten connecting rod bolts (1) alter-

nately until the connecting rod cap is
closely contacted.

10 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

a When tool G is not used, apply marking b to

the connecting rod, connecting rod cap and
bolt with paint and then retighten the bolt by
90° (+30°/0°).
15) After tightening the bolt, make a punch
mark c on its head.
a When a new bolt is used, do not
make a punch mark on its head.

13) Turn the crankshaft 180° and insert the

piston and connecting rod assembly on
one bank according to the steps 1) – 12).
14) Tighten the mounting bolts in the order
indicated in the figure according to the fol-
lowing procedure.
3 Connecting rod bolt:
1st time: 69 – 78 Nm {7 – 8 kgm}
a After assembling the connecting rod,
2nd time:
make sure that the crankshaft rotates
69 – 78 Nm {7 – 8 kgm} (again)
3rd time: Using tool G, retighten the
16) Measure the side clearance of the con-
bolt by 90° (+30°/0°).
necting rod with dial gauge [1].
q Standard side clearance:
0.3 – 0.454 mm
a When the side clearance is out of the
standard, remove the connecting rod
cap and check the connecting rod for
assembly errors, presence of burrs or
pinching of foreign substances.

5. Piston cooling nozzle

1) Install piston cooling nozzle (1).
a After completely inserting the spigot
joint portion to the block side mount-
ing hole, tighten the mounting bolt.
3 Piston cooling nozzle mounting
bolt: 54 ± 20 Nm {5.5 ± 2.0 kgm}
a Prior to the installation, check the
nozzle for damages or internal clog-
ging .

12V140E-3 Series 11
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

a Make sure prior to the installation that 7. Camshaft assembly

the notch for preventing interference 1) Insert the camshaft assembly (3) to the
of the piston cooling nozzle is pro- cylinder block along with the cam gear.
vided on the piston skirt portion. a Install it carefully turning the cam
shaft so that the cam bushing may
not be damaged.
a Use care when inserting the cam
shaft so that your fingers may not be
2 Camshaft: Engine oil (EO30)

2) Turn the crankshaft slowly to make sure

that interference is not observed between
piston cooling nozzle (1) and piston (2) or
connecting rod (3).

2) Turn the cam gear (1) and tighten mount-

ing bolt (2) through the lightening hole
a Replace the current mounting bolt
with a new one.
3 Cam shaft mounting bolt:
88 ± 34 Nm {9.0 ± 3.5 kgm}

6. Timing gear case

Lift and install timing gear case (1).
a Prior to the installation, fix several portions
on the gasket temporarily using the gasket
sealant so that it may not be displaced.
4 Gear case cover: 55 kg

8. Cam follower assembly

1) Assemble the cam follower according to
the following procedure.
1] Install snap ring (7) to shaft (6).
2] Install cam follower (5) to shaft (6).
2 Cam follower bushing inner
surface: Engine oil (EO30)
3] Install snap rings (4).

12 12V140E-3 Series
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2) Install cam follower assembly (3). 10. Supply pump drive case
3 Cam follower assembly mounting 1) Install supply pump drive case (2).
bolt: 2) Install oil tube (1).
44.1 – 58.8 Nm {4.5 – 6.0 kgm}
a Install the oil tube on the left bank
3 Oil tube joint bolt:
7.9 – 12.7 Nm {0.8 – 1.3 kgm}

3) Install cam follower cover (2) and then

tighten it along with plate (1) using the
mounting bolt.
a The plate between No. 3 and No. 4
cylinders is longer than those used in 11. Oil pump assembly
other sections. Install oil pump assembly (1).
3 Cam follower cover mounting bolt: 3 Oil pump mounting bolt:
34.3 – 44.1 Nm {3.5 – 4.5 kgm} 54 ± 20 Nm {5.5 ± 2.0 kgm}

9. Oil cooler (front side)

Install oil cooler (front side) (1)

12V140E-3 Series 13
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

12. Idler gear (small)

1) Install idler gear (small) (2).
a When installing the idler gear, align
the counter mark "D" to that of the
cam gear (3) for the right bank.
2 Idler gear bushing inner surface:
Engine oil (EO30)
2) Install plate (1) and then tighten the
mounting bolt.
2 Plate sliding surface:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Idler gear (small) mounting bolt:
98.0 – 122.5 Nm {10.0 – 12.5 kgm}

14. Idler gear (large)

1) Set No. 1 cylinder on the right bank to the
top dead center position.
a It is referenced as the standard posi-
tion when adjusting respective gears.
2) Install thrust plate (4) to the shaft.
a Install the plate in such that oil groove
A may be set on the idler gear side.
2 Thrust plate: Engine oil (EO30)

13. Supply pump gear

1) Install key (2) to the shaft.

