Official Knacks
Official Knacks
Official Knacks
Bear Hug As per the Bear Hug Knack in the Wrestling Skill.
When attacking, you can declare a Beat. Roll Finesse + Beat, but you must
also roll a number of Raises equal to your enemy's Brawn in order for your
Beat to be successful. If you are successful, he cannot avoid the attack using
any Active Defense.
Only usable against an opponent's fencing weapons. To use this attack, you
declare that you are attempting to Bind your oppnent's weapon. and then roll to
attack using this Knack. If successful, you have momentarily bound his sword.
While the two of you are in this Bind, neither can use bound weapons.
To try and break the Bind, your opponent can spend 1 Action die
(remembering the rules on Interrupt and Held Actions), and then rolls a
Contested Roll of his Brawn + Parry (in his bound weapon) versus your Brawn
+ Bind. If he wins, the hold is broken; otherwise, it holds fast. You, on the
other hand, may spend Action Dice (remembering the rules on Interrupt and
Held Actions) to improve your hold. Each Action Die you spend gives you one
Free Raise from now on when you oppnent tries to break that hold. If your
oppnent wishes, he may simply release his weapon, but that would leave it in
your hands.
Bob 'n' Weave is the art of ducking to the opponent's weak side (left for right-
Bob 'n' handers, right for left-handers). When an opponent misses you (either because
Weave / of Active or Passive Defense), you may lower your next Action die by 1 for
Side-step every Rank you have in this Knack. You may not lower an Action die below
the current Phase.
Charge is the art of hitting early and often, before withdrawing to a place of
Charge safety. You may lower one of your Action Dice by your Rank in this Knack (to
a minimum of 1) just before Phase 1 of the first Round of each combat.
A special barehand attack that uses the fingers to apply pressure to vulnerable
points of your opponent's body. Roll Finesse + Claw hand against your
Claw Hand opponent's TN to be hit plus 10. Damage is the same as from an ordinary
barehand attack, but he will be stunned as well as injured, and lose his next
Action Die (if any) for that Round.
Corps-a-corps is the art of close, or body against body, fencing. You declare
Corps-a- that you are using this Knack instead of the Attack Knack. If your attack gets
corps through, you inflict a 0k1 bare-handed attack, and your opponent falls down
and becomes prone.
You may only use this Knack after an opponent has just missed your Passive
Defense. Spend an Action Die to make a Contested Roll of your Brawn +
Disarm Disarm versus his Brawn + Attack (in the weapon he is wielding). If you win,
the weapon is knocked out of his hand, and you can wind up holding that
weapon if you choose.
Double- Double-attack is making two quick attacks against your opponent, one right
attack after the other. You must declare you are Double- attacking before you attack,
then roll the two attacks using this Knack. The TN to hit your opponent is
raised by 10 for both attacks.
Double-parry is parrying with two blades (usually a fencing weapon and a
main-gauche) crossed before you. You may declare that you are using this
Knack instead of an ordinary Parry as an Active Defense. You must then make
two Raises on the attempt. Success grants you one free Drama die, which can
be used for a number of Phases equal to your Rank with this Maneuver. In any
event, if you do not use the Drama die by the end of the Round, you lose it.
Exploit Gain unkept dice, equal to your Rank in EW, to all Attack and Active Defense
Weakness rolls when fighting someone who is using that particular school.
When attacking an enemy, you can declare a Feint. Roll Finesse + Feint, but
Feint you must roll a number of Raises equal to your oppnent's Wits. If you manage
this, he cannot avoid the attack using any Active Defense.
For each Rank in this Knack, the Character gains a +1 to all of his Wound
Check rolls.
Joint Lock As per the Joint Lock Knack for the Martial Arts - Soft Skill.
A Kick inflicts 2k1 damage, but raises the TN you are trying to hit by 10.
Kick You must declare a Kick before rolling the attack, and use this Knack instead
of your normal attack. Same as the Kick Knack in the Dirty Fighting skill.
Knife Hand As per the Knife Hand Knack for the Martial Arts - Hard Skill.
A Lunge is an aggressive attack that leaves you open for a moment. When
you declare a Lunge, use this Knack to attack with. You roll two extra unkept
Lunge dice for damage if your attack is successful. However, your TN to be hit drops
to 5 for this Phase only, and you may not use any Active Defenses for the rest
of this Phase.
You can deflect arrows and other missiles fired in your direction, without
Missile being injured by them, as an Active Defense. To actually catch a missile, roll
Defense Wits + Missile Defense with two Raises. Success means you gain a Drama Die
that will disappear at the end of that Round.
