2013 December SET
2013 December SET
2013 December SET
1. Who was Ben Jonson referring to when he said “he writes no language“?
A) Lyly B) Shakespeare
C) Chaucer D) Spenser
5. From where did the genre of the medieval comic tale called fabliau originate?
A) Spain B) England
C) France D) Ireland
9. Who said “Children sweeten labours, but they make misfortunes morebitter”?
A) Addison B) Lamb
C) Bacon D) Hobbes
10. ----------- appears as the knight of holiness in Book I of Spenser’s The Faerie
A) Redcross B) Orgoglio
C) Una D) Archimago
14. The poem beginning “Death, be not proud” was written by ----------
A) John Keats B) John Donne
C) Sylvia Plath D) Emily Dickinson
15. ---------- used the carpe diem mode in To His Coy Mistress
A) Keats B) Vaughan
C) Marvell D) Cowley
16. ---------- was the first to apply the term metaphysics to 17th century poetry.
A) Dryden B) Donne
C) Eliot D) Wordsworth
19. Who was the precursor to Chaucer’s device used in The Canterbury Tales where
characters narrate stories?
A) Francesco Petrarch B) Giovanni Boccaccio
C) Baldassare Castiglione D) Dante Alighieri
21. Which play of Shakespeare was inspired by the wreck of a ship on the Bermuda
A) Cymbeline
B) The Two Gentlemen of Verona
C) Titus Andronicus
D) The Tempest
23. In which critical work did Wilson Knight focus on the imagery and patterning in
Shakespeare’s tragedies?
A) Shakespeare’s Imagery
B) What Happens in Hamlet
C) The Development of Shakespeare’s Imagery
D) The Wheel of Fire
24. ---------- was one of the most beloved clowns in the Elizabethan Theatre
A) Thomas Nash B) John Lyly
C) Charles Boyce D) William Kempe
27. Who proclaims a military funeral for Hamlet at the end of the play?
A) Claudius B) Laertes
C) Fortinbras D) Polonius
28. In which play do you find this line “Nothing will come of nothing”?
A) King Lear B) The Taming of the Shrew
C) Macbeth D) Othello
29. Which critical work credits Shakespeare with the “largest and most
comprehensive soul”?
A) BiographiaLiteraria
B) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
C) Characters of Shakespeare’s plays
D) The Family Shakespeare
30. In which play does the character Falstaff appear?
A) Hamlet B) The Merry Wives of Windsor
C) Love’s Labour’s Lost D) Romeo and Juliet
31. In which Shakespearean play do you find the line “A little more than kin, and
less than kind”?
A) Hamlet B) Othello
C) King Lear D) Macbeth
36. In which of Shakespeare’s plays do you find this quotation “The nature of bad
news infects the teller”?
A) Tempest B) Hamlet
C) Othello D) Antony and Cleopatra
37. The Anthology titled Political Shakespeare: Essays in Cultural Materialism was
edited by -----------
A) Harold Bloom B) Dollimore and Sinfield
C) Parker and Hartman D) Russ McDonald
39. By whom was the essay Hamlet and His Problems written?
A) Bradley B) Freud
C) Eliot D) Wilson Knights
40. In which play do you find these opening lines:
Two households, both alike in dignity
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene
A) The Midsummer Night’s Dream
B) Two Gentlemen of Verona
C) Measure for Measure
D) Romeo and Juliet
41. Who was the first to criticize Milton’s language as “harsh and barbarous”?
A) Jonson B) Johnson
C) Dryden D) Wordsworth
44. The prose romance Arcadia was described by --------- as “idle work” and “a
A) Shelley B) Milton
C) Dryden D) Coleridge
46. In which theatre was Dryden’s The School for Scandal first performed?
A) The Globe B) Drury Lane Theatre
C) Claventon Playhouse D) Albert Theatre
48. The trivial event of the cutting of a lock of hair of----------- triggered the
creation of The Rape of the Lock by Pope
A) Lady ArabellaFermon B) Lady Elizabeth Barret
C) Lady LucretiaRaworth D) Lady Boswell Kingsley
50. Give the other term for “when man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries,
doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason”
A) Objective correlative B) Dissociation of sensibility
C) Negative capability D) Stream of consciousness
51. The fight between the Ancients and the Moderns in Swift’s The Battle of the
Books is to occupy the peak of ----------
A) Pallas B) Cornhill
C) Arthur’s Count D) Parnassus
54. Which work of Byron made him remark “woke one morning and found myself
A) Fugitive Pieces B) British Bards
C) The Vision of Judgement D) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
56. Hopkins’ work ------------ .is dedicated to the memory of five Franciscan nuns
A) The Windhover B) God’s Grandeur
C) Pied Beauty D) The Wreck of Deutschland
59. In which poem does the following line occur: “Our sweetest songs are those that
tell of saddest thought?”
A) Ode to the West Wind B) Ode on a Grecian Urn
C) Ode to Skylark D) Ode to Nightingale
60. Elizabeth Bennet is a character in ---------
A) Emma B) The Mill on the Floss
C) Pride and Prejudice D) Wuthering Heights
62. Yeats, Synge and Lady Gregory were members of the Irish National Theatre team
who opened the --------- in 1904
A) Drury Lane Theatre B) The Globe
C) Irish Theatre D) Abbey Theatre
69. In which play does Edward Bond make Shakespeare as the central character?
A) The Woman B) Bingo
C) Lear D) Restoration
71. Greene’s The Power and the Glory is set in the city of ----------
A) London B) Mexico
C) Dublin D) Rome
74. Which is the place connected to the events in Forster’s A Passage to India?
A) Malgudi B) Hastinapur
C) Chandrapore D) Durgapur
77. Sean O’Casey uses --------- techniques in Juno and the Paycock
A) Impressionist B) Imagist
C) Modernist D) Expressionist
83. Which grammatical item is not used in the sentence: “I took my big black dog to
the vet yesterday”?
A) Adverb B) Adjective
C) Preposition D) Conjunction
94. In which language family is the origin of English Language?
A) Latin B) North American
C) French D) Indo-European
98. The Manager is extremely efficient but the corruption of his employees is his
A) Champ at the bit B) Achilles heel
C) Tooth and nail D) Fairplay
105. Harold Bloom put forth the theory ---------- .based on Oedipus Complex.
A) Diachronic Approach B) The Anxiety of Influence
C) Diegesis D) Hermeneutics
106. ----------- might be described as a moral or philosophical critic who argues that
works must have “high seriousness”
A) Eliot B) Derrida
C) Arnold D) CSLewis
109. Which critic would most likely be concerned with the structures and patterns
modelled on the seasons and on mythic categories?
A) T S Eliot B) Matthew Arnold
C) Derrida D) Northorp Frye
112. ----------- proposed all female characters in 3 stages: the feminine, female,
A) Mary Wollstonecraft B) Elaine Showalter
C) Virginia Woolf D) Simon de Beauvoir
113. ---------- viewed that the unconscious and perception of oneself are shaped in the
“symbolic” order of language.
A) Freud B) Jung
C) Lacan D) Foucault
114. The method of English Language Teaching by using mother tongue or native
language is called ------------
A) Suggestopedia
B) Silent way
C) Grammar Translation Method
D) Audio-Lingual method
115. Multiple Intelligence is associated with ----------
A) Gardner B) Chomsky
C) Skinner D) Bloomfield
118. Who of the following is not associated with the Gestalt group of
A) Werthimes B) Piaget
C) Koffka D) Kohler
119. Interlanguage was a concept introduced by ---------
A) Skinner B) Chomsky
C) Selinker D) Watson