Journal of Cleaner Production: Aineth Torres-Ruiz, A. Ravi Ravindran
Journal of Cleaner Production: Aineth Torres-Ruiz, A. Ravi Ravindran
Journal of Cleaner Production: Aineth Torres-Ruiz, A. Ravi Ravindran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, we developed a decision making model that aligns sustainability goals with the corporate
Received 19 October 2016 goals from the perspective of the purchasing function. Our Supply Sustainability Risk Assessment
Received in revised form Framework (SSRAF) quantifies the potential risks to the sustainability of the supply chain for different
28 September 2017
supplier segments. The supplier segments are represented through a 2 4 matrix (8 quadrants) with the
Accepted 28 October 2017
Available online 4 November 2017
cost of products on the x-axis (Low/High), supply risk on the y-axis (Low/High) and sustainability impact
on the z-axis (Low/High). We assess sustainability risk for four supplier segments representing a High
impact on sustainability and allow the evaluation of economic, environmental and social risks internal
Supplier selection
and external to the supplier permitting the integration of multiple stakeholders. The framework sim-
Supplier development plifies the cognitive effort of decision makers when selecting a portfolio of suppliers. It provides an
Risk assessment assessment of the level of hazardousness, vulnerability and implementation of risk management prac-
Sustainability tices relevant to each supplier segment and enables long-term partnerships by the consideration of risk
Multi-criteria decision making monitoring and mitigation when necessary. The SSRAF was applied to real data collected from a global
Purchasing manufacturer of consumer products with operations in Mexico.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Torres-Ruiz, A.R. Ravindran / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4478e4493 4479
availability and exchange of information, global competition has evaluation and selection refers to the value assessment of suppliers
allowed companies to offer increased product variety and even the according to key sourcing requirements of the company. The stra-
outsourcing of core operational activities as manufacturing. These tegic sourcing process does not end when a contract is signed with
initiatives make supply chains more vulnerable to disruptions a supplier. Typically, one member of the purchasing team will
caused by multiple factors, such as uncertain economic cycles, continue to work with the supplier in the role of supplier rela-
consumer demands, and natural and man-made disasters. In tionship manager. This individual continuously monitors the per-
addition, supply chains are more exposed to stakeholder scrutiny, formance of the sourcing strategy, as well as the supplier, based on
which also create vulnerability to reputation damage, access to predetermined and agreed-upon criteria such as quality, delivery
capital and to regulatory compliance. performance, and continuous cost improvement. Companies can
In this paper we propose a quantitative framework for sus- use a variety of different strategies for supply management that
tainable procurement that allows managers to balance the opinion may be unique to each commodity, among them we have: supply
of multiple stakeholders in the identification of supply risks related base optimization, supply risk management, early supplier design
to economic, environmental and social hazards, while assessing involvement and supply development. Supplier management is
potential risks and risk management practices across different fundamental for achieving and sustaining competitive advantage.
supplier segments. Our framework considers short and long-term However, most studies focus on evaluating and monitoring those
supplier performance. It was tested using inputs provided by the supplier's attributes that involve the improvement of short term
purchasing team of a global manufacturer of consumer goods abilities to become a qualified supplier (e.g. cost reductions and
located in Mexico. delivery time), and tend to ignore attributes that promote the
advancement of more long-term capabilities like product innova-
tion, collaboration and continuous process improvement (Arroyo-
2. Background and literature review
Lopez et al., 2012).
Definition of portfolio
Supplier evaluation
management strategy Supplier management
and selection
Table 1 1960s when it was called vendor selection. The activities of supplier
Sourcing segmentation matrix (Kraljic, 1983). evaluation and selection are usually considered within a single
Profit Impact Supply Risk process in which both activities are implemented together as a one
Low High
time event with the purpose of incorporating the best suppliers to
the organization's supplier base. Ravindran and Wadhwa (2009),
Low Quadrant I Tactical Quadrant III
Ravindran and Warsing (2013a, b) and De Boer et al. (2001) pro-
(Non-critical or Routine) items Bottleneck (critical) items
High Quadrant II Quadrant IV vide a good discussion of the ranking methods used in the Multiple
Leverage Items Strategic items Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) literature for supplier selection.
