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Material Reconciliation - PDF REVISED

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Material Reconciliation
We use material reconciliation to analyze and verify
ingredients at the end of a production process. It
allows you to compare the material quantity that
actually flowed in with the planned quantity or the
quantity of the material produced.
With respect to this topic, it is the process of
ensuring that the standard and actual data agree after
taking into consideration the data relating to the
“Reconcile = Getting two things to correspond/agree“
Why? Reconciliation

 To have a account of actual consumption of


 Control of Wastage or Excess Material


 To know the measures to be taken to minimize

wastage as we can know area where wastage is
more than norms to the extent possible and
hence we can save cost on account of wastage.
Control of Wastage

 Whatis Waste;
Waste is defined as “any material by product of
human and industrial activity that has no
residual value”. However this is not true for the
construction waste, since it has a residual
Construction Waste

 Construction
Construction waste is defined as “the by
products generated and removed from
construction, renovation and demolition at
work places or sites of building and civil
engineering structures”.
Construction Waste
• Construction uses many materials extracted from deposit in
the earth’s crust. Some of these materials are directly used
at site, few after simple processing and others are prone to
complex manufacturing processes.
• It is found that the construction industry is a large consumer
of energy intensive manufactured materials such as iron,
steel, copper, glass, synthetic materials, cement etc., But the
construction industry produces considerable amount of solid
waste which is avoidable.
• Generally, it is noted that the wastage of materials in most of
the construction sites are beyond acceptable limits.
Categories of Construction Waste

• Natural waste
• Direct waste
• Indirect waste
Natural Waste

• Natural Waste to a certain extent is inevitable

on building Sites.
• Direct Waste, can be prevented and involves the
actual loss.
Categories of Direct Waste
Category Description Example

Transit waste Transit waste occurs with Bricks

brittle materials during Tiles
transportation and placing Glazing
materials into the initial Roofing sheets
Cutting and Cutting waste occurs when Plywood
conventional materials cut into various sizes Formwork
waste and uneconomical shapes. Tiles

Application Application waste occurs with Plaster

waste most wet building materials. Paint, Glue

Residue waste Residue waste occurs with Paint

materials normally delivered in Glue
containers. Waste occurs when
completely not used and when
not properly sealed.

Table continued………………
Categories of Direct Waste
…….……… Table Continued
Category Description Example
Stockpile waste Occurs when most loose Sand
materials are dispersed on the Cause aggregate
site because of poor storage.
Criminal waste Occurs due to theft and Tiles, Cement bags
vandalism. Sundry items

Waste caused by Occurs due to succeeding Damages to walls

other trades such as plumbing, plaster etc.
trades electrical, etc.

Management Occurs due to lack of Throwing away excess

waste supervision or incorrect materials
decisions of the management.

Waste due to Occurs due to wrong selection Rejection of inferior

wrong use
Indirect Waste

• Indirect waste is also known as cost waste.

Indirect waste is distinguished from direct waste
by the fact that, materials are not lost
physically, but indirectly.
Categories of Indirect Waste
Category Description Example
Substitution Occurs due to the substitution Use of high strength
waste of materials. Either contractor concrete instead of
or client will loose. When weak mix.
considering the cost of
transport, delays to work and
inconvenience of Use of facing bricks
obtaining correct material, instead of common
it is often more cost bricks.
effective to use an available,
expensive material than
to that cheaper material tobe
used as specifications.
But consequential cost may
arise if the specifications are
not met.
Production Occurs when contractor does Use of extra plastering
waste not receive any payments for to rectify the uneven
the works he has carried out. surfaces of the brick
Table continued………………
Categories of Indirect Waste
…….………Table Continued

Category Description Example

Operational Occurs due to the Left form work
waste unavailability of proper
quantities in the contract
document and when the
materials are left in the
Negligence Occurs when more materials Use of extra concrete
waste are used than specified, due to when over excavate.
the use of unfit machineries
How to control wastage of construction
Material at site
Rising cost of construction materials now demands “No wastage” of
construction materials at work site. Following are few steps, which
may help us in reducing wastages at site.
1. Consumption of Concrete:
 Concrete yield at batching plant need to be checked at interval of
15 days.
 Theoretical Quantity & actual Quantity of concrete in each pour
needs regular monitoring. There should be no difference in these
two quantities. Proper monitoring and analysis shall eliminate the
 Calibration of batching plant at every fortnight.
 When concrete pumps are used, concrete left in concrete pipeline
should also be pumped in pouring place by pushing sponge ball
at the end of each concrete. The quantity of concrete inside pipe
should be taken into account while finding out the volume of
concrete required for completing the pour.
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site

