7 Grade - Workbook - Unit 6

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Vocabulary Technology Collocafions

Quess What!
1 Circle the verbs. It's very common to take
make phone calls a photo of yourself
(take photos -take a selfie-to share
social media.
watch movies share photos on

listen to music check e-mail

make a video play games

surf the Internet

shop online send messages

collocations in Activity 1.
2 Look and label using s o m e of the

play games



3 Read and complete the e-mail words.

de le te 2 ep A ve

P t 3 CO OS
Grammnar mar- Frecuencu EXpressions
and complete the sentences.

Fevery day once a week three times a week twice a week

Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

0. Amanda goes to the gym three times a week

1. She has art class

2. She plays tennis

3. She
listens to music
4. She does homework

2 Write about Angie using frequency expressions.

0. check e-mail 3x/day
Angie checks her e-mail three times a day.
1. shop online 1x/month

2. take selfies 2 x/week

3. surf the Internet

4. listen to music

5 x/week
to school
Cuess What!
It is common to use
2x/week some nouns as verbs:
6. share photos
Call me.
E-mail me.
about you. Text me.
In your notebook, answer

How often do you...? 3. watch TV 5. make videos

text your m o m or dad
4. read books 6. call your friends
2. take selfies
unit Question Words

In the morning.
4 Read and match.
photos?- -At the park.
o. Where
do you take
watch on TV? Twice a day.
1. What do you

2. Who do you text My friends and family.

music? Sports and movies.
listen to
3. When do you
make phone calls
4. How often do you

correct question
S Complete using the
OWhen do Nick watch on TV? Ellie text?
you have lunch?
Her sister and
Movies and
At two o'clock. hermom.

do your
3 do homework?
do you
friends share photos?

Inmy bedroom. |Every day.)

Read and complete using the correct forms of the verbs.

Guess What!
callcheck la.send._ take Remember that
0. Where
we add do or does
do_your cousins play games? in questions with
1. When she her e-mail?
most verbs. We
2. How often he photos? don't use do or
3. Who you on your phone? does in questions
4. When your brother with the verb be.

Write and answer the questions.
(name) What's your name
( favorite color)
2. (live)
3-(goto bed)
4. ( HT play sports)

A quickly and circle the correct option.


Nick Is the young inventor of an app called Summly. This app
a lot of time. helps people who don't have
Summly a lot Summly creates short summaries
from long news articles. Each summary is
only a few sentences. People can read the summaries on the
small screens of their phones
or tablets. Summly is very successful. Nick is
now a student at Oxford

1. What is Summly?
a type ot phone / an app
2. Who does Summly help?
children adults

3. What do people read?

news articles books and novels

Read again and circle T (True) or F (False).

o. Nick's app helps people to organize their schedule. T Quess What!
Good summaries
1. The app summarizes information in school books. are short, but
2. Each summary is a few pages long. TF they include
tablets. TF the important
3. People can use the app on
TF information in a
4. Nick is a university text. They don't
include every
Read and mark (/) the best summary ofthis article. detail.
a successful
inventor of Summly,
Nick D'Aloisio is the
hone and tablet app.
inventor. He is the inventor
Nick D'Aloisio is a young
of an app called Summly.
Summly makes
who don't have a lot of time. lossary
of news articles for people young: not old
inventor: a person
It is very successful.
who creates
Nick is the inventor of an apPP.
something new
summaries: (sing.
summary) a short
Listyour three favorite apps. form of a text
a few: a small
successful: popular;
with good results

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