Ho et al. (2010) presented a review of multiple criteria approaches
mentioned in 78 articles appearing in international journals be-
based on a relatively limited number of suppliers and long-term, tween 2000 and 2008. Agarwal et al. (2011) offered a different
cooperative relationships. The goal is to minimize the number of review based on 68 articles published between 2000 and 2011
items classified in this quadrant and to make an active effort to related to supplier evaluation and selection. The most common
move them to the tactical or the leverage quadrant. multiple criteria ranking methods mentioned are: Lp metric, linear
Strategic items have both high supply risk and high profit weighting methods (rating, Borda count, Analytical hierarchy pro-
impact. The products falling in this quadrant add competitive value cess (AHP), Analytical network process (ANP)), categorical
to a product. Hence, they require a long-term collaboration and methods, multi-attribute utility theory, cluster analysis, data
development of suppliers. In other words, strategic alliances should envelopment analyses (DEA) and case base reasoning.
be created with the suppliers.
Table 1 shows the segmentation of items following Kraljic's 2.4. Supplier development
(1983) approach:
Kraljic's model is still considered the standard, particularly by The research in supplier development dates back to the early
practitioners, due to the fact that it is intuitive, implicit and simple 1990s. Several articles (Handfield et al., 2005; Modi and Maberta,
to apply. Van Weele (2000) and Wadhwa (2008) present the only 2007; Wagner, 2006) have classified supplier development into
supplier management approaches using supplier segmentation direct (transaction-specific or internalized) and indirect (infra-
that we are aware of. However, a common criticism to this approach structure factor or externalized). A large body of research comes
is that companies in different industries tend to assign more from Krause (Krause, 1999, 1997) and co-authors (Krause et al. 1998,
importance to variables other than impact on profitability and on 2001, 2007; 2002), who have fundamentally focused on under-
supply risk (Pagell et al., 2010). Moreover, making recommenda- standing the supplier development practices and their benefits for
tions based on only two dimensions seems very simplistic for some both the suppliers and the buying firms. Among 33 articles on
(Arnold and Schmidt, 2010). In addition, Kraljic's portfolio, is supplier development reviewed, about 43% used mathematical
commonly perceived as a strategic, power-based, approach viewing modeling approaches. Two main lines of study were common in
suppliers as the firm's opponents or competitors rather than as this type of research. One is focused on the assessment of the
partners (Pagell et al., 2010; Rezaei and Ortt, 2012). Based on these supplier development orientation which could impact future
criticisms, Handfield et al. (2005) extended Kraljic's portfolio by business investment and, the second one is concerned with the
incorporating a third competitive priority related to environmental evaluation of benefits for the buying firm and/or the supplier
risk. According to this new portfolio, the four quadrants corre- resulting from particular supplier development practices. An
sponding to low environmental impact (strategic, bottleneck, additional observation is that only three articles assessed some
leverage and tactical items) represent the portfolio proposed by type of sustainability (i.e. environmental) attribute or practice. Of
Kraljic (1983) and four new quadrants are added related to high these, only two (Bai and Sarkis, 2010; Trapp and Sarkis, 2016) have a
environmental risk. Arnold and Schmidt (2010) has gone further to quantitative approach.
suggest that for evaluating sustainable performance a different
dimension is necessary. Such a dimension, called stakeholder
impact, integrates environmental and social targets in one axis so 2.5. Supplier risk assessment
Commonly, business risks are understood as the product of two
Stakeholder Impact ¼ Environmental Impact þ Social Impact risk factors: the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the impact it
would have on business objectives; where impact represents the
In this way, all variables related to the triple bottom line are severity of the harm caused (Yang, 2007). However, there exist
considered and stakeholders' demands are integrated without more comprehensive definitions in the literature. For instance,
mixing ecological and social targets with the (economic) needs of Ayyub et al. (2007) define risk as the product of three terms:
shareholders’ in the same axis. consequence, vulnerability and threat; where consequence is the
maximum possible loss, vulnerability is total weakness of the sys-
2.3. Supplier selection tem over all hazard scenarios and threat is the rate of hazard
occurrence for period. Bilsel (2009) considers detection (the time it
The problem of supplier selection can be traced back to the early takes to identify the occurrence of a risk event) as another
A. Torres-Ruiz, A.R. Ravindran / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4478e4493 4481
component of risk. Vazquez-Brust et al. (2012) consider potential management framework which focuses on assessing disruption
risk dependent on the potential hazard, the system vulnerability risks due to natural and man-made disasters that may occur at
and its exposure (the degree to which a system could be materially facilities or transportation links. The main contributions of this
affected by a dangerous phenomenon), while managed risks result work relate to the assessment of vulnerability and availability of
from combining uncertainty and governability. Therefore, in its risk management practices as well as to the explicit assessment of
simplest form, risk is given by the hazard potential of something transportation disruptions. Robustness is addressed by first
under certain conditions. An extended view may consider not only applying a disruption risk assessment which considers hazard,
the conditions (causes) for risk but also the degree of harm (con- vulnerability and risk management practice. Hazard is the result of
sequences) on the specific group or system. aggregating predictability, occurrence and impact scores. Vulner-
On the other hand, the risk brought by outside suppliers, or ability aggregates factors related to both facilities and trans-
supply risk, can be grouped in two broad categories: internal risks portation. Risk Management Practice evaluates monitoring and
and external risks (Ravindran and Warsing, 2013b). Internal risks mitigation practices available to prevent disruptions.
