Structural Considerations For Solar Installers PDF
Structural Considerations For Solar Installers PDF
Structural Considerations For Solar Installers PDF
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Printed December 2011
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Unlimited Release
Printed December 2011
Prepared by:
Stephen F. Dwyer, PhD, PE1
Alan Harper2
William Lindau, PE3
Tom Bosiljevac, PE4
Kay Schindel, ME5
Elizabeth Richards,
Structural Considerations for Solar Installers provides a comprehensive outline of structural
considerations associated with simplified solar installations and recommends a set of best
practices installers can follow when assessing such considerations. Information in the manual
comes from engineering and solar experts as well as case studies. The objectives of the manual
are to ensure safety and structural durability for rooftop solar installations and to potentially
accelerate the permitting process by identifying and remedying structural issues prior to
Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Plan Review Specialist III, City of Madison, Wisconsin, Building Inspection
Principal Engineer, Lindau Companies, Inc., Hudson, Wisconsin
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Engineer, City of Madison, Wisconsin – Facilities and Sustainability Management
This report was made possible through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy‘s (DOE‘s)
Solar America Communities program. To learn more, please visit We also wish to acknowledge the leadership
offered by Hannah Muller of DOE‘s Solar Energy Technologies Program. We would like to
thank personnel from Solar America City Madison, Wisconsin, for their encouragement of this
document. In addition, we would like to thank the multitude of reviewers that took the time to
edit and contribute to this document.
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Code Requirements ......................................................................................... 9
1.2 Avoid Structural Element and/or Building System Failures ....................... 10
1.3 Manual Overview ............................................................................................ 13
2 Flow Chart ............................................................................................................. 15
3 Documentation...................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Solar Installation Submittal Form ................................................................. 17
4 Assess Condition of Roof Structure ................................................................... 19
4.1 Truss Integrity Inspection ............................................................................. 19
4.1.1 Damaged Truss Members ....................................................................................... 20
4.1.2 Manufacturing Problems ......................................................................................... 20
4.1.3 Installation Damage ................................................................................................ 22
4.1.4 Bracing .................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.5 Installation Problems .............................................................................................. 27
4.1.6 Alterations ............................................................................................................... 29
5 Assess Structural Integrity .................................................................................. 33
5.1 Proper Loading for Solar Panels .................................................................. 33
5.2 Mechanics of Materials .................................................................................. 33
5.3 Statics ............................................................................................................. 35
5.4 Wood Section Properties and Design Values .............................................. 37
5.5 Wood Modification Factors ........................................................................... 41
5.5.1 Duration of Load Adjustment Factor, CD ............................................................... 42
5.5.2 Size Factor, CF ........................................................................................................ 43
5.5.3 Repetitive Member Factor, Cr ................................................................................. 43
5.5.4 Wet Service Factor, CM........................................................................................... 44
5.5.5 Flat Use Factor, Cfu ................................................................................................. 44
5.6 Loads and Loading Conditions..................................................................... 44
5.7 Effects of Roof Slope on Rooftop Solar Design .......................................... 46
5.7.1 Increased Load per Area ......................................................................................... 46
5.7.2 Horizontal Projection Lengths ................................................................................ 47
5.8 Wood Rafters/Joists ...................................................................................... 47
5.8.1 Example .................................................................................................................. 53
5.9 Wood Trusses (Flat or Pitched) .................................................................... 54
5.9.1 Method of Joints ..................................................................................................... 57
5.9.2 Method of Sections ................................................................................................. 59
5.9.3 Application of Point Load on Mid-Span of Top or Bottom Chord......................... 60
5.10 Single-Member Structural Steel Beams or Joists (Flat or Pitched) ........ 66
6 Structural Integrity of Connections..................................................................... 67
6.1 Nails, Spikes, and Staples ............................................................................. 67
6.2 Lag Screws and Wood Screws ..................................................................... 70
6.3 Bolts, Drift Bolts, and Pins ............................................................................ 72
6.4 Metal Connector Plates ................................................................................. 73
6.5 Fastener Spacing and Edge Distances ........................................................ 73
6.6 Wood Connection Design Considerations................................................... 76
7 Installation Best Practices ................................................................................... 77
7.1 Setback Requirements .................................................................................. 77
7.2 Locating Roof Structural Members .............................................................. 77
7.3 Structural Attachment to Roof ...................................................................... 78
7.4 Weatherproof Attachment of Solar Energy System to Roof ....................... 80
7.4.1 Composition Roof ................................................................................................... 81
7.4.2 Wood Shake Roof ................................................................................................... 81
7.4.3 Masonry or Rigid Tile Roof .................................................................................... 81
7.4.4 Flat Roof ................................................................................................................. 81
7.5 Recommended Methods for Reinforcing Overstressed Rafters ................ 83
7.5.1 Recommended Method 1 ........................................................................................ 84
7.5.2 Recommended Method 2. ....................................................................................... 85
7.5.3 Recommended Method 3 ........................................................................................ 87
7.5.4 Recommended Method 4 ........................................................................................ 88
7.5.5 Recommended Method 5 ........................................................................................ 89
7.5.6 Recommended Method 6 ........................................................................................ 90
8 References ............................................................................................................ 92
Appendix A: Solar Installation Submittal Form ....................................................... 93
Appendix B: Design Examples (SAC Structural Considerations for Solar
Installers in Wisconsin) ............................................................................................ 103
Appendix C: Solar Installation Submittal Form (SAC Structural Considerations
for Solar Installers in Wisconsin)............................................................................. 128
Appendix D: Dead Loads ......................................................................................... 139
Figure 1. Roof Collapse Due to Excessive Snow Load ............................................................... 11
Figure 2. Truss Failure Due to Excessive Roof Load .................................................................. 11
Figure 3. Bending in a Beam ....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4. Vertical Shear in Beam ................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5. Horizontal Shear in Beam ............................................................................................ 13
Figure 6. Axial Load in Column .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7. Site-built Truss (Denise 2007)...................................................................................... 20
Figure 8. Truss Connector Plate Misaligned (Denise 2007) ........................................................ 21
Figure 9. Knotholes Weaken Truss Web Members (Denise 2007) ............................................. 21
Figure 10. Truss Metal Connector Plates Partially Pulled out of Alignment (Denise 2007)....... 22
Figure 11. Compression Buckling of Truss Connector Plate Bent during Installation (Denise
2007) ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 12. Truss Stamped "Permanent Lateral Bracing Required" (Denise 2007) ..................... 24
Figure 13. Bracing Not Provided Despite Being Stamped "Bracing Required" (Denise 2007) .. 24
Figure 14. Typical Bracing Configurations (Denise 2007) ......................................................... 26
Figure 15. CLR Not Effective when Applied to Trusses Without Similar Web Patterns (Denise
2007) ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 16. Bracing Should be Centered (Denise 2007) ............................................................... 27
Figure 17. All Nail Holes Should be Filled-in Metal Hanger Brackets for Full Strength ........... 28
Figure 18. Unsupported Piggyback Trusses at Bearing Point (Denise 2007).............................. 29
Figure 19. Truss/Joists Should Not be Altered without Structural Engineering/Manufacturer
Approval (Denise 2007) ................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 20. Typical Engineered Truss Repair ............................................................................... 31
Figure 21. Typical Tensile Test Results for Steel ........................................................................ 34
Figure 22. Typical Stress-Strain Curve for Steel ......................................................................... 34
Figure 23. Typical Stress-Strain Curve for Aluminum................................................................ 35
Figure 24. Force Components ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 25. Moment Components ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 26. Rectangular Cross-section .......................................................................................... 38
Figure 27. Typical Lumber Grade Stamp as Approved by ALSC and its Interpretation for
Douglas Fir Lumber ...................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 28. Rectangular Section .................................................................................................... 49
Figure 29. Example of Alignment‘s Effect on Ability to Resist Bending ................................... 50
Figure 30. Simply Supported Beam with Applied Uniform Load (w) ........................................ 51
Figure 31. Minimum Acceptable Beam Size or Section Example .............................................. 53
Figure 32. Common Pitched Wood Roof Trusses ....................................................................... 54
Figure 33. Common Flat Wood Trusses ...................................................................................... 55
Figure 34. Truss Terminology ..................................................................................................... 55
Figure 35. Left Bar in Tension/Right Bar in Compression .......................................................... 57
Figure 36. Method of joints example ........................................................................................... 59
Figure 37. Method of sections example ....................................................................................... 60
Figure 38. Combined loading example ........................................................................................ 61
Figure 39. Example Solarstruc Output......................................................................................... 65
Figure 40. Typical Nail Sizes/Gage ............................................................................................. 68
Figure 41. Connection Strength Comparison (Source: Simpson Strong Tie) .............................. 70
Figure 42. Lag Screw Connection ............................................................................................... 71
Figure 43. Fastener Spacing (1) ................................................................................................... 73
Figure 44. Fastener Spacing (2) ................................................................................................... 74
Figure 45. Fastener Spacing (3) .................................................................................................... 74
Figure 46. Fastener Spacing (4) ................................................................................................... 75
Figure 47. Cross Beam for Solar Attachment ............................................................................... 79
Figure 48. Centered attachment ................................................................................................... 80
Figure 49. Example of Flat Roof Mounts ..................................................................................... 82
Figure 50. Asphalt Shingle Roof ................................................................................................. 83
Figure 51. Flat-tile Roof .............................................................................................................. 83
Figure 52. High-profile Tile Roof ................................................................................................. 83
Figure 53. Section of House Structure ......................................................................................... 84
Figure 54. Recommended Method 1, Vertical Brace .................................................................. 85
Figure 55. Recommended Method 2, Added Brace(1) ................................................................ 86
Figure 56. Recommended Method 2, Detail for Added Brace .................................................... 86
Figure 57. Recommended Method 3, Sister Rafter...................................................................... 87
Figure 58. Recommended Method 4, Scab Reinforcement ......................................................... 88
Figure 59. Recommended Method 5, Add Support Beam ........................................................... 89
Figure 60. Recommended Method 6, Ground Mount .................................................................. 90
Figure A11. Relationship between Span and Slope ................................................................... 117
Figure B13. Panel Reactions Imparted on rails and Rail Reactions Imparted on Roof Rafters 120
Table 1. Common Section Properties for Wood Elements .......................................................... 39
Table 2. Design Base Values ....................................................................................................... 40
Table 3. Wood Design Value Adjustment/Modification Factors ................................................ 41
Table 4. Duration of Load Adjustment Factor ............................................................................. 42
Table 5. Size Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................ 43
Table 6. Flat Use Adjustment Factor ............................................................................................ 44
Table 7. Projected Load per Unit Area Factors ........................................................................... 46
Table 8. Horizontal Projection Length Factors ............................................................................ 47
Table 9. Rafter Span Table for Douglas Fir Larch #2 ................................................................. 52
Table 10. Pull-Out Strength for Lag Screws ................................................................................ 72
Table 11. End Distance Requirements ......................................................................................... 75
Table 12. Spacing Requirements ................................................................................................. 75
The mission of the U.S. Department of Energy‘s (DOE‘s) Solar Energy Technologies Program
(SETP) is to conduct aggressive research, development, and deployment of solar energy
technologies and systems to significantly reduce the cost of solar electricity by 2015. The
Program achieves its mission through various initiatives, including public-private partnerships.