 Delay in placing concrete after arrival of transit mixer at pouring

point should be avoided. This delay may cause loss in slump and
then rejection of entire concrete inside the transit mixer.
 Improper batching, delay in transporting concrete, no insulation
of transit mixers in hot climate, incompatibility of super
plasticizer (of fresh lot) etc. are few reasons causing loss of
workability and rejection of concrete.
 Avoiding any wastage of concrete after pour is completed.
 Concrete used for overflowing above cutoff level in piles or
D/walls should be well estimated. Assessed quantity required for
overflowing should be only be allowed to overflow to ensure fresh
concrete at cutoff level.
 Excess consumption of concrete / wastage of concrete is wastage
of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, super-plasticizer plus
mixing and transportation cost of concrete. This is very costly
and needs special attention.
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site

2. Coarse Aggregate:
• Checking acceptability/quality of aggregates before unloading at
concrete mixing plant. This is to avoid rejections further wastage
of aggregate.
 Well prepared base for stacking aggregates to avoid lower
aggregates getting mixed with soil. In rainy season this wastage
may shoot up.
 Avoid using flaky aggregates. Flaky aggregate demand more
cement paste for cohesive mix and higher dosage of plasticizer for
workability. Cement & plasticizer consumption is high.
 As far as possible number of handlings/ shifting of aggregates
from one place to other should be avoided. Reduce handling
 Conversion factor from weight to volume and volume to weight
should be checked periodically by determining DLBD ( Dry Loose
Bulk Density).
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site

3. Fine Aggregate ( River Sand):

• Checking acceptability/quality of aggregates before unloading at
concrete mixing plant. This is to avoid rejections further wastage
of aggregate.
 Well prepared base for stacking aggregates to avoid lower
aggregates getting mixed with soil. In rainy season this wastage
may shoot up.
 If screening of sand is required then procure screened sand to
avoid wastage due to screening at site.
 Try to replace maximum quantity of river sand with crushed sand
when our own crushers are in operation. Partial replacement of
crushed sand can improve strength and density of concrete if
proper combined grading is done during designing concrete
mixes. Higher percentage of river sand can be replaced with
crushed sand in Plain Cement Concrete or concrete where high
slump retention is not required.
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site

4. Cement:
 Avoid using flaky aggregates. More cement paste is required to
achieve strength and workability of concrete when flaky
aggregates are used.
 Storage of cement in dry place.
 Use cement on First in First out basis.
 Try to replace cement with Fly ash as far as possible. At least in
all PCC/ non- structural concrete fly ash can be used if clients do
not accept our proposal of using fly ash in RCC for any reasons.
However, approval for using fly ash in PCC should be acceptable
to clients.
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site
5. Admixture:
For getting desired workability (Slump) and to retain workability till
concrete is poured super-plasticizers are added in concrete. Some times
to achieve and retain workability higher dosage than dosage estimated
during designing mixes are required for maintaining the specified slump.
The reasons of this additional requirement of super-plasticizer dosage
should be analyzed and as far as possible eliminated to avoid excess
consumption. The reason of excess consumption may be some of those
listed below;
 New drum of admixture is not rolled on ground before using. This
rolling of drum on ground shall mix all solids settled at bottom.
 Admixture lot supplied is not same as tested in mix design.
 New lot is not compatible with cement due to some change in
formulation by manufacturer.
 Aggregates are flaky, Sand contains more silt.
 Change in proportions of ingredients of concrete.
 Rise in ambient temperature.
 Transit mixers are not insulated and concrete placed in hot drum of
transit mixer.
 After mixing concrete placing time is increased.
Minimizing wastage of construction Material at site

 6. Reinforcement & Str. Steel:

 On opening a bar bending register the engineer can plan the
reduction of the wastage of cut-pieces to the minimum quantity
since he knows the desired size of the reinforcement required for his
structure, hence he can order for similar size and or he can know the
available cut pieces which can be used for making rings, chairs etc.
Lastly the organization gets the benefit.
 Diameter wise Reconciliation of stock on monthly basis.
 Firstly, aim to reduce the amount
of waste you create.
If waste is created, identify ways you
can reuse the materials.
Finally, if materials cannot be reused
then collect them to recycle.
Only dispose of waste as a last
How? Reconciliation
Records to be maintain for Reconciliation on monthly basis

 Variation Register ; to note various types of variations that occur at site with
respect to the Tender document like: Extra Item, Increase and / or decrease in
quantity from original scope, Change in line and length, Change in specification etc.
 Material Records,

 Stock Records,

 Material Issue Record,

 Records for Approved Mix Designs

 Record of Work Done ; (i.e. Record of Quantity of work as well material consumption
How? Reconciliation

Material waste quantity = Consumption Qty - Theoretical Qty

(Consumption Qty- Theoretical Qty) X 100

Material Wastage (%) =
Theoretical Qty.
Reconciliation Formats

Three formats Table-A, Table-B, Table-C are used for

estimating wastages / material reconciliation of above
construction materials and Two formats for Structural
Steel and Reinforcement.
Reconciliation Format
Reconciliation Formats
Table-C Reconciliation Format
Reconciliation Format – Wastage of Reinforcement Steel
Wastage Statement
/ Reconciliation of
Wastage Statement / Reconciliation of Structural Steel

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