are risks within the supply chain which arise from the interaction
between constituent organizations across the supply chain. They 2.6. Quantitative models for sustainable supply and supply risk
are caused by sub-optimal interaction and co-operation between management
the entities along the chain. Such supply chain risks result from a
lack of visibility, lack of ‘ownership’, self-imposed ‘chaos’, just-in- In response to the observed increase in environmental and so-
time practices and inaccurate forecasts. External risks arise from cial awareness within the supply chain, several papers related to
interactions between the supply chain and its environment. Such sustainable supply chain management have been published in
interactions include disruptions caused by strikes, terrorism and recent times. Bloemhof-Rwaard et al. (2004) did a classification of
natural catastrophes. According to the University of Cranfield- operations research models targeting reverse and closed loop
School of Management (2002), internal (supply chain) risks and supply chain costs as well as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Srivastava
external risks impact the vulnerability of the supply chain. Thus, (2007) looked at papers written on green supply chain manage-
supply chain vulnerability can also be defined as “an exposure to ment in general and, specifically, at those studying the reverse
serious disturbance, arising from risks within the supply chain as well supply chain. Seuring et al. (2008) provided a state of the art of
as risks external to the supply chain”. Consequently, Supply Chain Risk Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The work of Seuring (2013)
Management aims at identifying the areas of potential risk and found that in the past twenty years most of the academic papers on
implementing appropriate actions to contain that risk. Therefore, it sustainable supply chains have focused on the management
may be defined as “the identification and management of risks within (qualitative) side and an almost insignificant number has dedicated
the supply chain and risks external to it through a coordinated to build quantitative models. In his study, only 36 out of 309 articles
approach amongst supply chain members to reduce supply chain surveyed between 1990 and 2010 followed a quantitative approach.
vulnerability as a whole.” The usual approach to risk management The study carried out by Genovese et al. (2013), which reviewed
consists of three steps (Ravindran and Warsing, 2013b): (1) Identify only papers on green supplier selection, found no more than 25
hazards; (2) Analyze the risk associated with that hazard; (3) articles dealing with applied approaches, most of which were
Mitigate risks or determine appropriate ways to eliminate or con- written in the period 2007e2010, the last three years considered
trol the hazard. Hazard identification is defining all potential risks, within the scope of the study. Govindan et al. (2015) identified 33
both internal and external, that organizations may face. Risk anal- papers written between 1996 and 2011 where a variety of multiple
ysis is narrowing the list of potential risks by assessing their criteria decision making approaches where used with the pre-
importance to the supply chain operations. Risk mitigation is taking ponderance of individual over integrated approaches frequently
appropriate actions to reduce risks once they are identified and applying fuzzy analyses, AHP, ANP and DEA. Noci (1997) considers
evaluated. that these approaches are generally better for these type of prob-
Translation of risk to quantitative terms has been challenging lems since they allow consideration of tangible and intangible
but it is a critical task for successful business applications. Tang criteria. Therefore, decision makers can represent the interaction of
(2006) reviewed various quantitative models for managing sup- multiple environmental factors in complex and unstructured situ-
ply chain risks. While most of the supplier selection models are ations and provide a rank order that indicates overall preference for
deterministic, there are few articles dealing with operational risk at each decision alternative. The most common environmental
this stage. Micheli (2008) uses a risk efficiency-based supplier se- criteria considered were environmental management system and
lection approach for critical items, which allows the consideration quality. They also observed that the opinion of various stakeholders
of procurement and investment related risks. Yang (2007) pro- and multi-functional influences needs to be integrated to address
posed methods for risk classification and quantification considering sensitive issues related to environmental supplier performance.
