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Module 1 & 2: The Function of A Moderator Is To A) Absorb The Part of The Kinetic Energy of The Neutrons

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Module 1 & 2

1. Which element of hydroelectric power plant prevents the penstock from water hammer
a)Valves and Gates
b) Draft tubes
c) Spillway
d) Surge Tank
2. The function of a moderator is to
a) Absorb the part of the Kinetic energy of the neutrons
b)extract the heat
c)reflect back some of the neutrons
d)start the reactor

3.Trash racks are built for ___________

a) discharging the water freely from the turbine exit to tailrace
b) preventing the turbine from debris and other materials
c) creating artificial head to store sufficient potential energy of water
d) controlling the opening of valves
4. The compressor has to be started
a) Before starting the gas turbine.
b) After starting the gas turbine
c) Simultaneously with starting of gas turbine
d)  At any time during the operation.

5. Penstock in a hydroelectric power plant is _____________

a) a pipe connected to runner outlet
b) nozzle that release high pressure water on turbine blades
c) a conduit connecting forebay to turbine
d) a pipe connecting surge tank to dam
6.Which statement about surge tank is wrong?
a) Ideal location of surge tank is at the turbine inlet
b) A decrease in load demands cause a rise in water level in surge tank
c) Surge tanks are totally closed to avoid entry of unwanted objects to penstock
d) Surge tanks are installed to reduce harm effects of water hammer phenomenon
7. Trash racks are located _____________
a) near tailrace
b) at the entrance of turbine
c) inside penstock
d) beginning of the conduit
8. Overall efficiency of thermal power plant is equal to ___________
a) Thermal efficiency
b) Generation efficiency
c) Multiplication of thermal and electrical efficiency
d) Ratio of thermal and generation efficiency
9.What is the principle of operation of steam power plant?
a) Carnot cycle
b) Brayton cycle
c) Stirling cycle
d) Rankine cycle
10. The flue gases are released to the atmosphere through _____________
a) Air- Preheater
b) Forced draught
c) Induced draught
d) Electrostatic precipitator

11.Wind energy
a) Is clean, almost free and domestically produced
b) Has higher cost comparatively
c) Develops power proportional to the power of the wind
d) All of these
12.How much coal is required to generate energy equivalent to the energy generated by 1 kg of
a) 30000 tonnes of high grade coal
b) 300 tonnes of high grade coal
c) 10000 tonnes of high grade coal
d) 4500 tonnes of high grade coal
13.In nuclear power stations which nuclear reaction is performed?
a) Nuclear fission
b) Nuclear fusion
c) 90% fission and 10% fusion
d) 90% fusion and 10% fission
14.The fuel mainly used in nuclear fission reactors are:
a) U235
b) U239
c) U233
d) U238
15.Which of the following is the most essential requirement of control rod material?
a) It must be light weight
b) It must be cheap
c) It must have high absorption capacity for neutrons
d) It must be very reflective to neutrons

16.The main body of reactor is called ____________

a) Thermal shielding
b) Reactor vessel
c) Reflector
d) Biological shielding
17.The installation time for a gas turbine power plant is ______________
a) Comparatively less than thermal power plant
b) Comparatively more than thermal power plant
c) Equal to thermal power plant
d) Very much longer than thermal power plant
18.Which of the following is not used in gas turbine power plant?
a) Compressor
b) Turbine
c) Combustion chamber
d) Condenser
19.Which component of gas turbine power plant is main cause of its low efficiency?
a) Gas turbine
b) Combustion chamber
c) Compressor
d) Starting motor
20.What is intercooling in gas turbine power plant?
a) Removal of heat from combustion gas between stages of turbine
b) Removal of heat from compressor between stages of compressor
c) Removal of heat from intake air
d) Removal of heat from exhaust air
21.What is the function of regenerator?
a) Eatery compresses the exhaust gases
b) It heats the compressed air
c) It regenerates the combustible gas from exhaust gas
d) It regenerates the combustible oil from exhaust gas
22.Fuel other than natural gas i.e. solid and liquid fuels can be used in _______
a) open cycle gas turbine power plant
b) closed cycle gas turbine power plant
c) open and closed cycle gas turbine power plant
d) only natural gas is used in gas turbine power plant
23.What is the main source for the formation of wind?
a) Uneven land
b) Sun
c) Vegetation
d) Seasons
24. What type of energy is wind energy?
a) Renewable energy
b) Non-renewable energy
c) Conventional energy
d) Commercial energy
25. Which part of the wind turbines senses wind speed, wind direction, shaft speed and torque?
a) Turbine blade
b) Shaft
c) Rotor
d) Controller
26.A module in a solar panel refers to
a. Series arrangement of solar cells.
b. Parallel arrangement of solar cells.
c. Series and parallel arrangement of solar cells.
d. None of the above.

