Bannari Amman

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Proceedings of National Conference on Signals, Systems & Security (NCSSS-2006), Feb 24 – 25, 2006

Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,Sathyamangalam

(A.Jabeena.M.E, N.Sardar Basha.M.E, K Murali Babu.M.E, G.Suresh.M.E.)
In this paper, a new algorithm for noise adaptive soft switching median filter is proposed. Median filters are
well known for removal of Impulse noise. Switching based median filters are commonly found to be non adaptive
to noise density variations and suffer in terms of misclassification of pixel characteristics at noise density
interference. This points to the critical need for a sophisticated switching scheme and an adaptive weighted
median filter. This project proposes a new switching based median filter is called Noise Adaptive Soft Switching
Median Filter. This achieves a much-improved filtering performance in terms of effectiveness in removing
impulse while preserving signal details and noise density variation. A soft switching noise detection scheme is
developed to classify each pixel as uncorrupted pixel, isolated impulse noise, Non-isolated impulse noise or edge
pixel. Signals unfiltered or standard median filter or Fuzzy weighted median filter will then be employed
according to the respective characteristics type identified.
Key words
Median filter, Weighted median filter, switching based median filter, impulse detector, fuzzy weighted
1. Introduction
Digital image processing finds its application in many important fields such us satellite communication,
businesses application etc... Processing an image is a complex task. Any signal processing system, even though it is
digital, is not perfect due to the constraints of noise. Therefore, main problem in image Processing is to reduce the
effect of noise and present it with perceptible details.
In the transmissions of images over channels, images are often corrupted by impulse noise due to faulty
communications or noisy channels. Such noises may be introduced due to faulty camera or the like. In a black and
white digitized image, pixels corrupted by positive impulses appear as white dots, and those corrupted by negative
impulses appear as black dots. The objective is to remove impulses so that the noise –free image is fully recovered
with a minimum signal distortion.
To reduce the effect of noise, filtering is needed. Linear filters have been the primary tool for signal
processing. They are easy to design and offer excellent performance. This is particularly true for spectral separation
where the desired signal spectrum is significantly different from the interference. The drawbacks of linear filters are
poor performance in the presence of nonadditive noise, non-Gaussian noise, channel non-linearity, and blur the
edges. The transmission of the digital image requires communication channels. Communication channels are often
model by theory of nonlinearity. So nonlinear filters must filter noise in image due to communication channels.
Standard median[SM] filter [1] [2] was initially introduced to eliminate impulse noise with
reasonably good performance. Standard median filter exploits the rank order information [3] of the input data to
effectively remove impulsive noise by substuting the consider pixel with the middle position element of the
reordered input data. Since then, it has been intensively studied and extended to such as weighted median[WM]
filter center weighted median filters [4] and switching based median filters. The previously developed algorithms
make use of fixed noise detection threshold obtained at a pre assumed noise density level. These algorithms lack
adaptively to noise density variation. The mismatch between the designed algorithms and the actual noise density
will cause noticeable and even substantial degradation on filtering performance. When the noise density increases,
more misclassifications of pixel characteristic are going to occur and subsequently result in more degraded filtering

