SR6 - Cheat Sheet - Edge-Actions
SR6 - Cheat Sheet - Edge-Actions
SR6 - Cheat Sheet - Edge-Actions
**Reroll one die It can be yours or your +1 to a single die roll You get to add 1 to a **Reroll all failed dice After a roll is made,
opponent’s, but the result stands no matter single die. you can reroll all failed dice. This Edge
what you roll. Give ally 1 Edge Take away two of your Boost cannot be used if a glitch or critical
Add 3 to your Initiative Score Can be done own Edge, and give one to a teammate. glitch is rolled.
before combat or during Negate 1 Edge of a foe You spend two of Anticipation (Multiple Attacks, Ranged
Shank (Melee Attack) When attacking with your own Edge, but one vanishes from the Attack) When performing this Multiple
a blade, your advantage turns into a opponent of your choice. Attack, roll your full dice pool for each
targeted strike. Reduce the Call a Shot target.
Fire from Cover (Ranged Attack, must be in
penalty to –2. Cover IV) Attacks from cover may be made
Sudden Insight (Any) Perform an action in without spending a Minor Action.
which you have no skill levels without Knockout Blow (Melee Attack) If your
penalty. This does not allow you to use inflicted damage of any type is greater than
skills that cannot be performed untrained. the target’s Willpower, immediately fill up
Tactical Roll (Hit the Dirt) You drop to avoid the Stun Condition Monitor. The target is
incoming fire, with an agile roll that helps unconscious.
you make an attack as you roll. If you use a Wrest (Block) When in melee combat, if
melee Attack action on the same combat you successfully Block an attack, you can
round, you do not get the dice pool penalty use this action to wrest your opponent’s
that comes with the Prone status (p. 53) or weapon away. Roll Close Combat + Agility,
Hit the Dirt Action (p. 41). For the next with the attacker’s Strength as the
round, you do not take the –2 dice pool threshold. If you equal the threshold, you
penalty from Close or Near attacks that knock the weapon out of their hands, and it
come with the Prone status. falls to the ground. If you get more hits, you
Tumble (Melee Attack) If the damage being take the weapon from them. If you get
inflicted on a target is greater than the fewer hits, the attacker retains the weapon.
target’s Body, they are brought down, giving
them the Prone status. 3 Edge