27. The region where the electrons and holes diffused across the junction is called ________
a) Depletion Junction
b) Depletion region
c) Depletion space
d) Depletion boundary

28.Major heat loss in a steam power station occurs in _______________


29.The cost of fuel transportation is minimum in ________ plant

a.steam power
b.hydro power
c.nuclear power
d.gas power

30.Economiser are used to heat_____

b.feed water
d.none of the above

31.Which among these is the main component of a gas turbine plant?

a)  Condenser
b) Compressor.
c)  Boiler
d) Both (b) & (c)

32.The thermal efficiency of a steam plant is defined as?

a)The ratio of heat equivalent of electrical output to the heat of combustion of coal.
b) The ratio of heat of combustion of coal to the heat equivalent of electrical output.
c)The ratio of heat equivalent of mechanical energy transmitted to the turbine shaft to the
heat of combustion of coal.
d. The ratio of heat of combustion of coal to the heat equivalent of mechanical energy
transmitted to the turbine shaft.

1………………..voltage is used for power transmission as a matter of economy.
A. Low
B. Medium
C. High
D. None of these
2. The higher the transmission voltage, the………………is the conductor material required.
A. Higher
B. Lesser
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
3. In a transmission system, the cost of conductor is proportional to……….of conductor.
A. area
B. length
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
4. Which type of insulator is used on 132 kV transmission lines?
A. Pin type
B. Disc type.
C. Shackle type.
D. Pin and shackle type
5. Where is the strain type insulators used?
A. At dead ends
B. At any intermediate anchor tower
C. On straight runs.
D. Either (a) or (b).

6. Porcelain is produced by firing at high temperature of which all mixtures?

D. All of these
7. What is the maximum voltage level upto which the pin type insulators can be used?
A. 22 kV
B.33 kV
C.66 kV
D.132 kV
8. What is the safety factor of an insulator?
A.Puncture strength * Flash over voltage.
B. Puncture strength / Flash over voltage.
C. Flash over voltage / Puncture strength
D. None of these
9. What is the desirable safety factor prescribed for the pin type of insulators?
10. Strain insulators are provided on which type of plane?
A.Vertical plane
B.Horizontal plane
C.On the surface.
D.All of these
11. Assembly of which type of insulators are used as strain type of insulators?
A.Pin type.
B.Shackle type
C.Suspension type
D.None of these.
12. Which type of insulators is mainly used for low voltage distribution lines?
A.Pin type.
B.Shackle type
C.Suspension type
D.None of these
13. Each disc in a suspension type of insulators is designed for what voltage?
A.33 kV
B.22 kV
C.11 kV
D.66 kV
14. Where is the suspension type of insulators mainly used?
A. RCC poles.
B.Wooden poles.
C.Steel poles
D.Steel towers.
15. Which of the following material is not used for overhead line insulators?
16. Which of the following is the main field of application of pin type insulator?
A. EHV transmission system
B.Transmission and distribution system
C.Transmission system
D.Distribution system
17. What is the property of insulating materials?
A.Allows the unwanted flow of current
B.Increases the unwanted flow of current
C.Decreases the unwanted flow of current
D.Prevents the unwanted flow of current

18. The insulator material should be

B.Free from impurities
C.Free from cracks
D.all of the above

19. The discharge occurs from conductor to pin through the body of the insulator in the case
A.Flash over voltage
C. Safety factor
D. None of the above

20. The difference in level between points of supports and the lowest point on the conductor is
C. Safety factor
D. None of the above

21. In a string of suspension insulators,the discs are connected in

A. parallel
D.None of the above
22. The breakdown strength of air at 76 cm pressure and temperature of 25 degree Celsius is
A.60 KV/CM(Max)
B.50 KV/CM(Max)
C.30 KV/CM(Max)
D.80 KV/CM(Max)

23. The minimum phase to neutral voltage at which corona occurs is called
A.critical disruptive voltage
B.visual critical voltage
C.flash over voltage
D.none of the above

24. A conductor, due to sag between two supports takes the form of
A.Semi circle
D. Catenary

25. The sag is directly proportional to the

A. Diameter of conductor
B.Square of span length
C.Tension in the conductor
D.None of the above

26. The sag is inversely proportional to the

A. Diameter of conductor
B.Square of span length
C.Tension in the conductor
D.None of the above

27. Power loss due to the corona is not directly proportional to

A.Spacing between the conductors
B.Supply voltage frequency
C.Phase to neutral voltage
D.All of the above

28. In context of corona, if the conductors are polished and smooth,which of the following
statement is correct?
A.Hissing sound will be more intense
B.power loss will be least
C. Corona glow will be uniform along the length of the conductor
D. Corona glow will not occur

29. Corona results in

A. Radio interference
B.Power factor improvement
C.better regulation
D.None of the above

30. Which of the following is not a constituent for making porcelain insulators?
A. Quartz

31. The presence of ozone due to corona is harmful because is

A.Reduces power factor
B.Corrodes the material
C.Gives odour
D. Transfer energy to the ground

32. Effect of temperature rise in overhead line is to

A.increase the sag and decrease the tension
B. decrease the sag and increase the tension
C.increase both
D.decrease both

33. The voltage across the various discs of a string of suspension insulator having identical discs
is different due to
A. Surface leakage currents.
B. Series capacitance.
C. Shunt capacitance to ground.
D. Series and shunt capacitance.

