Final - Building and Enhancing New Literacies

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School of Liberal Arts and Teacher Education

College Avenue, Tuguegarao City 3500
Dr. Matias P. Perez Sr. Bldg.


First Semester
SY 2020-2021

TITLE: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
 Artistic and creative Literacy
 Critical Literacy
OVERVIEW Researches have recognized researchers have recognized that there are
significant benefits of arts learning and engagement in schooling. The arts
have been shown to create environments and conditions that result in
improved academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for students, from
early childhood through the early and later years of schooling.
Educational research is discussed critical literacy as a theory of social
practice, as the negotiation of and the creation of meaning for social justice.
INTRODUCTIO Engaging in quality arts education experiences provides students with an
N outlet for powerful creative expression, communication, aesthetically rich
understanding, and connection to the world around them. Being able to
critically read, right, and speak about art should not be the sole constituting
factors for what counts as literacy in the arts. Since the 1990s, critical
literacy theories have outlined emancipatory theories of learning that
address the complex relations of language and power through social
critique, advocacy, and cultural transformation.
LEARNING  Discuss the value of arts to education in practical life
OUTCOMES  discuss a brief background of critical literacy theory
 characterize critical literacy
 design creative an innovative classroom activity for a specific topic
and grade level of students
LEARNING • Discuss the value of arts to education in practical life
OBJECTIVES • discuss a brief background of critical literacy theory
• characterize critical literacy
• design creative an innovative classroom activity for a specific topic
and grade level of students

DISCUSSION A. artistic and creative literacy

artistic literacy is defined in the National Coalition for core art standards: a
conceptual framework for arts learning (2014) as the knowledge and
understanding required to participate authentically in the arts. The
individual learner learns about dance, media, theater, music and visual arts
through reading and print texts. in here, artistic literacy engaged in artistic
creation processes directly using materials and in specific spaces. the range
of art forms and the diversity in complexity of programs and research, that
are implemented, is difficult to generate findings concerning the strength of
the relationships between the arts and learning of the students. However, the
flexibility of the forms comprising the arts positions, students should
possess a range of literate practices to use their minds in both verbal and
nonverbal ways, communicate complex ideas in a variety of forms,
understand words, sounds, or images, imagine you possibilities and
persevere to reach goals and make them happen.
How would you characterize an artistically student? Literature on art
education and art standards in education Cited series of common traits of an
artistically literate individual
 Use a variety of artistic media, symbols, etc
 develop creative personal realization in one art forms,
 cultivate culture, history, and other connections
 feel joy, inspiration, etc
 sick artistic experiences and support the arts in their communities
In the first literacies: alright, creativity, play, constructive meaning- waking,
McArdle and Wright Asserted that educators should make deliberate
connections with children's first literacies of art and play. A new approach
to early childhood pedagogy would emphasize children's embedded
experience through drawing. This would include a focus on children's
creation, manipulation, and changing of meaning through engage
interaction with art materials (Dourish, 2001) Through physical, emotional,
and social immersion (Anderson, 2003). there are four essential components
to develop or designing curriculum that cultivate students artistic and
creative literacy. This approach is actively encouraging the creative,
constructive thinking involve in meaning making which are fundamental to
the development of the systems of reading, writing, and numbering.
1. Imagination and pretense, fantasy, and metaphor
2. active menu 2 meaning waking
3. intentional, holistic teaching
4. co-player co- artist
B. Critical literacy
the earliest scholarship in critical literacy is grounded in Freirvan Pedagogy.
In 1987, they published their volume on literacy and critical pedagogy.
They were the first to initiate a dialogue around the idea of critical literacy
in their collection. It states that critical literacy is more complex than the
traditionally defined skills of reading and writing, rather they argued also
that untraditional definition of literacy is ideologically aligned with pictures
of normative social political consciousness that are inherently, exploitative.
by contrast, critical literacy emphasizes the social construction of reading,
writing and text production Within political Contacts of inequitable
economic, cultural, political, and institutional structures. There are three
forms of educational practice that critical literacy can take on, varying by
their commitment to inquiry an action:
 Liberal education
 Pluralism
 Transformative praxis
liberal education, an approach to disciplinary knowledge were intellectual
freedom exists and desperate interpretations are considered. In pluralism,
reading is emphasized to evaluate principles that support a loose conception
of tolerance. For transformative praxis, takes the radical potential of critical
literacy into direct emancipatory action in the world.
Janks (2000) posited two are possible orientations for future approaches two
critical literacy education based on different perspectives on the relationship
between power and language:
a) To understand how language maintains social and political forms of
b) To provide access to dominant forms of language without
compromising the integrity of non-dominant forms.
c) To promote a diversity which require attention to the way that uses
of language create social identities, and
d) To bring a design perspective that emphasizes the need to use and
select from a wide range of available cultural sign symptoms.
Both the practice an understanding of art forms and being critically literate
are interconnected. Critical literacy makes possible a more adequate
“reading” of the world, On the basis of which people can enter into
rewriting the world into a formation in which their interest, identity's, and
legitimate aspirations are more fully present and present more equally.
according to Freebody and Luke Develop a four-tiered approach to early
reading instruction that has now been widely adopted at across Australian
schools. These are necessary approaches but not sufficiently sets of social
practices requisite for critical literacy. A recent version of the model offered
the following descriptions
 Coding practices
 Text meaning practices
 Pragmatic practices
 Critical practices
another approach for analyzing text is to use a checklist such as CARS.
 Credibility
 Accuracy
 Reasonableness
 Support
these are originally developed for use in evaluating websites. Hence, critical
literacy is a vital element to teach pupils in the 21st century.
ACTIVITY A. Read the questions an instruction carefully. Write your answers legibly
and concisely.
1. What is your personal definition of creativity?
2. Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school.
What made you creative?
3. is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read values definitions
on these two concepts an organize your notes using a Venn diagram
4. explain this quote from Picasso: all children are born artists. The
problem is to remain as an artist as we grow up.
B. Evaluate
read the questions an instruction carefully. Write your answers legibly and
1. Why are 21st century skills or personal dispositions important goals
for students in arts education?
2. What are some best practices in teaching that create an active or
student-centered learning environment?

Read the questions and instructions carefully

1. explore your personal literacy histories by recalling and writing
concisely your answers.
a) Your first memories of reading (what, where, with whom?)
b) Favorite reading as a child and as an adult.
c) The most important books or authors in your life.
d) The main roles and purpose of reading in your life (as a
parent, professional, for pleasure and religious purposes,
2. list down the skills related to critical literacy.
Explain each skill intelligently.

Prepared by: Dr. Soledad R. Taguibao

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