the manufacturer's hazard and exposure factors. The risk's severity Lu et al. (2007) applied AHP for the final process of selecting
of impact and the frequency of occurrence are modeled using two suppliers. Tuanying and Tianshan (2010) used AHP to select
different types of risks. Value-at-risk (VaR) type risks are used to appropriate reverse logistics provider for end-of-life vehicles. Hsu
model less frequent events which disrupt operations at suppliers and Hu (2007) in addition to describing important criteria for
and can bring severe impacts to buyers (e.g. labor strike, terrorist supplier selection and evaluation in hazardous substance manage-
attack, natural disaster, etc.). Miss-the-target (MtT) type risks, on ment (HSM), used Analytical Network Process (ANP) to represent
the other hand, are used to model events that might happen more and analyze the interdependencies and interactions between
frequently at suppliers with lesser damage to buyers (e.g. late de- components. They evaluated ANP in a Taiwanese OEM electronics
livery, missing quality requirements, etc.). Using these concepts, company. Kuo et al. (2010) used the Delphi method to identify
Ravindran et al. (2010) model the risk-adjusted supplier selection environmental criteria for evaluation. Then, they developed a green
model and solve it in two phases using real data. Bilsel and supplier selection model, called ANN-MADA hybrid method, which
Ravindran (2011) use analytical methods to model and quantify integrated artificial neural network (ANN) and two multi-attribute
disruption risks, which are broken down into four components: decision analysis (MADA) methods: data envelopment analysis
impact, occurrence, detectability and recovery. Kungwalsong and (DEA) and analytic network process (ANP). ANN was used to reduce
Ravindran (2014) present an alternative disruption risk the number of criteria based on the prediction of criteria with
4482 A. Torres-Ruiz, A.R. Ravindran / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4478e4493
Table 2
Summary of articles written about quantitative approaches in different phases of the supply management process.
Author Year Portfolio Management Supplier Selection Supplier Supplier Risk Inclusion of
Development Management Sustainability criteria
1 Krause 1997 ✓
2 Noci 1997 ✓ ✓
3 Krause et al. 1998 ✓
4 Krause 1999 ✓
5 Van Weele 2000 ✓ ✓
6 Krause et al. 2001 ✓
7 Krause and Scannell 2002 ✓
8 Cousins et al. 2004 ✓
9 Swarr et al. 2004 ✓
10 Krause et al. 2007 ✓
11 Yang 2007 ✓ ✓
12 Ayyub et al. 2007 ✓ ✓
13 Lu et al. 2007 ✓ ✓
14 Hsu & Hu 2007 ✓ ✓
15 Micheli 2008 ✓ ✓
16 Cruz and Wakolbinger 2008 ✓
17 Vijay Wadhwa 2008 ✓ ✓
18 Bilsel 2009 ✓ ✓
19 Bai and Sarkis 2010 ✓ ✓
20 Ravindran et al. 2010 ✓ ✓
21 Tuanying and Tianshan 2010 ✓ ✓
22 Kuo et al. 2010 ✓ ✓
23 Wen and Chi 2010 ✓ ✓
24 Lloyd et al. 2011 ✓
25 Vazquez-Brust et al. 2012 ✓
26 Bilsel and Ravindran 2012 ✓ ✓
27 Kungwalsong and Ravindran 2014 ✓ ✓
28 Trapp and Sarkis 2016 ✓ ✓
This study ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
highest performance values. Thus, reducing the number of inputs et al. (2004) interpret environmental risk as “the associated envi-
required for an effective implementation of DEA. Analytic Network ronmental impacts in relation to the carrying capacity of the
Process (ANP) was used in the determination of criteria weights. environment”. The authors present a novel approach that in-
Their approach showed comparative advantages against more tegrates the sustainability target method (STM) and economic
simple models that integrated only ANN or ANP with DEA. Noci input-output life cycle analysis (EIO-LCA) to evaluate supply line
(1997) used a basic implementation of ANP. Wen and Chi (2010) sustainability and business environmental risk. The objective is to
reviewed the available literature and used the Delphi method to assess sustainability and risk associated with various classifications
identify environmental evaluation criteria. Then, they used the of supply line commodities. The STM links environmental impact
assurance DEA method to differentiate between efficient and non- with economic value by uniquely defining eco-efficiency and
efficient suppliers. Finally, AHP & ANP were applied to further resource productivity. Lloyd et al. (2012) translate environmental
compare efficient suppliers or only in cases when few suppliers risk management to a business risk perspective. Environmental
exist. business hazards are the stakeholder responses to environmental
Finally, the scholarly literature has overlooked the identification impacts with the potential to cause harm to business objectives.