34. On what factor does the string efficiency of a string of suspension insulators dependent?
A. Size of the insulator.
B. Number of discs in the string.
C. Size of tower.
D. None of these.

35. In a string of suspension insulator the maximum voltage will be at the disc…..
A. Same at all points
B. Near the tower or starting of the insulator.
C. Near to the conductors.
D. None of these

36. What is the voltage across the second unit from the top in case of a suspension type
A. V2 = V1 (3 + 4K)
B. V2 = V1 (1 + K)
C. V2 = V1 (1 + K2)
D. None of these

37. The voltage across the string is equal to..........

A. Line voltage
B.Phase Voltage
C.Both a&b
D.None of these

38. Voltage across the string is ___________ times the line voltage.

A. √3
B. √2
C. 1 / √3
D. 1 / √2
39. What is the purpose of guard ring?
A. Reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit.
B. Increase the earth capacitance of the lowest unit.
C. Reduce the transmission line losses.
D. None of these.

40. If string efficiency is 100 percent it means that

A.potential across each disc is zero
B.potential across each disc is same
C.one of the insulator discs is shorted
D.none of the above

41. Capacitance exists between metal fitting of each disc and tower or earth is.........
A.mutual capacitance
B.self capacitance
C.shunt capacitance
D.both a&b

42. The potential across the various discs of suspension string is different due to.........
A. Self capacitance
B. Shunt capacitance
C.both a&b
D. None of the above

43. In a string of suspension insulators, if shunt capacitance decreases,then string

C.remains same
D. None of the above

44. If the string efficiency is increased, the voltage across the disc nearest to the conductor .......
C.remains same
D. None of the above

45. In a string of suspension insulators, the shunt capacitance can be decreased by using.........
A.shorter cross-arms
B.longer cross-arms
C.longer spans
D. None of the above
46. In order to improve the string efficiency by the method of capacitance grading,the maximum
capacitance is of
The disc............
A. in the middle of the string
B. Nearest to the cross-arm
C. Nearest to the conductor
D. None of the above

47. 100% string efficiency means

A.self capacitance is zero
B. Shunt capacitance is maximum
C.self capacitance is maximum
D. Shunt capacitance is zero

48. A string of suspension insulators has three discs. If the disc nearest to the conductor flashes
over (i.e breaks
Down), then,
A. The remaining discs will flash over
B. The remaining discs will intact
C.only the top disc will flash over
D. None of the above

49. The ratio of voltage across the whole string to the product of no of discs and the voltage
across the disc nearest
To the conductor is known as........
A. Mutual capacitance
B. String efficiency
C. Shunt capacitance
D. None of the above

1. The Power loss in an overhead transmission line is due to…..
D. All of the above
2. If the length of the transmission line increase, its inductance is……………..
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C.no effect
D.none of these
3. Flux linkage per ampere is known as...........
A. Resistance
D.none of the above
4.The charge per unit potential difference is known as........
A. Resistance
D.none of the above
5. The tendency of alternating current to concentrate near the surface of a conductor is known
A. Ferranti effect
B. Skin effect
C. Proximity effect
D. None of the above
6. If the supply frequency increases, the skin effect is……….
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. No effect
D. None of these
7. The fictitious resistance, “ r’ ” implemented in the conductors for the calculation of the
inductance is .................
8. Self GMD and GMR vary with each other as..........
A. linearly
B. parabolic
C. exponentially
D. none of the mentioned

9. Transposition of a 3-phase transmission line helps in……

A. Equalizing inductance of 3-phases
B. Equalizing capacitance of 3-phases
C. Both a&b
D. None of these
10. A neutral plane is the one where………………..is zero
A. Electric intensity
B. Current
C. Flux
D. None of these
11. If the capacitance between the two conductors 4ʯf, then the capacitance between each
conductor and neutral is……………
A. 4ʯf
B. 8ʯf
C. 2ʯf
D. 6ʯf
12. In a single phase overhead line, the neutral plane lies at………
A. The end of the conductor
B. The start of the conductor
C. The center of the distance between the conductors.
D. None of these
13. An overhead transmission line has appreciable inductance because the loop it forms has
……………………………X sectional area.
A. Small
B. Large
C. Medium
14. The capacitance of a conductor to neutral for the two wire line is………the line to line
A. Thrice
B. Twice
D. All of the above.
15. If the length of the line is decreased, its capacitance is…………….
A. Decreased
B. Increased
C.no effect
D.none of these
16. Capacitance of three phase overhead transposed line is……………….