3) Install idler gears (large) (2) and (3).

2 Idler gear bushing inner surface:
Engine oil (EO30)

2) Install supply pump gear (1).

a After installing all timing gears, tighten
mounting nut (3) while fixing the
a Or tighten the nut while retaining the
lightening hole with a general pur-
pose retention tool and fixing the sup-
ply pump gear.
3 Supply pump gear mounting nut:
176 – 196 Nm {18 – 20 kgm}

14 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

2) Install water pump assembly (2) tempo-

a Install idler gears (large) (2) and (3) in rarily.
such that their counter marks as well
as that of respective gears may come
to the positions shown in the figure.

3) Measure the backlash and end play of

each gear with the dial gauge.
a Symbols in the figure correspond to
4) Install plate (1) and then tighten the "Position" field in the following table.
mounting bolt.
a Install the plate setting its "OUT"
marking on the outside.
2 Plate sliding surface:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Idler gear (large) mounting bolt:
98.0 – 122.5 Nm {10.0 – 12.5 kgm}

15. Check of timing gear for backlash and end

1) Attach gear (1) to the compressor and
then install them temporarily. (When the
engine is equipped with the compressor)

12V140E-3 Series 15
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

1] Backlash of each gear

Position Measuring points
Right idler gear (small) and 0.130 – 0.390
right sub idler gear (0.125 – 0.363)
Right sub idler gear and right 0.051 – 0.469
supply pump gear (0.125 – 0.363)
Left sub idler gear and left 0.051 – 0.469
supply pump gear (0.125 – 0.363)
Left sub idler gear and left 0.129 – 0.391
cam gear (0.125 – 0.363)
Right idler gear (small) and 0.129 – 0.391
right cam gear (0.125 – 0.363)
Right idler gear (large) and a When cover (2) was removed, apply the
E•E 0.052 – 0.481
water pump drive gear
gasket sealant in the position shown in the
Right idler gear (large) and
F•F 0.137 – 0.421 figure before installing it again.
2 Cover: Gasket sealant (LG-7)
oil pump gear
Left supply pump gear and 0.106 – 0.381
G•G q Application diameter: ø2.0 mm
compressor gear (0.138 – 0.354)
Right cam gear and acces- 0.085 – 0.492
sory drive gear (0.138 – 0.354)
Crank gear and left idler gear
L•L 0.141 – 0.425
Crank gear and right idler
R•R 0.141 – 0.425
gear (large)
Note): The standard value enclosed in ( ) indicates
the backlash between spur gears

2] End play of each gear

Position Gear name Standard value
1 Idler gear (large) end play 0.07 – 0.18
2 Idler gear (small) end play 0.07 – 0.18
3 Supply pump gear end play 0.07 – 0.20
4 Oil pump gear end play 0.03 – 0.088
Accessory drive gear end
5 0.1 – 0.4
6 Crank gear end play 0.14 – 0.32
7 Cam gear end play 0.10 – 0.25

16. Gear case cover

Lift and install gear case cover (1).
a As a cover for carrying a unit is put on the
machine in the figure below, the shape of
actual machine is partially different from it.
4 Gear case cover: 75 kg 17. Front oil seal
1) Clean, degrease and then dry the contact
surface between the front cover and front
2) Using a clean cloth, remove foreign matter
deposited on the crankshaft flange.
a Clean foreign matter deposited on the
seal lip surface (surface around the
crankshaft) and then degrease and
dry the surface.

16 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

a Check the crankshaft end face corner

and lip siding surface for scratches
due to the housing, burrs or rusts.
3) When installing front oil seal (2), do not
apply oil or grease to the shaft and seal
lip. Wipe off the oil from the shaft.
2 Inner circumference of front oil
seal: Gasket sealant (LG-7 or
1] The surface having the parts number
(PN) marking must face to the outside
of engine.

18. Front support

Install front support (1).
a Prior to the installation, fill the oil hole with
a Volume of grease filled: 20 cc
2 Front support: Grease (G2-LI)

2] Tighten nuts [1] using the tool J

(plate), and press oil seal (8) to the
crank shaft end surface.