of the type of risks caused by not addressing environmental and Environmental business risk is a product of the likelihood of an
social (E&S) hazards adequately. Examples of E&S hazards which environmental business hazard occurring and the impact it would
are directly-controllable by supply chains include: type of fuel in have on business objectives if it did. Risk can be assessed by con-
manufacturing and transportation, wastewater intensity and unfair necting one feature of the hazard with one feature of the product.
labor wages. Non-directly controllable E&S risks include natural Their approach is demonstrated with a particular focus on the
disasters (tornados, droughts, etc.), political unrest, famine, war, criticality of materials. Likelihood is measured based on supply risk
etc. Natural disasters have received by far more attention in aca- and impact is measured according to the economic importance of
demic literature as they have been included in the list of disruptive the material for meeting the business objectives. Cruz and
risks which present infrequently but which can bring considerable Wakolbinger (2008) developed an equilibrium multiperiod sup-
damages to the supply chain. Risks stemming from supplier irre- ply chain network model which considers the behavior of decision
sponsibility in terms of violation of ethical and environmental makers within the supply chain. Manufacturers and retailers are
standards have only recently become a prominent topic within the multicriteria decision makers who decide about their production
field of purchasing and supply management and global sourcing. and transaction quantities as well as the amount of social re-
Cousins et al. (2004) made an attempt to model the main exposures sponsibility activities they want to pursue to maximize net return,
in an environmentally sound supply chain. These exposures include minimize emissions and minimize risk over the multiperiod plan-
environmental impact exposures and institutional exposures. A firm ning horizon. Range values are assigned depending on the level of
has a direct impact on environmental exposures since these are social responsibility activities with the strongest possible level
rooted in the interaction of the firm with the bio-physical envi- indicated by a level of 1. The cost function is obtained as the product
ronment. However, institutional exposures (economic, political, of the social responsibility level and the amount of money spent in
and social) do not specifically address impacts on the bio-physical each time period to promote such activities. Table 2 summarizes
environment and can be affected indirectly through the manipu- the articles reviewed describing quantitative methodologies
lation of institutions (e.g. mounting a publicity campaign). Swarr applied to distinct phases of the supply management process.
A. Torres-Ruiz, A.R. Ravindran / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4478e4493 4483
3. Approach and solution methodology terms of the product of hazard, vulnerability and managed risk.
However, we also consider the evaluation of directly and non-
In this study, we propose the implementation of supply risk directly controllable disruption criteria related to the triple
management from the perspective of sustainability by making the bottom line.
following contributions: We integrate the assessment of risk mitigation and monitoring
practices considering criteria that supports supplier develop-
We implement a supply risk assessment using a portfolio ment in the long term.
approach, where suppliers are categorized according to the We present a simplified decision framework that allows the
segments proposed by Arnold and Schmidt (2010) but naming assessment of suppliers by multiple stakeholders.
sustainability impact to the dimension that integrates environ- Finally, we use an illustrative case study for the proposed sus-
mental and social impact. Based on this, the portfolio of refer- tainability risk assessment framework.
Table 3
Sourcing segmentation matrix after integrating sustainability impact.
ence for the proposed approach is shown in the 2 4 matrix 3.1. Supply sustainability risk assessment framework (SSRAF)
given in Table 3. In our study we focus on those suppliers
showing a high sustainability impact (Quadrants V-VIII). The total Supply Sustainability Risk Score (SSRS) for each po-
Following the model used by Kungwalsong and Ravindran tential hazard k at every supplier segment is determined from a
(2014), we measure the actual risk for sustainable supply in qualitative/subjective assessment of three factors: hazard, vulner-
ability, and risk management using Equation (1). The procedure
utilized to calculate the value (score) of each factor is described in
the following sections.
HAZARD SSRS k ¼ HSk x VSk x RMS (1)
Table 4
Levels used to evaluate Impact and Occurrence.