The Solar America Communities (SAC) program is one such initiative. DOE designated 13
Solar America Cities in 2007 and an additional 12 cities in 2008 to develop comprehensive
approaches to urban solar energy use that can serve as a model for cities around the nation. As a
result of widespread success in the 25 Solar America Cities, DOE expanded SETP in 2010 by
launching a national outreach effort and renaming the program Solar America Communities.
The SAC program has engaged more than 180 organizations including municipal, county, and
state agencies; solar companies; universities; utilities; and non-profit organizations. The SAC
program is working in partnership with these communities to break down barriers to the use of
solar technologies, with the goal of making solar energy cost competitive with conventional
energy sources by 2015.
One identified market barrier to new solar installations involves structural considerations in
adhering to local building codes and in the construction permitting process. These
considerations are primarily related to loads generated on roof systems but in some cases may be
related to pole-mounted systems. There are two primary issues:
1. The extra time and expense required when a Professional Engineer must be involved in
otherwise routine installations; and
2. Ensuring that the structural integrity of buildings and roofs is not compromised as a result
of a solar installation, as well as ensuring structural integrity of the solar energy system
itself under various weather conditions.
The purpose of this document is to provide tools and guidelines for installers to help ensure that
residential photovoltaic (PV) power systems are properly specified and installed with respect to
the continuing structural integrity of the building.
allow more flexibility and freedom in construction than do prescriptive codes. Further, the IBC
tends to be a dynamic code that attempts to be adaptable to new construction materials.
Electrical code requirements for PV systems vary somewhat from one jurisdiction to the next,
but most are based on the National Electrical Code (NEC). Article 690 in the NEC specifies
requirements for designing and installing safe, reliable, code-compliant PV systems. The IBC
and/or local codes and ordinances apply for mechanical and structural systems.
Building codes are dynamic and can vary by state, county, city, town, and/or borough. While
some states—including Wisconsin, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York,
and a few others—have their own set of building codes (typically based upon some version of
the ICC with accommodations for local laws and regulations), most states have adopted the ICC
series. The ICC codes are typically updated with a new printing every three years. At the time of
this publication, the most recent ICC issues were dated 2009. For information about local codes,
the following resources are suggested:
State Government Pages – Building codes, business licenses, building permits, contractors‘
licenses, and home improvement licenses are often issued and administered by state agencies.
Most state government websites follow a standard Internet address format. To find online
information for a specific state, use the following uniform resource locator (URL), substituting
the two-letter abbreviation or the state name with the state for which you wish to find
information: or
County Government Pages – Building codes, business licenses, building permits, contractors‘
licenses, and home improvement licenses are issued and administered by county agencies as
well. County Web sites often use the following URL format, substituting the 2 letter
abbreviation for the county and state where you want to find information: or
An example of a state that has its own code requirements is the Wisconsin. These Wisconsin-
specific codes are as follows:
Residential Code: Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code Comm. 20-25
Commercial Code: Wisconsin Commercial Building Code Comm. 60-66
Solar Energy Systems: Comm. 71
The local code can be found at:
How and where to obtain applicable permits can be found at:
structural beam or sagging roof, inadequate connection strength, splitting of a top chord of a
wood truss, or a roof penetration that causes a roof leak that can lead to degradation of a
structural element. This document is intended to help installers properly evaluate and analyze
support structures for the installation of solar equipment.
To avoid failure, solar installers must not exceed a structure‘s maximum load-bearing capacity
with the installation of a solar energy system. Strength failures and stability failures are two
types of structural failure relevant to solar installers:
Strength failures relate to the pieces composing a structure.
Stability failures relate to structural systems.
Strength failures include excessive bending, vertical shear, and horizontal shear. Bending is the
most common type of strength failure (see Figure 3). A failure due to bending can result when
applied stresses exceed the allowable bending strength of the structural member or when the
resulting deflection exceeds the allowable deflection in that member. When a simple beam is
loaded in flexure, the top side is in compression and the bottom side is in tension. If the beam is
not supported in the lateral direction (i.e., perpendicular to the plane of bending), and the flexural
load increases to a critical limit, the beam will fail due to lateral buckling of the compression
flange. In wide-flange sections, if the compression flange buckles laterally, the cross section will
also twist in torsion, resulting in a failure mode known as lateral-torsional buckling.
Vertical shear is an idealized mode of failure (see Figure 4). There is a tendency for a short
beam to fail in this manner. This is similar to the way in which a pair of ―shears‖ or scissors cuts
a piece of paper.
Horizontal shear is the tendency for a material to separate parallel to the neutral axis as its
―internal layers‖ try to slide past each other (see Figure 5). It is a frequent mode of failure which
should not be confused with checking in wood beams.
Figure 5. Horizontal Shear in Beam
Stability failures generally relate to structural systems. These failures can be caused by lateral
loads from wind or seismic events. For individual members, examples include:
Columns fail due to elastic instability (i.e., column buckling)
Beams fail due to lateral or lateral-torsional buckling
Elastic instability results in the buckling of a member (see Figure 6). This is characterized by a
sudden failure of a structural member subjected to high compressive stresses. Actual
compressive stress at the point of failure is less than the ultimate compressive stresses of the
material. If the load on a column is applied through the center of gravity of its cross section, it is
called an axial load. An eccentric load on a column or pile, which is non-symmetric with respect
to the central axis, produces a bending moment in addition to the axial load. Eccentric loads
promote buckling at a lower compressive stress due to the induced couple.
potentially accelerate the permitting process by identifying and remedying structural issues prior
to installation.
Section 2 provides a basic process flow chart through which installers can determine whether to
engage a structural engineer or conduct a self-assessment of a building‘s structural integrity. The
chart is intended to outline the general steps involved in an early assessment of a simplified
installation and lays the groundwork for elements covered in subsequent sections of the manual.
Section 3 discusses recommended documentation, the Solar Installation Submittal Form (found
in Appendix A).
Section 4 details considerations for evaluating the condition of a building‘s roof structure. The
focus is on trusses, which are critical elements for support of roof loads. The section provides
information about how to evaluate and remedy truss damage and manufacturing defects, bracing
issues, cracks and knots, and general truss integrity.
Section 5 widens the scope of structural integrity to include loading issues and mechanics of
building materials, primarily wood. The section includes detailed mathematical discussion and
examples of statics, wood modification factors, and loading conditions. Section 4 also outlines
the effects of roof slope on solar design, provides information about roof rafters and joists, and
offers links to tools that installers can use to calculate load.
Section 6 of the manual delves into less visible but important connective elements that can affect
structural integrity. The section offers detailed information about the importance of properly
selected and installed nails, screws, bolts, connector plates, and fasteners. A critical theme of the
section is how these connectors impact a roof structure‘s ability to carry load, which can have
significant effect on the design and installation of solar panels.
Section 7 offers a set of solar installation best practices, designed to provide installers with a tool
kit for evaluating structural integrity. Information in this section includes setback requirements,
location and evaluation of roof structural members and attachments, and discussion about
weatherproofing solar energy system attachments on various types of roofing materials. The
section also provides detailed recommended methods for reinforcing overstressed rafters prior to
completing a solar installation.
Information in the manual is supported by numerous tables, drawings, and links to additional
This structural guidance is intended to apply only to simplified solar installations. A flow chart
has been prepared to illustrate this point.
START Installer Does roof no
Assessment qualify for Structural Designer
Checklist expedited Needed
Wood Trusses
yes Prepare
Documentation Submit Package
for Permitting
This page is intentionally blank.
This page is intentionally blank.
The condition of the roof structure must be assessed before a rooftop solar energy system can be
installed. This assessment should address whether the existing structure has excess capacity for
additional loads due to a solar installation or if modifications are necessary for the installation.
Figure 7. Site-built Truss (Denise 2007)
Figure 8. Truss Connector Plate Misaligned (Denise 2007)
Metal connector plates are generally installed on each side of a joint. Plates can be
unintentionally removed during transportation of the truss or improper handling during
construction, or may never have been installed.
Because wood is a natural product, some knots are inevitable. However, excessive or large knots
can weaken the truss members to unacceptable levels. This is in part because the member‘s
cross-sectional area and, thus, section modulus is significantly reduced at that point (see Figure
9). Acceptable knot size for metal connector plates should be listed in the manufacturer‘s
literature. If in doubt, refer the issue to a licensed structural engineer or architect.
4.1.3 Installation Damage
Trusses are very strong once installed as a system, but individual trusses are surprisingly fragile.
Damaged individual trusses are either patched improperly or not repaired at all. Damaged metal
connector plates are a common point of damage. The stability of joints is critical for the system
strength of a truss. Obviously, a plate that has been pulled completely out of the wood has no
strength. Further, a plate pulled partway out no longer has full strength (see Figure 10). The
Truss Plate Institute (TPI) publication QST-88, Quality Standard For Metal Plate Connected
Wood Trusses, indicates that the gap under a plate should not exceed 10 percent of the tooth
length or 1/16", whichever is greater. TPI‘s standard also specifies that such a gap should not
exceed one-third of the plate contact area on each member in the joint.
It is important to note that trusses are designed to withstand loads in two-dimensions only. If all
of the truss members are not acting uniformly in a single plane, the truss is not at full strength.
Repair of damage such as that shown in Figure 10 is not as simple as hammering the plate back
in because the fingers on the plate are designed to be pressed one time into undisturbed wood.
The normal repair is to install a plywood or OSB gusset plate or a metal nailing plate, which
would be nailed into place. These repair plates are usually much larger than the metal plate being
replaced. The size and nailing pattern will be specified by the engineer.
Figure 10. Truss Metal Connector Plates Partially Pulled out of Alignment (Denise 2007)
As a truss is bent sideways, the metal plates on the outside of the curve are stretched or pulled
out (as described above), but the plates on the inside of the curve are compressed and can buckle.
This damage is not as obvious (see Figure 11). If signs of damage are found in the accessible
parts of the upper portions of a truss, insulation should be pulled aside to look for more damage
to the lower chord.
Figure 11. Compression Buckling of Truss Connector Plate Bent during Installation (Denise 2007)
Broken lumber in trusses can range from missing members to cracks that are difficult to see.
Inspections should include a thorough examination of all lumber.
Note: If a short piece of lumber is found added to one side of a chord or web member with no
visible damage on the other side, it is likely this ‗scab‘ was added to support the end of a piece of
sheathing that did not quite reach the truss. Inspectors sometimes mistake this for truss damage.
Some scabs are part of the original truss design and are typically used to brace long webs to
avoid buckling.