19. Damper and crank pulley assembly

1) When the damper and crank pulley are
separated, assemble them again by tight-
ening the mounting bolts in the order indi-
cated in the figure.
2 Damper mounting bolt and washer:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Damper mounting bolt:
98 – 122 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}

3] Tighten nuts [1] using the tool J

(push tool), press oil seal (8) in the
front case until it becomes the dimen-
sion (a) as shown in the figure.
a Oil seal press fit dimensions
(a): 17 mm
(from crank shaft end surface)
(b): 25.1 mm
(from front cover end surface)

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SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

2) Lift and install damper and crank pulley

assembly (1).
a Install the assembly aligning it to the
dowel pin of the crankshaft.
4 Damper and crank pulley assem-
bly: 75 kg

aTighten the mounting bolts in 3 steps

according to the order indicated in the
2 Flywheel housing mounting bolt:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Flywheel housing mounting bolt:
aTighten the mounting bolts in 3 steps 1st time:
according to the order indicated in the 343 ± 49 Nm {35 ± 5 kgm}
figure. 2nd time: Loosen it fully
2 Damper and crank pulley pump 3rd time:
assembly mounting bolt and 411.6 ± 19.6 Nm {42 ± 2 kgm}
washer: Engine oil (EO30)
3 Damper and crank pulley assembly
mounting bolt
1st time:
73.5 ± 19.6 Nm {7.5 ± 2 kgm}
2nd time:
245 ± 19.6 Nm {25 ± 2 kgm}
3rd time:
744.8 ± 19.6 Nm {76 ± 2 kgm}

2) After the installation, cut off the gasket

projecting from the oil pan mounting sur-
face to make height of the gasket and
mounting surface even.
3) Install burring tool (1) and Ne speed sen-
sor (2).

20. Flywheel housing

1) Lift and install flywheel housing (4).
4 Flywheel housing: 230 kg

18 12V140E-3 Series
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21. Rear oil seal 4) PC2000-8

1) Clean, degrease and then dry the contact a Check the Teflon seal (Laydown lip
surface between the flywheel housing and seal) by checking the wear of the
rear seal. shaft and replace it with the “Standard
2) Using a clean cloth, remove foreign matter seal”.
deposited on the crankshaft flange.
a Clean foreign matter deposited on the
seal lip surface (surface around the
crankshaft) and then degrease and
dry the surface.
a Check the crankshaft end face corner
and lip siding surface for scratches
due to the housing, burrs or rusts.
3) When installing rear oil seal (3), do not
apply oil or grease to the shaft and seal
lip. Wipe off the oil from the shaft.
1] The surface having the parts number
(PN) marking must face to the outside
of engine.
a Clean, degrease and then dry the
contact surface between the flywheel
housing and rear seal.
a Clean foreign matter deposited on the
seal lip surface (surface around the
crankshaft) and then degrease and
dry the surface.
a Check the crankshaft end face corner
and lip siding surface for scratches
due to the housing, burrs or rusts.

2] Using the K (push tool), press oil

seal (3) in the flywheel housing until it
becomes the dimension (a) or (B) as
shown in the figure.
a Oil seal press fit dimensions
(a): 5 mm (from flywheel hous-
ing end surface)

12V140E-3 Series 19
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

5) Installation procedure of standard seal

a Do not apply any grease, oil and oth-
ers to the seal lip surface (a).
a Never remove inside plastic cylinder
(3) of the standard spare seal before
installing the seal.

4] Apply rear seal (2) on the end of

crankshaft (4).
a Install the rear seal in the correct
5] Manually push the metal ring of rear
seal (2) evenly, and insert in its posi-
1] Set the large inside diameter side (b) tion.
of plastic inside cylinder (3) to the end 6] Using the tool K, further press and
of crankshaft (4). insert rear seal (2) evenly.
a Extremely take care not to mis-
take the direction of the plastic
inside cylinder.

7] Using the tool K, press rear seal (2)

by tightening bolts equally.
a Press rear seal (2) until tool K
2] Hold the metal ring of rear oil seal (1) reaches crankshaft (4).
with both hands and push it in firmly. q Press fit method of oil seal
3] After pushing in the rear oil seal, (from flywheel housing end
remove plastic inside cylinder (3). surface)
a When removing the inside cylin- (a): 13.5 mm
der, take care not to damage the q Press fit method of oil seal
seal lip. (from crankshaft end surface)
(b): 25.7 mm
a After having pressed the rear
seal, remove the red sealant
form outer edge.

20 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

a Tighten the mounting bolts in the fol-

lowing order.
2 Flywheel assembly mounting bolt:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Flywheel mounting bolt
1st time:
98 ± 19.6 Nm {10 ± 2 kgm}
2nd time:
294 ± 19.6 Nm {30 ± 2 kgm}
3rd time:
539 ± 19.6 Nm {55 ± 2 kgm}

22. Flywheel assembly

1) Lift and install flywheel assembly (1).
a Install the assembly aligning it to the
dowel pin of the crankshaft.
4 Flywheel assembly: 130 kg

2) After installing the flywheel, inspect its

facial runout and radial runout using dial
gauge [2].
Standard facial runout: Max. 0.25 mm
Standard radial runout: Max. 0.25 mm

a When tightening the mounting bolt, fix

the space flywheel and flywheel
housing using plate [1] in order to pre-
vent the crankshaft from turning.