C. Both a&b
D. None of these
17. Capacitance of three phase overhead symmetrically spaced line is……………….


C. Both a&b
D. None of these
18. The Transmission line constants are………………
A. Resistance
B. Inductance
C. Capacitance
D. All of the above
19. If the line voltage and length of the line is <20KV and 50KM Respectively then it is
considered as………..
A. Short transmission line
B. Medium transmission line
C. Long transmission line
D. None of these
20. If the line voltage and length of the line is (>20KV<100KV) and 50KM-150KM
Respectively then it is considered as………..
A. Short transmission line
B. Medium transmission line
C. Long transmission line
D. None of these
21. If the line voltage and length of the line is (>100KV) and more than 150KM Respectively
then it is considered as………..
A. Short transmission line
B. Medium transmission line
C. Long transmission line
D. None of these

22. The difference in voltage at the receiving end of a transmission line between conditions of
no load and full load is called…………..
A. Voltage drop
B. Voltage Flicker
C. Voltage Regulation
D. All of the above
23. At no load, there is no drop in the line so that………..
A. Vr > Vs
B. Vr < Vs
C. Vr=Vs
D. Vr ≠ Vs
24. The Voltage Regulation of a transmission line should be…………
A. High
B. Medium
C. Low
D. None of these
25. The Ratio of receiving end power to the sending end power of a transmission line is known
A. Power output
B. Transmission efficiency
C. Voltage regulation
D. All of the above
26. In short transmission lines, the effect of……………..are neglected.
A. Resistance
B. Inductance
C. Capacitance
D. Admittance
27. ………………………of transmission lines, is the most important cause of power loss in the
A. Resistance
B. Inductance
C. Capacitance
D. Admittance
28. In the analysis of 3-phase transmission line, only ……………is considered.
A. One phase
B. Two phase
C. Neutral
D. None of these
29. For a given Vr and I, the regulation of the line………….with the decrease in p.f for lagging
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains Same
D. None of these
30. If the p.f of the load decreases, the line losses………..
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains Same
D. None of these
31. In Medium transmission lines, effects of ……………..are taken into account.
A. Resistance
B. Inductance
C. Capacitance
D. Admittance
32. The rigorous solution of transmission lines takes into account the…………..nature of line
A. Concentrated
B. Distributed
C. Lumped
D. None of these.
33. In any transmission line, AD-BC=……….
A. 5
B. 6
C. 2
D. 1
34. In a transmission line, generalised constants………….and………… are equal.
A. A and B
B. B and C
C. A and D
D. All of the above
35. The dimensions of constants B and C are respectively………….and…………..
A. Ohm and Ampere
B. Ohm and Siemen
C. Ohm and Voltage
D. Ohm and Watts
36. The line constants of a transmission line are………….
A. Uniformly distributed
B. Lumped
C. Both a & b
D. All of the above
37. The Capacitance of a transmission line is………..element
A. Shunt
B. Series
C. Either a or b
D. None of these
38. When the regulation is positive, then receiving end voltage (Vr) is……………than the
sending end voltage (Vs)
A. More
B. Less
C. Either a or b
D. None of these
39. The Resistance and Inductance of a transmission line are…………..elements
A. Shunt
B. Series
C. Either a or b
D. None of these
40. The generalised constants A and D of the transmission line have…………..
A. No dimensions
B. Dimensions of Ohm
C. Dimensions of Henry
D. Dimensions of Farad
1. A ring main system of distribution is……………reliable than the radial system.
A. More
B. Less
C. Either a or b
D. All the above
2. The distribution transformer links the primary and………………. Distribution systems.
A. Radial
B. Secondary
C. Either a or b
D. All the above
3. The most common system for secondary distribution is………..3-phase………….. Wire
A. 33KV/11KV, 3
B. 11KV/6.6KV, 4
C. 400/230V, 4
D. None of these
4. The service mains connect the …………… and …………
A. Feeder, Distributor
B. Distributor, Consumer terminal
C. Either a or b
D. All of the above
5. In the Interconnected system the feeder ring is energized by……… generating stations or
A. One
B. Only two
C. Two or more than two
D. All of the above
6. The 3-phase, 3-wire a.c system of distribution is used for……….loads
A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Heating load
D. None of these
7. The 3-phase, 4-wire a.c system of distribution is used for……….loads
A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Heating load
D. None of these
8. Which component connects the substation to the area where power is to be distributed?
A. Distributors
B. Service mains
C. Feeders
D. All of these
9. Which type of distribution is preferred in residential areas?
A. Single phase, two wire.
B. Three phase, three wire
C. Three phase, four wire
D. Two phase, four wire

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