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Module 101.

Maintaining safety of w/shop, tools, equipment and environment

Unit 1.1: Handling w/shop safety
Element 1.1.1: Maintaining workshop safety rules.
Element 1.1.2 Maintaining personal safety
Learning objectives:-
- Define safety rules/w/shop rules or safety precautions
- State the importance of safety rules
- Describe classification of safety rules
- Outlines the at least ten general safety rules

Workshop rules/safety rules pertaining to electrician

Safety is the term used when planned measures or precautions are taken to control
situations and acts which intend to prevent injury to persons concerned, others or
damage to the property and facilities.

Safety may define as a state of being free or protected from risk, hazard, or injury. Or
is an individual’s awareness to the risk or hazard that may occur in a given situations
and how to overcome them.

Before using any tools, equipment and machines or attempting any practical work in a
workshop or site you must understand basic safety rules. These rules will help keep you
and others safe in the workshop.

Safety consciousness is one of the essential attitudes required for any job; an
electrician must always strive to form safety working habits always save money and
materials, unsafe working habit end up in loss of production and profit, personal injury
and even death. Safety rules should be leant, remembered and practiced by every
electrician; since electricity is a good servant but bad master.
Safety rules may be defined as statements which declare what is supposed to do and
what is not supposed to do in a particular situations e.g site, workshop etc or are
regulation or principles governing the conduct of individual at workplaces.

Classification of safety rules

Individual must take a positive decision to act, behave and work responsibly and safely
in order to protect himself/herself, other people and things around.
Safety rules or w/shop rules may be classified as:-
1. Personal safety rules.
2. Working environment safety rules.
3. Tool, equipment and machines safety rules.

General rules on safety /General safety rules and precautions

Safety rules or w/shop safety rules are many .Safety rules and precaution may vary
depending on nature of work/tasks, working environment and tools machine and
equipment used. The chance of accident and incident at the work place can be greatly
reduced by obeying the following general safety rules:-
1. Report electric faults immediately.
2. Always think before acts.
3. Use the right tools, equipment for the right job.
4. Keep the w/shop or workplaces safe, efficient and pleasant by keeping it clean
and orderly.
5. Never touch live conductor or don’t touch the main line with bare hand.
6. Use rubber gloves and insulated tools when working on live circuit.
7. Obtain a written permit to work before working under dangerous condition such
as high voltage.
8. When working electric pole use safety belts/ Use safety belt while doing any
work on electric pole.
9. Make sure electrical equipment is dead before repair.
10. Any damaged equipment, tools machine must be reported to supervisor or
11. Always listen case fully to teacher or supervisor and follow instruction.
12. Never car too many tool at a time.
13. Inspect tools, equipment or machines before using.
14. Do not over load/use tools, equipment or machines.
15. Only qualified person should do electric work.
16. Never work in the workshop or else if you’re tired or ill-health.
17. No personal music devices are allowed in a workshop.
18. Always use P. P. E or safety gears.
19. Inappropriate behavior such as horseplay or run, fitting and practical jokes are
not tolerated.
20. If you are in doubt ask! /ask when doubt.
21. Learn the correct procedures before doing any work.
22. Never use worn or broken electric tools or equipment.
23. Always ask your teacher or supervisor to check your project, circuit or wiring
before test.
24. The ladder should always be firmly held by helper while doing any over head
25. Don’t over load the machine and force to do work beyond its capacity.
26. Return tools and equipment to correct place immediately you have finished with
27. Don’t carry sharp edge or pointed tools in apron pocket.
28. Don’t use hammer with loose head or chipped face.

The regulations require employers to use and maintain a safety sign where there is
significant risk to health and safety that has not been avoided or controlled by other
means, like engineering control or safe system of work and where the use of a sign can
help to reduce the risk. They apply to all workplaces and to all activities where people
are employed.

Safety sings referring to a specific object, activity or situation which provides

information and instruction regarding health and safety at work by means of a sign
board, a safety colour, an illuminated sign, verbal communication and acoustic sign or
hand sign.

Sign board

Means a sign which provide information by a combination of geometric shape, colour,

symbol or pictogram

Hand sign

Means movement or position of the arms or hand or combination in coded form

Verbal communication

Means pre determined spoken message communicated by human or artificial voice

Acoustic signal

Means a coded sound signal which is released and transmitted by device designed for
that purposes without use of a human or artificial voice.


Safety signs falls into four separate categories, and can be reorganized by their shape
and colour. Sometimes they may be just a symbol; other signs may include letters or
figure. The four basic categories of safety sign are.

1. Prohibition signs
Shows what must not be done or dangerous behavior. Example stop, shut

down, emergency cutout, no smoking. Their shape is round, red border,

and black pictogram on white background. Or red diagonal with red bar or

line. The red part must take up at least 35% of the area

2. Mandatory signs
Mandatory signs requiring specific behavior or action, and shows what
must be done e.g wear hand protection, safety helmets must be worn or
pederistrians must use this route. Its shape is circular or round and blue is
safety color for this with white symbol on blue background of 50%
3. Warning signs
Warning signs concerning with warns of hazard or danger and they need
to take precautions e.g caution risk of electric shock or electrical danger,
flammable materials. Its shape is triangle and color is amber or yellow
with black board and symbol or pictogram. The yellow must take about
4. Information signs
An information sign provides or indicates information of safety provision,
e.g showing emergency door, exits and routes, shows the location of first
aid equipments and facilities. It s shape is square or rectangular with
white symbol or pictogram on green background. The green takes up at
least 50% of the area.

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