Nta Ugc Net Mock Test 3

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1. Ann Radcliffe‟s The Mysteries of Udolpho is a novel about

(A) A father and a daughter setting out on a journey.
(B) The kidnapping of Emily by Montoni and her visit to Venice.
(C) Emily‟s adventures in the castle of Udolpho, the outcome of the adventures, her escape
and her final union with Valencourt.
(D) The adventures of Montoni and his men in Udolpho.

2. In Marxist criticism the term „interpellation‟ defines

(A) The ways in which the ideological structure in social formation is constructed out of
material practices.
(B) The ways in which the ideological structure in social formation is constructed out of
discursive practices.
(C) The ways in which the subjects of an ideology are placed in false positions of knowledge
regarding themselves.
(D) The ways in which the subjects ofan ideology resist false positionsof knowledge
regarding others.

3. According to Longinus, the sublime has the following features except :

(A) It is the essence of all great poetry and oratory.
(B) It is interested in the usual rhetorical goal of persuasion.
(C) It valorises a special use of language.
(D) It is a matter of reader-response.

4. In a trickster tale
I. an anthropomorphized animal often serves as the protagonist
II. The ending is ambiguous
III. The hero can be a shape shifter, a cheat or a liar
IV. Humans act as a mouth piece for the gods
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) II and III are correct.
(B) I, II and III are correct.
(C) I and III are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.

5. The best source for historical evidence of individual words in English is

(A) The American Heritage Dictionary
(B) Fennell

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(C) The Oxford English Dictionary
(D) The Online Merriam-Webster‟s Dictionary

6. Which of the following statements on the ending of Kafka‟s “Metamorphosis” is correct?

The death of Gregor Samsa is marked by
(A) Violent convulsions.
(B) A slow ebbing a way of life hardly perceptible.
(C) The miraculous appearance of a priest to administer the last rites.
(D) The intense mourning of the cleaner who discovers the body.

7. Archetypal criticism accepts as its informing principle that archetypes are present in all
literature and provide the basis of its interconnectedness. Practitioners include
I. Northrop Frye
II. Dorothy Van Ghent
III. Derek Traversi
IV. Maud Bodkin
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.

8. In the sonnet “Death, Be Not Proud”, Donne says to death: “Those whom thou think‟st
thou dost over-throw / Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.” What does he mean?
(A) Death is very strong.
(B) Death is not death, because after death we wake up to live eternally.
(C) One must face death courageously and defiantly.
(D) Death is not as strong as he thinks he is.

9. In which of the following plays of Luigi Pirandello the stage itself, the symbol of
appearance and reality, becomes the setting of the play?
(A) Right You Are (If You Think, You Are)
(B) To Clothe the Naked
(C) The Life I Gave You
(D) Six Characters in Search of an Author

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10. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled
as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Many modern British writers infused their works with an extreme sense of
uncertainty, disillusionment and despair.
Reason (R): The writers were responding to the devastation of war and feeling disconnected
from the traditions of the past.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is correct?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

11. Which among the following statements is not correct? Badal Sircar‟s Pagla Ghora is a
play about
(A) The condition of women in post- Second World War Bengal.
(B) The political and religious conditions of the time.
(C) Sexual passion.
(D) Lack of communication between men and women.

12. The various symbols used in Girish Karnad‟s Tughlaq are associated with
I. Pythons
II. Vultures
III. Wasps
IV. Butterflies
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) III and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.

13. “Collocations” refer to

(A) The combination of words in a phrase
(B) The act of positioning words
(C) Grouping of words in a sentence
(D) Combination of natural words

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14. Of the following statements, which one is not true of Congreve‟s The Way of the World?
(A) The Way of the World was staged in 1700.
(B) It was played at the theatre in Lincoln‟s Inn Fields.
(C) It was a failure on the stage.
(D) The dialogue was unintelligible.

15. Jimmy Porter in John Osborne‟s Look Back in Anger displays

I. Rebelliousness
II. Nostalgia
III. Restlessness
IV. Mendacity
The right combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) III and IV are correct.