12V140E-3 Series 21
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

3) Install engine speed sensor (3). 2) Install accessory drive (2).

a Tighten the locknut until the sensor tip 3) Install pulley (1).
is contacted against the ring gear
tooth tip of the flywheel. Return the
sensor 3/4 - 1 turn from above posi-
tion and then tighten the locknut.
3 Engine speed sensor locknut:
49 – 68.6 Nm {5 – 7 kgm}

24. Thermostat housing

1) Install thermostat housing (2).
2) Install water temperature sensor (1).

23. Accessory drive assembly

1) Assemble the accessory drive.
1] Pull off bushing (10) and oil seal (9) to
housing (8).
a Press-fit the bushing 2 mm
deeper from the end face.
2 Bushing inner surface:
Engine oil (EO30)
a Press-fit the oil seal 1.5 mm
deeper from the end face.
2 Seal lip: Grease (G2-LI)
a Fill 50 – 80% of the lip open
space with the grease. 25. Front engine hanger
2] Press-fit gear to (7) to shaft (5). Install front engine hanger (1).
3] Assemble thrust plate (6) to the shaft
and gear assembly and then insert
the housing from the rear side.
4] Assemble thrust plate (4) to the shaft
and then press-fit hub (3).
a Use care in above operation so
that the seal lip may not be dam-

22 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

26. Thermostat case 28. Alternator bracket

1) Install thermostat (3) to thermostat case Install alternator bracket (1).

29. Relief valve

2) Install thermostat case (2). 1) Remove engine assembly (1) from tool A
3) Install water outlet (1). and then support it using block [1].
a Make sure the engine is supported
2) Install relief valve (1).

27. Breather
Install breather (1), blow-by pipe (2) and plate
3 Breather mounting bolt: 30. Suction pie and under plate
24.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.5 – 3.0 kgm} 1) Using jack [1], install under plate (1) and
a Install plate (3) to the left side bank alone. then fix it temporarily using the oil pan
mounting bolt.
4 Under plate: 25 kg

12V140E-3 Series 23
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

2) Install suction pipe (3) and stay (2). 33. Common rail
1) Install bracket (3).
2) Install common rail (2).
a Install the common rail at this point
since positioning of the high-pres-
sure pipe is needed when installing
the fuel injector.
3 Common rail mounting bolt:
59 – 74 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}

31. Oil pan

1) Install oil pan (1).
4 Oil pan: 75 kg

34. Cylinder head assembly

1) Assemble the cylinder head assembly
according to the following procedure.
1] Install valve (7).
2] Install lower seat (6).

2) Install the engine assembly to tool A


32. Oil level gauge and oil filler tube

1) Install bracket (4).
2) Install oil level gauge (3) and then tighten
the sleeve nut at the base.
3) Install oil filler tube (2).
4) Install bracket (1).

3] Using tool L, install stem seal (8).

a Drive in tool L until its lower end
a is contacted against lower seat

24 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

4) Tighten the mounting bolts according to

the following procedure.
1] Tighten mounting bolts (No. 1 – 7)
2] Tighten the mounting bolts (No. 1 – 6)
in 3 steps according to the order indi-
cated in the figure.
a When a bolt with 5 punch marks,
which indicates the tightening
frequency up to today, in its head
is found, replace it with a new
2 Cylinder head assembly mount-
ing bolt: Molybdenum disul-
4] Install inner spring (5), outer spring fide lubricant (LM-P)
(4) and upper seat (3). 3 Cylinder head assembly mounting

5] Using tool B, compress the valve bolt (No. 1 – 6)

spring to install cotter (2). 1st time:
a After the installation, hit the valve 137 – 157 Nm {14 – 16 kgm}
stem lightly with the plastic ham- 2nd time:
mer to make sure the cotter is 284 – 294 Nm {29 – 30 kgm}
installed stably. 3rd time: 90 (+30/0)°

2) Install the cylinder head gasket. a When tool G is not used in tight-
3) Lift and install cylinder head assembly (1). ening of the 3rd time, check the
4 Cylinder head assembly: 30 kg rotating angle after applying
marking b to the cylinder head
and bolt head using paint.