4.1.4 Bracing
Typical truss members are 2 x 4 lumber. Buckling will be induced in the direction of the smaller
dimension and will therefore be out of plane of the truss. To prevent this, lateral bracing
between trusses is required to reduce the effective length of the truss member. The truss
manufacturer may indicate the need for permanent bracing by placing a stamp or tag directly on
the web member (see Figure 12) to be braced or may issue drawings indicating placement of
bracing at designated locations (see Figure 13). According to the IRC, truss design is governed
by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/TPI 1 and is therefore the responsibility of the
engineer or architect of the structure.
Figure 12. Truss Stamped "Permanent Lateral Bracing Required" (Denise 2007)
Figure 13. Bracing Not Provided Despite Being Stamped "Bracing Required" (Denise 2007)
While bracing that is required but not installed is an obvious problem, less obvious issues are
discussed below as recommended in Building Component Safety Information (BCSI) 1-03 Guide
To Good Practice For Handling, Installation & Bracing Of Metal Plate Connected Wood
Trusses. BCSI 1-03 discusses both temporary and permanent bracing, along with other issues.
Temporary bracing is used to stabilize the trusses during construction. Permanent bracing is
bracing required after construction is completed and provides the structure‘s full strength.
Bracing can be either continuous lateral restraint (CLR) or individual web member
reinforcement, such as T-reinforcement.
Figure 14 demonstrates typical configurations. Some key elements to consider in bracing
include the following:
Bracing lumber should be 2 x 4 stress-grade lumber unless otherwise specified
by the designer.
Each connection should have at least two nails.
CLR must be connected to a fixed point in the building (such as a shear wall
or roof plane) or it must be diagonally braced. This includes the top chords of
the lower set of trusses set in a piggyback configuration.
CLR is not effective when the web pattern changes from one truss to the next
(see Figure 15). T-reinforcement should be used instead.
T-reinforcement should be 90 percent of the length of the web member and
nailed at 6" on center unless specified otherwise by the designer.
Bracing needs to be tight to the web member to be effective.
CLR should be roughly centered in the span (see Figure 16). Note that some
web members may require more than one CLR.
CLR should be installed so that it does not block any access hatch that may
T-reinforcement must be continuous; it is not effective if spliced in the
Gable end trusses sometimes require special bracing, particularly in high wind
Figure 14. Typical Bracing Configurations (Denise 2007)
Figure 15. CLR Not Effective when Applied to Trusses Without Similar Web Patterns
(Denise 2007)
Brace Should Be
Here, Centered
on the Web
Not Here
Figure 17. All Nail Holes Should be Filled-in Metal Hanger Brackets for Full Strength
Girder is the term used to denote the main horizontal support of a structure that supports smaller
structural members. A common example of a girder is one that supports the end of another set of
trusses over the middle of a building without a supporting wall below. A girder truss can be a
single truss, but more commonly it is a multi-ply girder made up of several trusses. To act
together as a single structural component, the individual members of a multi-ply girder must be
properly fastened together. This can be accomplished with nails and/or special structural screws
or bolts, sometimes used in combination. Specific fastener type, size, and spacing should be
spelled out on the truss drawings.
Trusses for large spans with steep slopes are often too large or tall to be shipped on the highway
as a single unit. In these cases, the trusses are shipped in two sets—a lower set with a flat top
chord and a smaller triangular set that rests on top of the lower trusses (i.e., piggyback trusses).
These piggyback trusses are designed with a specific bearing point, which is almost always at the
end (see Figure 18), and must be properly aligned to develop the full strength of the truss. In
high wind zones, the top section of piggyback trusses may need to be strapped down to the lower
set; toe nailing may not be sufficient.
Figure 18. Unsupported Piggyback Trusses at Bearing Point (Denise 2007)
Trusses are designed for specific spacing, which is usually 24 inches on center. Increasing that
spacing, even locally, can overload the trusses. BCSI 1-03 specifies that trusses should be spaced
+/- 0.25 inches from plan position. It also specifies that trusses should be installed plumb within
1/50 of their height (with a 2-inch maximum) and should be bowed sideways no more than 1/200
of their length (with a 2-inch maximum).
4.1.6 Alterations
A major advantage of lumber as a building product is that it can easily be cut and nailed in the
field; however, this also increases the risk for making improper modifications. As previously
discussed, any alterations to a truss must be backed up by engineering designs. Truss members
commonly get cut during installation of whole-house fans, drop-down stairs, fireplace chimneys,
and recessed light fixtures. Truss members also get cut during installation of rooftop vents (see
Figure 19) or when installing mechanical and plumbing systems.
Figure 19. Truss/Joists Should Not be Altered without Structural Engineering/Manufacturer
Approval (Denise 2007)
Trusses are designed with a specific bearing point. If the building configuration is changed, the
truss may be altered to create a new bearing point. Again, this modification must be backed up
by engineering designs (see Figure 20).
Figure 20. Typical Engineered Truss Repair
Section 802.10.4 of the 2009 IRC specifies: ―A lterations resulting in the addition of load (e.g.,
HVAC equipment, water heater) that exceeds the design load for the truss shall not be permitted
without verification that the truss is capable of supporting such additional loading.‖ Besides
rooftop solar installations, common change-of-loading cases include heavier roofing materials
(such as clay or concrete tiles) being substituted for asphalt shingles during re-roofing. The
roofer should have an engineer verify that this increased loading is safe.
This section provides an overview of structural engineering concepts and design elements.
Figure 21. Typical Tensile Test Results for Steel
This data can then be converted to a stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 22. Stress (σ) is
defined as the applied force divided by the sample‘s cross sectional area. Strain (ϵ) is defined as
the elongation or deformation per sample length.
Line O-A in Figure 22 is a straight line that represents the relationship between stress and strain
for steel represented by Hooke‘s Law (σ = E ϵ). E is defined as the modulus of elasticity or
Young‘s Modulus and is the slope of line O-A. The modulus of elasticity for steel is about 3x107
psi. The stress at point A is known as the proportionality limit.
Slightly above the proportionality limit is the elastic limit (Point B). As long as the stress is
below the elastic limit, there will be no permanent strain when the applied stress is removed.
Thus, the strain is said to be elastic while the stress is said to be in the elastic region of the
material. If the elastic stress is exceeded, recovery will be along a line parallel to the straight line
portion of the curve similar to that shown by line p-O΄. The resulting strain (line O-O΄) is
permanent and is known as plastic strain.
The yield point (Point C) is close to the elastic limit. In practice, the yield stress (S y) is the point
where plastic strain begins (i.e., where permanent deformation begins). In most design
applications, the yield stress is utilized as the upper boundary condition for allowable loads.
This is because permanent deformation is generally to be avoided.
The ultimate tensile strength (Point D) is the maximum load-carrying ability of the material.
However, since stresses near the ultimate strength are accompanied by large plastic strain, this
parameter should not be used for the design of ductile materials, such as steel or aluminum.
Some materials, such as aluminum, do not have a well-defined yield point, as can be noted in
Figure 23. In such cases, the yield point is taken as the stress that will cause a 0.2% parallel
5.3 Statics
Statics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the analysis of loads (force, torque/moment)
on physical systems in static equilibrium. Static equilibrium exists in a state where the relative
positions of subsystems do not vary over time, or where components and structures are at a
constant velocity. When in static equilibrium, the system is either at rest or its center of mass
moves at constant velocity. By Newton‘s first law, this situation implies that the net force and
net torque (also known as moment of force) on every body in the system is zero. From this
constraint, such quantities as stress or pressure can be derived. The net forces equaling zero is
known as the first condition for equilibrium, and the net torque equaling zero is known as the
second condition for equilibrium.
This can be mathematically represented as follows, where the components of a force are:
Fx = F (cos θx)
Fy = F (cos θy)
Fz = F (cos θz)
And FR = √
To satisfy the first condition of equilibrium, the sum of the forces in a given direction is equal to
Σ Fx = 0
Σ Fy = 0
Σ Fz = 0
A force which would cause an object to rotate is said to contribute a moment to the object. The
magnitude of a moment is the product of the force and its moment arm.
Figure 25. Moment Components
x x
The cross-sectional area (A) of a rectangle is simply calculated by multiplying the width (b) by
the height (h):
A = bh
It is important to note that the advertised dimensions of a wood element are not quite accurate.
For example, a common 2 x 4 stud is not 2 inches by 4 inches, but typically 1.5 inches by 3.5
inches, with an area of 5.25 square inches. Refer to Table 1 below for typical section properties
for common wood elements.
The moment of inertia of a structural element provides resistance to bending. The moment of
inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion
about that axis. Therefore, it encompasses not just how much mass the object has overall, but
how far each bit of mass is from the axis. The farther out the object‘s mass is, the more rotational
inertia the object has, and the more force is required to change its rotation rate. The moment of
inertia (I) about the neutral axis of the cross section of a beam is the sum of the products of each
of its elementary areas of mass by the square of their distance from the neutral axis of the
section. The neutral axis in Figure 26 is X-X. The moment of inertia of a section is utilized to
calculate bending stresses and deflections in a beam. Specifically for a rectangle as shown in
Figure 26, the moment of inertia is calculated as follows:
Ixx = bh3/12
The section modulus of a member is often used to calculate the bending stress in that member.
The section modulus (S) is the moment of inertia divided by the distance from the neutral axis to
the outside of the section. The section modulus is utilized to calculate the allowable bending
stress in a beam. For the rectangular cross-section shown in Figure 26, the section modulus is
calculated as follows:
Sxx = bh2/6
Table 1. Common Section Properties for Wood Elements
Wood strength and section properties are dependent upon the type or species of wood (e.g.,
Northern Pine or Douglas Fir), grade (e.g., select structural or stud), the type of stress applied
(e.g., tension parallel to grain or horizontal shear), and size classification (e.g., 2-inch thick or
decking). There are multiple sources that contain design properties for wood, such as the
National Design Specification for Wood Construction, National Design Specification [NDS]-
2005). Table 2 provides an example of design base values for Douglas Fir-Larch. The table for
Douglas Fir-Larch is reproduced from the Design Values for Wood Construction, a supplement
of the ANSI/ American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) NDS-2005 NDS for Wood
Construction with Commentary.
Table 2. Design Base Values
5.5 Wood Modification Factors
Design base values such as those presented Table 2 are dependent on modification factors.
Examples of modification or adjustment factors as they apply to various loading conditions are
given in the following table. The first column depicts the adjustment factor with its symbol,
while the other columns summarize which of these factors applies to the various stress
possibilities as defined in Table 3 (denoted by a check mark in the applicable space).
Dimension lumber includes products that are nominally 2 to 4 inches thick by 2 inches and
wider. Dimension Lumber design values are published as BASE VALUES. Dimension lumber
design values such as those listed in Table 2 must be adjusted for size and conditions of use.
• BASE VALUES are constants for each grade in a particular species.
• BASE VALUES must be adjusted using Adjustment Factors.
For example, the allowable bending stress for a given wood member is equal to the base design
value for bending stress for that species and grade multiplied by the applicable adjustment
The more common adjustment factors for bending stress are described in the following sections.
Factors not summarized here can be found in sources such as the NDS for wood construction
(ANSI/NF&PA NDS-2005).