You may use a missile weapon to pin an opponent's hand to a nearby surface,
such as a tree. To do this, you must throw a single missile weapon using this
Knack instead of the normal Attack Knack, and add 10 to the TN to hit (which
cannot be negated with Trick Shooting). If you succeed, your opponent's arm
is pinned, and he drops whatever is held in his hand. In addition, he must
spend 1 Action to free himself. This Knack can onlybe used on targets wearing
cloth or other soft clothing. Pinning a suit of Dracheneisen armor to a tree just
isn't feasible.
Power Block The act of hitting your opponent as he attacks you so that even your defenses
injure him. Use it as an Active Defense against any barehand attack. If
successful, the attack is blocked as per normal. If any Raises to the Active
Defense TN, then inflict 1k1 of damage to the attacker (Brawn is NOT added to
this damage). Additional Raises may do additional damage as per normal, but
Called Shots cannot be made.
A Pommel strike is when you smash the hilt of your sword into your target's
Pommel face. You declare that you are using this Knack instead of the Attack Knack.
Strike If your attack gets through, you inflict a 0k2 attack, and your opponent's TN to
be hit is reduced to 5 until the end of the next Phase.
You attempt to mirror an opponent's fighting style, and use one of his
Swordsman's Knacks against him as if you had that Knack yourself. The first
time he uses a Knack againts you, you may make a Wits check with a TN equal
to your opponent's rank in this Knack times 5. If the check is successful, you
gain that Knack at Rank 1 for the duration of that Scene. Each time thereafter
that he uses the same Knack against you in that Scene, you may make another
Reflect Wits check. Each success improves your skill in that Knack by another Rank.
The maximum Rank you can gain iseither your Rank in Reflect or your
opponent's Rank in his Knack (whichever is lower).
These gained Ranks are not retained, they are merely imitated, and are lost at
the end of that Scene. Furthermore, Reflect can only be used against an
opponent who is using the same type of weapon.
A Riposte is a parry followed up immediately with a counterattack.
You first attempt an Actice Defense against the incoming Attack, and then, if
the Active Defense is successful, make an Attack of your own on the person
Riposte who just attacked you. When performing a Riposte, you receive 1/2 the dice
from your Parry Knack (rounded down) and 1/2 the dice from your Attack
Knack (rounded down) for your counterattack. For every Rank in Riposte, you
may add one die to either the Active Defense or the counterattack. These dice
are added after you've halved the appropriate Knacks.
A quick kick made as your opponent is attempting to attack you, in the hope
that your foot will stop him from continuing the attack. When an opponent
attacks, you may use a Held or current Action (not an Interrupt Action) to
perform a snap kick. Roll Wits + Snap Kick as an Attack Roll. If you hit, the
Snap Kick
opponent takes 2k2 damage (Brawn is not added to the damage). If this causes
a Dramatic Wound, then the attack he was about to make is cancelled without
effect. Additional Raises may be declared to increase damage or to make a
called shot.
Stop-thrust A Stop-thrust is a quick jabbing attack made with the point of a fencing
weapon as a reaction to an incoming attack, with no attempt to parry the
attacker's blade. It lacks the force of an ordinary attack, but the intention is to
make the attacker stop his attack to avoid seriously injuring himself by
impaling his body on the stop-thrust. A stop-thrust is a risky maneuver,
because it does not guarantee that you will be able to avoid the damage.
When an opponent attacks you, you may spend a Held or current Action (not
an Interrupt Action) to perform a Stop-Thrust. To do so, roll Wits + Stop-
Thrust as an Attack Roll against your opponent. If you hit, you do 3k2 Wounds
to them. If this causes a Dramatic Wound to your opponent, then the attack he
was about to make is cancelled without effect.
Tagging is a particularly flashy piece of showing off with your weapon,
designed to temporarily dishearten your enemy. This could be anything from
cutting off a lock of his hair to carving your initials in his shirt.
You must use this Knack instead of your Attack Knack for your Attack Roll.
Tagging If you successfully hit, the attack causes no damage, but you can cause one of
two things to happen. Either your target loses one Drama die until the end of
the battle (at which point it returns), or you can gain 1 Drama die yourself until
the end of the battle (at which point it disappears if still unspent). These Drama
dice never become Experience Points, even if the battle was the last thing to
happen in the Story.
Throat Strike As per the Throat Strike Knack for the Dirty Fighting Skill
Uppercut As per the Uppercut Knack for the Pugilism Skill.
Wall of Steel is a form of defense against multiple opponents. If you have not
Wall of Steel attacked yet this Round, then each Rank of this Knack raises your TN to be hit
by 2 if you use Parry to determine your Active Defense.
Whirl is a spinning attack designed to take out multiple unskilled enemies at
Whirl once. For each Rank in this Knack, you may add 2 to your Attack Roll when
attacking Brutes.