12V140E-3 Series 25
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

3] Tighten the mounting bolt (No. 7) with 2) Insert fuel injector (2) to the cylinder head
the following torque. along with holder (3).
2 Cylinder head assembly mount-
ing bolt:
Molybdenum disulfide lubri-
cant (LM-P)
3 Cylinder head assembly mount-
ing bolt (No. 7):
66.2 ± 7.4 Nm {6.75 ± 0.75 kgm}
4] After the tightening, stamping punch
mark a to the head of mounting bolts
(No. 1 – 6).

3) Install spherical washer (7) and then

tighten holder mounting bolt (1) tempo-
2 Special washer: Engine oil (EO30)
4) Tighten sleeve nut (5) of the high-pressure
pipe temporarily.
a Also tighten the sleeve nut on the
common rail side temporarily to pro-
ceed with the positioning.
a See "High-pressure pipe" for precau-
5) Install the water tube. tions on this operation.
3 Water tube joint bolt: 5) Tighten holder mounting bolt (1) with the
9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm} specified torque.
3 Holder mounting bolt:
35. Fuel injector 58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
a Check that the inside of the injector sleeve a Leave sleeve nut (5) being tightened
is free from dirt. temporarily in above operation as is.
1) Install O-rings (4) and (5) and gasket (6) to This nut is to be tightened with the
the fuel injector. specified torque in the next step.
2 O-ring: Engine oil (EO30)

26 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

36. High-pressure pipe (between common rail - a After the tightening, make sure the O-
fuel injector) ring is not projecting from the sleeve
k Install the high-pressure pipe and nut.
clamp paying attention to the following
q It is strictly prohibited to reuse a high-
pressure pipe by modifying its bend
or using the pipe in an unintended
q The clamp used must be a legitimate
one. And it must be installed in the
specified position with the specified
q After installing the high-pressure pipe
and clamp, make sure that 10 mm
m i n im u m c l e a r a n c e i s p r o v i d e d
between the high-pressure pipe and
adjacent harness. If the clearance is
less than 10 mm, adjust the harness
position to secure the space.
k Before installing the high-pressure
pipe, check it for the following defects.
If there is any of these defects, it can
cause fuel leakage. Accordingly,
replace the high-pressure pipe.
q Check the taper seal of the connect-
ing part (Part a: Part of 2 mm from the
end) for visible lengthwise slit b and
dent c.
q Check part d (end of the taper seal:
Part at 2 mm from the end) for
stepped-type wear (fatigue) which
your nail can feel.

2) Manually tighten and install temporarily

the stay and top and bottom clamps of
high-pressure pipe clamp (7).
3) Tighten the top and bottom clamps perma-
a Before tightening the stay perma-
nently, deflect the rubber fist.
3 Top and bottom clamp bolt:
9.8 ± 1 Nm {1 ± 0.1 kgm}
4) Tighten the stay permanently.
5) Manually tighten and install temporarily
the stay and top and bottom clamps of the
high-pressure pipe.
1) After installing fuel injector (5) and com- 6) Install the high-pressure pipe clamp and
mon rail (6) temporarily to high-pressure gate type frame temporarily.
pipe (4), tighten the sleeve nut with the a First tighten the high-pressure pipe
specified torque. clamp permanently, and then tighten
a Control the torque by using a spanner the gate type frame permanently to
type torque wrench (commercially the common rail mounting bolt.
3 Gate type frame mounting bolt:
available) for the tightening.
3 High-pressure pipe sleeve nut 9.8 ± 1 Nm {1 ± 0.1 kgm}
(injector side): 7) Tighten the high-pressure pipe clamp per-
39.2 – 49 Nm {4 -– 5 kgm} manently.
3 High-pressure pipe sleeve nut 3 High pressure pipe clamp bolt:

(common rail side): 9.8 ± 1 Nm {1 ± 0.1 kgm}

39.2 -– 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}

12V140E-3 Series 27
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

8) Tighten the clamp stay permanently.

a Tighten the clamp of the air intake
manifold after installing the manifold.