5.5.1 Duration of Load Adjustment Factor, CD
The design base values for the given wood member are adjusted for stresses as defined in
Table 3. Note: some jurisdictions limit the maximum modifier. Table 4 summarizes the
adjustment factor based on the expected load duration.
Table 4. Duration of Load Adjustment Factor
5.5.2 Size Factor, CF
Table 5 presents a summary of size adjustment factors. The base design values for lumber
should be adjusted for loads producing bending, tension, and compression parallel to grain
Table 5. Size Adjustment Factors
Fb Ft Fc
Grades (depth) 2" & 3" 4"
more members are adjacent or are not more than 24 inches on center and are joined by a floor,
roof, or other load-distributing elements, the bending strength base design value can be increased
by 1.15 for repetitive member use. To summarize:
• Cr = 1.15, if:
• Three (3) or more members
• Joined by floor, roof, or other load-distributing elements
• Members are used as joists, truss chords, rafters, studs, planks, and
• Members are spaced less than or equal to 24 inches on centers.
5.5.4 Wet Service Factor, CM
If the moisture content of the wood exceeds 19 percent for an extended time period, the wet
service factor applies to all design base values. This factor is to be used only if the wood is
exposed for an extended period of time, not periodically. Note: This factor does not generally
apply to rooftop applications because the roof wood structure should not be exposed to elevated
moisture conditions for extended periods of time.
5.5.5 Flat Use Factor, Cfu
When dimension lumber is used flatwise (load applied to wide face), the bending design value,
Fb, shall also be multiplied by the flat use factor shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Flat Use Adjustment Factor
equipment. The actual weights of dead loads should be used if available. Examples of dead
loads can be found in publications such as the American Society of Civil Engineers‘ (ASCE‘s)
ASCE 7-05. A few examples of typical dead loads are provided in Appendix D.
Live loads are defined as the loads superimposed by the use and occupancy of the building or
structure, exclusive of wind, snow, earthquake, or dead loads. The minimum roof live load for a
given structure should be stipulated by the governing building code. In design, these live loads
should represent the designer‘s determination of the particular service requirements for that
structure. Roof live loads include those produced during maintenance activities and during the
life of the structure by moveable objects and people. The utilized live loads must include an
adequate allowance for ordinary impact conditions.
Snow loads vary by geographic area. Design snow loads for roofs shall be the greater of that set
forth in applicable building codes or in ASCE 7-05. When using the figures and tables in ASCE
7-05, special attention should be paid to areas at significant elevations where localized weather
conditions can significantly increase snow loads. In this case, the ground snow loads shall be
based on an extreme value statistical analysis of available data in the vicinity of the site using a
2% annual probability of being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval). The procedures
outlined in ASCE 7-05 for determining the roof snow load for flat roofs, sloped roofs, curved
roofs, unbalanced snow loads, drift loads, roof projections, sliding snow, rain-on-snow surcharge
load, ponding potential, and existing roofs shall follow those prescribed in ASCE 7-05.
Buildings and other structures, including wind force-resisting systems and components/cladding
thereof, shall be designed and constructed to resist applicable wind loads. The design wind loads
for buildings and other structures, including wind force resisting systems and
components/cladding thereof, shall be determined using one of the following procedures:
1. Method 1. Simplified Procedure for buildings and/or structural elements as specified in
ASCE 7-05 for buildings and/or structural elements meeting requirements specified in
ASCE 7-05;
2. Method 2. Analytical Procedure for buildings and/or structural elements as specified in
ASCE 7-05 for buildings and/or structural elements meeting requirements specified in
ASCE 7-05;
3. Method 3. Wind Tunnel Procedure as specified in ASCE 7-05.
Wind loads for solar panels or supports shall not be less than a net pressure of 10 lb/ft2 acting in
either direction normal to the surface.
Earthquake loads shall be taken into account in any solar installation where applicable. For most
regions of the United States, wind loads are greater than those imposed by an earthquake.
However, there are some locations where earthquake loads may be greater. The most restrictive
of applicable building codes or procedures outlined in ASCE 7-05 for determination of
earthquake loads shall be followed if it is determined that earthquake loads apply to the site.
The load combination and load factors described in ASCE 7-05 shall be employed. Depending
on whether strength or allowable stress design is used for the design and/or analysis, these
combinations/factors vary. The following are load combinations utilized by the allowable stress
design methodology:
1. D + F
2. D + H + F + L + T
3. D + H + F + (Lr or S or R)
4. D + H + F + 0.75(L + T ) + 0.75(Lr or S or R)
5. D + H + F + (W or 0.7E)
6. D + H + F + 0.75(W or 0.7E) + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or S or R)
7. 0.6D + W + H
8. 0.6D + 0.7E + H
D = dead load
E = earthquake load
F = load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and maximum heights
H = load due to lateral earth pressure, ground water pressure, or pressure of
bulk materials (generally zero for roof applications)
L = live load
Lr = roof live load
R = rain load
S = snow load
T = self-straining force (generally zero for roof applications)
W = wind load
Slope Multiply by
1:12 1.00
2:12 1.01
3:12 1.03
3.5:12 1.04
4:12 1.05
5:12 1.08
6:12 1.12
7:12 1.16
8:12 1.20
9:12 1.25
10:12 1.30
11:12 1.38
12:12 1.41
13:12 1.47
14:12 1.54
Example: A panel weighs 43 pounds and is 39 inches by 64 inches. It is mounted on a
7:12 pitch roof. What is the projected weight per square foot?
43 lbs. / (39" x 64") = 0.017 lb/inch x 144 in2/ft2 = 2.48 lb/ft2 x 1.16 = 2.88 lb/ft2
This is the number used to calculate loads on rafters or trusses.
Slope Multiply by
1:12 1.00
2:12 0.99
3:12 0.97
3.5:12 0.96
4:12 0.95
5:12 0.92
6:12 0.89
7:12 0.86
8:12 0.83
9:12 0.80
10:12 0.77
11:12 0.74
12:12 0.71
13:12 0.68
14:12 0.65
Example: Standoffs for a rack are spaced at 48 inches up the roof plane on a roof with a
6:12 pitch. What is the projected distance horizontally along a rafter?
48" x 0.89 = 42.7"
This dimension is used to locate point loads along the rafter when checking to see
if the rafter has adequate capacity.
calculations for ALL species and grades of commercially available softwood and hardwood
lumber as found in the NDS 2005 Supplement. Joists and rafter spans for common loading
conditions can be determined. A ― span options‖ calculator allows selection of multiple species
and grades for comparison purposes. This calculator may or may not be applicable for use in the
analysis of existing joists and rafters for the installation of a new solar energy system. This
determination should be made on a case-by-case basis.
The first step in evaluating a given rafter or joist is to examine its condition and specifics such as
span, support, and type of wood. Grade stamps that are typically printed on wood will provide
the wood species and grade. An example of a grade stamp is shown in Figure 27:
Figure 27. Typical Lumber Grade Stamp as Approved by ALSC and its Interpretation for Douglas
Fir Lumber
Rafters and joists need to be capable of resisting stresses resulting from applied loads and/or
loading conditions and be within acceptable deflection limits. As previously discussed, design
strength values for wood are not developed based on the material yield strength similar to more
homogenous and ductile materials, such as steel. Rather, values specific to the wood section,
loading condition, and perceived use are utilized to develop design values. An example is
provided in Table 2 of design base values for Douglas Fir-Larch, Douglas Fir-Larch (North) and
Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF). These values are published in documents such as the ANSI/AF&PA‘s
NDS-2005 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction with Commentary.
There is also an electronic version of the AWC‘s Design Values for Joists and Rafters 2005
available on-line at:
and a simplified maximum span calculator for wood joists and rafters on the AWC Web site:
The following example derives formulas to calculate simple bending stress in a beam. For a
rafter with the given rectangular section, bending stress can be calculated as follows:
Fb = bending stress
M = the moment at the neutral axis
y = perpendicular distance to the neutral axis
b = width of the section being analyzed
h = depth of the section being analyzed
The calculated bending stress of a given rafter can then be compared to the allowable bending
stress for the wood member, utilizing the base design value with applicable adjustment factors.
If the modified allowable value is greater than the calculated bending stress, assuming no other
stress conditions apply, the member is adequate to withstand the applied bending stress. Refer to
Appendix B for multiple examples.
The alignment of the wood member has significant bearing on the member‘s ability to resist
bending. The predominant section property that resists bending is the member‘s moment of
inertia or section modulus. To illustrate the importance of the alignment of the cross section of a
structural member, the following example shows that a vertically aligned 2 x 6 beam is almost
four times stronger than the same 2 x 6 beam placed horizontally. For simplicity, load factors
are ignored.
2x6 wood beam aligned Vertically vs. Horizontal
Neutral 1.5”
5.5” Neutral
Assumed loading condition
Actual stress
A beam (rafter or joist) must also meet applicable deflection limits. Excessive deflection is
sometimes referred to as the ― bounce limit,‖ as it is important to control the amount of bounce in
a given beam. Deflection in a beam depends on several factors:
o Beam type (simple, cantilever, continuous, etc.)
o Beam span, L
o Type and magnitude of loading
w = uniform load in plf (pounds per linear foot) or klf (kips per linear
P = concentrated load in # (pounds)
Material properties of the beam (Modulus of Elasticity, E) - See Table 2;
o Properties of the shape of the beam (Moment of Inertia, I)
o Limit roof beams/rafters deflection to:
Live Load deflection = L/360 ( DLL = L/360)
Total Load deflection = L/240 (D = L/240)
Deflection (D) for a simply supported beam similar to that shown in Figure 30 can be calculated
as follows:
Figure 30. Simply Supported Beam with Applied Uniform Load (w)
Coefficient = 5/384 (dimensionless)
w = uniform load
L = span length
Stiffness Factor – 1/EI
E - modulus of elasticity)
I – moment of inertia
Care must be taken when utilizing these equations to ensure that the units used are consistent.
There are multiple publications that include allowable span lengths for given section properties
and design base values. One such example is Span Tables for Joists and Rafters (2005 Edition),
American Softwood Lumber Standard (PS 20-05) Sizes, published by the AF&PA. It is available
in PDF format at Table 9 is an example of allowable
span tables.
Table 9. Rafter Span Table for Douglas Fir Larch #2
5.8.1 Example
The following example provides an analysis of a wood beam or rafter that spans 12 feet and
carries a combined dead and roof live load of 350 pounds per linear foot. The beam material is
Douglas Fir Larch #2. The example demonstrates how to determine the minimum acceptable
size or section properties for the beam.
L = 12’
Figure 31. Minimum Acceptable Beam Size or Section Example
Step 2: Find the tabulated value of F b for Douglas Fir-Larch #2 (Table 2):
Refer to Table 1: The smallest beam with a section modulus greater than
61.1 in3 is a 4x12 with an Sx = 73.828 in3.
Note: a 6 x 10 (not shown in Table 1) would also provide the required
value (82.729 in3) if depth of beam is an issue. If a 6-inch wide beam were
used, the value of used would be adjusted based on a new value of CF.