Impact on business objective Exposure Risk Level Time frame of Occurrence Exposure Risk Level
Process (AHP). 1 to 10, where 10 is the most important and 1 is the least
important selection criteria). Using the selected scale, the de-
1. The Rating Method simply consists of each participant voting for cision maker provides a rating rj for each criterion, Cj. The same
his/her favorite alternative according to a rating scale (e.g. from rating can be given to more than one criterion. The ratings are
Political &
Logistics Climate Change
1 Political Instability 1 Lack of capacity Regulatory framework
2 Financial Instability 2 High labor costs 1 for climate change
3 Low growth economy 3 Long lead-times 2 Precipitation extremes
4 Currency fluctuation Mismatch in 3 Hurricanes
5 Taxation manufacturing 4 Flooding
6 Tariffs and Customs 4 philosophy 5 Water shortages
5 Inflexible production
Trust Geographic Human Rights &
6 location/proximity Labor practice
Corruption and Management and
1 Child labor
1 brivery 7 organisation
2 Forced labor or slavery
2 Intellectual property 8 Communication system
Regulatory framework
Reputation and 3 for labor contracts
3 position in industry
4 Labour relations record
Fig. 4. Country level vulnerability indicator criteria.
A. Torres-Ruiz, A.R. Ravindran / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4478e4493 4485
Table 5 Table 7
Vulnerability scoring levels. Risk management practice assessment framework.
Exposure Level Risk Exposure Points Risk Monitoring Exposure Risk Level Risk Mitigation Exposure Risk Level
then normalized to determine the weights of the criteria j (Wj ). computed for the main criteria in two main steps (Ravindran and
Thus, for n criteria (Masud and Ravindran, 2008): Warsing, 2013a):
r Pn
Wj ¼ Pj¼n
, so that j¼1 Wj ¼1 1. Normalize each column of pairwise comparison matrix A:
j¼1 j
For multiple person decision making the Rating method uses rij ¼ aij Xn a
the average of the ratings for that particular criterion across all i¼1 ij
decision makers.
where aij represents the strenght of preference of criterion i over
2. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique criterion j; in a scale of 1 to 9
for organizing and analyzing complex decisions developed by
Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s. In AHP the decision problem is 2. Average the normalized values across each row to get the
first decomposed into a hierarchy of more easily comprehended criteria weights
sub-problems, each of which is analyzed independently. Once Xn .
the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically eval- Wi ¼ r
j¼1 ij n
uate its various elements by comparing them to one another,
two at a time, with respect to their impact on an element above In a final step a consistency check is performed by using the
them in the hierarchy. In making the comparisons, the decision weights W ¼ ðW1 ; W2 ; …; Wn Þ and the pairwise comparison ma-
makers can use concrete data, but they typically use their trix A to compute the vector AW and by letting the vector
judgments about the elements' relative meaning and X ¼ ðX1 ; X2 ; X3 ; …Xn Þ denote the values of AW to compute:
X1 X2 X3 Xn
lmax ¼ Average ; ; ; …;
After pair-wise comparison is carried, normalized weights are W1 W2 W3 Wn
Table 6
Risk management practices recommended for each segment.
Tactical ✓
Leverage ✓ ✓
Critical ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(some suppliers) (some suppliers) (some suppliers)
Strategic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Table 8
Supplier Segmentation used for the case study.
Table 10
Pairwise comparison matrix by decision maker 1 for AHP
Criteria Reputation Access to capital Supply security Regulation Efficiency & Productivity
Reputation 1 7 1 3 1
Access to capital 1/7 1 1/7 1/3 1/9
Supply security 1 7 1 1 1
Regulation 1/3 3 1 1 1
Efficiency & Productivity 1 9 1 1 1
Table 11
AHP normalized weights for decision maker 1.
Criteria Reputation Access to capital Supply security Regulation Efficiency & Productivity
Table 12
Individual and average weights obtained for business objectives.
Table 13
Impact scores obtained for strategic suppliers.
