Final - Building and Enhancing New Literacies
Final - Building and Enhancing New Literacies
Final - Building and Enhancing New Literacies
TITLE: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
Artistic and creative Literacy
Critical Literacy
OVERVIEW Researches have recognized researchers have recognized that there are
significant benefits of arts learning and engagement in schooling. The arts
have been shown to create environments and conditions that result in
improved academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for students, from
early childhood through the early and later years of schooling.
Educational research is discussed critical literacy as a theory of social
practice, as the negotiation of and the creation of meaning for social justice.
INTRODUCTIO Engaging in quality arts education experiences provides students with an
N outlet for powerful creative expression, communication, aesthetically rich
understanding, and connection to the world around them. Being able to
critically read, right, and speak about art should not be the sole constituting
factors for what counts as literacy in the arts. Since the 1990s, critical
literacy theories have outlined emancipatory theories of learning that
address the complex relations of language and power through social
critique, advocacy, and cultural transformation.
LEARNING Discuss the value of arts to education in practical life
OUTCOMES discuss a brief background of critical literacy theory
characterize critical literacy
design creative an innovative classroom activity for a specific topic
and grade level of students
LEARNING • Discuss the value of arts to education in practical life
OBJECTIVES • discuss a brief background of critical literacy theory
• characterize critical literacy
• design creative an innovative classroom activity for a specific topic
and grade level of students