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Effective detection and removal of salt and pepper noise by using non-linear filter
performance. Therefore, an intelligent noise-detection process will be highly desirable and instrumental in correctly
detecting various types of pixel characteristic. An adaptive filtering scheme is essential to remove the corrupted
pixelwhile preserving image details when misclassification of pixel characteristic happens. These indicate that both
noisedetection and corresponding filtering operation are crucial to achieve good median filtering performance,
especiallyat high noise density interference.
The proposed new switching based median filter incorporating fuzzy concepts called noise adaptive soft
switching median filter [NASM] [5]. This achieves much improved filtering performance in terms of effectiveness
inremoving impulse noise while preserving signal details and noise density variation. A soft switching noise
detectionscheme is developed to classify each pixel as uncorrupted pixels, isolated impulsive noise, nonisolated
impulsive noise. The filtering scheme is applied to according to pixel characteristics. Unfiltering effect is applied to
uncorrupted pixel. Standard median filter and fuzzy weighted median filter would be subsequently used to remove
impulse noise or preserve image object’s edge pixel. This filter superior performing in removing a high density of
impulsive noise while preserving fine details.
2. To find pixel characteristics and filtering action
Uncorrupted pixels are identified by using global statistics based on the pixel intensities of the entire image.
Impulse noise corrupts the image pixel by altering its intensities to either relatively high or relatively low value. The
uncorrupted pixel has much smaller differences as compared to corrupted pixels to identify the uncorrupted pixel, to
obtain the estimated original image. An estimation of the original image could be obtained by passing the noise
image through standard median filter with an adaptive window size. Improve the detection performance estimated
original image is decomposed into nonoverlaping homogeneous rectangular block based on quadtree technique [6].
Then calculate the pixel wise difference between noisy image and the original image is computed. A typical
histogram of the particular block computed. From the histogram find the corrupted pixel and uncorrupted pixel.
Distribution around the center is mainly contributed by those uncorrupted pixels.Set this pixels are uncorrupted pixel
according to [5].
The isolated impulsive noise possesses intensity which is relatively higher or lower then that of the its neighboring
samples.Using fuzzy set concept the membership value is calculated for the pixel with respect to the uncorrupted
pixel. Here the membership value divided into two groups, high-level group represents closely correlated pixel and
lower value group indicating noncorralated pixel. The uncorrupted pixels within the sliding window are considered
on computing their membership value associated to the center pixel. Set the threshold value for this condition and
find the isolated impulse noise.set these pixels are isolated impulsive noise.
Nonisolated impulse noise or edge pixels are most difficult to be discerned from each other since both are high
frequency signals in essence. . If we consider pixel is isolated impulsive it may be edge pixel. it is discriminated by
consider more sourrending pixels. If the pixel being considered is an edge pixel, such extension will be including.
The consider pixel is a nonisolated impulsive noise; the inclusion of more impulse noise will not be possible since
only uncorrupted pixels are considered in the window size. For this purpose the early computed membership value is
used. Set the threshold value for this condition and find the nonisolated impulse noise and edge pixel. Set these
are isolated impulsive noise and edge pixel.
Noise adaptive soft switching median filter detecting each pixel as uncorrupted pixels, isolated impulsive
noise, nonisolated impulsive noise and edge pixel. After identifying pixel characteristics according to that
effect is applied to uncorrupted pixel. Standard median filter and fuzzy weighted median filter would be
used to remove impulse noise and preserve image object’s edge pixel. This filter superior performing in removing a
high density of impulsive noise while preserving fine details.

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Effective detection and removal of salt and pepper noise by using non-linear filter
Input:Number0frows X Number0fcolumns image
Moving window W,|W|=N=2k+1
Weight vector a=(a1,a2…..,aN)
Output:Number0frows X Number0fcolumns image
Let Halfsum=ΣN
i=1 ai /2
For I=1 to Numberofcolumns
Place the window W at (i,j)
Store the image values inside W and the corresponding weight in X=((X1,a1),(X2,a2)……(XN,aN))
Let sum=0,m=1
Let sum=sum+am
Let m=m+1
Until sum>halfsum
Let output(I,j)=X(m-1)
The Lena image is used to simulate this algorithm. The experimental results shows this filter gives superior
performing in removing a high density of impulsive noise while preserving fine details Fig1 (a) shows a corrupted
Lena image with an impulsive noise of 25 %. Fig1 (b) shows the image filtered by SM Filtered with fixed window
size. Results show that it has still impulses to be removed. The image filtered by the WM Filter is shown in Fig 1
Here impulse noise is removed compared to SM filter, but not completely removed. The estimated image obtain
using adaptive SM Filter is shown in Fig1 (d). Here impulses were removed, but it slightly blured the edges. The
output of the NASM and New NASM filters are shown in fig 1(e) and (f) respectively. The NASM filter removes
more impulse noise, compare to SM filter, WM filter. The impulsive noise has been removed more effectively in a
new NASM filter when compared with other filters.
The output of the NASM and New NASM filters are shown in fig 1(e) and (f) respectively. The NASM filter
removes the more impulse noise, compare to SM filter, WM filter. The impulsive noise has been removed more
effectively in a new NASM filter when compared with other filters.
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Effective detection and removal of salt and pepper noise by using non-linear filter
(a) (b)
( c) ( d)
(e) (f)
Fig1 (a) Corrupted image with impulsive noise 25% (b) SM Filter output (c) WM Filter output (d) Estimated image
of NASM (e) NASM Filter (f) New NASM Filter
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Effective detection and removal of salt and pepper noise by using non-linear filter
The proposed noise adaptive soft-switching median filter simultaneously addressed the following issues commonly
in certain switching based median filters are adaptiveness and sensitivity of decision-making threshold, accuracy of
the noisedetection
process, especially at high noise density, and suitability of the median filtering scheme exploited.
The performance of the new noise adaptive soft switching has been extensively compared with that of standard
filter. Simulation results make known that the proposed noise adaptive soft switching filters significantly
outperforms other
techniques by having higher mean square with consistent and stable performance across a wide range of noise
densities. To
compare to other filters it gives good result. The same algorithm is also applied for colour images.
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