Hazard Indicators Reputation Access to capital Supply security Regulation E&P Score Rank
3 : Collaboration and 4 : Partner development; etc: Impact Evaluation: In this step, three people representing top
management are asked to rank the importance of business objec-
i ¼ the Risk Management factor indicator criteria; tives. Rating and AHP methods are applied. For the rating method,
the decision maker (DM) is allowed to assign any value between
where i ¼ 1; 2; …; N 0 and 10, where 10 is given to the best possible option. The result of
applying AHP is a list of criteria ranked according to the combined
Mi ¼ Risk management score for criterion i; where Mi ¼ 1 importance assigned by all decision makers. In this section, we
combine the decision makers’ ratings using the weighted arith-
: low; 2 : medium; 3 : high
metic mean method. As an illustration of the Rating method,
The Risk Management Score (RMS) for factor is obtained Table 9 gives the rating values assigned by DM-1 for the business
through the geometric mean of N criteria related to each hazard k: objectives and his corresponding weights. Table 10 gives the pair-
wise comparison matrix by DM-1 for AHP, while Table 11 shows the
!1=N Normalized weights obtained. Finally, the consistency check was
RMSk ¼ Mi (5) positive as it showed that CR ¼ 0.04/1.11 ¼ 0.04 < 0.15.
i Table 12 shows the individual weights representing three de-
cision makers and the group weights obtained by both the Rating
If ; g ¼ the Risk Management practice; and AHP methods. The group weights were obtained through
arithmetic mean for the Rating method and through geometric
where g ¼ 1 : Risk Monitoring; 2 : Risk Mitigation mean for the AHP method. According to both methods, access to
The Risk Management Score (RMS) for practice is obtained capital is the objective with the lowest weight.
through the geometric mean of factors related to each main The weights obtained can be interpreted as the value assigned
Table 14
Impact scores of all the supplier segments.
Table 15
Occurrence evaluation for all supply segments by decision maker 1.
by the buying firm to different business objectives. However, the indicates a high level of impact on the business objective, a score of
firm also needs to integrate the opinion of multiple stakeholders to 2 a medium impact and a score of 1 a low impact on the business
ensure that risk sources related to each objective are being objective (Table 4). After multiplying these scores by the corre-
considered. For this, several decision makers are invited to partic- sponding weights of each objective, we use the geometric mean of
ipate. Each decision maker is matched to a different business the scores to obtain the final impact score for each hazard. Table 13
objective based on his work area. For instance, someone from the illustrates the impact scores obtained for strategic items with
legal department is asked to assess the impact on regulatory respect to different business objectives and their rankings when
business objectives. Someone from the purchasing department is using the AHP weights shown in Table 12. Table 14 contains the
asked to assess impacts related to supply security. Someone from impact scores obtained for all the supplier segments.
the environmental and safety department is asked to assess the Table 14 shows that, for the tactical segment, supplier business
impact on reputation. Someone from the finance department is performance was assigned more importance, followed by human
asked to assess the impact on access to capital. Someone from the labor practices, health & safety. All the other criteria obtained low
manufacturing department is asked to assess the impact on effi- scores. It is interesting to note that climate change obtained low
ciency and productivity. The purpose of this is: (i) To incorporate scores in all supplier segments. One reason for this is that the
expert opinion for the evaluation of impact on each business countries, where the suppliers operate, are relatively safe from
objective and (ii) To minimize the cognitive burden of the partici- climate change issues. Brazil is the country with more problems in
pants. Each participant is asked to evaluate the hazards in the this respect but the level of purchase volume is so small that its
category corresponding to each supply segment. In this way the impact on the business objectives is very low. Moreover, the only
cognitive burden for each participant evaluating the country cate- country where regulations are more stringent for climate change is
gory totals 5 hazards to evaluate with respect to one business France, but this does not affect all business objectives.
objective within each of the 4 supply segments, which results in a Evaluation of Occurrence: Here, each of the decision makers that
Cognitive Burden Score (CBS) of 5 1 4 ¼ 20. The CBS for each of participate in the impact assessment are asked to make their
the other two hazard categories (supplier business and environ- judgments on the likelihood of occurrence of the potential hazards.
mental & social performance) is 4 1 4 ¼ 16. For a total of In this step the time occurrence of risk issues are evaluated ac-
20 þ 16þ16 ¼ 52 assessments per participant which is far less than cording to the three point scale rating shown in Table 4. According
the effort it will imply for one participant to make the evaluation to Table 15, for decision maker 1 the hazards originating from
with respect to all business objectives and individual suppliers. A 3- business performance and supplier environmental & social issues
point scoring method is used to evaluate the impact of each po- are more likely to occur in the short term for critical and strategic
tential hazard on each business objective, where a score of 3 suppliers than for leverage and tactical suppliers, except for the cost
Table 16
Occurrence evaluation for all supply segments by all the decision makers.