Step 5: Required Moment of Inertia to limit deflection (D) to L/240:
Solving for the moment of inertia:
( )
From Table 1, Ix for a 2x12 (Douglas Fir Larch) is 178 in4. Since the
actual Ix is greater than the required Ix, the member is adequate.
Step 6: State selection of member:
Use 2x12 #2 Douglas Fir-Larch
Figure 33. Common Flat Wood Trusses
Figure 34 provides typical terms associated with trusses and truss elements.
panel length
12 top chord
continuous lateral brace
Truss plate overall height
panel point
heel wedge
span (out-to-out of bearings) bottom chord cantilever
The Wood Truss Council of America (WTCA) provides basic information, including diagrams,
on their Web site ( to help users understand standard terminology.
The following are common terms related to trusses:
Joint location – The joint location is where truss members intersect.
Truss member – A truss member is the individual piece (segment) between joints.
Long chord – A long chord is a member consisting of two or more segments joined by
light-gauge steel splice plates.
Bottom chord – A bottom chord is one or more members that form the bottom of the
truss. Bottom chord members are most often horizontal, but for some applications, such
as a ―cathedral-type‖ ceiling, they may be sloped.
Top chord – A top chord is one or more members that form the top of the truss, which
also forms the roof surface. Top chord members are most often sloped. For the simple
gable (―A‖) roof, there will be one line of top chord members for each roof slope.
Web – A web is a member between the bottom chord and top chord. A web member is
almost always vertical or sloped.
Connection plate – A connection plate is light-gauge steel plate used to connect the
various wood members. Plates are installed at the factory, as it is not practical to install
the standard connection plates at the site.
Panel point – A panel point is a connection location of a web member to a top or bottom
chord (but does not include splices).
Individual truss elements do not appear to be particularly stable as they are lifted into place on a
roof structure. However, as trusses are tied together via the roof deck, lateral bracing, and
ceiling underneath, they become a very strong rigid structure. An individual wood truss is a
space frame that typically comprises 2 x 4s. These individual 2 x 4s are designed to be
uniformly loaded, not point loaded. Consequently, if significant point loads are generated along
a truss, especially away from panel points, the truss will likely require reinforcement. Refer to
Section 6 of this document, Installation Best Practices, for recommended methods of
Trusses are typically designed and built by a manufacturer and then installed at the site by a
contractor. Trusses are often designed for a specific design load at the time of their original
construction. Therefore, any change in loading to the structure that affects the trusses should be
evaluated by the manufacturer or a qualified engineer. An analysis can be performed to compare
the stresses in the truss in its original state to the stresses in the same truss resulting from the
change in applied loads. If the stresses are less than or equal to those in its original state, then
the loading due to elements such as a solar energy system are acceptable. Refer to examples in
Appendix B.
There are multiple methods used to analyze the members/connections of a truss. The two most
common methods are the ‗method of joints‘ and ‗method of sections.‘ Analysis of a truss
includes four assumptions:
Truss members are connected together at their ends only.
Trusses are connected together by frictionless pins.
The truss structure is loaded only at the joints.
The weights of the members may be neglected.
The truss is made up of single bars, which are either in compression, tension, or no-load
(Figure 35). Solving for force inside a truss involves using equilibrium equations at a joint. This
method is known as the ‗method of joints.‘
Figure 35. Left Bar in Tension/Right Bar in Compression
F x =0 F y =0
B 2309# D
60 0
A 1732# C 1732# E
R1 50ft 50ft
∑ ( ) ( )
Solving: R2 = 1000#
Solving: R1 = 1000#
Step 2. Because there are three unknowns @ joint B, start @ joint A where there are only two
30 0
⁄ (compression)
∑ ( )
B 2309# (C) D
60 0
20’ G 20’ H 20’ I 20’ J 20’ K 20’
5000# 5000#
2000# 2000# 2000# 2000# 2000#
Solution: Consider the freebody diagram with a cut through members CB, CH, and CI to solve
for CH. Sum the moments about point A and solve for CH. Then, consider the
freebody diagram with a cut through members CD, ID, and IJ. Sum moments about
point I and solve for CD.
Find force in member CH:
Solving CD=7200#
62 ‘Combined Loading’ Example:
Problem: Consider an 8-ft-long 2 x 6 with lateral cross bracing at 4 feet as shown above. The
member is loaded with a 200-pound vertical load with a 2800-pound compression load. The top
chord of the truss is select 2 x 6 Douglas Fir-Larch.
Solution: The following are the design values and applicable factors obtained from appropriate
references, such as NDS.
Fb = 1500 psi E = 1.9 x 106 psi S = 7.56 in3 Fc = 1700 psi
Cd = 1 Ct = 1 Ci = 1 Cr = 1 Cm = 0.9
Cm = 1.7 x 10 psi
Lu = 4 ft ( )
Le = 1.11 Lu = 1.11*4*12 = 52.8 in
Slenderness ratio (NDS section 3.33)
( )
RB = √ =√ = 11.36 ˂50
( )
Therefore satisfies criteria of NDS section 3.33
KbE = 0.439 (Euler buckling coefficient per NDS section 3.3.3)
Critical Buckling:
( )
FbE = = 5783 psi
Use Cm = 0.85 (wet service factor per NDS Support Table 4A).
Use Cf = 1.3 (size factor for flexure per NDS Support Table 4A)
Fb* = FbCmCf = 1500(0.85)(1.3) = 1657 psi
FbE = = 3.49
Beam stability factor (NDS Section 3.3.3)
( )
( )( )
( )
therefore OK
Slenderness ratio:
About weak axis
( )( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( )
( )( )( )
Actual compression stress:
( ) ( )
( )
This example was provided to show that the addition of what appears to be a relatively small
vertical point load of 200 pounds (which could be a single leg of a solar energy system
installation) at the mid-span of the top chord of a roof truss can overload that truss. As stated
earlier, all truss members are designed to take loads in tension and compression only. Therefore,
it is recommended that point loads applied as a result of solar energy system installation be
reinforced accordingly. Refer to Section 6 of this document, Installation Best Practices, for
recommended reinforcement methods.
The following is an Excel program that allows the solar installer to calculate loads on structural
members, given the input variables outlined. The software package is referred to as Solarstruc
Version 2.0. For a copy of the software, contact Alan Harper or Kay Schindel with the City of
Madison, Wisconsin (
Figure 39. Example Solarstruc Output
5.10 Single-Member Structural Steel Beams or Joists (Flat or
This document is intended to cover structural issues related to small buildings, predominantly
residential. Although wood is the typical construction material for these structures, there are a
few that utilize other materials, such as steel. The difference in materials is due to periods in
which wood prices spiked and a significant number of structures were built using steel instead of
wood. (The last instance occurred during the early 1990s.)
Two types of structural steel exist in building construction—hot rolled steel shapes and cold-
formed steel shapes.
Hot rolled steel shapes are formed at elevated temperatures while cold-formed steel shapes are
formed at room temperature. Hot rolled steel follows guidelines set forth by the American
Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) in the Manual of Steel Construction, which provides
design standards and property values.
Cold-formed steel structural members are shapes commonly manufactured from steel plate, sheet
metal, or strip material. The manufacturing process involves forming the material by either
press-braking or cold roll-forming to achieve the desired shape. Cold-formed steel follows the
design standards set forth in the Specification for the Design of Light Gage Steel Structural
Members published by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
When steel is formed by press-braking or cold roll-forming, there is a change in the mechanical
properties of the material by virtue of the cold working of the metal. When steel sections are
cold-formed from flat sheet or strip, the yield strength—and to a lesser extent the ultimate
strength—increases. This is particularly true in the bends of the section.
In building construction, cold-formed steel products can be classified into three categories:
members, panels, and prefabricated assemblies. The material thicknesses for such thin-walled
steel members usually range from 0.0147 inches (0.373 mm) to about 0.25 inches (6.35 mm).
Steel plates and bars as thick as 1 inch (25.4 mm) can also be cold-formed successfully into
structural shapes. Typical cold-formed steel members such as studs, track, purlins, girts, and
angles are mainly used for carrying loads while panels and decks constitute useful surfaces such
as floors, roofs and walls, in addition to resisting the in-plane and out-of-plane surface loads.
Prefabricated cold-formed steel assemblies include roof trusses, panelized walls or floors, and
other structural assemblies. Approximately 40% of the total steel used in building construction
is cold-formed steel.
The methods used to calculate applied stresses are similar to that presented in the previous
section and in the design examples in Appendix B. Calculation of allowable stresses for steel is
more straightforward than that for wood, as steel does not require the modification factors that
apply to wood. Allowable stresses and section properties can be obtained from AISC or AISI
design manuals.
The strength and stability of any structure depends heavily on the fastenings that hold its parts
together. Consistent with the majority of this document, this section will concentrate on
connections involving wood members. One prime advantage of wood as a structural material is
the ease with which wood structural parts can be joined together with a wide variety of
fastenings—nails, spikes, screws, bolts, lag screws, drift pins, staples, and metal connectors of
various types. For utmost rigidity, strength, and service, each type of fastening requires joint
designs adapted to the strength properties of wood along and across the grain and to dimensional
changes that may occur with changes in moisture content. Design requirements for most
mechanical fasteners are specified in the NDS for Wood Construction (AF&PA, 2005).
Mechanical connections are constructed using two general fastener types—dowels and bearings.
Dowel-type fasteners, such as nails, screws, and bolts, transmit either lateral or withdrawal loads.
Lateral loads are transmitted by bearing stresses developed between the fastener and the
members of the connection. Withdrawal loads are axial loads parallel to the fastener axis,
transmitted through friction or bearing to the connected materials. Metal connector plates are a
special case of dowel-type fasteners; they combine the lateral load actions of dowel fasteners and
the strength properties of the metal plates. Bearing-type connections transmit lateral loads only.
Bearing-type fasteners, such as shear plates and split ring connectors, transmit shear forces
through bearing on the connected materials. Hanger-type connections are a combination of
dowel and bearing-type fasteners. They generally support one structural member and are
connected to another member by a combination of dowel and bearing action. Selection of a
fastener for a specific design application depends on the type of connection and the required
strength capacity. Each connection must be designed to transmit forces adequately and provide
satisfactory performance for the life of the structure without causing splitting, cracking, or
excessive deformation of the wood members.
The strength of mechanical fasteners is dependent on many factors, including the following:
1. Lumber species (density or specific gravity)
2. Critical section
3. Angle of load to grain
4. Spacing of mechanical fasteners
5. Edge and end distances
6. Conditions of loading
7. Eccentricity
8. Modification to tabular design values
driven into the side grain of dry wood or green wood that remains wet, many test results have
shown that the maximum withdrawal load is given by the empirical equation:
Spikes are long, nail-like fasteners designed to connect larger-sized elements. Staples are made
of thin wire and consist of two legs and a crown. Staples have a variety of sizes, points, coatings,
and quality. They are available in clips and coils to permit use in pneumatically operated
staplers. Staples are also used in low-strength or nonstructural connections and resist lateral and
withdrawal forces. A typical fastening schedule of wood members with nails is included in IRC
2009, Table R602.3(1).