16. The following are two lists of works and their themes. Match them correctly:
I. The Heart of Midlothian, Tess of the D‟urbervilles
II. The End of the Affair, the Golden Bowl
III. The Heart of theMatter, Lord Jim
IV. Heart of Darkness, Nostromo
1. Suicide
2. Greed
3. Infanticide
4. Adultery
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 1 3 2 1
(D) 4 1 3 2

17. In As You Like It when Oliver brings in the bloody napkin dyed in Orlando‟s blood, why
does Rosalind faint? Which of the following is not the correct answer?
(A) Many will swoon when they look at blood.
(B) She faints because of her real concern and anxiety for Orlando.
(C) Frailty, thy name is woman.
(D) She is counterfeiting as she herself later claims.

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18. Which is the correct statement about Euripides‟s Medea? In Euripides‟s Medea the chorus
consists of
(A) Fifteen Corinthian women who are Medea‟s next door neighbours
(B) Fifteen Athenian elders
(C) Fifteen Spartan women
(D) Fifteen Sicilian Women

19. Which of the following is not an award received by Mahasweta Devi?

(A) Ramon Magsaysay Award
(B) Jnanpith Award
(C) Padmashri
(D) Commonwealth Writers Prize

20. The Faerie Queene is an epic celebration of

I. Queen Elizabeth
II. The Irish Nation
III. The Roman Catholic Church
IV. The Protestant Faith
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.

21. The following are two lists of statements and the poets / critics who made them. Match
them correctly:
(Statements on imagination)
I. One power alone makes a poet – The Imagination, The Divine Vision
II. … what the imagination seizes on beauty must be the truth
III. The greatinstrument ofmoral good isthe imagination
IV. Works of imagination should be written in a very plain language
(Poets / critics)
1. Shelley
2. Coleridge
3. Blake
4. Keats

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The right combination according to the code is:
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 1 3 2 1
(D) 4 1 3 2

22. In Lord of Flies Golding inverts the morality of R.M. Ballantyne‟s The Coral Island
involving adventures of three boys marooned on South Pacific Island. Two names are
repeated in Golding‟s tale. They are
I. Ralph
II. Roger
III. Jack
IV. Simon
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.

23. The following are two lists of characters and the works in which we find them. Match
them correctly according to the code:
I. Ratna
II. Raghu
III. Padma
IV. Gargi
1. A House for Mr Biswas
2. Midnight‟s Children
3. The Last Labyrinth
4. Kanthapura
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 1 2 3
(D) 1 2 3 4

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24. In spite of being constant in his relationship with Sophia, Tom is involved in relationships
with three other ladies in the three parts of Tom Jones. Here is a list of these women. Find the
odd one:
(A) Molly Seagrim
(B) Mrs Western
(C) Lady Booby
(D) Lady Bellaston

25. This novel by Lawrence was greeted with the headlines: „A book the police should ban;
loathsome study of sex depravity; misleading youth to unspeakable disaster.‟ Its opening
chapter was originally suppressed. Name the novel:
(A) Lady Chatterley‟s Lover
(B) The Rainbow
(C) Women in Love
(D) The White Peacock

26. In Keats‟s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” the key ideas are best described as the following
except one. Which one?
(A) Movement versus stasis
(B) Disappointing love versus eternal bliss
(C) Scars of history versus consolations of art
(D) Beauty versus truth

27. These critics transcend the subjective point of view. They bow to other forms of objective
authority: the authority of the past and the authority of the social consensus. They adopt the
scientific attitude without the science.
The above formulation best describes
(A) The Neoclassical Critics
(B) The Romantic Critics
(C) The Art for Art Sake Critics
(D) The Symbolist Critics

28. In Beckett‟s Waiting for Godot, which character has two pages of unpunctuated speech?
(A) Estragon
(B) Vladimir
(C) Lucky
(D) Pozzo

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29. Laura Mulvey‟s pioneering essay, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” is an instance
of the feminist appropriation of psychoanalysis. It particularly uses
(A) Freud‟s concept of sublimation
(B) Jung‟s concept of collective unconscious
(C) Lacan‟s concept of the gaze
(D) Lacan‟s notion of the fragmented body

30. Which of the following statements is not true of The Stranger by Camus?
(A) The title character is Meursault, an Algerian who kills an Arab man.
(B) The story, divided into two parts, gives Meursault‟s first person narrative before and after
the murder respectively.
(C) It is a realistic novel, true to the locale it depicts.
(D) The theme and outlook of the novel are cited as exemplars of existentialism.

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