37. Crosshead
1) Install crosshead (1).
2 Crosshead sliding portion:
9) Install the rubber cover to the sleeve nut
on the high-pressure pipe. Engine oil (EO30)
a Direct the slit downward when install-
ing the rubber cover.
q Injector side (8): Bottom
q Common rail side (9): Cylinder
block side

2) Adjust the crosshead according to the fol-

lowing procedure.
1] Loosen locknut (2) and then loosen
adjustment screw (3) to a position
where it does not valve stem (4).
a When installing the high-pressure pipe without 2] Maintain the contact with valve stem
removing the fuel injector (for example, when (5) on the push rod side by pressing
replacing only the high-pressure pipe with new the contact face against the rocker
one), follow the procedure below. arm using a finger.
q Tighten sleeve nut (10) by 2 turns with the
3] Tighten adjustment screw (3) to con-
hand into the threads of the fuel injector
firm the position where adjustment
and then tighten it with the spanner.
screw (3) is contacted against valve
a If sleeve nut (10) does not catch the
stem (4).
threads, it will help to turn the spanner
while pressing sleeve nut (8) end with a 4] Drive in adjustment screw (3) further
small rod, etc. toward the injector. by 20° from the contacting position
against valve stem (4).
5] Tighten locknut (2) while suppressing
move of adjustment screw (3).
3 Locknut:
58.8 ± 5.9 Nm {6.0 ± 0.6 kgm}

28 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

38. Injector harness

40. Rocker arm assembly
1) Push connector (3) out of the cylinder
1) Assemble the rocker arm assembly
head and then install injector harness (4)
according to the following procedure.
in the cylinder head.
1] Install adjustment screw (2) on rocker
2) Tighten injector terminal mounting nut (1)
arms (4) and (6), and then install lock
and clamp mounting bolt (2).
nut (1).
a Alternately tighten injector terminal
a Screw in adjustment screw (2)
mounting nuts (1).
3 Injector terminal mounting nut:
until its spherical part touches
rocker arms (4) and (6).
2 ± 0.2 Nm {0.2 ± 0.02 kgm}
a After tighten the injector terminal
mounting nut, push the harness
against the injector body to eliminate

2) Install exhaust rocker arm (4), spacer (5)

and air intake rocker arm (6) to rocker arm
shaft (7).
2 Rocker arm shaft:
Engine oil (EO30)
39. Push rod
Install push rod (1).
a Make sure that the push rod end is
securely fitted to the cam follower socket.
2 Both ends of push rod:
Engine oil (EO30)

12V140E-3 Series 29
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

3) Install rocker arm assembly (3).

a Make sure that the ball of adjustment
screw (2) is securely fitted to the push
rod socket.
a When tightening the mounting bolt,
make sure adjustment screw (2) is
not pushing the push rod.
2 Rocker arm: Engine oil (EO30)
3 Rocker arm assembly mounting
93 – 103 Nm {9.5 – 10.5 kgm}
a Tighten locknut (1) after adjustment of
the valve clearance is completed.

2) Loosen locknut (6) of adjustment screw

(5) of the right No. 1 cylinder and then
i n s e rt c l ea r a n c e g a ug e M , whic h is
adjusted to the specified thickness,
between crosshead (4) and rocker arm
(3). Then using the adjustment screw,
adjust the clearance to a degree that
allows only slight move of the gauge.
a Standard valve clearance:
q Intake valve: 0.35 ± 0.02 mm
q Exhaust valve: 0.57 ± 0.02 mm
3) Tighten locknut (6) to secure adjustment
screw (5).
3 Locknut tightening torque:
52.9 – 64.7 Nm {5.4 – 6.6 kgm}
41. Adjusting valve clearance
a After tightening the locknut, check the
1) Rotate the crankshaft forward and drive
valve clearance again.
right No.1 cylinder to the compression top
4) Repeat the same procedure for other
dead center, while watching move of the
engines, too, in the order of firing. Namely,
intake valve on right No. 6 cylinder. Then
crank the engine and then locate the
locate the stamped line of R1.6 TOP of
stamped of the damper to the pointer to
vibration damper (1) to pointer (2).
adjust the valve clearance of respective
a Crank the engine using the burring
tool (B) being provided in the front
a Firing order
right side of the flywheel housing.
R1 - L1 - R5 - L5 - R3 - L3 - R6 - L6 -
a The intake valve of right No. 6 cylin-
R2 - L2 - R4 - L4
der will start moving as right No. 1 cyl-
inder is driven to vicinity of the
compression top dead center. (Open)
a Figure shows the cylinder No. and
their firing order (circled numbers
indicate the firing order).

30 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

42. Head cover

Install head cover (1).
3 Head cover mounting bolt:
14.7 – 34.3 Nm {1.5 – 3.5 kgm}

43. Fuel tube

Install fuel tube (1).
3 Fuel tube joint bolt:
9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm}

44. Plate and block

Install block (3) and plates (2) and (1).

12V140E-3 Series 31
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

45. Oil cooler (rear side) 4) Install block (1).

1) Install oil cooler (2).
2) Install oil manifold (1).

47. Corrosion resister and filter head assembly

Install corrosion resister and filter head assem-
46. Water pump assembly bly (1).
1) Install housing (5) to water pump (4).