The following example estimates the pullout strength of a toe-nailed connection.
Problem: Determine the lateral design value for a 3-inch-long 10d common wire nail in a toe-
nailed connection shown below. The wood is Douglas Fir-Larch.
( )
Nominal design value for single shear per NDS Table 11N: Z = 118#
Assume the following modification factors: Cm = 1.0, Ct = 1.0, CD = 1.6
Nail penetration: ( )
This penetration depth is greater than the minimum recommended (P = 10 dia. per NDS
Table 11N),
Therefore, Cd = penetration depth factor = 1.0
Ctn = toe-nail factor = 0.83 (NDS Sect. 11.5.4)
Allowable Lateral Design Value:
Although toe-nailing wood members is a common method of attachment, there are many metal
connectors commercially available that offer significantly stronger connection strength. An
example is shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41. Connection Strength Comparison (Source: Simpson Strong Tie)
Figure 42. Lag Screw Connection
Both wood screws and tapping screws are used in wood construction and are available in a wide
range of materials and head types. The maximum withdrawal load (pq) for wood screws inserted
in the side grain of seasoned wood may be expressed as:
Maximum withdrawal load (pr) for lag screws from seasoned wood is given by:
⁄ ⁄
Lag screws require lead holes that vary from about 40% to 85% of the root diameter, depending
on the wood density.
Table 10 presents an example of pull-out strength values for a variety of woods for a 5/16-in
diameter shaft lag screw (Source: American Wood Council, NDS 2005, Table 11.2A, 11.3.2.).
Table 10. Pull-Out Strength for Lag Screws
The Industrial Fastener Institute (Inch Fastener Standards, 7th ed. 2003. B-8) states that shear
strength is approximately 60% of the minimum tensile strength.
“As an empirical guide, shear strengths of carbon steel fasteners may be assumed to
be approximately 60 percent of their specified minimum tensile strengths. For
example, an SAE grade 5 hex cap screw has a specified minimum tensile strength of
120,000 psi. Therefore, for design purposes, its shear strength could be reasonably
assumed to be 70,000 psi.”
holes. Drift bolts include a head on one end, while no head is provided on pins. Drift bolts and
pins are used in lateral connections for large wood members. They are not suitable for
withdrawal connections because of their low resistance to withdrawal forces.
The yield theory approach is used to determine the lateral strength of single-bolted connections,
assuming sufficient edge and end distances. Edge and end distances ensure that the wood will not
split or tear and will only fail in bearing.
Figure 44. Fastener Spacing (2)
Figure 46. Fastener Spacing (4)
Tables 11 and 12 offer minimum guidance for full-strength development of wood fasteners.
6.6 Wood Connection Design Considerations
The strength of wood connections is often limited by the resistance of the wood in bearing or
withdrawal rather than by the strength of the fastener. As a result, connection design is affected
by many of the same factors that influence the strength properties of wood. In addition to the
type, number, and size of fasteners, connection strength also depends on such factors as the wood
species, direction and duration of load, and conditions of use. In some cases, the strength of the
connection may also be limited by the capacity of the connected members. Design values for
different types of nonproprietary fasteners are given in building codes and specifications in either
tabular or equation format. These values are based on one fastener, installed and used under
specified conditions. Allowable design loads are determined by adjusting tabulated or calculated
values with adjustment factors. When more than one fastener is used in a connection, the design
value is the sum of the design values for the individual fasteners times any applicable adjustment
It should be noted that design criteria and tabulated loads are limited to connections involving
the same type of fastener. A simplified connection calculator is offered by the AWC at This online calculator provides users
with a web-based approach to calculating capacities for single bolts, nails, lag screws, and wood
screws per the 2005 NDS. Both lateral (single and double shear) and withdrawal capacities can
be determined. Wood-to-wood, wood-to-concrete, and wood-to-steel connections are possible.
The basic design procedures for connections are similar to those for structural components. For
a given connection and type of fastener, the designer must:
1. Determine the tabulated load for one fastener appropriate for the connection of the
structural members.
2. Apply adjustment factors to the tabulated value to reflect specific applications and
conditions of use.
3. For connections to wood members, adjust the modified value for lateral loading
conditions other than parallel or perpendicular to grain, when applicable.
4. Multiply the design load for one fastener by the total number of fasteners in the
connection and apply a group adjustment factor if justified.
5. Compute the net section properties and verify the capacity of the members.
6. Detail the connection to ensure adequate fastener placement and performance.
Best practices for the installation of a solar energy system involve the optimization of the system
for solar energy production as well as structural considerations. Elements to be optimized in a
solar energy system include:
Roof orientation with respect to panel orientation – sun path chart and shade ellipse
Roof slope – the type of solar mount installation and associated safety issues
Shading – solar panel placement with respect to shading from chimneys, vents, trees, etc.
Setback requirements – determined by local building codes; can be an issue with regard
to installer/maintenance issues
Type of roof – includes shape (flat or sloped) and material (asphaltic shingle, shake, clay
tile, metal, etc.); will dictate placement and connections
Structural roof framing details – wood rafter, wood truss, wood beams with steel bar
joists, and structural steel are multiple structural options that will impact best installation
Panel array layout – panel layout (portrait or landscape) and number of panels will impact
the best installation practices
rooftop, the exact location and direction can be identified and measured to other structural
elements as needed. These holes must be patched when the job is complete or prior to inclement
If an attic does not exist or is inaccessible, other techniques can be used to locate structural
elements, including using stud finders, nailing patterns along the soffit or fascia, or even by
simply tapping on the roof with a hammer or rubber mallet. Drilling small test holes from the
rooftop and using an item such as a thin wire to locate the structural element can also be used. If
a pilot hole is drilled on a shingled roof, it should be placed by lifting the leading edge of a
shingle and drilling beneath it. This way, the shingle can replaced over the hole to seal it.
Whichever method is used to locate rafters and drilling pilot holes, all pilot holes must be sealed;
the sealant used must be compatible with the roofing material.
Figure 47. Cross Beam for Solar Attachment
Figure 47 notes:
a. A panel point is where the webs meet the chord. There is a truss plate at this location and it is the
best location to install the brace. The hangers can be nailed through the truss plates.
b. Several manufacturers make face-mount hangers that are suitable for this installation. Hangers
similar to the one shown in the diagram have a capacity of approximately 280 pounds each. If two
are installed at each end, this gives a capacity of 1,120 pounds for this support.
Another effective method involves scabbing a 2 x 2 to the side of a roof rafter or top chord of a
truss. This additional 2 x 2 member must be physically attached to the rafter or truss, then
attached through the roof to the scabbed member. If placement of a cross beam or scabbing a
2 x 2 to an existing rafter or truss is not practical, and attachment through the roof to the rafter or
truss is required, then the attachment point must be within the center third of the rafter or top
chord of the truss (see Figure 48). This will reduce the possibility of splitting the wood member
or reducing its structural capacity. General rules for installation of mechanical fasteners into a
wood member includes maintaining a minimum edge distance of 1.5 times the diameter (1.5 x D)
of the mechanical fasteners with a minimum end distance of 4 times the diameter (4 x D) of the
mechanical fastener. A 0.5-inch diameter lag bolt must be in the exact center of a 2 x 2 member
and perfectly aligned to meet the requirement of having the fastener in the middle third of the
Figure 48. Centered attachment
Penetrations should be minimized, as they lead to roof leaks and roof degradation.
Additional foot traffic associated with solar installation and maintenance will accelerate
degradation of roof systems.
Based on these guidelines, the NRCA recommends that a new roof system installed with the
intent of having a solar rooftop system should include three key components—high-compressive
strength rigid board insulation if the insulation is on the surface of the roof structure rather than
beneath it; a thermal barrier directly beneath a roof membrane; and a roof membrane designed
with an increased puncture resistance/thickness.
Primary guidelines for various roof types include the following:
7.4.1 Composition Roof
Composition roofs are also known as asphaltic tile roofs; these are flexible and compressible.
Anchors can be standoff mounts and clip angles.
A. Rafters can be located using a stud finder or other non-destructive method.
B. Attachment through the shingle itself can be done, but a more effective method is
to cut away the shingle at the anchor location and flash with asphaltic mast.
C. Aluminum/stainless steel angles are securely attached to the underlying rafter
scab or cross member with stainless steel lag screws. This assembly is then sealed
using a urethane caulking material.
General Mounting Practices
Pre-drill before installing lag screw.
Apply sealant in hole and apply a small amount to the upper threads of lag
Set clip angle or standoff in approved mastic sealant.
Apply flashing around clip angles and standoffs. Set flashing in mastic bed.
7.4.2 Wood Shake Roof
Wood shakes can crack and leak if they are drilled or compressed. Therefore it is best to remove
several shakes to locate the underlying rafters. Metal standoffs can then be installed to these
rafters with stainless steel lag screws, and the standoffs can be sealed and flashed using a
urethane caulking material. Shakes are then replaced around the standoffs.
7.4.3 Masonry or Rigid Tile Roof
Masonry shakes can crack and leak if they are drilled or compressed. Therefore, several shingles
must be removed to locate the underlying rafters. Metal standoffs can then be installed to the
rafter scabs or cross members with stainless steel lag screws, and the standoffs can be sealed and
flashed using a urethane caulking material. Shingles are replaced around the standoffs.
7.4.4 Flat Roof
Since water can pool on flat roofs, it is particularly important that a flat roof be in good condition
before installation. For these installations, aluminum angles can be securely attached to the
underlying rafter scabs or cross members with stainless steel lag screws. This assembly is then
sealed using a durable caulking material. If there is any possibility of water pooling around the
roof attachments, it may be necessary to anchor the attachment points to wooden or metal
―sleepers,‖ which are mounted above the roof surface.
Figure 49 shows examples of commercial products available to assist with roof-mounted
Examples of Sharp‘s Solar Racking System (SRS) are shown in Figures 50 and 51.
Figure 50. Asphalt Shingle Roof Figure 51. Flat-tile Roof
Overstressed rafter
Ceiling joist
Overstressed rafter
Ceiling joist
Overstressed rafter
Ceiling joist
Overstressed rafter
7.5.3 Recommended Method 3
Sister new rafter to existing rafter (Figures 57 and 58). This method involves attaching a full
length rafter of a similar cross section to the existing rafter, essentially doubling the cross-
sectional area of the existing rafter.
Design considerations:
1. The rafters may be difficult to install.
2. The rafters must be fully supported at the ridge and wall. If the new rafter is
deeper than the existing rafter, this may require a deeper ridge board than the
existing ridge board and may not be possible at the wall due to lack of bearing
1. Supports loads for the entire length of the rafter so load placement above may not
be so critical.
2. Can be used for flat roofs or sloped roofs without attics.
3. Leaves attic space clear of extra braces or beams.
Overstressed rafter
Ceiling joist
7.5.4 Recommended Method 4
Add scab to existing rafter (Figure 58). This method involves attaching a wood member
(typically of similar cross section) to the affected length of existing rafter.
