NAME: Wahyuni Susanti Class: Tbi4 NIM: T20186121 Answer Midtes Sociolinguistic
NAME: Wahyuni Susanti Class: Tbi4 NIM: T20186121 Answer Midtes Sociolinguistic
NAME: Wahyuni Susanti Class: Tbi4 NIM: T20186121 Answer Midtes Sociolinguistic
NIM: T20186121
1. -the process of selecting one of the various languages / regions and the efforts to foster and
develop continuously is called standardization of language or standardization of languages.
-and the difficulty in choosing with various variations of our regional languages is also diverse, such
as when there is socialization in our area that uses standard language while the listener has some
difficulty when communicating with people with different language variations
2. in Indonesia there are many diverse speaking communities that are different,
-for example there are several speech communities that use pure regional languages, even using
standard Indonesian language as an intermediary for a language understood by all communities /
neutral. For example: in Jember area which has 2 variations of language or 2 communities of speech
namely the community of speech using Javanese and Madurese languages, there to neutralize these
2 communities by understanding each other's variation of languages using Indonesian as a neutral
language / country
-from this we can learn various language variations in several speech communities in our area.
Because we will not always be able to speak in the same community because we are social creatures
who need a lot of communication and need a lot of information in various places, even regions to get
as much experience as we can. for example: as students who are in the community of Madura who
must always be in the community speaking regional or Madura languages, while we, a student on
one campus, not only meet with the Madura speaking community but also meet some other regional
speaking communities, from that we must balance our language.