Table 17
Hazard scores determined for each supply segment.
of procurement which has high likelihood across all segments. A business performance criteria. Therefore, any effort invested in
geometric mean of all the decision maker's scores is used to collecting data for the other criteria will be fruitless as it will not
determine the occurrence scores for each supply segment. Table 16 affect much the hazardous level for the buying firm. Therefore, for
lists the results of this calculation. the vulnerability assessment, a list of indicators are jointly devel-
In the final step, the hazard score is obtained as the product of oped with the purchasing team for each key hazard in each
impact and occurrence scores. Table 17 lists the final hazard scores segment level. Table 18 lists the total number of indicators identi-
obtained for each supply segment. The lower scores are high- fied for the hazard categories. According to this, the number of
lighted. We observe that Tactical suppliers have low scores for most criteria used for critical and strategic items is nearly the same,
hazards except for business performance, trust and logistics. On the while the number of indicators is much smaller for leverage and
other hand, strategic and critical suppliers have low hazard scores tactical items.
for climate change at the country and supplier level. Next, data is collected regarding each indicator. A qualitative
assessment of vulnerability is carried out through group consensus
using the three level point scale shown in Table 5 where the highest
4.2. Vulnerability assessment number of points (i.e. 3) corresponds to a high risk related to the
specific indicator. For example, regarding quality certification, a
After performing the hazard assessment it should be easier to high risk level is assigned if suppliers within the evaluated segment
determine the vulnerability indicator criteria used to measure typically do not have any type of quality certifications. Once the
different hazards. For instance, from Table 17 it is evident that the points for each hazard vulnerability indicator are obtained, the
major source of hazards for Tactical items is related to supplier
Table 18
Hazard Vulnerability indicator criteria identified for each supply segment.
Country Indicators 26 24 13 10
Supplier Indicators: Business Performance 26 26 18 5
Supplier Indicators: 26 23 8 2
E&S Performance
Total 78 73 39 17
Table 19
List of vulnerability scores (vs) obtained for each supply segment.
Table 20
Risk management scores for each supply segment and factor.
Table 21
Risk management scores for each supply segment and main practice.
Vulnerability Scores (VS) for each main hazard are calculated using but also in social and economic aspects.
Equation (3). Table 19 shows the results of VS scores. The cells with Once the purchasing team has assessed its risk for sustainable
no score imply that the given hazard was not evaluated because its procurement with respect to different potential hazards, they can
HS was low and the procurement team considered irrelevant. define specific action paths. From the assessment, the decision
Procurement cost and resource use are areas having high vulner- makers arrived to the following conclusions:
ability scores across the four segments.
- Strategic suppliers require more attention to all potential hazard
4.3. Risk management practice assessment areas but especially to the risk to procurement costs and
resource use.
In the next step, we ask the purchasing team to evaluate the - Critical suppliers require special attention to supplier business
type of risk management practices used with each supplier performance, resource use and labor practices. To a lesser
segment. The evaluation is performed through group consensus extent, attention also needs to be given to logistics, political and
and the results for each practice factor are shown in Table 20. economic risks at the country level and to the other E&S risks at
According to the above assessment, the lack of implementation the supplier level.
of management practices that should be in place at each segment - Leverage suppliers require special attention to risks coming
level, are generating some risk for the buying company. Higher from business performance, resource use and, at the country
risks come from collaboration and supplier development practices, level, to trust, political and economic risks.
which apparently are not well established. Table 21 shows the - Tactical suppliers also require more attention to risks coming
aggregated results for Monitoring and Mitigation as well as the Risk from business performance and, to a lesser extent, to those
Management Practice Score (RMS) for each segment. generated at the country level with respect to logistics and trust.
Finally, the risk scores are obtained according to Equation (1). While the introduction of sustainability as an additional
We show them in Table 22. Hazards generated from resource use, dimension of focus increases complexity in supply chains, in many
quality and procurement costs pose the greatest risks for Strategic, organizations the amount of resources allocated to the imple-
Critical and Leverage suppliers. These results are interesting as they mentation of Sustainable Procurement is very limited. Chief Pro-
indicate that resource use seems to be the type of E&S hazard curement Officers struggle to implement these initiatives on a large
where the interests of all stakeholders intersect and this is probably scale, as they need to justify them to top management. A 2009
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