Design considerations:
1. Typically, the scab would cover the middle third of the rafter span. (This may be
different if there is a large point load off-center.)
2. A fastener pattern must be calculated and specified to transfer the loads between
the rafter and scab.
3. Not as strong as a full rafter.
1. Easier to install than full added rafters.
2. Less material used than with a full added rafter.
3. Can be used with flat or sloped roofs without attics.
4. Leaves attic space clear of extra braces or beams.
Overstressed rafter
Ceiling joist
7.5.5 Recommended Method 5
Add beam under rafters (Figure 59). This method involves adding a beam to support multiple
rafters. The beam in turn must be supported at bearing walls or columns at each end of the beam
or along the beam.
Design considerations:
1. The beam must extend to bearing points on each end. The bearing points must be
continuous to the ground.
2. The beam must be laterally supported to prevent overturning.
3. The longer the span of the beam, the larger the beam will have to be.
4. Often requires cutting a hole in an endwall to slide the beam in.
1. Can be used with flat or sloped roofs without attics.
2. Fewer pieces to install than methods using braces, additional rafters, or scabs.
Ceiling joist
7.5.6 Recommended Method 6
Put the array on the ground (Figure 60). This method can be utilized when it has been
determined that the roof of a structure may not be the best option and that the easiest and most
economical option may include placing the solar array on a pole-mounted system on the ground
adjacent to the home.
This may be the only practical option on homes with significantly undersized roof structures or
hard-to-modify roof structures.
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1. AISC 2005. ASD/LRFD Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition. American Institute of
Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
2. AITC 1985. Timber Construction manual. American Institute of Timber Construction.
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
3. ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005. National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction
with Commentary. American Wood Council.
4. ASCE 7-05. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. American
Society of Civil Engineers.
5. BCSI 1-03. 2003. Guide to Good Practice For Handling, Installation & Bracing Of
Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Jointly published by Wood Truss Council of
America and Truss Plate Institute.
6. Denise, Garet. 2007. Inspecting Wood Trusses. ASHI [American Society of Home
Inspectors] Reporter.
7. IBC 2009. International Building Code. International Code Council.
8. IFI, Industrial Fasteners Institute (2003). Inch Fastener Standards (7th ed.). Industrial
Fasteners Institute: Industrial Fasteners Institute.
9. IRC 2009. International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings.
International Code Council.
10. NEC 2011. National Electric Code
11. SPAN TABLES FOR JOISTS AND RAFTERS. 2005. American Softwood Lumber
Standard (PS 20-05) Sizes. American Forest and Paper Association. American Wood
Council, Washington DC.
12. Specification for the Design of Light Gage Steel Structural Members. American Iron and
Steel Institute (AISI)
13. Truss Plate Institute (TPI) publication QST-88, Quality Standard For Metal Plate
Connected Wood Trusses.
14. Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code. Wisconsin Department of Commerce.
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Solar Installation Submittal Form:
Submitted by:
Date Received:
Address of Installation:
Reviewer Comments:
The following information is recommended to be included with the
submittal form (other useful information is also encouraged):
Brief summary of project:
Roof structure description:
Solar system description (manufacturer information, support, fasteners, etc):
Other psf
Snow Load (list reference used: ASCE 7-05, local code, other):
Ground Snow Load psf
Rooftop Modification/Drift/Slope
Wind Load (list reference used: ASCE 7-05, local code, other):
Exposure B
Method Used
Wind Velocity mph
Wind Load psf
Live Load (if any) (list reference used: ASCE 7-05, local code, other):
Live Load psf
Live Load
Live Load psf
CALCULATIONS (Roof structure, fastener adequacy. Include supporting
Through the process of load tabulation, determine whether a rafter roof can safely support a
panel system that is flashed into the roofing and uniformly supported along its edges.
1. 72" long x 54.1" (3 each) wide solar hot water panels in portrait weighing 141 pounds
(5.22 pounds per square foot [psf] dead load) each when in service, including hardware.
2. Flashed into roofing without rails; thus, roofing is being removed below panels.
3. 2 x 8 grade 2 rafters of an unknown species spaced at 24 inches spanning 10' 9" with an
eight to twelve roof pitch covered with a light roofing material
4. Project located in Madison, Wisconsin, Zone 2, 30psf snow load, 20psf wind load
1. Check compliance or rafters with current version of Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) and
the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
a. Tabulate dead loads.
b. Check rafters against the UDC tables.
2. Tabulate new dead loads. (Snow loads and live loads do not need to be considered
when the system is supported uniformly.)
3. Make comparison between design loading and proposed.
a. Solar panel weight is added
b. Roofing weight is added
Figure B3. Plan View
Calculate horizontally projected dead loads ( ) for determining what UDC table
to use:
⁄ ( )
( ) ⁄ ( )
If the wood species is not known, the grading should be confirmed in the field as
Grade 2 or better and a species of Spruce Pine Fir (SPF) assumed with a snow
loading design value for bending, (Fb) = 1190 psi.
From Table R-14:
2 x 8 @ 24 inch centers with a fb=1100 psi can span 11'-0"; this is greater
than 10'-9 American Society of Civil Engineer‘s and thus the existing
roof rafters are OK.
2. Tabulate new dead loads. (Snow loads and live loads do not need to be considered when
the system is supported uniformly without rails.)
Through the process of load tabulation, determine whether a truss roof can safely support a panel
system that is flashed into the roofing and uniformly supported along its edges.
1. 72" long x 54.1" (3 each) wide solar hot water panels in portrait weighing 141 pounds
(dead load) each when in service, including hardware.
2. Flashed into roofing without rails, thus roofing is being removed below panels.
3. Pre-manufactured wood trusses with the original truss design documentation stating
design loads of 10psf dead and 30psf live, spaced at 24 inches spanning 21' 6" with an
eight to twelve roof pitch covered with a light roofing material.
4. Project located in Madison, Wisconsin, Zone 2: 30psf snow load, 20psf wind load
Figure B4. Cross Section
2. Check compliance of existing roof trusses with current version of UDC and the Wisconsin
Administrative Code.
a. Check truss design loads.
3. Tabulate new dead loads. (Snow loads and live loads do not need to be considered when
the system is supported uniformly.)
4. Make comparison between truss design loads and proposed loading.
From UDC
ZONE 2 Snow Load = 30 PSF
Wood Trusses NA Self weight of truss is considered in
the design of the 3.8 psf total dead
load truss and not considered part
of the top or bottom chord dead
( )
Based on this information, existing roof trusses comply with the UDC. OK
2. Tabulate new dead loads. (Snow loads and live loads do not need to be considered when
the system is supported uniformly without rails.)
Total Panel Dead Load Including Hardware
Horizontally Projected Plan Area Covered by Panels = ⁄
Additional Panel Dead Load = 5.97 psf
Total Dead Load Including Panel, DL = 5.97 + 2.0 = 7.97 psf
7.97 psf < 10 psf . OK
Because the resulting load at the panel is less than 10psf and the roof
construction complies with the UDC, the roof can be considered acceptable for
supporting panel weights.
1. 65" long x 40" (8 each) wide solar photovoltaic panels in two rows of 4. Panel weight
equals 44 pounds (2.43 psf dead load, DL) each when in service. Rail weight equals 1
pound per linear foot (2.81 psf total equipment dead load).
2. System is supported on rails, attached at points along the roof, with rail reaction being
obtained from the rail manufacturer’s web site. No rail reactions greater than 300 lb are
3. 2 x 8 Grade 2 rafters of an unknown species spaced at 24 inches spanning 10'-9" with an
eight to twelve roof pitch covered with a light roofing material. All affected rafters have
been visually inspected and are not cracked, split, or have any large knots.
4. Roofing material is considered light <10 psf, and the attic space below is not finished.
5. Project located in Madison, Wisconsin, Zone 2: 30 psf snow load, 20 psf wind load.
Figure B7. Building Section
Figure B8. Building Plan
From Table E3 - Flush Mounted System, Placed on Rails, Rafter Roof:
1. Building structure is wood framed, in good condition and conforms to the current version
of the UDC. Based on installers’ site observations and accompanied by detailed
photographs and drawings of roof structure affected, building elevations, and building
site. The condition of the building must be documented well enough for a plan review
specialist to make a determination.
If the wood species is not known, the grading should be confirmed in the field as
Grade 2 or better and a species of SPF assumed with a snow loading design value
for bending, (Fb) = 1190 psi
6. Roof is not shadowed by higher adjoining roofs, on any side, so as not to be affected by
snow drifting.
Based on site observations and accompanied by photographs
7. Equipment weights are not greater than four (4) psf and no single rail reaction to the roof
(including equipment weight and snow loads) exceeds 300lb at any one location under
Zone 2, 30psf conditions or 375lb under Zone 1, 40psf conditions.
Installer to provide:
a. Complete list of equipment to be installed on the roof including a total weight of
44lb x 8 panels + (17ft x 1plf rail and hardware) x 4 rails = 420lb
Uniform load = 420lb / (9'x16'-8") = 2.79psf
b. Calculations determining rail point load reactions.
This information can be derived from manufacturer website-supplied
programs, tributary area method, or engineering analysis. Plan review
specialist must review and approve procedure.
8. Roof is rectangular with panels centered vertically from roof peak to bearing wall and as
near as possible to the horizontal center of the roof.
Installer to provide:
a) Dimensioned roof plan noting, roof size, panel size and locations, rail
locations, and rail reactions.
9. Panels are flush-mounted (not tilted) and are mounted on 2 rails (per string of panels)
that are attached to the roof at a staggered pattern of maximum four feet on center, not
cantilevered more than 6 inches, such that every truss or rafter under the array is sharing
its load.
Installer to provide this information on the dimensioned plan.
10. Construction consisting of wood rafters shall be such that rafter ends are not notched and
free of checks, cracks, or splits.
Based on site observations and accompanied by photographs.
Determine if a rafter roof can safely support the weight of solar equipment, snow loads and self
1. 65" long x 40" (8 each) wide solar panels in two rows of 4. Panel weight equals 77
pounds each when in service. Rail weight equals 1 pound per linear foot (4.35 psf total
equipment dead load).
2. System is supported on rails, attached at points along the roof with rail reaction being
obtained from the rail manufacturer's website.
3. 2 x 8 grade 2 rafters of an unknown species spaced at 24 inches spanning 10'-9" with an
eight to twelve roof pitch covered with a light roofing material. All affected rafters have
been visually inspected and are not cracked or split, and have no large knots.
4. Roofing material is considered light <10 psf, and the attic space below is not finished.
5. Project located in Madison, Wisconsin, Zone 2: 30 psf snow load, 20 psf wind load
1. Check compliance of rafters with current version of UDC and determine maximum
allowable design moment and shear.
a. Tabulate dead loads.
b. Check rafters against the UDC tables.
c. Determine maximum allowable moment and shear.
2. Calculate snow loads.
3. Determine panel and equipment weights.
4. Calculate panel reactions to rail.
5. Calculate rail reactions to roof.
6. Calculate maximum moments and shears for each rafter.
7. Make comparison between existing loading condition and proposed.
1. Check compliance or rafters with current version of UDC.
a. Tabulate dead loads.
