Approach: Microeconomics: GDP GNP Growth Basics
Approach: Microeconomics: GDP GNP Growth Basics
Approach: Microeconomics: GDP GNP Growth Basics
Ch15: External Sector
Ch16: IMF, World banks
NCERT 12/macro/ch.6 (even for Mains)
Balance of Payment, Foreign Exchange Current (focus on these news)
Gold standard, Bretton woods.
ignore Formulas and Charts. only one formula important: 1. CAD high, Rupee weak (
Chapter 5
Ramesh Singh :
Ch. 18 Public finance.
Ch.17 Taxation
Lastly, GSM (MCQ)
(optional) Laxmikanth’s book on Pub.Ad:
Chapter on Financial Administration,
Union Government in India (PSU)
Approach: Indian Economy (for UPSC)
For Indian Economy- the approach must be “prelim cum mains”. (Prelim-
oriented “jugaad” preparation doesn’t work anymore- because UPSC
professors designing tough MCQs to break the backs of coaching classes
and senior players.) Anyways you should approach the basic of Indian
Economy following sequence:
NCERT class11:
1. Ch4 Poverty: poverty line, Causes of poverty
2. Ch5 human capital formation
3. Ch7 Employment
Prelim cum mains (GS1 and GS3)
1. Ramesh: ch.21 Demographic dividend, Ch. 22 human development
2. Eco. Survey ch.2 and ch.13
3. Census 2011, skill Development (Yoj/Kur/12th FYP/Schemes)
#6: Sustainable development / Desi liquor
1. NCERT class11: 9
a. Carrying capacity, ozone depletion etc. basic
b. for biodiversity /environment angle: additionally prepare NCERT
sci/geography, NIOS
2. Ramesh Ch.20
3. RIO+20 ( This summit is old topic but gives decent fodder
points for essay/interview.
4. Economic Survey ch. 12
Once this is done, you may go through remaining chapters of
NCERT/Ramesh as per your time/mood.