48. Exhaust manifold assembly

2) Install water pump assembly (3). 1) Install the gasket.
a Install the gasket directing its "OUT"
marking to the exhaust manifold side.
2) Lift and install exhaust manifold assembly
4 Exhaust manifold assembly: 25 kg

3) Install water connector (2).

32 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

a Tighten the mounting bolts in the fol-

lowing order.
a Tighten it once and then tighten again
with the same torque.
2 Exhaust manifold assembly mount-
ing bolt:
Molybdenum disulfide lubricant
3 Exhaust manifold assembly mount-
ing bolt:
44.1 – 53.9 Nm {4.5 – 5.5 kgm}

4 Turbocharger assembly: 35 kg
2 Turbocharger assembly mounting
bolt and nut:
Molybdenum disulfide lubricant
3 Turbocharger assembly mounting
44.1 – 53.9 Nm {4.5 – 5.5 kgm}

3) Install bracket (4), water pipe (3), muffler

bracket (2) and insulating plate (1).

2) Install water pipes (2) and (3) and oil pipes

(4) and (5).
a As for the air-cooled turbocharger,
install the oil pipes alone.
3 Water connector (Block side):
78.5 – 103 Nm {8 – 10.5 kgm}
3 Water pipe flare nut (Water connec-
49. Turbocharger assembly tor side):
1) Lift and install turbocharger assembly (1). 24.5 – 59 Nm {2.5 – 6 kgm}
a Tighten turbocharger assembly 3 Water pipe joint bolt (Turbocharger
mounting bolt according to the proce- side):
dure below. 24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
1] Tighten mounting bolts at each con- 3 Water connector (Turbocharger
necting portion temporarily for posi- side): 29.4 – 39.2 Nm {3 – 4 kgm}
tioning. 3 Water pipe flare nut (Water connec-

2] Tighten turbocharger assembly tor side):

mounting bolts in the following order. 29.4 – 39.2 Nm {3 – 4 kgm}
1st time: [1],[2],[3] and [4]
2nd time: [1],[3],[2]and [4]

12V140E-3 Series 33
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

50. Exhaust connector 3) Install support (1).

Install exhaust connectors (1) and (2).

52. High-pressure pipe clamp

51. Air intake manifold assembly Install brackets (1) and (2) to the exhaust man-
1) Install the gasket. ifold and then tighten high-pressure pipe clamp
a Install the gasket setting its "UP" bolt (3).
marking upward and also directing 3 High pressure pipe clamp bolt:
this side to the intake manifold. 9.8 ± 1 Nm {1 ± 0.1 kgm}
2) Lift and install air intake manifold assem-
bly (2).
4 Intake manifold assembly: 45 kg

a Tighten the mounting bolts in the fol-

lowing order.
3 Intake manifold assembly mounting
bolt: 58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}

34 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

53. Spill tube

Install spill tube (1).
3 Spill tube joint bolt
Cylinder head side:
9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm}
Intake manifold side:
19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2.0 – 3.0 kgm}

a Tighten mounting bolt (2) with the

specified torque after tightening the
sleeve nut of the high-pressure pipe
(between supply pump and common
2 Supply pump assembly mounting
bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
54. Supply pump assembly and high-pressure
pipe (between supply pump - common rail)
k Install the high-pressure pipe and
clamp paying attention to the following
q It is strictly prohibited to reuse a high-
pressure pipe by modifying its bend
or using the pipe in an unintended
q The clamp used must be a legitimate
one. And it must be installed in the
specified position with the specified
q After installing the high-pressure pipe
and clamp, make sure that 10 mm
m i n im u m c l e a r a n c e i s p r o v i d e d 2) After installing high-pressure pipes (4) and
(5) to supply pump (1) and common rail
between the high-pressure pipe and
(3) temporarily, tighten the sleeve nut with
adjacent harness. If the clearance is the specified torque.
less than 10 mm, adjust the harness a Control the torque by using a spanner
position to secure the space. type torque wrench (commercially
1) Install supply pump assembly (1) tempo- available part) for the tightening.
rarily. 3 High-pressure pipe sleeve nut
a Align and insert the unequal spline (supply pump side):
portion of the supply pump side to 39.2 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
3 High-pressure pipe sleeve nut
unequal spline portion A of the supply
pump drive case side. (common rail side):
39.2 – 58.8 Nm {4 – 6 kgm}
a When it is difficult to insert the supply
3) Tighten supply pump assembly mounting
pump , turn the crankshaft to change
bolt (2).
position of unequal spline portion A.
4) Tighten the mounting bolt across the sup-
ply pump assembly bottom face and
3 Supply pump mounting bolt (Bot-
tom side):
19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2.0 – 3.0 kgm}
5) Install oil tube (6).
3 Oil tube joint bolt:
9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm}