Calculate horizontally projected dead loads, DLh for determining what UDC table to use:
⁄ ( )
( )
Based on this information, existing roof trusses comply with the UDC. OK
If the wood species is not known, the grading should be confirmed in the field as
Grade 2 or better and a species of SPF assumed with a snow loading design value
for bending, (Fb) = 1190 psi.
Figure B12. Shear and Moment Diagrams
Figure JJJ13. Panel Reactions Imparted on rails and Rail Reactions Imparted on Roof Rafters
4. Calculate panel reactions to rail and calculate rail reactions to roof.
Total load of panel = (15 sq ft x 27.3 psf) + 77lb
= 409lb + 77lb
= 486 lb
Panel reaction to rail = 486 lb / 4 supports = 121.5 lb at end panels
Reaction at interior panel = 121.5 x 2 = 243 lb
5. Calculate maximum moments and shears for each rafter and make comparison between
design loading and proposed.
Use manufacturer supplied software and tables or other methods as approved
by Plan Review Specialist.
SolarCalc version 2.0 is an analytical software package designed to assist solar professionals
calculate rooftop loads for solar installations. The package was developed by Alan Harper with
the City of Madison, Wisconsin. The spreadsheet is available by contacting Steve Dwyer
( or Alan Harper (
C.1 Input Parameters for SolarCalc
Input parameters for the spreadsheet include a description of the roof and solar array geometry
and dimensions. A quantification of the rooftop loads is also required. The following graphic
describes the input sheet for this effort. Yellow-colored boxes are input requirements while the
other boxes are computed.
Solarstruc v2.0 Input numbers in all yellow spaces
Solar array
Vertical projection
invalid = Ct of roof
Height of one panel = 40 inches
Width of one panel = 50 inches
Number of panels in a row = 8
Number of panels in a column = 2
Weight of one panel = 2 pounds
At support
Snow load (ps) = 44.8 pounds per support
Wind load (F) = 0.2 pounds per support
Panel Load (Dp) = 0.2 pounds per interior support
Drift load
Drift load at array = 0.0 pounds
Drift length
Base snow load on roof area not covered by panels = 0.0 pounds per square foot
C.2 Truss Chord Check Version 1.0
In addition to the aforementioned rooftop load calculator, a simple calculator for the checking of
the structural adequacy of the top chord of a truss is included. The following graphic describes
the input sheet for this effort. Yellow-colored boxes are input requirements while the other
boxes are computed.
Load offset
from panel
point d
(inches) e
a= f
b= g
c= R1 =
d= #### lb
Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah
###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### R2 =
maximum moment in chord section = #DIV/0! ft-lbs #### lb
Allowable moments:
#2 SPF 2 x 4 = 442 ft-lbs
2100 msr SPF = 615 ft-lbs
C.3 Definitions
The following graphic provides definitions for the previous calculators described that are part of SolarCalc v2.0.
Framing member
Top of array
Support spacing
Height of one panel = actual dimension of panel
front to back
Bottom of array
Framing member
Bottom of array
C.4 Tributary Dimensions
The following graphic depicts the tributary distances and areas for the rooftop and solar array.
C.5 CT Values
The following are suggested values of the Ct factor for rooftops.
Ct values for roofs:
1.1 For roofs kept just above freezing and others with cold
ventilated roofs in which the R value between the ventilated
space and the heated space exceeds 25.
C.5 Calculations
The following graphic represents the calculation sheet of SolarCalc v2.0.
C.6 Documentation
Documentation for Solarstruc v2.0
Description of product:
Solarstruc will calculate the loads due to solar arrays on roof structures.
Design Criteria :
1. This analysis is for building that can be regarded as in terrain categories B or C only.
2. Wind loads for Installations at less than 60 feet above grade, with a tilt angle of 45
degrees or less and installed within 10 degrees of the roof slope are calculated as
components and cladding using the design criteria of ASCE 7 -05 section
a. All installations are assumed to be in zone 1.
3. All other cases of wind loading are designed with the criteria for solid signs found in
ASCE 7-05 section 6.5.14.
a. To determine Cf in figure 6 -20 only cases A and B are considered and the clearance
ratio is assumed to be 1.
b. It is assumed that there are no unusual topographic effects and Kzt can be taken as
c. The array and rack are assumed to be rigid structures so per ASCE 7-05 section, the gust factor G is taken as 0.85.
4. This analysis is for buildings with an importance factor of 1.
5. Snow loads:
a. It is assumed the solar panels are fully exposed, therefore, C e is taken as 0.9.
b. A solar array is an unheated structure, therefore, Ct is 1.2.
c. This analysis is for buildings in occupancy category II, therefore, I = 1.
6. The roof is not considered unobstructed since the array is sitting on it.
1. This program was not designed to work properly for calculating components and
cladding wind loads for wind speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour.
2. This program is for buildings in terrain categories B and C only.
3. All installations are assumed to be away from roof edges.
4. The lower end of rack mounted arrays is assumed to be very near the roof.
5. This program is for buildings located where there are no unusual topographic effects.
6. This program is for buildings in occupancy category II.
7. This program is not designed for buildings with curved, mult iple folded plate, sawtooth,
or barrel vault roofs.
Notes for specific cells:
Yellow cells are for user input and transfer directly from the input sheet to the calculation sheet.
Light blue cells are final calculation and transfer directly from the calculation sheet to the input
Rose cells are secondary calculations used just prior to final calculations.
C9: Height of panel or multipanel array = number of panels in a column times the height of a
single panel. This gives the height of the array on the diagonal.
F2: Horizontal projection = The array height times the cosine of the tilt angle. This is then
divided by 12 to give an answer in feet.
A10: Vertical projection = The array height times the sine of the tilt angle. This is then divided
by 12 to give an answer in feet.
F27: Width of array = The width of one panel times the number of panels in a row. H27 then
converts this to feet by dividing by 12.
H35: Roof angle in degrees is the arctangent of (the roof slope divided by 12).
F38: Kz is calculated from ASCE 7-05 table 6-3 note 2.: Kz = 2.01 (z/zg)2/ with the following
values from table 6-2: In exposure B, = 7.0 and zg =1,200 and in exposure C, = 9.5
and zg = 900.
F40: Calculates the width to height ratio of the array. This ratio is used in ASCE 7-05 figure
6-20 to calculate Cf.
F41: Cf is taken from the ― case A & case B‖ table of ASCE 7-05 figure 6-20 using the aspect
ratio, B/s, calculated in cell F40.
K38: is taken from ASCE 7-05 figure 6-3.
N39: Area of array facing wind = the width of the array times the vertical projection.
N40: Is used to get the correct column in ASCE 7-05 figure 6-3.
N41-N43: pnet30: calculates this term from ASCE 7-05 figure 6-3 for each tilt angle (roof
slope) category in the table. Values are calculated linearly from values at wind speeds
from 85 mph to 120 mph.
K41: Selects the correct pnet30 values from N41, N42, or N43.
D38: Snow load (interior support) is calculated from ASCE 7-05 formulas (7-2) and (7-1). ps =
Cs(0.7CeCtIpg) Ce, Ct, and I are all constants with this analysis. pg is entered in cell F23.
Cs comes from ASCE 7-05 figure 7-2c for unobstructed slippery roofs. ps, which is in
pounds per square feet, is then multiplied by the horizontal support spacing, cell F21, and
by the horizontal projection, cell F2, to get the total load on a column of supports which
would run along one structural member. This is then divided by the number of supports
on that line minus 1. this gives the weight on one support in pounds.
D42: Snow load (exterior support) is half of the snow load (interior support), cell D38.
D39: Wind load (interior support) chooses between a component and cladding analysis per
ASCE 7-05 or a solid sign analysis per ASCE 7-05 6.5.14. For the component
and cladding analysis, the value of cell K41, pnet30 is used. For the sign analysis, a
combination of ASCE 7-05 equations (6-27) and (6-15) are used.
F=0.00256KzKztKdV2IGCfAs. Kz is cell F38, Kzt is 1, Kd is 0.85, V is cell N38, I is 1, G is
0.85, Cf is cell F41. The wind load is then converted into weight per support as described
under snow load, cell D38.
D43: Wind load (exterior support) is half the wind load (interior support), cell D39.
D46: Sliding snow comes from ASCE 7-05section 7.9 where the weight of sliding snow is
taken as a line load one foot in front of the array with a weight of 0.4 times 0.7CeCtIpg
times the horizontal projection of the array. Ce is 0.9. Ct is 1.2. I is 1. pg is cell F23.
The horizontal projection is cell F2.
D49: Dead load from panels (interior support) = weight of one panel times the number of
panels in a row times the number of panels in a column (giving the total weight of the
array) divided by the width of the array times the horizontal projection of the array
(giving the load in pounds per square foot) times the side to side spacing of the supports
times the horizontal projection (giving the total weight on a framing member) divided by
the number of spaces. This gives the load in pounds on each interior support.
D50: Dead load from panel (exterior supports) = Dead load from panels (interior support).
F51: Height of roof at top of array in feet = the horizontal projection of the array times the roof
slope divided by 12.
F52: Height difference between roof and array in feet = the vertical projection of the array
minus the height of the roof at the top of the array. This is used as the height differential
to find the dimensions of the drift.
F53: = (.13xpg) + 14 This is equation (7-3) from ASCE 7-05. This is good up to a maximum
ground snow load of 123 pounds per square foot.
M51-M53: Cs values from ASCE 7-05 tables 7-2a, 7-2b, and 7-2c.
F54: hb for roof slopes less than or equal to 5 degrees is pf times . For slopes greater than 5
degrees hb is Cs times pf times . In both cases pf = .7pg. See ASCE 7-05 equations (7-1)
and (7-2).
F55: hc is the distance from the top of the array vertically down to the roof minus the balanced
snow height.
F56: hd is the drift height calculated from the equation in ASCE 7-05 figure 7-9. lu is cell F36,
the distance from the array to the roof edge.
F57: The conditional hd is the smaller of hc or hd.
D52: Per ASCE 7-05 section 7.8, if the width of the array is less than 15 feet there is no drift
and per section 7.7.1, drift load is zero if hc divided by hb is less than 0.2. In all other
cases the maximum drift load (pd) is hd times . The drift load then tapers to zero at the
end of the drift length.
D54: ASCE 7-05 section 7.7.1 gives the drift length. If the drift height (hd) is less than or
equal to (hc) the drift length is 4 times the drift height. Otherwise, the drift length is 4
time the drift height squared dived by hc.
1 MS0706 SF Dwyer, 6912
1 MS0706 SF Dwyer, 6912 (Electronic)
1 MS0706 DJ Borns, 6912 (Electronic)
1 MS0951 RR Hill, 6112 (Electronic)
1 MS 1033 CJ Hanley, 6112(Electronic)
1 MS0909 T Bosiljevac, 4821 (Electronic)
1 MS0899 RIM-Reports Management, 9532 (Electronic)