12V140E-3 Series 35
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

55. Fuel pipe

1) Install priming pump (4).
a If the air bleeding plug is removed,
tighten the pump with the following
3 Air bleeding plug:
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
2) Install fuel pipes (1) – (3).
3 Fuel pipe joint bolt (Common rail
17.7 – 22.6 Nm {1.8 – 2.3 kgm}
3 Fuel pipe joint bolt (Supply pump
14.8 – 19.6 Nm {1.5 – 2.0 kgm}

6) Install high-pressure pipe clamp (7)

according to the following procedure.
1] Manually tighten and install tempo-
rarily the stay and top and bottom
clamps of the high-pressure pipe
2] Tighten the top and bottom clamps
a Before tightening the stay perma-
nently, deflect the rubber fist.
a Use care in the tightening so that
excessive force may not be
applied to the supply pump side
install position.
3 Top and bottom clamp bolt:
9.8 ± 1 Nm {1 ± 0.1 kgm} 56. Air intake connector
3] Tighten respective stays permanently. Install air intake connector (1).
7) Install the rubber cover to the sleeve nut
on the high-pressure pipe.
a Direct the slit downward when install-
ing the rubber cover.
q Supply pump side (8): Bottom
q Common rail side (9): Facing
inward (Opposed)

36 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

57. Air inlet pipe 59. Fuel filter and filter head assembly
1) Install bracket (3). 1) Install fuel filter and filter head assembly
a Install bracket (3) to the right side (3).
bank alone. 2) Install fuel tubes (1) and (2).
2) Install bracket (2). 3 Fuel tube joint bolt:
3) Install air inlet pipe (1) and then fix it with 24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
the clamp.
3 Clamping nut:
29.4 – 44.1 Nm {3.0 – 4.5 kgm}
4 Air inlet pipe: 35 kg

60. Alternator
1) Install alternator (2).
2) Install auxiliary equipment belt (1).
3) Adjust tension of the auxiliary equipment
58. Engine controller and controller cooler a Adjust its deflection to 20 mm when
1) Install controller cooler (4). the pushing force of 58.8 Nm {6 kgm}
2) Install fuel hoses (2) and (3). is applied to the belt center through a
3) Install engine controller (1). finger.
3 Engine controller mounting bolt: 3 Adjuster lock bolt:
23.5 Nm {2.4 kgm} 53.9 – 122.6 Nm {5.5 – 12.5 kgm}

12V140E-3 Series 37
SEN00322-04 50 Disassembly and assembly

61. Starting motor assembly

Install staring motor assemblies (3) and (2) and
then connect wiring harness (1) to them.
a Install the top assembly first being fol-
lowed by the bottom one.
3 Starting motor B terminal nut:
19.6 – 25.5 Nm {2 – 2.6 kgm}

a Clean and degrease the engine and the

parts around it in advance so that you can
test it easily for fuel leakage.
1) Spray color checker (developer) over the
fuel supply pump, common rail, fuel injec-
tor, and joints of the high-pressure piping.
2) Run the engine at speed below 1,000 rpm
62. Engine wiring harness and stop it after its speed is stabilized.
Install engine wiring harness (1) on the engine 3) Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel
assembly and then connect the connector and leakage.
terminal. a Check mainly around the high-pres-
sure circuit parts coated with the color
checker for fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair
it and check again from step 1).
4) Run the engine at low idle.
5) Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel
a Check mainly around the high-pres-
sure circuit parts coated with the color
checker for fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair
it and check again from step 1).
6) Run the engine at high idle.
7) Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel
63. Checking for fuel leakage a Check mainly around the high-pres-
a When removal and installation of fuel sup- sure circuit parts coated with the color
ply pump (1), common rail (2), or high- checker for fuel leakage.
pressure pipes (3) and (4) were con- a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair
ducted, check fuel leakage according to it and check again from step 1).
the following procedure after assembling 8) Run the engine at high idle and load it.
the engine. a When checking while the components
a Here, high-pressure pipes (3) and (4) to be checked are mounted on the
denote every fuel pipe (the figure shows machine, stall the torque converter or
an example). relieve the hydraulic pump.
9) Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel
a Check mainly around the high-pres-
sure circuit parts coated with the color
checker for fuel leakage.

38 12V140E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00322-04

a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair

it and check again from step 1).
a If no fuel leakage is detected, check
is completed.

12V140E-3 Series 39

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